Multiple Django Instances on one AppEngine Server - django

For our project we host both the website and the actual webapp on one AppEngine instance. I separated them both nicely in different projects, but they all share the same settings file. It's becoming more and more clear to me that these should actually be independent django instances as they use different settings for middleware, template loaders, etc.
So I tried running two django instances on the same server (different handlers), but because django uses global variables for caching all over the place, which the AppEngine runtime caches between requests, I couldn't get this to work reliably. Did anyone successfully do this before?

Since you can run multiple app versions simultaneously, I would put this independent django instances in different app versions.


How to run multiple sites from one instance of Django?

I am using Django as the back end and Nuxt as the front end, with Postgres as the database. I would like to have different tables/databases for each domain.
The Django code and the Nuxt code will be the same for all sites.
The way the app is set up, it requires different domains to have different databases or at least different tables.
At the moment, I am thinking I need to create a separate installation of Django/Nuxt for each domain. But I am wondering if there is a better way?
Setting up different Code bases for every domain is not a good idea at all. I had an app that was set up that way and soon we were struggling to maintain the same code and DB structure for all the different domains. After a few domains, it will become tricky.
I would suggest developing a multi-tenant SAAS based app, where you can have multiple tenants running the same Django/Nuxt code but having different schemas in the Postgres, So your database for different domains will be completely separate from each other. I would suggest using django tenant schemas for this. Even if it takes you some time to set it up, I would suggest doing it. It will save a great deal of time for you in the future.

How to break a django website into microservices

So, I am new to this "monolith vs microservices" architecture debate and I have pretty much understood most of it. From my limited understanding I get it that in microservice architecture each feature(lets say) is a separate app. Now I need some clarification with respect to django for implementing microservices. Heres my question
Should I make every microservice aka the app a different django project altogether OR should I make every app aka the microservice inside one django project and keep them isolated (as in loosely coupled) ?
Microservice architecture simply states that your each service should be independent of each other.
Its also not necessary to create one micro-service in java and one in python since they are not related.
So yes, ideally your each micro-service is a separate django project.
The best way to break this, first list down all the possible modules in your site or app.
Then go through :
These are two recommended pattern of how you should divide modules / domain into micro-services.
well, you can use database routers in django ... that does the trick ... one wSGI file per app communicating with your NGINX server
The main purpose of micro service is to serve the specific business, for example you are running a cloud kitchen then Django project can have many sub projects under one master project or you can run each project as separate service, it up to you.
now we will set the url for each service like
Once our app is up the service load will not effect other service.
The microservice should be completely independent so it should not belong to one Django project. You should be able to deploy each service independently with its own database, so even you split the project into separate apps they still share one physical database and you can not deploy them separately. Therefore, you could potentially create separate Django project for each 'microservice' but this does not make much sense. You put lot of overhead for creating a microservice and also using Django framework is not a best choice for MSA , have a look at Flask.

django app engine multiple domains, multiple settings files

I'm new to Google App Engine and am trying to port my Django application to use that. I haven't been able to find too much on this and don't think multitenancy is what I'm looking for (seems to be for more or less identical apps with different data sources?), but my scenario is this:
I have multiple domains and currently have different settings file (with seperate WSGI files) which works great for my current Apache configuration, but I'm trying to migrate over to GAE and can't seem to figure out how to do something similiar based on domain name? Really, all I critically need is a seperate urls file based on the domain name (datastore is the same on both), although it would be ideal to have a separate settings file so I don't have to load unused apps, preprocessors, etc on sites that don't need them.
You can possibly have two different versions of the app, they both will use the same data store, since source code of both versions can be different, you can specify different configurations/settings for each of them.
coming to accessing different versions, you can either route through your dashboard/domain settings and/or fine tune it with help of traffic splitting
hope it helps

Multiple sites with Django

Let's imagine I have two sites and They both are on the same server and now running separate Django instances and apache to serve it. Of course each Django instance eats the memory.
While mainly those sites are the same systems, but with different apps loaded - maybe it is possible somehow to have for example one Django instance running and have multiple sites using it? Then I will save memory for the one instance in a particular example.
It is possible to have different sites with their files, loaded apps and so on? And if this is the right way to go?
Any tips, ideas are welcome.
Yes it is definitely possible to have different sites with different and shared apps.
I had to share a backend data between multiple sites. I just created 2 wsgi config files. And 2 settings files. The sites are very smiliar and didn't warrant two seperate projects. This allows me to use one django project and backend between multiple sites. I don't quite know if this is what you were asking though...
My own research today on the same topic leads me to the conclusion that you'll most likely have to have only one per Django instance/process. And the sticking point there is only one MEDIA_URL and one MEDIA_ROOT, which means all your projects media will have to be in the same location. And actually Django 1.3 has a new static file process that just goes through all the media of your seperate apps and puts them in one spot because for some reason it demands that. If you're using earlier versions I guess you can do it by hand.
uWSGI can serve more applications from one instance.
See "Two Pinax site in two virtualenv in two virtualhost with only one uWSGI instance" in uWSGI examples and VirtualHosting Mode.

Multiple Django Sites, one server

I have multiple sites for the same client, on the same server, running django, e.g. and These two sites would each have different django apps, that is the plumbing site shouldn't be able to access the heating apps, and vice versa. There are no objects shared between the two sites, and each needs its own separate admin site.
Is this possible through something like the sites framework, or would I need to have two separate apache instances running the sites? (Yes, I need to use apache - no choice)
It's a Linux server, so is there some clever way of using symlinks to do this? I'm pretty experienced with basic django development, but I have no clue when it comes to server management.
The sites framework won't help you - they should be served as completely separate WSGI applications.
But there's no need for separate Apache instances. Just configure Apache to serve separate VirtualHosts, each with its own WSGI file.