Ivy/gant include BlazeDS jars that aren`t in a public repo and have no version - blazeds

Ive been trying to figure out the best way to include the BlazeDS jars in my Gant/Ivy build.
Ive been unable to find a public repo for these jars and Im new to ivy. Obviously with Maven youd just do a local maven install to your local repo. Whats the best way to do something similar with Ivy? Do I have to create a separate Ivy.xml file for each jar and then use Ivy Publish or is their another way?
Also does anyone know a public repo where the BlazeDS Jars are available

Just discovered if you use Spring BlazeDS Inetgration project and include its dependency in ivy it`ll pull in the Flex jars from Spring Bundle repository.


where are dependencies installed in the production server?

I am using Grails 2.2 and the plugins are really old. For some reason the dependencies are not resolving. I think it used to work because the plugins and files were in my local cache. From the documentation grails stores the dependencies locally in home/.grails/ivy-cache
With all these declarative dependencies, you may wonder where all the
JARs end up. They have to go somewhere after all. By default Grails
puts them into a directory, called the dependency cache, that resides
on your local file system at user.home/.grails/ivy-cache. You can
change this either via the settings.groovy file:
So the only option i can think of is to go to my remote server and find this directory to copy the dependencies to my local system. So where is this ivy-cache directory in production server? I dont seem to find it. Thanks for any help.
The same issue also I was working in the last week, from 15th January maven had decommissioned the http protocol where the URL "http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/" has changed to"https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/". Also need to check the grails maven to secured.
In BuilConfig.groovy, you can add the dependencies and the changed maven repo else in the _Events.groovy need to change the repo address to secure protocol.
If still you have protocol issue because of JDK8 try this -Dhttps.protocols=TLSv1.2 -Djdk.tls.client.protocols=TLSv1.2 in the path or bat file.

Wso2 5.3 : Source code for authenticationendpoint war and other wars

I am on wso2 5.3 version, and need to customize the following wars for project need.
Could you please share the github repo url for these wars which are deployed under :
{wso2Home}\repository\deployment\server\webapps folder
Could you please share the steps needed to build/compile the authenticationendpoint.war after making changes ?
You can find the sources at the following repositories/locations
They all can be build with the usual maven commands (mvn clean install). Just make sure you delete any extracted webapp folders of those when replacing with your custom built ones. Otherwise the new webapps won't be deployed.

Deploying CAR files like RPM

I am working with WSO2 ESB and I would like to build my .car project like RPM to deploy on Redhat servers.
I have several .car project and I have to manage dependencies between them. I have thought that it is a good idea to do it.
Has anybody tired this before? Where can I find more information about this? Should I use hot-deploys putting .car file into /repository/deployment/server/carbonapps directory?
Thanks in advance.
You can use hot deploy putting .car files into carbonapps, but take care of downloading them on the ESB local filesystem before moving them to carbonapps so that the ESB don't start deploying them before the end of the download.
You can develop your own script and rely on a config file defining dependencies so that your numerous .car are deployed in the right order
You can use maven and plugin org.wso2.maven:maven-car-plugin that offers you a way to package and deploy your .car from a remote host with something like mvn clean deploy -Dhost=esbhostname -Dport=9443
Hope it gives you some ideas to achieve your need...

best way to deploy jetty application--too many options?

I need to deploy a production version of a web application. So far, I've been testing it with mvn jetty:run. I've used actual jetty installations before, but they seem only necessary when you want to serve multiple wars on the same web server. In some ways this is the most staightforward however (mvn package and copy it over).
My other options are to create a runnable jar (mvn assembly:single) that starts a server, but I need to tweak the configuration so that the static content src/main/webapp is served and the web.xml can be found.
I've also read about a "runnable war". This might avoid the src/main/webapp problem since these files are already laid out in the warfile. I don't know how to go about doing this, however.
I could also stick with mvn jetty:run, but this doesn't seem like the best option because then the production deployment is tied to code instead of being a standalone jar.
Any opinions on the best way or pros and cons of these different approaches? Am I missing some options?
The jetty-console-maven-plugin from simplericity is simple to use and works great. When you run mvn package you get two wars--one that is executable. java -jar mywar.war --help gives usage, which allows a bit of configuration (port, etc.).
I'm not that familiar with maven, but this is how we approach deployment using embedded Jetty:
We create a single-file JAR with the embedding jetty app and the necessary lib jars packed.
We deploy the static content in a WAR file (which you can package into the JAR as well). Everything is generated by an ANT file that:
1) Build the static files WAR (this also creates the web.xml)
2) Copies the WAR into the application resources
3) Compiles an executable JAR
To get the embedded Jetty to "find and serve" your static files, add the war with a WebAppContext to the Jetty handlers:
Server jetty = new Server(port);
HandlerList handlers = new HandlerList();
WebAppContext staticContentAsWar = new WebAppContext();

Maven dependencies for Clojure libraries on GitHub

I'm developing some applications in Clojure + Java using Eclipse and Maven with m2eclipse.
This works great when my dependencies are in a Maven repository. However there are some libraries that I would like to use that aren't in any repository - e.g. small open source Clojure libraries hosted on GitHub.
These projects typically have a build.xml or a project.clj but not a pom.xml.
Is there a any way to set up Maven to handle these dependencies automatically? Or do I need to manually download and build all of these?
Unfortunately no, you'll either have to:
find a repository containing those libraries
manually add these to your repository using mvn install (and if you're kind enough, ask for those to be published in the central maven repo)
ask the developers if they would be so kind to propose a mavenized version and publish it in some maven repository
Clojure libraries often provide their artifacts in clojars, you might solve your issues just by adding it as a repository in your pom.xml.
Another option available when integrating leiningen and maven builds is to automatically generate a POM out of a project.clj via lein pom
This would allow to include the libraries in your build as long as you checked them out locally.