C++ STL containers - c++

Different STL containers like vector, stack, set, queue, etc support different access methods on them.
If you are coding for example in Notepad++ or vim, you have to continuously refer to the documentation to see what all methods are available, atleast I have to.
Is there some good way of remembering which container supports which methods??

The names of the methods aren't different for the sake of being different. It helps in remembering which containers have which methods, to understand the meaning of the name. push_back for example is nonsensical in relation to sets. insert doesn't make any sense when talking about stacks (of course stacks don't have a front or a back either, so it doesn't support push_back, just push). For a vector, both have a well-defined meaning, so vector supports both insert and push_back.

Use them enough so that you remember the methods of each.

If your memory keeps failing you, try keeping a reference of them all up in another window. If you have more than one monitor, it's really handy to have stuff like this on a second monitor (for documentation of any kind).
Alternatively I highly recommend a real coding IDE with intellisense! Notepad++ is probably too simple for being productive in C++.

Use something that has built in intellisense such as Visual Studio on Windows or KDevelop on Linux.
There are also add-ons for vim and emacs for intellisense.

Even if you remember all the "methods", that is only one part of the story. To effectively use STL, you need to know algorithms as well. I would suggest reading about STL in a good book (Stroustrup, Josuttis, ...) to just remember what is available, and then return to the books or have reference site open when you need the exact syntax.

This may not be exactly what you're looking for, but Scott Meyers (of "Effective C++" fame) has compiled the following list of STL algorithms based on Nicolai Josuttis's book "The C++ Standard Library":
Josuttis’ Summary of STL Algorithms

Learn what they are, and the common methods, and then it should be fairly easy to remember which ones apply. The STL isn't perfectly consistent, but it's pretty good.

Admitting that it doesn't support remembering you can get some kind of intellisense running on vim. The advantage is that you can create tags from both own and external source code files. Anyhow STL needs a special treatment which is described here.
Download these vim-scripts OmniCppComplete and SuperTab.
Install OmniCppComplete:
Unzip the plugin to ~/.vim.
Install SuperTab:
Open the file in vim ($ vim supertab.vba).
Source the file (:so %).
Install ctags via your favourite package manager. Download and unpack this file and run ctags on it.
$ ctags -R --c++-kinds=+p --fields=+iaS --extra=+q --language-force=C++ tags_stl cpp_src
This will generate a ctags file named 'tags_stl' containing the STL-Tags. Copy it anywhere you like. Add the following lines which do not already exist to your ~/.vimrc:
set tags+=~/path/to/your/tags_stl
filetype on
filetype plugin on
let OmniCpp_GlobalScopeSearch=1
let OmniCpp_NamespaceSearch=2
let OmniCpp_MayCompleteDot=1
let OmniCpp_MayCompleteArrow=1
let OmniCpp_MayCompleteScope=1
let OmniCpp_DisplayMode=1
let OmniCpp_DefaultNamespaces=["std"]
This completes STL statements on 'tab', '.', '::' and '->' even when 'using namespace std;'. Don't do it if you hate magenta.


Are STL headers written entirely by hand?

I am looking at various STL headers provided with compilers and I cant imagine the developers actually writing all this code by hand.
All the macros and the weird names of varaibles and classes - they would have to remember all of them! Seems error prone to me.
Are parts of the headers result of some text preprocessing or generation?
I've maintained Visual Studio's implementation of the C++ Standard Library for 7 years (VC's STL was written by and licensed from P.J. Plauger of Dinkumware back in the mid-90s, and I work with PJP to pick up new features and maintenance bugfixes), and I can tell you that I do all of my editing "by hand" in a plain text editor. None of the STL's headers or sources are automatically generated (although Dinkumware's master sources, which I have never seen, go through automated filtering in order to produce customized drops for Microsoft), and the stuff that's checked into source control is shipped directly to users without any further modification (now, that is; previously we ran them through a filtering step that caused lots of headaches). I am notorious for not using IDEs/autocomplete, although I do use Source Insight to browse the codebase (especially the underlying CRT whose guts I am less familiar with), and I extensively rely on grep. (And of course I use diff tools; my favorite is an internal tool named "odd".) I do engage in very very careful cut-and-paste editing, but for the opposite reason as novices; I do this when I understand the structure of code completely, and I wish to exactly replicate parts of it without accidentally leaving things out. (For example, different containers need very similar machinery to deal with allocators; it should probably be centralized, but in the meantime when I need to fix basic_string I'll verify that vector is correct and then copy its machinery.) I've generated code perhaps twice - once when stamping out the C++14 transparent operator functors that I designed (plus<>, multiplies<>, greater<>, etc. are highly repetitive), and again when implementing/proposing variable templates for type traits (recently voted into the Library Fundamentals Technical Specification, probably destined for C++17). IIRC, I wrote an actual program for the operator functors, while I used sed for the variable templates. The plain text editor that I use (Metapad) has search-and-replace capabilities that are quite useful although weaker than outright regexes; I need stronger tools if I want to replicate chunks of text (e.g. is_same_v = is_same< T >::value).
How do STL maintainers remember all this stuff? It's a full time job. And of course, we're constantly consulting the Standard/Working Paper for the required interfaces and behavior of code. (I recently discovered that I can, with great difficulty, enumerate all 50 US states from memory, but I would surely be unable to enumerate all STL algorithms from memory. However, I have memorized the longest name, as a useless bit of trivia. :->)
The looks of it are designed to be weird in some sense. The standard library and the code in there needs to avoid conflicts with names used in user programs, including macros and there are almost no restrictions as to what can be in a user program.
They are most probably hand written, and as others have mentioned, if you spend some time looking at them you will figure out what the coding conventions are, how variables are named and so on. One of the few restrictions include that user code cannot use identifiers starting with _ followed by a capital letter or __ (two consecutive underscores), so you will find many names in the standard headers that look like _M_xxx or __yyy and it might surprise at first, but after some time you just ignore the prefix...

C++ source tagging

Any suggestions on a quality way to tag and search c++ code. I use cscope/ctags for most stuff, but I have found it insufficient to find my way around some of the overly complex c++ code at work. I have started to switch from vim to Slickedit (which is still not perfect, but better) for browsing code, but would like to go back to exclusively vim.
What I would like is something that can understand scope of class members so, for instance, if I search for references to a member of a class where the same member name exists in other classes (and possibly out of c++ code) it will only give me the relevant references.
I'd prefer something that already works nice with vim, but any open source package such that I might create a plugin myself would be fine.
Any suggestions appreciated, thanks.
Are you sure you called ctags with the right options? For C++, I use:
ctags --c++-kinds=+p --fields=+iaS --extras=+q --language-force=C++
This is what the documentation has to say about the --c++-kinds=+p option:
When parsing a C++ member function definition (e.g.
"className::function"), ctags cannot determine whether the scope specifier
is a class name or a namespace specifier and always lists it as a class name
in the scope portion of the extension fields. Also, if a C++
function is defined outside of the class declaration (the usual case), the
access specification (i.e. public, protected, or private) and
implementation information (e.g. virtual, pure virtual) contained in the function
declaration are not known when the tag is generated for the function
definition. It will, however be available for prototypes
(e.g --c++-kinds=+p).
The --fields=+iaS option:
a Access (or export) of class members
i Inheritance information
S Signature of routine (e.g. prototype or parameter list)
The --extras=+q option:
Because, by default, ctags only generates tags for the separate identifiers found in the source files. If you specify the --extra=+q option, then ctags will also generate a
second, class-qualified tag for each class member (data and function/method) in the form class::member for C++, and in the form class.method for Eiffel and Java.
The --language-force=C++ option:
By default, ctags automatically selects the language of a source file, ignoring those files whose language cannot be determined (see SOURCE FILES, above). This option forces the specified language (case-insensitive; either built-in or user-defined) to be used for every supplied file instead of automatically selecting the language based upon its extension. In addition, the special value auto indicates that the language should be automatically selected (which effectively disables this option).
use doxygen its a great tool to browse code and see classes and members relations with each other. the tool produces clickable html output for your source code with references for each usage. you can compile it to a searchable chm file or use a web server to search the code for keywords.
Try GNU global http://www.gnu.org/software/global/
It can generate navigate:able web pages of your source code as well as having support for vim and a command line interface that is often useful.
I've no experience with this, but I have used Doxygen to browse the source code of complex projects. Just run it with all the settings turned on, and it will generate call graphs, callee graphs, reference and referenced-by relations, template instantiations, etc. Output formats include HTML, LaTeX, CHM, POD
Hope this works!
For a while I have been mixing different tools for this purposes. Vi is a great editor and you can run it over remote computers without hassles, but the completion information is not semantical.
When confronted with a big problem I tend to use either Eclipse CDT or QTCreator, in both cases the latest versions, versions from a year back are not really so nice. QTCreator is a lightweight tool, but I have been quite impressed on its ability to analyze the code. Eclipse CDT is heavier weight, but I am a little more used to the interface, so at the end I tend to use it.
The project I am working on is compiled within a separated sandbox, where none of those two IDEs can be used, but you can get a copy of the repository just for analysis and use the IDE just as a browsing tool.
instead of extras, extra worked for me. Also specified -R to scan all files/folders recursively.
ctags -R --c++-kinds=+p --fields=+iaS --extra=+q --language-force=C++

list of public functions/classes with their corresponded header files

I tried to find a place where I can find ready to copy list of all functions and classes available in each stl header file.
Looking through /usr/include/c++ is not so convenient as I expected.
Google very often shows
which is not so convenient to copy and paste.
Does anyone knows a good place to look?
This is for an "auto stl header" plugin. So I don't need an examples. Just correspondence of each std::xxx to <yyy>.
For Vim users and those who might be interested
Using half given links and the std header files I've created auto std include vim plugin. I can't choose right one answer by now. But the method with which I can receive such kind of information more automatically is still considering by me.
I'm not sure if I understood correctly, but if you need a reference and a list of functions from the headers, then maybe dinkumware manuals. If you want examples then try this. If you want an absolute and the true reference then go to the ISO standard.
I forgot to mention SGI STL programmers guide...
One site that I've always found useful for STL is SGI's STL page.
Have a look in the Index page and the Index by Category page.
SGI has the most comprehensive documentation of the STL (except streams)
A list of of most things is here organised by category:
A Full list is here:
I just use this page:
Why not run your own implementation's headers through a tool like Doxygen?
Well, everyone's STL may not be exactly ISO standard, but the GCC doxygen output might fit your needs nevertheless. Start here: http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/libstdc++/
Browsing down through the output, I cannot find any single page that lists all classes and their functions together, but maybe you could write a little wget-based script to aggregate it in the format that you want.
I like the SGI docs.The categorized index seems like it is close to what you want in a list. The main page.

Any program or trick to find the definition of a variable?

Many times when I am watching others code I just want to find where and how a variable is defined. Normally what I do now is look for the type of the variable until I find the definition, that is very time consuming. And I guess that there are some tools that can help me in this rutinary situation. Any suggestion in some tools or commands to help me in this task?.
I know that using a GUI and creating a project this is done automatically I am talking of a way to do this without a GUI. I am working with only text mode. I am running under Linux and I am using C/C++, but suggestions for other languages are welcome.
Thanks a lot.
A possible solution
Michel in one of his comments propose a simple an effective solution define again the variable, in that case in compilation time, the compiler will inform where is the previous definiton. Of course to apply this solution we need to think previously in the locality of the variable.
You've already given the most appropriate tool: an IDE. This is exactly the kind of thing which an IDE excels at. Why would you not want to use an IDE if you're finding development painful without one?
Note that Emacs, Vim etc can work as IDEs - I'm not talking about forcing you the world of GUIs if you want to stay in a text-only situation, e.g. because you're SSHing in.
(I'm really not trying to be rude here. I just think you've discounted the obvious solution without explaining why.)
Edit: OK, you say you're using C++. I'm editing my response. I would use the C preprocessor and then grep for the variable. It will appear in the first place.
cpp -I...(preprocessor options here) file.cpp | grep variable
The C preprocessor will join all the includes that the program uses, and the definition has to be before any usage of that variable in the file. Not a perfect thing, but without an IDE or a complete language description/managing tool, you only have the text.
Another option would be using ctags. It understands the C and C++ syntaxes (among others), and can be searched for variables and functions using command line tools, emacs and vi, among others.
I use cscope and ctags-exuberant religiously. Run it once on my code base and then in Vim, I can use various commands like ^] or [D or [I or similar to find any definitions or declarations for a given word.
This is similar to facilities provided by mega-IDEs like Visual Studio and Eclipse.
Cscope also functions as a stand-alone tool that performs these searches.
I use one of three methods:
I will use CTags to process my source tree (nightly) and then can easily use commands in Vim (or other editors) to jump right to the definition.
I will just use grep (linux) or findstr (windows) to look for all occurrences of the variable name or type. The definition is usually quite obvious.
In Vim, you can just search backward in the scope and often find what you are looking for.
Grep for common patterns for variable declarations. Example: *, &, > or an alphanumeric followed by one or more whitespace characters then the name of the variable. Or variable name followed by zero or more whitespace characters, then a left parenthesis or a semicolon. Unless it was defined under really weird circumstances (like with some kind of macro), it works every time.
In VIM you can use gd to see local variable declarations or gD to see global variable declarations, if they're defined in the current file. Reference Go_to_definition_using_g
You can also use [i to see the definition without jumping to it, or [I to see all occurrences of the variable in all the included files as well, which will naturally show the definition as well.
If you work in Microsoft Visual Studio (which I think you could use for C++ as well, but would require working on a Windows workstation) there's an easily accessible right-click menu option for "Go to Definition...", which will take you to the definition of any currently marked variable, type or method.
if you insist on staying text mode, you can do this with either emacs or vi with the appropriate plug-ins.
But really, move into the 21st century.
EDIT: You commented that you are doing this over SSH because you need the build speed of the remote server cluster.
In that case, mount the drive on your local machine and use an IDE, and just SSH in to kick off a build.

Autocompletion in Vim

In a nutshell, I'm searching for a working autocompletion feature for the Vim editor. I've argued before that Vim completely replaces an IDE under Linux and while that's certainly true, it lacks one important feature: autocompletion.
I know about Ctrl+N, Exuberant Ctags integration, Taglist, cppcomplete and OmniCppComplete. Alas, none of these fits my description of “working autocompletion:”
Ctrl+N works nicely (only) if you've forgotton how to spell class, or while. Oh well.
Ctags gives you the rudiments but has a lot of drawbacks.
Taglist is just a Ctags wrapper and as such, inherits most of its drawbacks (although it works well for listing declarations).
cppcomplete simply doesn't work as promised, and I can't figure out what I did wrong, or if it's “working” correctly and the limitations are by design.
OmniCppComplete seems to have the same problems as cppcomplete, i.e. auto-completion doesn't work properly. Additionally, the tags file once again needs to be updated manually.
I'm aware of the fact that not even modern, full-blown IDEs offer good C++ code completion. That's why I've accepted Vim's lack in this area until now. But I think a fundamental level of code completion isn't too much to ask, and is in fact required for productive usage. So I'm searching for something that can accomplish at least the following things.
Syntax awareness. cppcomplete promises (but doesn't deliver for me), correct, scope-aware auto-completion of the following:
And really, anything else is completely useless.
Configurability. I need to specify (easily) where the source files are, and hence where the script gets its auto-completion information from. In fact, I've got a Makefile in my directory which specifies the required include paths. Eclipse can interpret the information found therein, why not a Vim script as well?
Up-to-dateness. As soon as I change something in my file, I want the auto-completion to reflect this. I do not want to manually trigger ctags (or something comparable). Also, changes should be incremental, i.e. when I've changed just one file it's completely unacceptable for ctags to re-parse the whole directory tree (which may be huge).
Did I forget anything? Feel free to update.
I'm comfortable with quite a lot of configuration and/or tinkering but I don't want to program a solution from scratch, and I'm not good at debugging Vim scripts.
A final note, I'd really like something similar for Java and C# but I guess that's too much to hope for: ctags only parses code files and both Java and C# have huge, precompiled frameworks that would need to be indexed. Unfortunately, developing .NET without an IDE is even more of a PITA than C++.
Try YouCompleteMe. It uses Clang through the libclang interface, offering semantic C/C++/Objective-C completion. It's much like clang_complete, but substantially faster and with fuzzy-matching.
In addition to the above, YCM also provides semantic completion for C#, Python, Go, TypeScript etc. It also provides non-semantic, identifier-based completion for languages for which it doesn't have semantic support.
There’s also clang_complete which uses the clang compiler to provide code completion for C++ projects. There’s another question with troubleshooting hints for this plugin.
The plugin seems to work fairly well as long as the project compiles, but is prohibitively slow for large projects (since it attempts a full compilation to generate the tags list).
as per requested, here is the comment I gave earlier:
have a look at this:
Vim integration to MonoDevelop
for .net stuff at least..
this link should help you if you want to use monodevelop on a MacOSX
Good luck and happy coding.
I've just found the project Eclim linked in another question. This looks quite promising, at least for Java integration.
I'm a bit late to the party but autocomplpop might be helpful.
is what you are looking for something like intellisense?
insevim seems to address the issue.
link to screenshots here
Did someone mention code_complete?
But you did not like ctags, so this is probably not what you are looking for...