C/C++ library for seekable movie format - c++

I'm doing some processing on some very large video files (often up to 16MP), and I need a way to store these videos in a format that allows seeking to specific frames (rather than to times, like ffmpeg). I was planning on just rolling my own format that concatenates all of the individually zlib compressed frames together, and then appends an index on the end that links frame numbers to file byte indices. Before I go about this though, I just wanted to check to make sure I'm not duplicating the functionality of another format/library. Has anyone heard of a format/library that allows lossless compression and random access of videos?

The reason it is hard to seek to a specific frame in most video codecs is that most frames depend on another frame or frames, so frames must be decoded as a group. For this reason, most libraries will only let you seek to the closest I-frame (Intra-frame - independently decodable frame). To actually produce an image from a non-I-frame, data from other frames is required, so you have to decode a number of frames worth of data.
The only ways I have seen this problem solved involve creating an index of some kind on the file. In other words, make a pass through the file and create an index of what frame corresponds to a certain time or section of the file. Since the seeking functions of most libraries are only able to seek to an I frame so you may have to seek to the closest I-frame and then decode from there to the exact frame you want.
If space is not of high importance, I would suggest doing it like you say, but use JPEG compression instead of zlib as it will give you a lot higher compression ratio since it exploits the fact you are dealing with image data.
If space is an issue, P frames (depend on previous frame/frames) can greatly reduce the size of the file. I would not mess with B frames (depend on previous and future frame/frames) since they make it much harder to get things right.
I have solved the problem of seeking to a specific frame in the presence of B and P frames in the past using ffmpeg (libavformat) to demux the video into packets (1 frame's worth of data per packet) and concatenate these into a single file. The important thing is to keep and index into that file so you can find packet bounds for a given frame. If the frame is an I-frame, you can just feed that frame's data into an ffmpeg decoder and it can be decoded. If the frame is a B or P frame, you have to go back to the last I-frame and decode forward from there. This can be quite tricky to get right, especially for B-frames since they are often sent in a different order than how they are displayed.

Some formats allow you to change the number of key frames per second.
For example, I've used ffmpeg to encode to flv at 25 frames per second with 25 key frames per second, and then used a player that was fine in moving to key frames. Basically this allowed me to do frame by frame seeking.
Also the last time I checked quicktime can do frame by frame seek without having to have each frame being a key frame.
May not be applicable to you but that's my thoughts.


Seeking within MP3 file

I am working on the development of driving software for the hardware implementation by these people. The decoder works properly in overall, but I am struggling making it starting playing the sound at the middle. I suspect that it is common feature of the MP3 decoders as they must have some history of data in order to properly construct current sound (I am not that skilled in MPEG, however have an idea of some basics).
The problem is that this decoder is a black box, and any deepening in its code is an enormous time and effort.
I empirically found out that the sound garbage, when starting somewhere in the middle, happens in no more that 1 (one) seconds after start with file # 320 kbps and 44100 sampling rate. I am actually ok to mute decoder for a second (while it gathers/decodes proper required data for further playback), and then unmute it to continue playback.
I did search on the internet for the matter, did not find anything useful. Tried to invalidate first frames by corrupting frame headers (the easiest that could be done without going into the MP3 headers/data), made things even worse.
is there any body of knowledge of how players perform seek in MP3 files and keep non-corrupt sound?
Is my action plan seem valid - mute for 1 second while decoder plays garbage? Is there any way to (easily) calculate the time I must mute output for?
Update: just tried on another file # 128 kbps/48k and maximal garbage time to be about 2 seconds... I can not believe that decoder with so limited resources - input buffer used is 2 kB with some intermediate working buffers, in total must be not more than 36 kB - can keep the history for 2 seconds, or decoder is having problems finding the sync word in the stream... and thus my driver needs to figure out the frame start (by finding out sync word, reading frame header, calculating frame size, and looking after the frame to contain another sync word).
I've found workarounds. The difficulty was that there are actually two problems overlaying each other, but was easy to cope with having structured approach.
The decoder is having issues getting the first sync word of the stream, and works very well when the first bytes supplied to it are FF FB or FF FA. All other bytes - in the middle of the frame - with very high probability, cause major sound corruption, until decoder catches correct sync. Thus I designed the code seeking to the next frame start after the seek point, checking that this is actual start of the frame by calculating frame size and looking at the next frame to contain FFFB/FA.
Having fixed the problem 1 I have had minor corruption left from the decoder starting decoding the frame without historical data. I have solved it by muting the decoder for the first 4 buffering transactions.
Major corruption still happens, but is rare, and it seems that nature of corruption depends on what was in the decoder buffers (not only Huffman input buffer, but other intermediate buffers) before the decoder is instructed to start. My hardware performs clear of the input buffers to 0 when decoder is in reset state, but it seems to be not enough (or just incorrect)...
The decoder itself is a kind of PoC (proof of concept) work, a student term with the aim to prove that they were able to make it; the package is having test bench code, but lacks low level documentation/comments in the code, and is not ready for field implementation and production. In general the fact that it worked for me at all (almost) out of the box makes the honor to the developers and is a mark of high quality of their work. I have reviewed and tried several published projects for MP3 decoders for silicon implementation (FPGA) and concluded that this one is the best available. In addition, the license they provide their work on is generous one.
Update: my research have shown that the most problem lies not in the input buffer (however it is possible to improve the situation by uploading 528 bytes of historical data to the decoder's buffer so that it would be able to grab main data from previous frame), but in the internal state of the decoder. Its documentation says:
To reduce resource usage, part of the RAM for buffering the intermediate data is also shared with Huffman decoding as bit reservoir ...
thus it is a contents of the reservoir and intermediate computed data affecting the decoding. I have confirmed it by starting various set of frames in different sequence, and if set of frames are played in different sequence, nature of garbage changes, or garbage may simply not appear.
Thus, unfortunately, my conclusion: it is not possible to properly seek using this decoder as is. I even do not think it is possible to "fake" playback (to quickly "play" the file till the needed point in buffers) as all three clocks are tied to each other.
I will keep my "best tested" implementation, with the notes on the quality.
Update 2: I was wrong, it is possible to seek softly, but to mitigate the sound corruption (yes, I am still unsure if I fixed it completely) I had to find another deficiency in the decoder: it is related to timing, decoder assumes that further data is always available in the buffer, while it may not be there yet. (It is actually clear from the test bench code supplied within the IP - the way data was replenished during QA and testing). In the cases I caught the corruption, first frames in the first part of the input buffer RAM were not decoded properly, skipped, and decoder quickly skips to second part of the RAM, assuming new data is there, however driving hardware is not ready yet fetching required data and putting this data into the second part of decoder's buffer RAM, thus corruption persisted for quite a long time with decoder looping skipping "invalid" frames until it catches correct image of the frame and normalizes its pace through the buffer.
Now the solution:
play (almost) 5 frames of silence through decoder before unmuting it. This will ensure all decoder's internal buffers are purged. It will not take much time, however requires some coding;
introduce a possibility to set huffman's decoder starting pointer readptr (in huffctl.v) after reset into the value other than 0. It will give the flexibility to have some history data uploaded into the decoder's buffer and start huffman decoder from the middle of the buffer rather than from its very start;
calculate the position to seek to, it calculates relatively easily for MPEG-1 Layer-3: duration=(filesize-ID3size)/(bitrate/8*1000), newPosition=ID3size+seekTime*(bitrate/8*1000). Duration is needed to check that position to seek to fits into the play time, alternatively newPosition can be used to check against file size. These forumlas do not take into account older tag versions appearing at the end of the file, but they are usually not more than 128 bytes, thus a kind of negligible for timing calculation relative to average MP3 sound file size; it also assumes CBR (VBR will require completely different way, requiring more power and data I/O for accurate seeking). Funny enough I found web pages with incorrect duration calculation formula, thus beware posts by ignorant people with cool job titles;
Seek to the calculated position, find next frame from this position on, calculate frame size, and ensure that there's next valid frame at that distance. New pointer will point to this next frame found at the distance;
find out the main_data_begin lookback pointer of the frame now being pointed to at step 4. Decrease the new pointer by this value so that pointer points within previous frame to the start of the main data for the current frame - it will be a pointer for the decoder data start. Note that it will fail if main data begins in more than one frame back (removal of headers of previous frame(s) will be required for proper operation);
fill decoder's buffer starting pointer identified in step 5, and set decoder's decoding start pointer to the one identified in step 4. While the implementation assumes you fill buffer in halves, do it different from the start: fill the whole buffer instead of just a first half. For this, after reset, set idle bit, check for data request, reset idle bit, perform two 1024 byte transfers to the decoder's buffer (effectively filling it completely), and then set idle bit, then reset it, and then set it again;
after performing step 7 continue normally replenishing 1024 bytes per decoder's request.
Employing this plan I had zero sound corruption cases. As you see it requires some changes to Verilog, but it must be easy if you know basics or hardware, know Verilog amd can perform reverse engineering.

Modifying CISCO openh264 to take image frames and out compressed frames

Has anyone tried to modify the CISCO openh264 library to take JPEG images as input and compress them into P and I frames (output as frames, NOT video) and similarly to modify decoder to take compressed P and I frames and generate uncompressed-frames ?
I have a camera looking at a static scene and taking pictures (1280x720p) every 30 second. The scene is almost static. Currenlty I am using JPEG compression to compress each frame individually and it is resulting in an image size of ~270KB. This compressed frame is transferred via internet to a storage server. Since there is very little motion in the scene, the 'I' frame size will be very small (I think it should be ~20-50KB). So it will be very cost effective to transmit I frames over internet instead of JPEG images.
Can anyone guide me to some project or about how to proceed with this task ?
You are describing exactly what a codec does. It takes images, and compresses them. There relationship in time is irrelevant to the compression step. The decoder than decides how to display or just write them to disk. You don't need to modify open264, what you want to do is exactly what it is designed to do.

How to insert a key frame(Iframe) to a h.264 video stream in ffmpeg C++ api?

I have a real time video stream, and want to cut some video clips from it by accurate timestamp(pts).
When I receiver an avpacket, I decode it, and do something and cache the avpacket. I don't want to re-encode all avpackets, it cost cpu resource.
There are many gop structure in H.264 stream, usually we should cut the video begin at the key frame, and end at the key frame. Otherwise the front some frames in the video clip would display error.
Now I use av_write_frame to make avpacket to video. But sometimes the length of gop is very long, such as it could be 250, 8.3s(30 frame per second). It means the distance between two I-frame could be 250 frames. The video clip is short, I don't want to add too many unused frames.
How should I do? I think i should insert a i-frame at the start position of video clip. Could I change a p-frame to i-frame?
Thanks your reading!
This is not possible in the generic case, but may be in specific cases. Even then, there are no open source/free tools to do this, and I am unaware of any commercial tools. The reason I say it is not possible in the generic case is each frame can reference up to 16 other frames. So you can not just replace a single frame, You will need to replace all referenced frames. Doing this will likely take almost as much CPU as encoding the whole GOP.

Can the mp3 or wav file format take advantage of repetitious sounds?

I want to store a number of sound fragments as MP3 or WAV files, but these fragments are each highly repetitive (a 10 second burst of tone for example). Are the MP3 or WAV file formats able to take advantage of this - i.e. is there a sound file equivalent of run-length encoding?
No, neither codec can do this.
WAV files (typically) use PCM, which holds a value for every single sample. Even if there were complete digital silence (all values the same), every sample is stored.
MP3 works in frames of 1,152 samples. Each frame stands alone (well, there is the bit reservoir but for the purpose of encoding/decoding, this is just extra bandwidth made available). Even if there were a way to say do-this-n-times, it would be fixed within a frame. Now, if you are using MP3 with variable bit rate, I suspect that you will have great results with perfect sine waves since they have no harmonics. MP3 works by converting from the time domain to the frequency domain. That is, it samples the frequencies in each frame. If you only have one of those frequencies (or no sound at all), the VBR method would be efficient.
I should note that FLAC does use RLE when encoding silence. However, I don't think FLAC could be hacked to use RLE for 10 seconds of audio, since again there is a frame border. FLAC's RLE for silence is problematic for live internet radio stations that leave a few second gap inbetween songs. It's important for these stations to have a large buffer, since clients will often pause the stream if they don't receive enough data. (They do get caught back up again though as soon as that silent block is sent, once audio resumes.)

MPEG backwards frame decoding using FFmpeg

I have so-called "block's" that stores some of MPEG4 (I,p,p,p,p...) frames.
For every "block", frame starts with an "I" frame, and ends before next "I" frame.
(VOL - "visual_object_sequence_start_code" is allways included before the "I" frame)
I need to be able to play those "block" frames in "backwards" mode.
The thick is that:
It's not possible to just take the last frame in my block and perform decoding, because it's a "P" frame and it needs an "inter frame (I)" to be correctly decoded.
I can't just take my first "I" frame, then pass it to the ffmpeg's "avcodec_decode_video" function and only then pass my last "P" frame to the ffmpeg, because that last "P" frame depends on the "P" frame before it, right? (well.. as far as I've tested this method, my last decoded P frame had artifacts)
Now the way I'm performing backwards playing is - first decoding all of my "block" frames in RGB and store them in memory. (in most cases it would be ~25 frames per block max.) But this method really requires a lot of memory... (especially if frames resolutions is high)
And I have a feeling that this is not the right way to do this...
So I would like to ask, does any one have any suggestions how this "backwards" frame decoding/playing could be performed using FFmpeg?
What you are looking at really a research problem: To get a glimps of the overall approach, look at the following paper:
Compressed-Domain Reverse Play of MPEG Video Streams, SPIE International Symposium on Voice, Video, and Data Communications, Boston, MA, November, 1998.
Reverse-play algorithm for MPEG video streaming
Essentially, there is still advanced encoding based on key frames, however, you can reverse the process of motion compensation to achieve the reverse flow. This is done by on the fly conversion of P frames into I frames. This does require looking forward but doesn't require that much more memory. Possibly you can save this as a new file and then apply it to standard decoder with reverse play requirements.
However, this is very complex, and i have seen rare softwares doing this practically.
I do not think there is a way around starting from I-frame and decoding all P-frames, due to P-frame depending on the previous frame. To handle decoded frames, they can be saved to a file, or, with limited storage and extra CPU power, older P-frames can be discarded and recomputed later.
At the command level, you can convert input video to a series of images:
ffmpeg -i input_video output%4d.jpg
then reverse their order somehow and convert back to a video:
ffmpeg -r FRAME_RATE -i reverse_output%4d.jpg output_video
You may consider pre-processing, if it is an option.