Template Sort In C++ - c++

Hey all, I'm trying to write a sort function but am having trouble figuring out how to initialize a value, and making this function work as a generic template. The sort works by:
Find a pair =(ii,jj)= with a minimum value = ii+jj = such at A[ii]>A[jj]
If such a pair exists, then
swap A[ii] and A[jj] else
The function I have written is as follows:
template <typename T>
void sort(T *A, int size)
T min =453;
T temp=0;
bool swapper = false;
int index1 = 0, index2 = 0;
for (int ii = 0; ii < size-1; ii++){
for (int jj = ii + 1; jj < size; jj++){
if((min >= (A[ii]+A[jj])) && (A[ii] > A[jj])){
min = (A[ii]+A[jj]);
index1 = ii;
index2 = jj;
swapper = true;
if (!swapper)
temp = A[index1];
A[index1] = A[index2];
A[index2] = temp;
This function will successfully sort an array of integers, but not an array of chars. I do not know how to properly initialize the min value for the start of the comparison. I tried initializing the value by simply adding the first two elements of the array together (min = A[0] + A[1]), but it looks to me like for this algorithm it will fail. I know this is sort of a strange type of sort, but it is practice for a test, so thanks for any input.

most likely reason it fails, is because char = 453 does not produce 453 but rather different number, depending what char is (signed versus unsigned). your immediate solution would be to use numerical_limits, http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/std/limits/numeric_limits/
you may also need to think about design, because char has small range, you are likely to overflow often when adding two chars.

The maximum value of any type is std::numeric_limits<T>::max(). It's defined in <limits>.
Also, consider a redesign. This is not a good algorithm. And I would make sure I knew what I was doing before calling my sort function recursively.

I haven't put too much time reading your algorithm, but as an alternative to std::numeric_limits, you can use the initial element in your array as the initial minimum value. Then you don't have to worry about what happens if you call the function with a class that doesn't specialize std::numeric_limits, and thus can't report a maximum value.


How would I overload the + operator for this bigint class which uses arrays? C++

I am currently taking an online data structures course using C++ and I'm working on a personal project to help me better understand the basics. The project I'm working on is an implementation of a bigint class, a class that supports storing and calculation of arbitrary-precision integers using arrays and not vectors or strings. I am struggling with the implementation of the major arithmetic operators.
The numbers are stored in the array from least to most significant digit (201 would be stored as {1,0,2}) and the calculations are performed in this order as well.
I have found some material relating to this but the vast majority use vectors/strings and did not help me much. A couple of other resources, such as this and this did help, but did not work when I tried to implement them in my code. For example, this code to implement the addition operator does not work and I either get a bad_alloc exception or the answer is just way wrong, but I can't seem to figure out why or how to solve it and I've been at it for days now:
bigint& operator+(const bigint& lhs, const bigint& rhs){
bool minus_sign = rhs.is_negative();
size_t amt_used = 0; // to keep track of items in the array
// initial size and size of resulting array
// set initial size to the size of the larger array
// set result_size to ini size plus one in case of carry
size_t ini_size = lhs.get_digit_count() > rhs.get_digit_count() ?
lhs.get_digit_count() : rhs.get_digit_count();
const size_t INITIAL_SIZE = ini_size;
const size_t RESULT_SIZE = INITIAL_SIZE+1;
uint8_t temp[RESULT_SIZE], // temporary array
lhs_arr[INITIAL_SIZE], rhs_arr[INITIAL_SIZE]; // new arrays for lhs/rhs of the same size to avoid overflow if one is smaller
//assign corresponding values to the new arrays
for (size_t i = 0; i < lhs.get_digit_count(); i++){
lhs_arr[i] = lhs.get_digit(i);
for (size_t i = 0; i < rhs.get_digit_count(); i++){
rhs_arr[i] = rhs.get_digit(i);
// perform addition
int carry = 0; //carry variable
size_t j = 0;
for ( ; j < INITIAL_SIZE; j++){
uint8_t sum = lhs_arr[j] + rhs_arr[j] + carry;
if (sum > 9){
result_arr[j] = sum - 10;
carry = 1;
result_arr[j] = sum;
carry = 0;
if (carry == 1){
result_arr[j] = 1;
// flip the array to most sig to least sig, since the constructor performs a switch to least-most sig.
size_t decrement_index = amt_used - 1;
for (int i = 0; i < RESULT_SIZE; i++){
temp[i] = result_arr[decrement_index];
for (int i = 0; i < RESULT_SIZE; i++){
result_arr[i] = temp[i];
// create new bigint using the just-flipped array and return it
bigint result(result_arr, amt_used, minus_sign);
return result;
Here's the error I get: Thread 1: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0x5)
Either that or I get a really large number when I'm just adding 8700 + 2100
There are several issues with this code.
The use of the VLA extension (for temp etc) is not standard C++. These stack based arrays are not initialized, so they will contain random data. When you fill these arrays with data, you are not assigning to every element. This results in the garbage results when, for example, the left number is shorter than the right (so that several elements of lhs_arr have garbage data in them). These bad values will then be used in the addition array. Using std::vector would be standard compliant and result in the vector elements all being initialized to something appropriate (like 0). This could be where your "really large number" comes from.
When you "flip the array", decrement_index can be negative if not all of the result slots were used. This could be a cause of you EXC_BAD_ACCESS crashes.
Returning a reference to a local variable results in Undefined Behavior, since that local will be destroyed when the function returns resulting in a dangling reference. This could be a cause of either of your stated problems.
Your handling of negative numbers is completely wrong, since you don't really handle them at all.

Assigning a structure to another structure results in garbage

The two structures used in my code, one is nested
struct Class
std::string name;
int units;
char grade;
struct Student
std::string name;
int id;
int num;
double gpa;
Class classes[20];
I am trying to figure out a way to sort the structures within the all_students[100] array in order of their ID's in ascending order. My thought was, to start counting at position 1 and then compare that to the previous element. If it was smaller than the previous element then I would have a temporary array of type Student to equate it to, then it would be a simple matter of switching them places within the all_students array. However, when I print the results, one of the elements ends up being garbage numbers, and not in order. This is for an intermediate C++ class in University and we are not allowed to use pointers or vectors since he has not taught us this yet. Anything not clear feel free to ask me.
The function to sort the structures based on ID
void sort_id(Student all_students[100], const int SIZE)
Student temporary[1];
int counter = 1;
while (counter < SIZE + 1)
if (all_students[counter].id < all_students[counter - 1].id)
temporary[0] = all_students[counter];
all_students[counter] = all_students[counter - 1];
all_students[counter - 1] = temporary[0];
counter = 1;
display(all_students, SIZE);
There are a few things wrong with your code:
You don't need to create an array of size 1 to use as a temporary variable.
Your counter will range from 1 to 100, you will go out of bounds: the indices of an array of size 100 range from 0 to 99.
The following solution uses insertion sort to sort the array of students, it provides a faster alternative to your sorting algorithm. Note that insertion sort is only good for sufficiently small or nearly sorted arrays.
void sort_id(Student* all_students, int size)
Student temporary;
int i = 1;
while(i < size) // Read my note below.
temporary = all_students[i];
int j = i - 1;
while(j >= 0 && temporary.id < all_students[j].id)
all_students[j+1] = all_students[j]
all_students[j+1] = temporary;
display(all_students, size);
Note: the outer while-loop can also be done with a for-loop like this:
for(int i = 1; i < size; i++)
// rest of the code ...
Usually, a for-loop is used when you know beforehand how many iterations will be done. In this case, we know the outer loop will iterate from 0 to size - 1. The inner loop is a while-loop because we don't know when it will stop.
Your array of Students ranges from 0, 99. Counter is allowed to go from 1 to 100.
I'm assuming SIZE is 100 (in which case, you probably should have the array count also be SIZE instead of hard-coding in 100, if that wasn't just an artifact of typing the example for us).
You can do the while loop either way, either
while(counter < SIZE)
and start counter on 0, or
while (counter < SIZE+1)
and start counter on 1, but if you do the latter, you need to subtract 1 from your array subscripts. I believe that's why the norm (based on my observations) is to start at 0.
EDIT: I wasn't the downvoter! Also, just another quick comment, there's really no reason to have your temporary be an array. Just have
Student temporary;
I overlooked the fact that I was allowing the loop to access one more element than the array actually held. That's why I was getting garbage because the loop was accessing data that didn't exist.
I fixed this by changing while (counter < SIZE + 1)
to: while (counter < SIZE )
Then to fix the second problem which was about sorting, I needed to make sure that the loop started again from the beginning after a switch, in case it needed to switch again with a lower element. So I wrote continue; after counter = 1

Initializing An Array with a Variable Size

I am almost done with my code except I need help on two thing. Here is my code: Code. For the function below, I am trying to make it so that I can use the input of "n" to initialize my array, myBits, instead of a constant, which is currently 5.
My Other question is right below that. I am trying to switch all of the right most bits to "true". I wrote the for loop in "/* .....*/" but it doesn't seem to be working. Right above it, I do it long ways for C(5,4) ....(myBit[0] = myBit[1]....etc...... (I am using this to find r-combinations of strings).... and it seems to work. Any help would be appreciated!!
void nCombination(const vector<string> &Vect, int n, int r){
bool myBits[5] = { false }; // everything is false now
myBits[1] = myBits[2] = myBits[3] = myBits[4] = true;
/* for(int b = n - r - 1; b = n - 1; b++){
myBits[b] = true; // I am trying to set the r rightmost bits to true
do // start combination generator
printVector(Vect, myBits, n);
} while (next_permutation(myBits, myBits + n)); // change the bit pattern
These are called variable length arrays (or VLAs for short) and they are not a feature of standard C++. This is because we already have arrays that can change their length how ever they want: std::vector. Use that instead of an array and it will work.
Use std::vector<bool>:
std::vector<bool> myBits(n, false);
Then you have to change your while statement:
while (next_permutation(myBits.begin(), myBits.end()));
You will also have to change your printVector function to take a vector<bool>& as the second argument (you won't need the last argument, n, since a vector knows its own size by utilizing the vector::size() function).
As to your program: If you're attempting to get the combination of n things taken r at a time, you will need to write a loop that initializes the last right r bools to true instead of hard-coding the rightmost 4 entries.
int count = 1;
for (size_t i = n-1; i >= 0 && count <= r; --i, ++count)
myBits[i] = true;
Also, you should return immediately from the function if r is 0.

Recursive call segmentation fault issue

quick question again.
I'm creating a recursive function that will look for elements in a array of "source" rules and apply those rules to an "target array" of rules if the "source" rule type is the same as the target character. Furthermore the function checks to see if the target character is in an array of symbols or not and adds it if it is not (and throws a few flags on the newly applied rule as well). This is all driven by a recursive call that uses a counter to determine how many iterations have passed and is used to determine the spot in the target array the new rule should be applied, so we don't overwrite.
I've put in a little debugging code to show the results too.
Here's the function itself:
//Recursively tack on any non terminal pointed elements
int recursiveTack(rule * inrule[], char target, rule * targetrule[],
int counter, char symbols[])
printf("Got into recursiveTack\n");
printf("target is %c\n", target);
printf("counter is %d", counter);
for (int k = 0; k < sizeof(inrule); k++)
if (inrule[k]->type == target)
//doublecheck to see if we're trying to overwrite
if (targetrule[counter]->used = true)
targetrule[counter]->head = inrule[k]->head;
targetrule[counter]->type = inrule[k]->type;
targetrule[counter]->used = true;
//Check to see if the elements are new to the symbols table and need to be added
if (!contains(returnGotoChar(targetrule[counter]), symbols))
//If not then add the new symbol
addChar(returnGotoChar(targetrule[counter]), symbols);
//Also set the goto status of the rule
targetrule[counter]->needsGoto = true;
//Also set the rule's currentGotoChar
targetrule[counter]->currentGotoChar = returnGotoChar(
//recursivly add elements from non terminal nodes
if (isNonTerm(targetrule[counter]))
char newTarget = returnGotoChar(targetrule[counter]);
counter = recursiveTack(inrule, newTarget, targetrule, counter,
//return how many elements we've added
return counter;
Here's the call:
printf("Confirmed non termainal\n");
printf("Second being passed: %d\n", second);
//Adds each nonterminal rule to the rules for the I[i+first] array
second = recursiveTack(I[i], targetSymbol, I[i+first], second, symbols[first]);
All the arrays being passed in have been initialized prior to this point.
However, the output I get indicates that the recursion is getting killed somewhere before it gets off the ground.
Second being passed: 0
Confirmed non termainal
Got into recursiveTack
target is E
Segmentation fault
Any help would be great, I've got the rest of the program available too if needs be it's around 700 lines including comments though. I'm pretty sure this is just another case of missing something simple, but let me know what you think.
for(int k = 0; k < sizeof(inrule); k++)
sizeof(inrule) is going to return the size of a pointer type (4 or 8). Probably not what you want. You need to pass the size of the arrays as parameters as well, if you are going to use these types of structures.
It would be better to use Standard Library containers like std::vector, though.
if(targetrule[counter]->used = true){
// what is the guarantee that targetrule[counter] is actually valid? could you do a printf debug before and after it?
The biggest thing I see here is:
for(int k = 0; k < sizeof(inrule); k++)
This isn't going to do what you think. inrule is an array of pointers, so sizeof(inrule) is going to be the number of elements * sizeof(rule*). This could very quickly lead to running off the end of your array.
try changing that to:
for (int k = 0; k < sizeof(inrule) / sizeof(rule*); ++k)
Something else you might consider is an fflush(stdout); after your print statements. You're crashing while some output is still buffered so it's likely hiding where your crash is happening.
That won't work. If you had a function that did something like:
int x[10];
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(x) / sizeof(int); ++i) ...
It would work, but on the other side of the function call, the type degrades to int*, and sizeof(int*) is not the same as sizeof(int[10]). You either need to pass the size, or ... better yet, use vectors instead of arrays.

Radix Sort using C++

Suppose I have bunch of numbers. I have to first put the least significant digit into the corresponding bucket. Ex: 530 , I have to first put into the bucket 0. For number 61, I have to put into bucket 1.
I planned to use a multidimensional array to do this. So I create a 2-dimenional array, which nrows is 10 ( for 0~ 9) and ncolumns is 999999 ( because I don't know how large will the list be):
int nrows = 10;
int ncolumns = 999999;
int **array_for_bucket = (int **)malloc(nrows * sizeof(int *));
for(i = 0; i < nrows; i++)
array_for_bucket[i] = (int *)malloc(ncolumns * sizeof(int));
left = (a->value)%10;
array_for_bucket[left][?? ] = a->value;
Then I created one node call a. In this node a, there is a value 50. To find out which bucket I want to put it in, I calculate "left" and I got 0. So I want to put this a-> value into bucket 0. But now I am stuck. How do I put this value into the bucket? I have to use a pointer array to do this.
I thought for a long time but still couldn't find a good way to do it. So please share some ideas with me. thank you!
There is a much easier way of doing this, and instead of radix*nkeys space you only need an nkeys-sized buffer.
Allocate a second buffer that can fit nkeys keys. Now do a first pass through your data and simply count how many keys end up in each bucket. You now can create a radix-sized array of pointers where each pointer is to the start of that bucket in the output buffer. Finally, the second pass though the data moves the keys. Every time you move a key, increment that bucket pointer.
Here's some C code to make into C++:
void radix_sort(int *keys, int nkeys)
int *shadow = malloc(nkeys * sizeof(*keys));
int bucket_count[10];
int *bucket_ptrs[10];
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
bucket_count[i] = 0;
for (i = 0; i < nkeys; i++)
bucket_count[keys[i] % 10]++;
bucket_ptrs[0] = shadow;
for (i = 1; i < 10; i++)
bucket_ptrs[i] = bucket_ptrs[i-1] + bucket_count[i-1];
for (i = 0; i < nkeys; i++)
*(bucket_ptrs[keys[i] % 10]++) = keys[i];
//shadow now has the sorted keys
But I may have misunderstood the question. If you are doing something a little different than radix sort, pleas add some details.
Look the Boost Pointer containers library if you want to store pointers.
C++ isn't my forte but this code from wikipedia-Raidx Sort is very comprehensive and probably is more C++-ish than what you've implemented so far. Hope it helps
This is C++, we don't use malloc anymore. We use containers. A two-dimensional array is a vector of vectors.
vector<vector<int> > bucket(10);
left = (a->value)%10;