How to get the window position and update to other windows? - mfc

I have 2 dialog boxes in which I will display 1 dialogbox at a time..If I click NEXT in the first dialog box,I will hide the first dialog box and display the second dialog and vice versa...Now say If I move the dialog box after clicking NEXT in the first dialog..and when I click BACK(in the second dialog) goes back to its previous position(to diaplay the first dialog box) I have decided to get the current window's position and update to the other window position so that it doesnt move even If I click next/back..I am not sure how to get the windows position and update to other..please help me if you guys know about this..

You can create an OnMove handler for WM_MOVE messages to detect when your window moves. In the handler, you can either move the other window directly with MoveWindow, or you can send a private message to the window (something in the WM_APP range would be best) and let it move itself. Use GetWindowRect to get the width and height to pass to MoveWindow.


How to set the control's initial position in dialog in MFC?

In MFC, I've made a resizing dialog in MFC and I put one control on a dialog like slider.
After the build, I found that the slider does not move when I resize the dialog.
So I made OnSize() then I set the position. It works.
However, there is one problem which is the different between control's first position and second position in Onsize().
So I want to make so that there is no difference in control's position between the first run dialog and after resizing.
How to set the control's initial position in dialog in MFC?
Ignore all WM_SIZE messages you receive until OnInitDialog is executed...
WM_INITDIALOG is fired when the dialog ist just before to be shown or was already shown (if it has the visible style).

What Function can I use to get the handle of a button?

the situation is as follows:
I have the handle for a window (which i got with the function FindWindowEx() ) and that window has 3 buttons. I would like to know how I can get the handle for 1 of the 3 buttons. I mean I know ppl can use spy++, but I am sure there have to be functions that can do it for me, so my questions are:
What function or functions can I use to get the handle of a button of a window (already knowing the handle for the window)?
How do I get the Button's ID???
You can loop through children of that window with EnumChildWindow.
It lets you define a callback function to be called for every child of the window.
In the callback, you can check if the current child is the button you need.
For example, if you dinamically want to press an OK button, you can check if the window text equals OK. You can get the window text with GetWindowText.
If you know the position in the parent window you can use ChildWindowFromPoint.
For this to work you will probably have to check the windows status first (maximazed or current width-height) to be sure the button is right where you want.
An easy way may also be getting his position relative to another child of the window that's easier to retrieve. For example, if the button is always to the right of a text-box control, you can get coordinates of the text-box and use ChildWindowFromPoint passing those coordinates with something added in the x direction.

MFC Unclickable Button (Running away from cursor on MouseMove)

How would i make a button that will change it's position on MouseMove Event if the cursor is close enough to the center of the button in MFC ?
WM_MOUSEMOVE is not delivered to the button if the cursor is not over it (and is not captured, but you don't want that). So you have to process WM_MOUSEMOVE in the parent dialog. If you want your button to be a self-contained control, you have to subclass the parent window upon button creation.
Subclassing, in this context, means:
- you retrieve and store the parent's window proc address with GetParent()->GetWindowLong(GWL_WNDPROC)
- you set it to your procedure with SetWindowLong()
- in the procedure, you call the parent's previous window proc, after handling WM_MOUSEMOVE the way you want.
The WM_MOUSEMOVE coordinates will be relative to the screen, but you'll probably want to track the button position relative to the window that contains it. Use the ScreenToClient method on the parent window to convert, then you can compare the coordinates to see if it's close. Then use MoveWindow to move the button.
If you track the mouse cursor position you can determine when the cursor gets close to or enters the button window rect. You can then use the SetWindowPos() function to reposition the button window in the parent window client area.

Emulate mouse select messages between windows

I've got two windows in the same process. Window 1 contains some text. Window 2 contains a bitmap of the contents of window 1.
Whenever I click (WM_LBUTTONDOWN ) or move (WM_MOUSEMOVE) the cursor in window 2, i pass the message into window 1 by posting the message to window 1's message queue.
I now want to emulate more complex interaction. I'd like to do a "mouse select", where the WM_LBUTTONDOWN goes down and several WM_MOUSEMOVE occur. This should select some text in window #1. (it works fine if I perform this action directly in window 1)
I haven't been able to get this working by just posting the messages. It seems that mouse capture needs to be held by window 1, but my clicks and moves are happening in window 2.
Any pointers on an implementation using only WIN32 API?
Why are you trying to do this using window messages? Can't you just have a common function that updates the selection in window 1, so that both window 1 and window 2 can just call this function to get the work done?

Scrollbar moves back after WM_VSCROLL

I have a window with its own H and V scrolling. I'm handling the event like this:
SetScrollPos(hWnd, SB_VERT, (int)HIWORD(wParam), TRUE);
all I want is for the position of the scroll bar to stay once I release my mouse but what it's doing is just going back to the top after. What am I doing wrong?
The wParam parameter of the WM_VSCROLL message is either SB_TOP, SB_BOTTOM, SB_PAGEUP, SB_PAGEDOWN, SB_LINEUP, SB_LINEDOWN, SB_THUMBPOSITION, or SB_THUMBTRACK, where the names ought to explain themselves.
SB_TOP and SB_BOTTOM means that the scrolling window is to go to the top or bottom, respectively. These messages can be sent by right-clicking a vertical scroll bar and selecting "Top" and "Bottom". (Look in Windows Notepad, Win XP+, for instance.)
SB_PAGEUP and SB_PAGEDOWN means a page (screen) up or down. These are sent if you click somwhere on the scrollbar beside on the thumb or the up or down arrows, or if you use the scrollbar's right-click menu.
SB_LINEUP and SB_LINEDOWN are sent when the user clicks the up and down buttons on the scrollbar, or selects the appropriate right-click menu commands.
SB_THUMBTRACK is sent continuously when the user scrolls by dragging the thumb of the scrollbar.
SB_THUMBPOSITION is sent when the user has released the thumb.
See the MSDN article WM_VSCROLL for more information.
So, when you receive a WM_VSCROLL message, you first need to do the scrolling itself. If, for instance, you are writing a text editor, then you need to redraw the text, but with a different row at the top of the window. Then you need to update the scrollbar to its new position, preferably by means of SetScrollInfo, but you can also use the old SetScrollPos function.
In the case section, the system is processing a WM_VSCROLL message. It will run the default window procedure after your SetScrollPos. In the default window procedure, the system itself will set the scroll bar's thumb position. So, although SetScrollPos takes effects, the system change the thumb position after that anyway. I think you should do your SetScrollPos after calling the default window procedure, i.e., maybe after returning this funciton, and then you can SetScrollPos.