Replacement compiler for Qt Creator? - c++

I like Qt Creator as an IDE, but the built-in compiler is slower than dirt.
Can I replace it, and if so, with what?
Developing on Windows but targeting multiple Mac as well.

By default on Windows the compiler is mingw, a port of GCC. Qt also contains support for the Visual Studio compilers, which you can switch to.
The only full-fledged C++ compiler on Macintosh is GCC.
C++, especially with template heavy code, is slow to compile. There is no avoiding this. In my experience, Visual Studio is not appreciably faster on complex code bases over GCC.

The choice of compiler depends on your toolchain (if you use qmake or cmake) plus your platform (e.g. cl is only available on Windows).
I don't think you can choose arbitrary compilers (e.g. Sun CC, Intel) and QtCreator will correctly picks up the compiling error messages. GCC is still the best supported compiler to use with QtCreator.
Perhaps a solution for you will be to pass -j8 as an extra build flag. Check the Projects pane.


Can I build wxwidgets with clang++?

There are walkthroughs to build wxwidgets with common compilers on windows, such as MSVC or MinGW, but there are no options for clang. I do have the other two compilers, but I dislike using Visual Studio for projects that are not C# or other .NET languages and I just don't like MinGW, nothing specifically. I use clang to compile, and I'd like to build wxwidgets with it, but I don't know if it would error or not, so would it work? I'm using windows, if not already clear. Thanks in advance.
You can definitely build wxGTK and wxMac under Linux and Mac respectively with clang and I think people did build wxMSW under Windows with it too, but it's a less commonly used compiler there, so your best bet would be to just try doing it. If you run into any problems, please free to open tickets on wxTrac, we do want to support clang under this platform as well.

Is there any difference between Qt's MinGW, Code::Blocks' MinGW and MinGW it self?

Qt and Code blocks download package have their MinGW compiler. And there's standalone MinGW itself. Is there any difference between them?
Can I use Qt's MinGW to build Code blocks project or vice versa?
Did I need another MinGW if i want to build C++ project without Qt Creator or Code Blocks?
Or, can I just use Qt's or Code Blocks' MinGW without standalone version of MinGW?
Both Qt Creator and CodeBlocks just bundle a version of MinGW (GCC) in their installations for convenience, so that users don't have to install it and configure it manually. In both cases, you can choose to download or install the IDE without installing MinGW (GCC), in which case, you need to configure the IDE to use whatever compiler you want it to use (which not only can be any standalone MinGW/GCC installation, but also any other compiler, including MSVC (Microsoft compiler), ICC (Intel's compiler), or Clang).
Here are instructions to configure a custom compiler for Qt Creator. And here are instructions for CodeBlocks.
Is there any difference between them?
As far as I know, there is no significant difference between them, except for the version, of course. IDEs that are bundled with MinGW-GCC will typically come with one particular (and often a bit older / more stable) version of it. When you install a standalone MinGW-GCC, it can be whatever version you choose. There are differences between versions, but usually not anything that would "break" code, just faster / better compilations or additional advanced features (which are not used by "default" projects in any case).
Can I use Qt's MinGW to build Code blocks project or vice versa?
I'm pretty sure you can. I don't see any reason why not. Of course, you have to get the configuration right, as per the instructions I linked to above.
Did I need another MinGW if i want to build C++ project without Qt Creator or Code Blocks?
If you want to build things outside of an IDE that is configured with a particular compiler or installation of MinGW, then you will have to make sure to setup a few things. This process is easier when doing a standalone installation of MinGW, but you can also figure out how to take an existing MinGW installation (that came from Qt / CodeBlocks) and make it work under CMD / PowerShell / MSYS, but it's a bit trickier and more unusual.

Porting from Code::Blocks to Visual Studio 2010

Say I have a open source C::B C++ (non-C++11, perfectly compatible with the 1998 ISO standard) project I've downloaded which is using MinGW/GCC (TDM-1 4.7.1 or 4.7.2 - doesn't work with newest version),; can I port the source files from it to Visual Studio 2010 and be able to make it work without massive code rewriting? Or there are certain cases in which it won't be possible? Or it depends on various things?
The code relies on additional external utilities and libraries such as:
SDL 2.0 + SDL Image 2.0
The most General and correct response is: It depends on various things.
What kind of project are you refering to? Is it wxWidget, QT4, GTK+, OpenGL?
How much do you use c++11?
Assuming that we are talking about a simple Console Application the easiest way to verify whether you can migrate to MSVC2010 is to switch compiler inside Code::Blocks project.
Select Project->Build Option... and under Selected compiler choose Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2010. Afterwards try to recompile. The warning and errors will show you how easy will be the porting.
Of course you have to install Code::Blocks with MSVC2010 too.
EDIT: The OpenGL library is supported by MSVC2010 and libsdl has VC development libraries. However, things seem to be more complex with Lua. My guess is that you might start a substantial porting work here.
If the project was written using portable C++98 code you shouldn't have too much trouble. First, I would check you can compile in GCC with -std=c++98 -pedantic flags and fix any warnings to ensure you are not relying on any GCC extensions.
It also depends on the portability of any required libraries.
Try it!
If your code is standard-compliant and does not rely on any GCC extensions or GCC-specific libraries, then you should be fine out-of-the-box.
Note though that different compilers support C++ in different ways; for example, even Visual Studio 2013 has only passing C++11 support so if your program is a C++11 program with things like ranged-for and initializer lists in it then, depending on the version you're using, it's just not going to work without those pieces of code being rewritten to look more like C++03.
I actually made a mistake:
C::B indeed told me there were multiple errors in the compilation attempt with the MSVC2010 compiler, because the code included many Unix-only libraries, too intricately so to be easily avoided. Thus, I'm thinking of either making MinGW/GCC work in Visual Studio itself or sticking with C::B.
(Continues here: POSIX Headers (from MinGW project) in Visual Studio 2013)

Using Visual C++ with a different C++ compiler?

I like the Visual Studio IDE. I'm used to it and find it is the best IDE I've ever tried. We also find increasing use of C#/.NET here.
However, after the underwhelming announcement regarding C++11 features in VS11 I'm looking into replacing the compiler.
It seems that the Intel compiler fully integrates with VS but that doesn't mean it will compile our Windows code. I don't know how I'd fare with a try of g++ or clang
Can VS actually be productively used with a different C++ compiler to compile Windows code, that is legacy code using all kinds of Win32 / MFC / COM stuff?
Depends on how much use you made of the Microsoft-proprietary extensions. Things like #pragma once tend to be supported by all the major compilers, but the weirder COM things (e.g., #import and anything C++/CLI) probably won't be. No idea if MFC will build under the new compiler, but you'll probably have to link it statically or ship your own DLL; G++ definitely uses a different mangling scheme than MSVC.
I'm not sure how easy it is to replace cl.exe and keep your vcproj files intact (though some compilers actually do it), but there are always Makefile projects.
I have never actually worked with the Intel C++ compiler, but I see no reason why it wouldn't compile the code that VC++ does. Here is official Intel documentation.
I use Visual Studio 2008 with a Makefile project to cross-compile; no reason you couldn't do the same with a different Windows compiler.

Best way to setup a Windows build environment for C/C++

Basically I want to compile C/C++ using the GCC on Windows. The two competing platforms, as i see it, are MinGW and Cygwin. Each have their own benifits and limitations. MinGW compiles for Windows, whereas Cygwin needs the cygwin .dll. However installing libraries on MinGW is difficult, whereas on cygwin it's easier, using the setup.exe as a 'package manager'.
My question is what's the best way to compile on Windows. Would it be better to use MinGW and struggle with libraries (in which case is there an easy way of installing libraries on MinGW). Or should I use Cygwin, if so how do I get it to compile without needing the cygwin .dll, effectively compile for normal Windows.
The easiest and best way to compile on windows is to use visual studio express. It is free. A good reason for using cygwin is for cross platform builds. A good reason to use gcc is it supports some compiler candy the Microsoft compiler doesn't.
But all in all VC++ Express is the way to go for windows only development.
There is always the option of using -mno-cygwin with Cygwin to compile against Windows libraries like MinGW does:
gcc -mno-cygwin file.c -o test
It's not an easy choice and mainly depends on how much you will rely on other libraries. Cygwin really adds an additional layer, which is heavier but "emulates" the Linux environment better than MinGW.
Qt Creator allows you to compile with MinGW on Windows (and gcc on Linux, ...), has an IDE that makes debugging more friendly than gdb. If you need libraries, you still have the option of using the Qt libraries. That would be a good alternate solution to the Visual Studio if you really want to stick to gcc for future portability.
You might want to look at CodeBlocks. It is generally used to build WxWidgets apps, but it wraps MinGW nicely.
Actually, there's option #3: if your edition of Windows permits it, you can install Microsoft Services For Unix / Subsystem for Unix Applications, and then get gcc from SUACommunity. It has a package manager, too. Of those 3 options, this will give you behavior closest to a true Unix system.
However, the resulting applications aren't Win32 applications; they're SUA applications, and will require SUA to run. If you write code for yourself, it's usually not a problem if you write code for yourself, but if you want to write and distribute a proper Windows application, I would suggest staying away from anything that tries to emulate Unix, so MinGW it is.
Qt Creator comes with MinGW as standard and can be used to build projects that don't actually use the Qt framework.
There's an easy to install MinGW wrapped GCC at
Click "Programming Tools" then "Fortran, C, C++", download the release you prefer, install and use.
One possible method is to use CMake which can build Visual Studio project from your sources and then compile from Visual Studio. It can build project for other IDEs too, so you can go cross platform.
I think the answer depends on whether you intend to use libraries or compile programs that are targeted to POSIX or a POSIX-based target. That's what Cygwin is intended for, while MinGW is more intended for compiling Windows-targeted programs using GCC.
Another option is TDM MinGW:
It's basically an unofficial fork of MinGW with the latest GCC compiler available for both 32- and 64bit windows machines. Even some MinGW developers themselves use it.
Equation Gcc is even better: