How to get the Executable name of a window - c++

I try to get the name of executable name of all of my launched windows and my problem is that:
I use the method
UINT GetWindowModuleFileName(
HWND hwnd,
LPTSTR lpszFileName,
UINT cchFileNameMax);
And I don't understand why it doesn't work.
Data which I have about a window are: -HWND AND PROCESSID
The error is:
HWND: 00170628
ProcessId: 2336
WindowTitle: C:\test.cpp - Notepad++
GetWindowModuleFileName(): C:\test.exe
HWND: 00172138
ProcessId: 2543
WindowTitle: Firefox
GetWindowModuleFileName(): C:\test.exe
HWND: 00120358
ProcessId: 2436
WindowTitle: Mozilla Thunderbird
GetWindowModuleFileName(): C:\test.exe
Note: test.exe is the name of my executable file, but it is not the fullpath of Notepad++... and it make this for Mozilla Thunderbird too... I don't understand why
I use the function like this:
char filenameBuffer[4000];
if (GetWindowModuleFileName(hWnd, filenameBuffer, 4000) > 0)
std::cout << "GetWindowModuleFileName(): " << filenameBuffer << std::endl;
Thank you for your response.

The GetWindowModuleFileName function works for windows in the current process only.
You have to do the following:
Retrieve the window's process with GetWindowThreadProcessId.
Open the process with PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION and PROCESS_VM_READ access rights using OpenProcess.
Use GetModuleFileNameEx on the process handle.
If you really want to obtain the name of the module with which the window is registered (as opposed to the process executable), you can obtain the module handle with GetWindowLongPtr with GWLP_HINSTANCE. The module handle can then be passed to the aforementioned GetModuleFileNameEx.
TCHAR buffer[MAX_PATH] = {0};
DWORD dwProcId = 0;
GetWindowThreadProcessId(hWnd, &dwProcId);
GetModuleFileName((HMODULE)hProc, buffer, MAX_PATH);

Aaah. I read the MSDN page at the bottom.
From ( link):
GetWindowModuleFileName and GetModuleFileName correctly retrieve information about windows and modules in the calling process. In Windows 95 and 98, they return information about windows and modules in other processes. However, in Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 2000, since module handles are no longer shared by all processes as they were on Windows 95 and 98, these APIs do not return information about windows and modules in other processes.
To get more information on Windows 2000, use the Process Status Helper set of APIs (known as PSAPI, see Psapi.h include file), available since Windows NT 4.0. APIs such as GetModuleFileNameEx and GetModuleBaseName offer equivalent functionality.
Try using GetModuleFileNameEx instead. ( link)
The executive summary is, GetWindowModuleFileName() doesn't work for windows in other processes in NT-based Windows.
Instead, you can use QueryFullProcessImageName() once you have a handle to the process. You can get a handle to the process with OpenProcess(), which you can use once you have a process id. You can get the process id from the HWND by using GetWindowThreadProcessId()

This is an example of how get the name of executable that creates window, hope it can give you some ideas about:
Sleep(250);//reduce cpu usage
CHAR __name[MAX_PATH];//name buffer
HWND hwnd;//window handle
DWORD pid;//process pid
hwnd=FindWindow(NULL,NULL);//find any window
PROCESSENTRY32 entry;//process structure containing info about processes
HANDLE snapshot=CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS,0);//get processes
GetWindowThreadProcessId(hwnd,&pid);//get found window pid
if (Process32First(snapshot,&entry)==TRUE)//start listing processes
while (Process32Next(snapshot,&entry)==TRUE)
if (stricmp(entry.szExeFile,"explorer.exe")==0)
if(pid!=entry.th32ProcessID)//if found window pid is explorers one, skip it
HANDLE hProcess=OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS,FALSE,pid);//open processusing PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS to get handle
GetModuleFileNameEx(hProcess,NULL,__name,MAX_PATH);//get executable path
cout<<"Found: "<<__name<<endl;
To use GetModuleFileNameEx() you probably will need to set linker settings to link library psapi. Also include psapi.h.


How to to open a program with CreateProcess if only its name is known?

Like in the following example I'm trying to start Googles Chrome browser from a Windows application using the Windows API function CreateProcess.
The problem I have is that I dont know the path to the Chrome application (or any other application in the Program path). How can I get this?
In the code below I commented three different examples. In case I start "calc", the Calculator is started as it is in the Windows/System32 path. In case I start Chrome with the full path to the application it runs too. But if I omit the path and just try to start "chrome" I get an error #2.
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <tchar.h>
void _tmain()
char* cmd = "calc"; // works... calc.exe is in windows/system32
// char* cmd = "chrome"; // doesn't work... how can I add the path if it's not known (e.g. windows installed on D:\)
// char* cmd = "c:/program files (x86)/google/chrome/application/chrome"; // works (even without extension .exe)
ZeroMemory(&si, sizeof(si));
si.cb = sizeof(si);
ZeroMemory(&pi, sizeof(pi));
// Start the child process.
if (!CreateProcess(NULL, // No module name (use command line)
cmd, // Command line
NULL, // Process handle not inheritable
NULL, // Thread handle not inheritable
FALSE, // Set handle inheritance to FALSE
0, // No creation flags
NULL, // Use parent's environment block
NULL, // Use parent's starting directory
&si, // Pointer to STARTUPINFO structure
&pi) // Pointer to PROCESS_INFORMATION structure
printf("CreateProcess failed (%d).\n", GetLastError());
// Wait until child process exits.
WaitForSingleObject(pi.hProcess, INFINITE);
// Close process and thread handles.
Note: if I enter "chrome" (without the quotes) in the Windows Run command window, Chrome starts too. What I'm looking for is the same functionality. However, my application can reside anywhere and is not necessarily located on the same drive as Chrome.
If you really must use CreateProcess then you will need to find out where it is installed and pass the full path to the executable. That's going to require some registry hacking.
However, I feel that there is an easier and more robust way. Chrome registers itself in the AppPaths registry so ShellExecuteEx with the file specified as L"chrome" and the default verb will do the job.
This is likely to be unrelated to WinAPI and the CreateProcess function, but only to the environment variable PATH. By default, it contains the path for all standard windows commands like calc or notepad, but you must add the path for other commands that you add later, be it under Program Files or anywhere else.
What to do:
carefully note the actual path of chrome
open Control Panel / System / Advanced system parameters
click Environment variables: you will find a PATH (case does not matter) in user and system variables.
add the path for chrome on one (system is meant meant for all users)
It should now be possible to launch chrome without specifying its full path.
NB: unsure for the actual labels for all of the above, my own box speaks french...

ShellExecuteW not working well on Windows 8.1?

I call standard ShellExecuteW call on Windows8.1 to open PPS (powerpoint slide) file.
This works just fine on Windows 7. On Windows 8.1. it reports "There is no program associated to open the file". Of course, the file association is set and if file is saved and run from Explorer (double clicked) it opens just fine. I also tried to change association and to associate another program and then associate back to PPS viewer, no improvement. It just doesn't work for W8.1 but the same call works on earlier Windows.
Can anyone give me a clue what might be wrong here?
The code used to open file is very simple and I see no errors with it:
HINSTANCE hinst = ShellExecuteW(NULL, L"open", L"C:\\path\\to\\file.pps", NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL);
// Check if result is error
if ((int)hinst <= 32)
wchar_t buf[512] = { 0 };
I use free PPS viewer as found here:
I found something similar which points to that this could be a bug in Win8.1. Can anyone confirm this? Or reveal a workaround?
I found the solution myself.
The problem on W8.1 was that the verb open was not registered to the application so it used different default verb. So if the ShellExecute call is replaced with:
HINSTANCE hinst = ShellExecuteW(NULL, NULL, L"C:\\path\\to\\file.pps", NULL, NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL);
Then the system looks for a default verb which may or may not be open (usually is), so by not using this verb explicitly it leaves this decision to the system.

Genearting screenshot (BMP) with Windows Service and CreateProcessWithLogonW

I'm trying to create a screenshot application using windows service, that can capture complete screen at regular time intervals. To get started with, I took basic window service example ( and included screenshot utility class in the project and called the capture function in the onStart method of sample windows service. However, I got blank screen shots. Later I realized that windows service runs in different session and hence the screenshots are blank.
S, I decoupled the screenshot utility class and made it as a seperate project and generated a .exe out of it (which is capable of writing logs to a file where ever needed). This time, I used createProcessWithLogonW function to call the executable, so that it will run the exe in specified user domain than the default service session. The following is the code snippet I have been using.
void CSampleService::StartProcess()
WCHAR szUserProfile[256] = L"";
si.cb = sizeof(STARTUPINFO);
if (!CreateEnvironmentBlock(&lpvEnv, hToken, TRUE))
logger::Wlog(logger::fileName,"CreateEnvironmentBlock Error");
dwSize = sizeof(szUserProfile)/sizeof(WCHAR);
GetUserProfileDirectory(hToken, szUserProfile, &dwSize);
CreateProcessWithLogonW(L"admin", L"MyDomain",L"mypassword",
LOGON_WITH_PROFILE, NULL, L"C:\\Temp\\application.exe",
WaitForSingleObject(pi.hProcess, INFINITE);
I have no errors from the logs i got. when the services get initiated, it gives a warning of interactive service trying to show a message. When I click that, I received a black screenshot again. I know that there are many things involved here, I just gave a high level view of what I'm doing. Also, i'm pretty new to windows programming. Any kind of help is appreciated.
yes, i got that working. we have to acquire the active session-ID (perhaps from opened desktop) and run the process as interactive service in that session context. This should probably solve the capturing screenshots issue. If someone is looking for GUI and service interactions perhaps IPC will be the most convenient way.

How to get the full path to the Windows Explorer in C++

Can I safely assume that Windows Explorer is always started from a Windows system directory? Also, is its process always named "explorer.exe"?
And if not, how to get its full file path?
EDIT: Forgot to mention -- I need this to later find out the process ID of the Windows Explorer running in a given user session. Thus my search for its full path.
EDIT 2: Thanks everyone who contributed, and especially to sehe! After his post I found this page that explains how to set up your own shell. I made a wild test by completely replacing explorer.exe with my own process and here's the result:
Here's the full-size link if you it gets re-sized.
As you can see, I can technically replace explorer.exe with whatever process I may come up with. As you can also see in my screenshot Windows gives me a complete control over the Shell (the screenshot is my entire window.)
So the bottom line, the only way to get "explorer.exe" file path (or whatever Shell process is used) is to use those registry keys from the link I quoted above -- pretty much close to what sehe suggested, with just a few more checks to do, but it's a pretty straightforward stuff.
As for Sean Cline's suggestion, it would be a very elegant solution ONLY if we have the "stock" Windows Explorer running that comes with a tray window with that specific class name.
It is probably safe to assume that explorer.exe is always in the %windir% or %SystemRoot% as it hasn't moved for years. But, if you are trying to invoke something via Explorer, chances are you want to use the ShellExecute() function instead.
If you really do need the path, the easiest way to get it is probably with a call to SHGetKnownFolderPath() using FOLDERID_Windows as the first argument.
Here is my stab at some code knowing that you are looking for the PID of the shell process:
HWND trayWnd = FindWindow("Shell_TrayWnd", NULL);
GetWindowThreadProcessId(trayWnd, &trayPID);
It looks for the hWnd of the taskbar and finds the owning PID. You will likely need to add some error handling for the case that explorer is not running and that window does not exist - unlikely, but possible.
No you can't safely assume that and none of this has to do with C++.
Also, you didn't show any code. Here goes:
The registry key for this is Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WinLogon\Shell (see here).
#include <windows.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>
LONG GetStringRegKey(HKEY hKey, const std::wstring &strValueName, std::wstring &strValue, const std::wstring &strDefaultValue)
strValue = strDefaultValue;
WCHAR szBuffer[512];
DWORD dwBufferSize = sizeof(szBuffer);
ULONG nError;
nError = RegQueryValueExW(hKey, strValueName.c_str(), 0, NULL, (LPBYTE)szBuffer, &dwBufferSize);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == nError)
strValue = szBuffer;
return nError;
int main()
HKEY hKey;
LONG lRes = RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, L"Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\WinLogon", 0, KEY_READ, &hKey);
bool bExistsAndSuccess (lRes == ERROR_SUCCESS);
bool bDoesNotExistsSpecifically (lRes == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND);
std::wstring shell;
GetStringRegKey(hKey, L"Shell", shell, L"");
Yes to both. Windows Explorer is always located at %WINDIR%\Explorer.exe.

ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE on TerminateProcess (VS C++)

Disclaimer: This is part of the requirement of the program, so it's not meant for anything bad. Feel free to point out any misuse if you spot one. I'm a beginner in C++.
Basically, I'm trying to restart Outlook.exe on Windows using C++.
And this is the code I used to restart Outlook.
#include <TlHelp32.h>
void RestartOutlook() {
HANDLE hSnapshot = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPALL, 0);
if(Process32First(hSnapshot, &Pc)){
if(!_stricmp(Pc.szExeFile, "outlook.exe")) {
DWORD pid = Pc.th32ProcessID;
HANDLE hModuleSnapshot = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPMODULE, pid);
//kill outlook
HANDLE process = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, TRUE, pid);
DWORD fdwExit = 0;
GetExitCodeProcess(process, &fdwExit);
TerminateProcess(process, fdwExit);
char * path;
if (Module32First(hModuleSnapshot, &Mo)) {
path = Mo.szExePath;
ZeroMemory(&si, sizeof(si));
si.cb = sizeof (si);
CreateProcess(path, NULL, NULL, NULL, false, NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS,
NULL, NULL, &si, &pi);
}while(Process32Next(hSnapshot, &Pc));
The funny part is, this piece of code works perfectly fine on Windows 7. While on Windows XP (SP3), I get duplicated Outlook. The GetLastError gives me 6: ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE. I am really clueless after hours of research.
Any idea?
Anyway, C++ is not my field. I do webs :)
And the code above is a mixture of the following sources:
Environment: Windows 7, Windows XP, VS2010, Outlook 2003, Outlook 2007, Outlook 2010
I found the culprit.
The reason lies in this line:
HANDLE process = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, TRUE, pid);
According to, PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS is too large for Windows XP/NT system, or more details:
The size of the PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS flag increased on Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista. If an application compiled for Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista is run on Windows Server 2003 or Windows XP/2000, the PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS flag is too large and the function specifying this flag fails with ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED. To avoid this problem, specify the minimum set of access rights required for the operation.
Definitely I'm compiling this program on 7, while running on XP definitely causing the problem.
So the solution is, change the PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS to PROCESS_TERMINATE, which
HANDLE process = OpenProcess(PROCESS_TERMINATE, TRUE, pid);
Thanks #DReJ for quick replies :)
I get that you want Outlook to restart but calling TerminateProcess on Outlook seems like a bad idea in the first place. What if it's in the middle of writing a data file?
A better way would be to find all top-level windows that belong to Outlook, send them a WM_CLOSE and then wait for the process to exit. (You may also have to cope with the user having draft messages open which result in "are you sure" prompts, although if you are doing this in the first place then I assume you know the user isn't in the middle of something?)
An even better way would be to use Outlook's automation interface and tell it to shutdown explicitly.
Your problem maybe related to this piece of code
DWORD fdwExit = 0;
GetExitCodeProcess(process, &fdwExit);
TerminateProcess(process, fdwExit);
First, with GetExitCodeProcess you get status STILL_ACTIVE and after that you terminate process with this status which is not proper I think. Remove GetExitCodeProcess from you code and try TerminateProcess(process, 0); instead.