Not naming a type - C++ - c++

I am trying to convert an Adobe CS4 based plugin to CS5. This project has never been mine, this is the first time that i am seeing it.
When I compile the source with what i was given, I get errors like: Does not name a type
SPAPI SPErr SPBasicAcquireSuite( const char *name, int64 version, const void **suite );
I get that:
SPErr does not name a type
I dont see any classes with SPErr being defined, but I doubt that Adobe has left this out of the SDK.
I am using the PS_CS5_SDK_3 SDK

I do not have the possibility to be specific because, of course, I do not have the code. Typically this problem occurs when a type, a class, is not correctly compiled by compiler... meaning that it cannot find it and asks: "what is this?". See macros, or better inspect your code in your hpp files... Probably when porting to CS5 some types have been removed or some...


Is it possible to create a user-defined datatype in a language like C/C++(or maybe any) from a string as user input or from file

Well this might be a very weird question but my curiosity has striken pretty hard on this. So here it goes...
NOTE: Lets take the language C into consideration here.
As programmers we usually define a user-defined datatype(say struct) in the source code with the appropriate name.
Suppose I have a program in which I have a structure defined as:
struct Animal {
char *name;
int lifeSpan;
And also I have started the execution of this program.
Now, my question here is;
What if I want to define a new structure called "Plant" just like "Animal" mentioned above in my program, without writing its definition in the source code itself(which is obviously impossible currently) but rather from a user input string(or a file input) during runtime.
Lets say my program takes input string from a text file named file1.txt whose content is:
struct Plant {
char *name;
int lifeSpan;
What I want now is to have a new structure named "Plant" in my program which is already in execution. The program should read the file content and create a structure as written in the file and attach it to itself on-the-go.
I have checked out a solution for C++ in the discussion Declaring a data type dynamically in C++ but it doesnt seem to have a very convincing solution.
The solution I am looking for is at the compiler-linker-loader level rather than from the language itself.I would be very pleased and thankful if anyone is looking forward to sharing their ideas on this.
What you're asking about is basically "can we implement C as a scripting language?", since this is the only way code can be executed after compilation.
I'm aware that people have been writing (mostly in the comments) that it's possible in other languages but isn't possible in C, since C is a compiled language (hence data types should be defined during compile time).
However, to the best of my knowledge it's actually possible (and might not be as hard as one would imagine).
There are many possible approaches (machine code emulation (VM), JIT compilation, etc').
One approach will use a C compiler to compile the C script as an external dynamic library (.dll on windows, .so on linux, etc') and than "load" the compiled library and execute the code (this is pretty much the JIT compilation approach, for lazy people).
As mentioned in the comments, by using this approach, the new type is loaded as part of an external library.
The original code won't know about this new type, only the new code (or library) will be "aware" of this new type and able to properly use it.
On the other hand, I'm not sure why you're insisting on the need to use static types and a compiler-linker-loader level solution.
The language itself (the C language) can manage this task dynamically (during execution time).
Consider Ruby MRI, for example. The Ruby language supports dynamic types that can be defined during runtime...
...However, this is implemented in C and it's possible to use the code from within C to define new modules and classes. These aren't static types that can be tested during compilation (type creation and identification is performed during runtime).
This is a perfect example showing that C (as a language) can dynamically define "types".
However, this is also a poor example because Ruby's approach is slow. A custom approved can be far faster since it would avoid the huge overhead related to functionality you might not need (such as inheritance).

How can I find all places a given member function or ctor is called in g++ code?

I am trying to find all places in a large and old code base where certain constructors or functions are called. Specifically, these are certain constructors and member functions in the std::string class (that is, basic_string<char>). For example, suppose there is a line of code:
std::string foo(fiddle->faddle(k, 9).snark);
In this example, it is not obvious looking at this that snark may be a char *, which is what I'm interested in.
Attempts To Solve This So Far
I've looked into some of the dump features of gcc, and generated some of them, but I haven't been able to find any that tell me that the given line of code will generate a call to the string constructor taking a const char *. I've also compiled some code with -s to save the generated equivalent assembly code. But this suffers from two things: the function names are "mangled," so it's impossible to know what is being called in C++ terms; and there are no line numbers of any sort, so even finding the equivalent place in the source file would be tough.
Motivation and Background
In my project, we're porting a large, old code base from HP-UX (and their aCC C++ compiler) to RedHat Linux and gcc/g++ v.4.8.5. The HP tool chain allowed one to initialize a string with a NULL pointer, treating it as an empty string. The Gnu tools' generated code fails with some flavor of a null dereference error. So we need to find all of the potential cases of this, and remedy them. (For example, by adding code to check for NULL and using a pointer to a "" string instead.)
So if anyone out there has had to deal with the base problem and can offer other suggestions, those, too, would be welcomed.
Have you considered using static analysis?
Clang has one called clang analyzer that is extensible.
You can write a custom plugin that checks for this particular behavior by implementing a clang ast visitor that looks for string variable declarations and checks for setting it to null.
There is a manual for that here.
See also:
First I'd create a header like this:
#include <string>
class dbg_string : public std::string {
using std::string::string;
dbg_string(const char*) = delete;
#define string dbg_string
Then modify your makefile and add "-include dbg_string.h" to cflags to force include on each source file without modification.
You could also check how is NULL defined on your platform and add specific overload for it (eg. dbg_string(int)).
You can try CppDepend and its CQLinq a powerful code query language to detect where some contructors/methods/fields/types are used.
from m in Methods where m.IsUsing ("CClassView.CClassView()") select new { m, m.NbLinesOfCode }

C++ problems with string

I am doing some arduino development using cpp and h files and I am having some troubles using string with them. Currently I have
#include <string>
at the top of both the cpp and the h file. When I do that it gives me the error:
string: no such file or directory
If I go into the h file and change it to
#include <string.h>
then it gives me the error:
std::string has not been declared
Anytime I use the string I use: std::string to declare it. I am not using namespace std and these files were working together fine before I started to try to use string. I am new to C/C++ so I appreciate any help. Thanks!
In short, there is a way to use std::string with the Arduino.
link to the arduino STLv1.1.2
Please note that currently the harrdwareserialstream class provided by this STL should be considered broken (as per my testing, with version 1.6.5 of the IDE, and possibly anything after 1.0.6). therefore, you can't use
hardwareserialstream << "Hi there person number " << (int)i
and so on. it seems to no longer work due to taking a reference to the serial port it would interact with rather than a pointer - in short, continue using
Serial.print("Hi there person number");
Lastly the serial classes don't know what a std::string is, so if using them, give it std::string.c_str() instead
As McEricSir says in the comments, the arduino does provide its own string class, though i have found it to have problems related to memory leakage, which eventually ate all of the memory i had and the program stopped running - though this was in the arduino IDE v 1.0.5, it may have been fixed since then.
I had the same problem, and found someone who had created a version of the STL for the arduino (props to Andy Brown for this) which is a cutdown version of the SGI STL. it provides std::string, std::vector and a large amount of the STL to the arduino.
there are some things to be aware when using it though; if you have a board with very little memory, you will fill it quite quickly using the smart containers and other advanced features.
Using the Library
To use the library, you'll need to read the article, though I'll summarise the main points for you here:
simply extract the library to (assuming you are using the standard Arduino IDE) hardware\tools\avr\avr\include folder and you are good to go.
Using It
To actually use the new libraries, you need to include 2 additional things as well as the library you wanted.
firstly, you need to include the header iterator BEFORE any libraries that come from this STL - and in every file you reference the STL in.
Secondly, you also need to include the file pnew.cpp to provide an implementation of the new operator for the STL to work with.
Lastly, include any header files as you would normally.
to make use of the types gained from them, don't forget the the std:: namespace notation for them. (std::string and so on)
Bugs with it
Since Andy posted the library, there have been two bugs (that i'm aware of).
The first one Andy himself rectifies and explain in the blog post:
The compiler will spit out a typically cryptic succession of template errors, with the key error being this one:
dependent-name std::basic_string::size_type is parsed as a non-type,
but instantiation yields a type c:/program files (x86)/arduino-1.0/
hardware/tools/avr/lib/gcc/../../avr/include/string:1106: note:
say typename std::basic_string::size_type if a type is meant
Basically the STL was written a long time ago when C++ compilers were a little more forgiving around dependent types inherited from templates. These days they are rightly more strict and you are forced to explicitly say that you mean a type using the typename keyword.
Additionally, he provides the updated version for you to grab.
Lastly, there are reports in the comments about a bug in the newer versions of the IDE pertaining to the vector class where the compiler complains about the use of _M_deallocate without a prepending this->, which you can fix if you search for them inside the vector class
For your convenience
As i use this quite frequently, i've packaged up the current version, which can be found here (this includes both the fixes i have commented on)
When using this, make sure to keep an eye on your free memory, and to that end i recommend the excellent class MemoryFree Library found here
on a side note if you #include<string> inside the header you won't need to include it in the relevant .cpp file

movefile() fails error 2 or 123

I'm updating a c++ routine to move files that was written in visual studio express 2008/2010. I'm now running VS Express 2012
Obviously there are changes to the compiler because string functions have to be upgraded to strcpy_s etc. No problem. This is a console app. I never extended my C++ knowledge past C++ to C# etc. as I need little more than to be able to write small utils to do things on the command line. Still I'm able to write somewhat complex utilities.
My issue is movefile() function always fails to move with either error 2 or 123. I'm working in C:\users\alan\downloads folder so I know I have permission. I know the file is there. Small snippet of code is:
char source=".\\test.txt"; // edited for clarity.
char dest=".\\test.txt1";
printf("\nMove\n %s\n to %s\n",source,dest); // just to see what is going on
MoveFile((LPCWSTR) source, (LPCWSTR) dest);
printf("Error %u\n",GetLastError());
output is :
to .\test.txt1
Error 2
All of my strings are simple char strings and I'm not exactly sure, even after reading, what LPCWSTR was type def'd for and if this is the culprit. So to get this to compile I simply typedef'd my strings. And it compiles. But still it won't move the files.
The code is more complex in developing the source & dest variables but I've reduce it to a simple "just append a 1 to the file name" situation to see if I can just simply rename it. I thought C:\xxx\yyy\zzz\test.txt was maybe wrong in some fashion but that idea fell though with the above test. I've done it with and without the .\ same issue. I'm running out of ideas other than making my own fileopen read/write binary function to replace movefile(). I'm really against that but if I have to I will.
EDIT: I pasted the printf from original code that used FullPathName, I've corrected the snippet.
The fact that you are casting your arguments to LPCWSTR suggests that you are compiling your program with UNICODE defined, which means you are calling MoveFileW and the compiler warned about an argument type mismatch.
Inserting a cast does not fix that. You are telling the compiler to stop complaining, but you haven't actually fixed the problem (the underlying data is still wrong).
Actual solutions:
Use WCHAR as MoveFileW expects (or TCHAR/LPTSTR and the _T macro).
Explicitly call MoveFileA
Compile without UNICODE defined.
Thanks Andrew Medico. I used MoveFileA and the program seems to work now.
I'm not sure I turned off unicode, but I did change one item in the properties.
I'll need to read up on the compiler about unicode/ansi settings. But for now the issue is fixed and I'm sure I've got the idea of what I need to do. "research"!!!!

How to incorporate C++ code in Objective-C project?

I'd like to use some C++ code in an Xcode project but I don't understand either language well enough yet to know how to proceed. I've been at the Obj-C for a while and have an app on the app store, but still learning...
The code I want to use has two files with the same name and .h and .c extensions. I would think they correspond to .h and .m files in Obj-C, but they lack the #interface and #implementation structure I'm familiar with. And there's a main.c that I don't know what to do with. It looks like it's the main program - should I try to pull its code out into my primary viewController?
Maybe a link to a good tutorial? Maybe this question's too vague...
FYI - the code I want to use is for calculating sunrise and sunset times, and is located at:
Thanks for the suggestions - I will probably have to do some more learning before I get this. But I made some progress...
In main.c (seems weird to have a file called that...) there is a function(?) like this:
int mainFunction(int argc, char *argv[])
// a bunch of function-y stuff
It was called main but I changed it to mainFunction to get rid of an error. Now it compiles and I can call it but the compiler warns me thus: warning: implicit declaration of function 'mainFunction' and it crashes after I call it.
Now it compiles and I can call it but the compiler warns me thus: warning: implicit declaration of function 'mainFunction' and it crashes after I call it.
This is because, where you use this function, you do not forward-declare or include the declaration of the function. In your Objective-C code, you should add the following bit of code:
int mainFunction(int argc, char *argv[]);
Also note that the ".c" file extension is C code, not C++. Since Objective-C is a superset of C, you could just as easily change the extension to ".m", and you'd still get the same error since you need this forward declaration. I would strongly recommend familiarizing yourself with both C and C++ code before venturing into the world of Objective-C. If you wish to forgoe learning C++, then at the very least, you should strengthen your C knowledge before going into Objective-C, as the C fundamentals apply.
First of all, if your files have a .c extension, they are almost certainly C and not C++. All you have to do is add them to the project and target and include the relevant .h file in the Objective-C where you call the C functions.
Now the fact that you used to have a function called main() tells us that you had a stand alone program. Every stand alone program has to have a function called main(), it's the entry point for the program. Your Objective-C application will have a function main() already which is why you were getting an error. You can take the approach of renaming the duplicate and calling it but there are a number of pitfalls with that approach.
As you found out, you need a function prototype to stop the implicit declaration warning. This should be
int mainFunction(int argc, char* argv[]);
and should be in a header that you include in the .m file where you want to call it.
In C, certain assumptions are made about the parameters. argc is the number of char*s in argv. argv[0] is conventionally the name of the program as invoked on the command line. So argc must be at least 1 and argv[0] must point to a string. The remaining char*s in argv point to the command line parameters.
Typically, a command line program expects to be able to accept input from the keyboard and display output on the screen. This is done through three file descriptors: stdin, stdout and stderr. Stdin is for input, stdout is for normal output and stderr is for output of error and other 'out of band' messages. Intercepting these file descriptors in a GUI application is non trivial.
I suggest you work through the basics of C to gain an understanding of it. You can probably learn enough to progress your project in a day or two. The classic text is The C Programming Language. It's still one of the best IMHO.
There is a chapter in the Objective-C 2.0 guide here:
Basically you can mix C++ and objective-C, but there are a couple of pitfalls. It sounds like you may need to learn more about C++ in general before you explore the nuances of objective-C++
Rename sources from .m to .mm, then they become Objective C++. You can instantiate and call C++ classes from Objective C code and vice versa. You cannot, though, derive ObjC classes from C++ classes and vice versa. Also, mind the calling conventions - the global functions in .m files are extern "C" as far as .mm/.cpp files are concerned.
Linking together .mm and .cpp works fine, too.
There are not many tutorials about this unfortunately. I think this has been asked a couple of times in stackoverflow, so searching here will give you some hints. The first pitfall you would want to avoid is, you need to use the ".mm" extension for your obj-c files to enable the c++ extension.
Adding C++ Object to Objective-C Class
One last pointer is, look at opensource projects e.g. chrome to see how they mix up obj-c and C++. Google search is also your friend :).