What does using RESTful URLs buy me? - web-services

I've been reading up on REST, and I'm trying to figure out what the advantages to using it are. Specifically, what is the advantage to REST-style URLs that make them worth implementing over a more typical GET request with a query string?
Why is this URL:
Considered inferior to this?
In the above examples (taken from here) the second URL is indeed more elegant looking and concise. But it comes at a cost... the first URL is pretty easy to implement in any web language, out of the box. The second requires additional code and/or server configuration to parse out values, as well as additional documentation and time spent explaining the system to junior programmers and justifying it to peers.
So, my question is, aside from the pleasure of having URLs that look cool, what advantages do RESTful URLs gain for me that would make using them worth the cost of implementation?

The hope is that if you make your URL refer to a noun then there is a better chance that you will implement the HTTP verbs correctly. Beyond that there is absolutely no advantage of one URL versus another.
The reality is that the contents of an URL are completely irrelevant to a RESTful system. It is simply an identifier.
It's not what it looks like, it is what you do with it that is important.

One way of looking at REST:
http://tomayko.com/writings/rest-to-my-wife (which has now been taken down, sadly, but can still be see on web.archive.org)
So anyway, HTTP—this protocol Fielding
and his friends created—is all about
applying verbs to nouns. For instance,
when you go to a web page, the browser
does an HTTP GET on the URL you type
in and back comes a web page.
Instead, the large majority are busy
writing layers of complex
specifications for doing this stuff in
a different way that isn’t nearly as
useful or eloquent. Nouns aren’t
universal and verbs aren’t
polymorphic. We’re throwing out
decades of real field usage and proven
technique and starting over with
something that looks a lot like other
systems that have failed in the past.
We’re using HTTP but only because it
helps us talk to our network and
security people less. We’re trading
simplicity for flashy tools and

One thing that jumps out at me (nice question by the way) is what they describe. The first describes an operation (getPart), the second describes a resource (part 00345).
Also, maybe you couldn't use other HTTP verbs with the first - you'd need a new method for putPart, for example. The second can be reused with different verbs (like PUT, DELETE, POST) to 'manipulate' the resource? I suppose you're also kinda saying GET twice - once with the verb, again in the method, so the second is more consistent with the intent of the HTTP protocol?

One that I always like as a savvy web-user, but certainly shouldn't be used as a guiding principle for when to use such a URL scheme is that those types of URLs are "hackable". In particular for things like blogs where I can just edit a date or a page number within a URL instead of having to find where the "next page" button is.

The biggest advantage of REST IMO is that it allows a clean way to use the HTTP Verbs (which are the most important on REST services). Actually, using REST means you are using the HTTP protocol and its verbs.
Using your urls, and imagining you want to post a "part", instead of getting it
First case should be like this:
You are using a GET where you should have used a post
While on a REST context, it should be
and on the body, (for example) a xml like this

URI semantics are defined by RFC 2396. The extracts particularly pertinent to this question are 3.3. "Path Component":
The path component contains data, specific to the authority (or the
scheme if there is no authority component), identifying the resource
within the scope of that scheme and authority.
And 3.4 "Query Component":
The query component is a string of information to be interpreted by
the resource.
Note that the query component is not part of the resource identifier, it is merely information to be interpreted by the resource.
As such, the resource being identified by your first example is actually just /parts/getPart. If your intention is that the URL should identify one specific part resource then the first example does not do that, whereas the second one (/parts/00345) does.
So the 'advantage' of the second style of URL is that it is semantically correct, whereas the first one is not.

"The second requires additional code
and/or server configuration to parse
out values,"
Really? You choose a poor framework, then. My experience is that the RESTful version is exactly the same amount of code. Maybe I just lucked into a cool framework.
"as well as additional documentation
and time spent explaining the system
to junior programmers"
Only once. After they get it, you shouldn't have to explain it again.
"and justifying it to peers."
Only once. After they get it, you shouldn't have to explain it again.

Don't use query/search parts in URLs which aren't queries or searches, if you do that - according to the URL spec - you are likely implying something about that resource that you don't really want to.
Use query parts for resources that are a subset of some bigger resource - pagination is a good example of where this could be applied.


How to offer lists of valid values for parameters in a RESTful API?

This is more a conceptual than technical question, I guess. Suppose I have a REST API for dealing with a huge rent-a-car fleet.
The API is modelled around the business entities/resources in the very standard and coherent (even if controversial) way like that:
/cars/1234 - detailed data about a certain car
/clients/5678 - detailed data about a certain client
/cars - a list of cars and their URIs
/clients - a list of clients
However, the fleet is huge and a list of all cars is not that useful. I would rather have it filtered, like:
GET /cars?type=minivan
For properly using the "type" parameter, I should have a list of valid values such as "minivan", "convertible", "station-wagon", "hatchback", "sedan", etc. Ok, there are not that many kinds of cars out there, but let´s suppose this list is something too big for an enum in the API´s Swagger definition.
So... What would be the most consistent and natural way for a REST API to offer a list of valid values for a query parameter like that?
As a subordinated resource like /cars/types ? This would break the /cars/{id} URL pattern, isn´t it?
As a separate resource such as /tables/cars/types? This would break the consistency around the main resources of the business model itself, right?
As part of the body of a response for OPTIONS /cars ? It looks like the "RESTfullest" way to me, but some of my coworkers disagree, and OPTIONS seems to be rarely used for things like that.
Maybe as part of a response to GET /cars?&metadata=values or something alike? The "values" here would seem more semantically related to the returned data than to the query parameters, isn´t it?
Anything else?
I have googled and searched in SO for some recommendations about this particular subject, but I could not find anything to help me with arguments for such a decision...
Thank you!
Fabricio Rocha
Brasilia, Brasil
"a good REST API is like an ugly website" -- Rickard Öberg
So how would you do it in a website? Well, you'd probably have a link that goes to a form, and the form would have a list control / radio buttons with semantic cues for each option, with the expectation that the user would select a value from the options available, and the user agent would encode that value into the URL of the GET request when the form was submitted.
So in REST, you do the same thing. In the initial response, you would include a link to your "form" resource; and when a user agent gets the form resource you return a hypermedia representation of your form, with the available options encoded within it, and when the form is submitted your resources pick the client choice(s) out of the query part of the identifier.
But you probably aren't doing REST: it's a colossal PITA, and the benefits of the REST architecture constraints probably don't pay off in your context. So you are likely just looking for a reasonable spelling of an identifier for a resource that returns a message with a list of options.
As a subordinated resource like /cars/types ? This would break the /cars/{id} URL pattern, isn´t it?
Assuming your routing implementation can handle the ambiguity, that's a fine choice. You might consider whether there's just one list, or different lists for different contexts, and how to handle that.
As a separate resource such as /tables/cars/types? This would break the consistency around the main resources of the business model itself, right?
Remember OO programming and encapsulation? Decoupling the API from the underlying data model is a good thing.
That said, I'm personally not fond of the "tables" as an element in your hierarchy. If you wanted to head that direction, I'd suggest /dimensions -- it's a spelling you might use if you were designing a data warehouse
As part of the body of a response for OPTIONS /cars ? It looks like the "RESTfullest" way to me, but some of my coworkers disagree, and OPTIONS seems to be rarely used for things like that.
Yikes! RFC 7231 suggests that a very confusing idea.
The OPTIONS method requests information about the communication options available for the target resource, at either the origin server or an intervening intermediary.
(emphasis added). When writing APIs for the web, you should always be keeping in mind that a client request may go through intermediaries that you do not control; your ability to provide a good experience in those circumstances depends on not confusing the intermediaries by deviating from the uniform interface.
Maybe as part of a response to GET /cars?&metadata=values or something alike?
For the most part, machines are pretty comfortable with any spelling. URI design guidelines normally focus on the human audience. I think that particular spelling will confuse your human consumers, especially if /cars?... would otherwise identify the resource that is a search result.
Anything else? I still feel that what people expect to find under /cars is... a bunch of cars (their representations, I mean), not a list of values among them...
So let's change up your question a little bit
What would be the most consistent and natural way for a REST API to document a list of valid values for a query parameter like that?
If there's one thing the web is really good for, it is documenting things. Pick almost any well documented web API, and pay careful attention to where you are reading about the endpoints -- that will give you some good ideas.
For instance, you could look at the StackExchange API where
tells you everything you need to know about the family of resources resources at
Types, unsurprisingly, are documented like:
If you wanted to be sexy about it, you could use Accept-Type to negotiate a redirect to either human readable documentation or machine readable documentation.
I'm in a similar situation but I have a large number of fields each of which has a large number of possible values, and in some cases the values come from a hierarchy so my field is an array of strings. (Borrowing from your example: you might want to record the plant that manufactured the car but rather than a 1-dimensional list these are organised by: continent, country, and state).
I think I'll implement a /taxonomies resource to provide all the data to users. I see WordPress uses a similar scheme (http://v2.wp-api.org/reference/taxonomies/) although I haven't studied it closely yet.

tastypie: why reference objects using uris rather than ids?

When creating or editing a model that contains a reference/foreign key to another object, you have to use the uri of that object. For example, imagine we have two classes: User and Group. Each Group has many Users and each User can belong to exactly one group.
Then, if we are creating a User, we might send an object that looks like this:
{"name":"John Doe", "group":"/path/to/group/1/"}
instead of
{"name":"John Doe", "group_id":1}
I believe this is related to one of the principles of HATEOAS, but I can't find the rationale for using the resource uri rather than the id. What are some reasons for using the uri?
(I'm not interested in opinions about which is better, but in any resources that can help me understand this design choice.)
I'll take a stab
The simplest reason is that surrogate keys like your 1 only mean something within the boundaries of your system. They are meaningless outside of the system.
Expanding on this, you could build your app such that there's no limitations on the URLs that identify groups, only the conformance of the resources gathered from the response of those URLS. Someone could add a user in your system that is in a group in the FaceBook system, as long as the two systems could negotiate what a group is. There are standards for concepts like group, and it's not impossible to do such a thing.
This is how most web apps work. EG: the citation links in a wikipedia article which can point to any other article (until the wiki trolls remove it for not being an appropriate citation resource...)
having your app work like this gets you closer to RESTful conformance. Whether or not you consider RESTful architecture a good idea is what you asked us not to discuss, so i won't.
Another often cited benefit would be the ability for you to completely re-key your setup. You may dismiss this at first...but if you really use 1 for id's, that's probably an int or long, and you'll soon run out of those. Also such an id means you have to sequence them appropriately. At some point you may wish you had used a guid as your id's. Anyone holding on to your old ID scheme would be considered legacy. The URLs give you a little abstraction from this..old url's remain a legacy thing, but it's easier to identify a legacy url than it is to identify a legacy id (granted not much...it's pretty easy to know if you're getting a long or a guid, but a bit easier to see a url as /old/path/group/1 vs /new/path/group/). Generally using URLs gives you a little more forward compatibility and room to grow.
I also find providing URLs as identifiers makes it very easy for a client to retrieve information about that thing. the self link is so VERY convenient. Suppose i have some reference to a group:1....what good is that? How many UI's are going to show a control that says "add group 1". You'll want to show more. If you pass around URLs as identifiers of selections then clients can always retrieve more information about what that selection actually is. In some apps you could pass around the whole object (which would include the id) to deal with this, but it's nice to just save the URL for later retrieval (think bookmarks). Even more importantly it's always nice to be able to refresh that object regularly in order to get the latest state of it. A self link can do that very nicely, and i'd argue it's useful enough to always include...and if an always included self link identifies the resource...why do you need to also provide your surrogate key as a secondary identifier?
One side note. I try to avoid services that require a url as a parameter. I'd prefer to create the user, than have the service offer up possible group memberships as links, then have the client choose to request those state transitions from non-membership to membership. If you need to "create the user with groups" i'd go with intermediate states prior to actual submission/commitment of the new user to the service. I've found the less inputs the client has to provide, the easier the application is to use.

REST opaque links and frontend of app

In REST URIs should be opaque to the client.
But when you build interactive javascript-based web-client for your application you actually have two clients! One for interaction with server and other one for users (actual GUI). Of course you will want to have friendly URIs, good enough to answer the question "where am I now?".
It's easier when a server just respond with HTML so people can just click on links and don't care about structure. Server provides URIs, server receives URIs.
It's easier with desktop client. The same staff. Just a button "show the resource" and user doesn't care what the URI is.
It's complicated with browser clients. There is the address bar. This leads to the fact that low-level part of web-client relies on the URIs structure of a server. Which is not RESTful.
It seems like the space between frontend and backend of the application is too tight for REST.
Does it mean that REST is not a good choice for reactive interactive js-based browser clients?
I think you're a little confused...
First of all, your initial assumption is flawed. URI opacity doesn't mean URIs have to be cryptic. It only means that clients should not rely on URI semantics for interaction. Friendly URIs are not only allowed, they are encouraged for the exact same reason you talk about: it's easier for developers to know what's going on.
Roy Fielding made that clear in the REST mailing list years ago, but it seems like that's a myth that won't go away easily:
REST does not require that a URI be opaque. The only place where the
word opaque occurs in my dissertation is where I complain about the
opaqueness of cookies. In fact, RESTful applications are, at all
times, encouraged to use human-meaningful, hierarchical identifiers in
order to maximize the serendipitous use of the information beyond what
is anticipated by the original application.
Second, you say it's easier when a server just respond with HTML so people can just follow links and don't care about structure. Well, that's exactly what REST is supposed to do. REST is merely a more formal and abstract definition of the architecture style of the web itself. Do some research on REST and HATEOAS.
Finally, to answer your question, whether REST is a good choice for you is not determined by client implementation details like that. You can have js-based clients, no problem, but the need to do that isn't reason enough to worry too much about getting REST right. REST is a good choice if you have projects with long term integration, maintainability and evolution goals. If you need something quick, that won't change a lot, or won't be integrated with a lot of different clients and services, don't worry too much about REST.

Can you help clarify some points regarding RESTful services and Code Generation?

I've been struggling with understanding a few points I keep reading regarding RESTful services. I'm hoping someone can help clarify.
1a) There seems to be a general aversion to generated code when talking about RESTful services.
1b) The argument that if you use a WADL to generate a client for a RESTful service, when the service changes - so does your client code.
Why I don't get it: Whether you are referencing a WADL and using generated code or you have manually extracted data from a RESTful response and mapped them to your UI (or whatever you're doing with them) if something changes in the underlying service it seems just as likely that the code will break in both cases. For instance, if the data returned changes from FirstName and LastName to FullName, in both instances you will have to update your code to grab the new field and perhaps handle it differently.
2) The argument that RESTful services don't need a WADL because the return types should be well-known MIME types and you should already know how to handle them.
Why I don't get it: Is the expectation that for every "type" of data a service returns there will be a unique MIME type in existence? If this is the case, does that mean the consumer of the RESTful services is expected to read the RFC to determine the structure of the returned data, how to use each field, etc.?
I've done a lot of reading to try to figure this out for myself so I hope someone can provide concrete examples and real-world scenarios.
REST can be very subtle. I've also done lots of reading on it and every once in a while I went back and read Chapter 5 of Fielding's dissertation, each time finding more insight. It was as clear as mud the first time (all though some things made sense) but only got better once I tried to apply the principles and used the building blocks.
So, based on my current understanding let's give it a go:
Why do RESTafarians not like code generation?
The short answer: If you make use of hypermedia (+links) There is no need.
Context: Explicitly defining a contract (WADL) between client and server does not reduce coupling enough: If you change the server the client breaks and you need to regenerate the code. (IMHO even automating it is just a patch to the underlying coupling issue).
REST helps you to decouple on different levels. Hypermedia discoverability is one of the goods ones to start with. See also the related concept HATEOAS
We let the client “discover” what can be done from the resource we are operating on instead of defining a contract before. We load the resource, check for “named links” and then follow those links or fill in forms (or links to forms) to update the resource. The server acts as a guide to the client via the options it proposes based on state. (Think business process / workflow / behavior). If we use a contract we need to know this "out of band" information and update the contract on change.
If we use hypermedia with links there is no need to have “separate contract”. Everything is included within the hypermedia – why design a separate document? Even URI templates are out of band information but if kept simple can work like Amazon S3.
Yes, we still need a common ground to stand on when transferring representations (hypermedia), so we define your own media types or use widely accepted ones such as Atom or Micro-formats. Thus, with the constraints of basic building blocks (link + forms + data - hypermedia) we reduce coupling by keeping out of band information to a minimum.
As first it seems that going for hypermedia does not change the impact of change :) : But, there are subtle differences. For one, if I have a WADL I need to update another doc and deploy/distribute. Using pure hypermedia there is no impact since it's embedded. (Imagine changes rippling through a complex interweave of systems). As per your example having FirstName + LastName and adding FullName does not really impact the clients, but removing First+Last and replacing with FullName does even in hypermedia.
As a side note: The REST uniform interface (verb constraints - GET, PUT, POST, DELETE + other verbs) decouples implementation from services.
Maybe I'm totally wrong but another possibility might be a “psychological kick back” to code generation: WADL makes one think of the WSDL(contract) part in “traditional web services (WSDL+SOAP)” / RPC which goes against REST. In REST state is transferred via hypermedia and not RPC which are method calls to update state on the server.
Disclaimer: I've not completed the referenced article in detail but I does give some great points.
I have worked on API projects for quite a while.
To answer your first question.
Yes, If the services return values change (Ex: First name and Last name becomes Full Name) your code might break. You will no longer get the first name and last name.
You have to understand that WADL is a Agreement. If it has to change, then the client needs to be notified. To avoid breaking the client code, we release a new version of the API.
The version 1.0 will have First Name and last name without breaking your code. We will release 1.1 version which will have the change to Full name.
So the answer in short, WADL is there to stay. As long as you use that version of the API. Your code will not break. If you want to get full name, then you have to move to the new versions. With lot of code generation plugins in the technology market, generating the code should not be a issue.
To answer your next question of why not WADL and how you get to know the mime types.
WADL is for code generation and serves as a contract. With that you can use JAXB or any mapping framework to convert the JSON string to generated bean objects.
If not WADL, you don't need to inspect every element to determine the type. You can easily do this.
var obj =
alert( obj.name === "John" );
Let me know, If you have any questions.

How do you document a tree-to-tree transformation in a human-readable format?

I need to document an application that serves as a facade for a set of webservices. The application accepts SOAP requests and transforms these requests into a format understandable by the underlying web service. There are several such services, each with its own interface. Some accept SOAP, some HTTP POST, some... other formats not mentioned in polite society.
I need to document how we map the fields from our SOAP calls to the fields for these other formats. Before everyone cries "XSLT" I must mention that the notation must be human-friendly. Ideally it would be something Excel-able.
Has anyone encountered this sort of problems before? How did you solve it? Is there a human-friendly notation for tree-to-tree transformations that can fit on a spreadsheet?
I've had to do just this. The way I did it was to just start writing, following the hierarchical structure.
I eventually would find that I was repeating myself. An example was that certain elements had a common set of attributes. I would pull the documentation of that common set up before the sections on the specific elements. Same thing with documentation of handling of specific simpleTypes.
Eventually, there was even some high level discussion on the overall flow and "philosophy" of the transformation. But I let it all happen bit by bit, fixing it as I became bored with repetition.
That said, I'm a developer, not a tech writer.
I haven't really found anything so far, but I've found pointers to many libraries that help transform objects of one type to another in Java. For reference, I'm listing the most promising ones here, all doing some kind of JavaBean to JavaBean conversion: