I have a task to implement "void makeAmbigram(char*)" that will print on screen ambigram of latin string or return something like 'ambigram not possible'. Guess it's just about checking if string contains only of SNOXZHI and printing string backwards. Or am I wrong ?
I'm a complete noob when dealing with cpp so that's what I've created :
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
char[] ret_str(char* s)
if(*s != '\0')
return s;
void makeAmbigram(char* c)
/* finding chars XIHNOZS and printing ambigram */
int main()
reversed = ret_str(words);
return 0;
I can reverse string but how to check if my reversed string contains only needed chars ?
I've found some function but it's hard or even imposible to implement it for greater amount of chars : www.java2s.com/Code/C/String/Findcharacterinstringhowtousestrchr.htm
You need to allocate space in your arrays or use std::vector. The arrays word and reversed are just pointers and no space is allocated. The C++ language does not support dynamic arrays; however, the STL provides std::vector which dynamically allocates space as required.
#define MAX_LETTERS 64
char words[MAX_LETTERS + 1]; // + 1 for terminating nul character ('\0')
char reversed[MAX_LETTERS + 1];
#include <string>
std::string words;
std::string reversed;
#include <vector>
std::vector<char> words;
std::vector<char> reversed;
As far as the ambigram rules go, you need to talk to your instructor. Also, if this is homework, add a tag indicating so.
Hint: The std::string data type has some reverse iterators which may be of use to you.
std::string has an entire family of member functions along the lines of find_first_of. You can pass in a string containing all the letters your ambigram test requires, and they'll find whether any of those letters are present in the source string.
The complete list of string functions is available here.
As for the definition of ambigrams, given the wiki page you've included in the question...you need to check if a letter is legible if viewed upside down, for eg. u/n, w/m, d/p, q/b and so on. There are of course more complex rules was well, for eg. 'ui' can resemble 'm' if viewed upside down.
However, if you're only required to check if your string contains only SNOXZHI, you can look into a regular expression (regex) for the same, and compare input string character-wise to your regex.
Important note: string (C++ object) and any other library such as array or vectors that could store unlimited characters cannot be used.
For my question:
We are given input 1, which is a sentence of unlimited characters. eg. Life is Beautiful.
Input 2: character who's location we have to find using the reference point (the middle character in input 1 after it is sorted and repeating characters are deleted) taken as zero. eg. fee.
An example:
Input 1: Life is beautiful
Input 2: see
Output: 2, -2, -2
Explanation: So firstly, we remove any spaces from input 1 and make all lowercase, then sort it in ascending order after which we find the reference letter (For above example, it's 'i'). We remove the repeating characters and then finally, put positions to character in input 1.
Example 2
Input 1: abcde
Input 2: aad
Output: -2, -2, 1
If the input 2 contains reference point, then the code returns zero.
An example:
Input 1: abcde
Input 2: cab
Output: 0
The input1 is always odd and input2 is always 10 character max.
The problem I have is that I am not sure how to store these inputs without using strings, array etc. And even if I know how to store them, I cannot compare the inputs like input1[1] = input2[1] because we cannot use arrays/strings.
Is list an useful option with regards to important note?
I have mostly done it with the use of array but not sure how to approach it without the array. I tried to loop a character but it only stores the first character.
My practice code:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
char input1;
for(int i =0; i < 3; i++ ) //for chacking whether the loops work or not.
cin >> input1;
cout<< input1;
char input2;
Please add any relevant tags.
I hope all the edits help.
KushanMehta proposed a C-ish solution. A more C++ one would be to implement a class wrapping a dynamic array of elements. In C++ it could be:
template <class T>
class MyArr {
T *arr; // a pointer to the dynamic array
size_t len; // the used length
size_t capacity; // the allocated capacity
As it contains a pointer to dynamic array, you cannot rely on default members, and should implement copy and move constructor and assignation operator and a destructor.
In order to be able to use all the goodies of C++ algorithm library, you should declare [c]begin() and [c]end() functions pointing to beginning of array and one past last element.
const T* cbegin() const {
return arr;
const T* cend() const {
return arr + len;
Then you need a subclass for characters implementing some methods to convert all characters to lower case and remove spaces, sort the array and remove duplicates. You should write io specializations for operator << and >> to be able to input strings from stdin and output them
The MyArr class can be used directly to store the resul value: just derive a specialization for int elements and implement the required specifications.
That may not be really easy, but you will learn C++ that way (not C)
You could do one thing to store the sentences by the use of dynamic memory for each character (sounds absurd but it is the only possible thing without actually worrying about the size of the input)
Meaning you take input till the user wants, in the meanwhile you can use malloc and realloc() for each new character, incrementing the size of your pointer to char for every new character.
(This is probably the way vector etc works on the naive level - not sure of this though)
Code snippet for the same:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
char temp;
char *sentence = (char*) malloc(2*sizeof(char));
int counter = 0;
while( cin>>temp ){
sentence[counter++] = temp;
sentence = (char*) realloc(sentence, (counter+2)*sizeof(char));
sentence[counter] = '\0';
cout<<"The sentence is"<<endl<<strlen(sentence)<<endl<<sentence;
I was doing a relatively simple string problem in UVa's online judge to practice with strings since I've been having a hard time with them in C. The problem basically asks to check if a string B contains another string A if you remove the 'clutter' and concatenate the remaining characters, for example if "ABC" is contained in "AjdhfmajBsjhfhC" which in this case is true.
So, my question is how can I efficiently allocate memory for a string which I don't know its length? What I did was to make a string really big char Mstring[100000], read from input and then use strlen(Mstring) to copy the string the a properly sized char array. Something like :
char Mstring[100000];
int length = strlen(Mstring);
char input[length+1]={0};
for(int i = 0; i<length;i++){
Is there a better/standard way to do this in C? I know that C does not has a great support for strings, if there is not a better way to do it in C maybe in C++?
If you have the option of using C++ (as you mentioned), that is going to make your life a lot easier. You can then use a STL string (std::string) which manages dynamically sized strings for you. You can also drop the old scanf() beast and use std::cin.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
void main()
std::string sInput;
std::getline(std::cin, sInput);
// alternatively, you could execute this line instead:
// std::cin >> sInput;
// but that will tokenize input based on whitespace, so you
// will only get one word at a time rather than an entire line
Describing how to manage strings that can grow dynamically in C will take considerably more explanation and care, and it sounds like you really don't need that. If so, however, here is a starting point: http://www.strchr.com/dynamic_arrays.
Sort of an odd question- how would I go about generating a character string that doesn't match any in a set of strings? I don't want to make any assumptions about the strings. Solution is ideally STL based, but doesn't have to be
vector<string> strings;
string unMatching = generateUnmatching(strings); //this is the function I want
assert(find(strings.begin(), strings.end(), unMatching) == strings.end());
One way is to use diagonalization:
Start with an empty string s.
Look at the first character of the first string in the set. Choose any character other than that one, and append it to s.
Look at the second character of the second string in the set. Choose any character other than that one, and append it to s.
Follow the same pattern, always looking at the ith character of the ith string and appending a different character to s.
When you've finished with the last string in the set, s will differ from every string in the set in at least one position.
Another method would be to copy the longest string in the set and append any character to the copy. This new string will be different from every string in the set.
There are all kinds of other ways to accomplish the same thing. Adding some constraints to the problem would help in selecting an algorithm that makes the most sense for your problem. For example, you might decide to generate the shortest string that doesn't match any string in the set, or one with the lowest lexigraphic sort value, or one with the smallest number of characters in common with the other strings, or...
If you really don't have any requirement about the result string, you could simply do:
string answer = "a";
while (find(strings.begin(), strings.end(), unMatching) != strings.end())
answer += "a";
Apparently it doesn't seem to be what you want.
Here's the optimized solution that helps you find the shortest possible answer in the least amount of time:
Build a trie with your character set.
Do a breadth-first search from the root node, the first encountered empty node would be the shortest answer.
The time complexity of the optimized implementation is O(number_of_characters_in_all_strings), while a simple implementation with vector loop and lookup would be O(number_of_strings*lenth_of_string).
You could use a uuid generator, like the one from boost:
#include <boost/uuid/uuid.hpp>
#include <boost/uuid/uuid_io.hpp>
#include <boost/uuid/uuid_generators.hpp>
int main()
using namespace boost::uuids;
random_generator gen;
uuid u = gen();
std::string s = to_string(u);
std::cout << s;
you can use a random number generator (an example below) I think the ascii printable characters start at 33 and end at 127 and from -1 to -95
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h> //only for printf
#define RANDINT(r) ((int)(r * (float)random() /(float)RAND_MAX + 0.5))
#define OFFSETRANDINT(r,o) (RANDINT(r) + o)
#define RANDINTX2Y(x,y) (OFFSETRANDINT((y-x),x))
int main(){
srandom(time(NULL)); // important to call this first, but only once
printf("%d\n",RANDINT(2147483647)); //a random int between 0 and 2147483647
printf("%d\n",OFFSETRANDINT(10,10)); //starting # 10 with a range of 10 (10-20)
printf("%d\n",RANDINTX2Y(0,10)); //between 0 and 10
you may need to cast the int to (char) so that you can store it in a string
then you can use either strstr or strcasestr depending on whether case matters
just strcat each string onto the "haystack" if it returns ! TRUE
#include <string.h>
char *strstr(const char *haystack, const char *needle);
char *strcasestr(const char *haystack, const char *needle);
is there anyway to find out how many times a word repeated in a text .
the text is in character arrays (char[])
text = this is a book,and this book
is about book.
word = book
result = 3
Because this is clearly homework and not tagged as such, I'll give you a solution you clearly can't submit as your assignment because your teacher will know you got it on the internet.
There were no requirements such as ignoring punctuation, so I've allowed myself to write a version that only works for clearly separated words and thus inserted spaces in your sample text string.
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
// Count clearly separated occurrences of `word` in `text`.
std::size_t count ( const std::string& text, const std::string& word )
std::istringstream input(text);
return (std::count(std::istream_iterator<std::string>(input),
std::istream_iterator<std::string>(), word));
int main ( int, char ** )
const char text[] = "this is a book , and this book is about book .";
const char word[] = "book";
std::cout << count(text, word) << std::endl;
You might want to implement this using std::string and here is a sample for you to start from.
The simplest way would be to loop through the string, counting the number of times that you find the word that you're looking for. I'm sure that you could use a function in <algorithm> to do it fairly easily, but if you have to ask whether it's possible to do this in C++, I wouldn't think that you're advanced enough to try using the algorithm library, and doing it yourself would be more instructional anyway.
I would suggest using std::string though if you're allowed to (since this question does sound like homework, which could carry additional restrictions). Using std::string is easier and less error-prone than char arrays. It can be done with both though.
It is possible.
You have an array of characters. Try to do the search on a piece of paper, character by character:
First character is a T. This is not a b, so it can't be the first character of "book"
Second character is a h, so again, it is not b...
The next character is a b... Oah, this could be it. Is the next character a o? YES!!! And then next another o???... etc. etc..
When you can do it this way, you will be able to use C++ to do it.
Remember that you can access the n-th character in an array by using the [] operator:
char c = array[5] ; // c is the 6th character in the array
Now, going toward the C++ way would be, at first, to use a std::string instead of an array of chars, and use the strings methods. Google for std::string methods, and I guess you should find somes that you could use...
So you should manage to write some code that will iterate each character until the end
I guess this should be more than enough.
The point of your homework (because everyone here knows this is a homework question) is more about searching for the solution than finding it: This is not rote learning.
I doubt anyone on Stack Overflow remembers the solution to this classical problem. But I guess most will know how to find one solution. You need to learn the "how to find" mindset, so get your compiler and try again...
P.S.: Of course, if you know little or nothing of C++, then you're screwed, and you could start by Googling some C++ Tutorials.
I am very confused about when to use string (char) and when to use string pointers (char pointers) in C++. Here are two questions I'm having.
which one of the following two is correct?
string subString;
subString = anotherString.sub(9);
string *subString;
subString = &anotherString.sub(9);
which one of the following two is correct?
char doubleQuote = aString[9];
if (doubleQuote == "\"") {...}
char *doubleQuote = &aString[9];
if (doubleQuote == "\"") {...}
None of them are correct.
The member function sub does not exist for string, unless you are using another string class that is not std::string.
The second one of the first question subString = &anotherString.sub(9); is not safe, as you're storing the address of a temporary. It is also wrong as anotherString is a pointer to a string object. To call the sub member function, you need to write anotherString->sub(9). And again, member function sub does not exist.
The first one of the second question is more correct than the second one; all you need to do is replace "\"" with '\"'.
The second one of the second question is wrong, as:
doubleQuote does not refer to the 10th character, but the string from the 10th character onwards
doubleQuote == "\"" may be type-wise correct, but it doesn't compare equality of the two strings; it checks if they are pointing to the same thing. If you want to check the equality of the two strings, use strcmp.
In C++, you can (and should) always use std::string (while remembering that string literals actually are zero-terminated character arrays). Use char* only when you need to interface with C code.
C-style strings need error-prone manual memory management, need to explicitly copy strings (copying pointers doesn't copy the string), and you need to pay attention to details like allocating enough memory to have the terminating '\0' fit in, while std::string takes care of all this automagically.
For the first question, the first sample, assuming sub will return a substring of the provided string.
For the second, none:
char doubleQuote = aString[9];
if( doubleQuote == '\"') { ... }
Erm, are you using string from STL?
(i.e. you have something like
#include <string>
#using namespace std;
in the beginning of your source file ;) )
then it would be like
string mystring("whatever:\"\""");
char anElem = mystring[9];
if (anElem=="\"") { do_something();}
or you can write
instead of square brackets.
May be these examples can help.