generating a 3d graphics c++ - c++

I have found an interesting application on the net and i am using it for my end year study project. the video in the link explains my goal.
But i am having issue using it. the example of rendering the trajectory on a 3d axis is using Corba (omniorb) and i believe open inventor. but there isn't any idl file. and i don't know if it's possible to use it.
My question is :
Is it possible to render a 3d real time graphics using a lib in c++ making it easy and fast to implement? i tried using matlab engine or matlab simulation with tcpip communication but i am having issues with these technics so i am searching for another way.
Does anybody have an idea ?

Take a look at OpenGL.

You might also look at SDL (which uses OpenGL).
Edit (re: comments)
For the plotting aspect, you could look at VTK and/or MayaVI (which puts a Python scripting wrapper around VTK).


3-d animation in C++

I am doing a scientific project in C++ and I need to draw simple animated 3-d images of moving atomic groups. What is a good and convenient graphics library to do that? Some general remarks are also appreciated. I work in Linux.
Thank you in advance, Roman
OpenGL of course,
one library you could use is glut for that.
have a look on
If you want to show 3D in linux, you should use OpenGL. But since it is a C library, you can use a wrapper, like for example glt or sfml
The easiest library to use is Vtk. A more difficult and slower, but potentially better rasterization can be achieved using POVRAY.
I suggest looking at game oriented graphics engines. They provide OO wrappers around openGL and have lots of utility functions for loading 3d model formats etc.
If you don't want to get bogged down in writing the graphics, a game oriented renderer is likely the fastest way for you to get stuff on screen.
Ogre may be a good choice - it has a fairly large and helpful community.
Irrlicht is another possibility.
There are several possibilities, some perhaps more suitable than others, obviously!
I think any one of the options mentioned above would serve to do so.
I personally recommend OSG.

C++ Game Programming Resources

Where can i get some advanced game programming resources for c++?
At ?
More specifically, this question and lots of others tagged with c++
Start with writing some simple 2D games, e.g. Snake, TicTacToe, etc. Write these using any GUI builder you're already familiar with.
Then try to rewrite these games using a serious graphic engine, e.g. SDL, OpenGL, or DirectX.
Then try to write a more complex 2D games, e.g. side-scroller. Write these games with the graphic engine of your choice.
Then add some simple 3D effect to your 2D game, e.g. parallax scrolling.
Then rewrite this effect with true 3D, use 3D models/sprites, 3D environment, etc, while maintaining a 2D look and feel.
Then add some simple 3D look and feel, e.g. allowing characters to move in the Z-direction (to/from the camera), doing camera rotation, etc.
If you just got out of the command prompt and simple GUI, you'll probably want to start simple.
I'd very much recommend OpenGL as your API of choice. Since you've done some simple GUI programming, you'd know what an API is.
OpenGL has the following advantages (compared to SDL and DirectX previously mentioned):
-Its hardware accelerated (SDL is not as far as I know)
-Its 3D (SDL is 2D)
-Its cross-platform (DirectX is Windows only)
By far the best place to start with OpenGL is the Nehe tutorials.
Game programming becomes evident once you become a bit more familiar with the API.
Also, I'd heartily recommend GLUT (OpenGL Utilities Toolkit). It simplifies window creation and user input handling, among other things. Its great for learning OpenGL. It also happens to be cross platform.
Here's freeglut, a free GLUT implementation:
OpenGL is also a relatively simple and easy API to learn. You'll be going into 3D in no time.
What libraries are you using? You can try GP wiki. It can be a bit hit and miss depending on what you want to use.
By "resources," do you mean tools? Libraries? Tutorials? I have a bunch of useful game developer links in the sidebar of my own site. I also think "Mathematics for Game Developers" was very helpful. It has a second edition as well.

What do I need to build simple 3d editor that Ray Tracing 3d images

What do I need to know and what libraries do I need to use if I like to
build simple 3d editor ( like Xara3d for example ) that lts me edit simple 3d objects
and the end result will produce me good quality Ray Traced image .
simplicity in mind I will use any free lib that abstract and ease the learning curve .
in c++
Get familiar with OpenGL. Checkout the many C++ GUI toolkits that have excellent support for 3D rendering, which is usually built on top of OpenGL. If the abstractions they provide does not meet your requirements, look at C++ libraries that provide better abstractions.
Also see:
The Open Scene Graph project
A list of C++ game engines.

Animation with C++

is there anyway to build rich animation with C++?
I have been using OpenCV for object detection, and I want to show the detected object with rich animation, Is there any easy way to realize this?
I know flash can be used to easily build rich animation. But can flash be reliably integrated with C++ and How?
Also, Can OpenGL help me with this? To my knowledge, OpenGL is good for 3D rendering. But I am more interested in showing 2D animations in an image. So I am not sure whether this is a right way to go.
Another question, how are those animations in augmented reality realized? What kind of library are they using?
Thank you in advance.
Its difficult to tell if this answer will be relevant, but depending on what sort of application you are creating you may be able to use Simple DirectMedia Layer.
This is a cross-platform 2D and 3D (via OpenGL) media library for C, C++ and many other compatible languages.
It appears to me that you wish to produce an animated demo of your processing results. If I am wrong, let me know.
The simplest way to produce a demo of a vision algorithm is to dump the results to a distinct image file after each processed frame. After the processing session, these individual image files are employed to prepare the video using e.g. mencoder. I employed such procedure to prepare this.
Of course, your program can also produce OpenGL. Many people dealing with 3D reconstruction do that. However, in my opinion that would be an overkill for simple 2D detection. Producing flash would be an even greater overkill.

3D scene file format & viewer

I am looking for a cross-platform solution for saving and viewing 3D scenes (visualizations of engineering simulation models and results) but there (still) doesn't seem to be much out there.
I looked into this almost 10 years ago and settled on VRML then (and started the project that eventually turned in OpenVRML). Unfortunately, VRML/X3D has not become anywhere near ubiquitous in the past decade.
Ideally a solution would offer a C++ library that could be plugged in to a 3D rendering pipeline at some level to capture the 3D scene to a file; and a freely redistributable viewer that allowed view manipulation, part hiding, annotation, dimensioning, etc. At least linux, mac, and windows should be supported.
3D PDFs would seem to meet most of the viewer requirements, but the Adobe sdk is apparently only available on Windows.
Any suggestions ?
The closest thing that I'm aware of is Collada.
Many 3D engines can read it, and most 3D design tools can read and write it.
I believe the Ogre engine has pretty good support.
If you are using OpenGL, GLIntercept will save all OpenGL calls (with the data they were called with) to a XML file. It's only half the solution, though, but it shouldn't be hard to parse it and recreate the scene yourself.
Take a look at Its just an engine, you must program with it. But OGRE is probably the better (free/open) platform to develop 3D right now.