Should a service just exist for caching? - web-services

Should caching, which is a cross cutting concern, be ever turned into a web-service?
The question might be a little weird, but I feel in SOA, a service should be identified based around a business solution, and we should not expose services whose only responsibility is to cache Objects. This does not seem to be a business function at all. If anything it seems like a performance improvement.
Should we ever introduce and implement a service just to cache data? Wouldn't that be a hindrance to thinking in terms of your domain model itself? I mean whenever you need an object to be cached within another service, you will have to move this class to the cacheService.
What is the general opinion about this?

I think improving performance for users is a business function. I think your question really is whether you should factor out your caching to a single service, or do it internally to other services. The answer, as always is, it depends. But it certainly can work to have a dedicated caching service. For instance, Google does this for memcache.
EDIT: Again, there's more than one way to skin a cat. BUt you don't necessarily have to cache the definitive Person object. Another possibility is to use the caching service for rendered data, say a PDF account statement. For instance, Hi5 (a social networking site), uses memcache to cache fully prepared user profiles.

I don't think this is a very good idea, typically the concept of caching is to make data available and keep it closer to the point of usage. Moving this out to a true software as a service or other service model, in a traditional sense limits that ability.
Cache needs to be something fast, local and readily available.

if that service acts as a Facade to the previous non-cached service then yes, it could be "its own service". Especially for read-only or read-mostly data, this makes sense. But remember that caching like threading is a treacherous domain. It is easy to "do" but extremely difficult to do "correctly", and done incorrectly it can cause a ridiculous amount of problems that are difficult to debug and difficult to fix once you find the cause. Think about it this way, Content Distribution providers like Akamai built their entire business on providing caching as a service.

I would agree with your thinking that web services should expose business functionality. The idea of a cache web service seems like a bad idea.
Thinking about this from a usage perspective, what does this mean really? It seems to imply that clients would first hit the cache web service to get an object. If it's not there, they'd need to get it from the real web service then "push" the object back into the cache? That's asking a lot of a client. Any caching workflow should be transparent to the client.
If however your talking about backing some related web services with a cache that's "hidden" (and transparent) from the clients, used solely for the purpose to making the entire family of web services more responsive, then yes it might be a good idea.


Microservice granularity: Per domain model or not?

When building a microservice oriented application, i wonder what could be the appropriate microservice granularity.
Let's image an application consisting of:
A set of various resources types where each resource map a given business model. (ex: In a todo app resources could be User, TodoList and TodoItem...)
Each of those resources are saved within a NoSQL database that could be replicated.
Each of those resources are exposed through a REST Api
The application manage an internal chat room.
An Api gateway for gathering chat room and REST api interaction.
The application front end: an SPA application connected to the API Gateway
The first (and naive) approach when thinking about how microservices could match the need of this application would be:
One monolith service for managing EVERY resources and business logic:
By managing i mean providing the REST API for all of those resources and handling the persistance of those resources within the database.
One service for each Database replica.
One service providing the internal chat room using websocket or whatever.
One service for Authentification.
One service for the api gateway.
One service serving the static assets for the SPA front end.
An other approach could be to split service 1 into as many service as business models exist in the system. (let's call those services resource services)
I wonder what are the benefit of this second approach.
In fact i see a lot of downsides with this approach:
Need to setup an inter service communication process.
When requesting a service representing resource X that have a relation with resource Y, a lot more work are needed (i.e: interservice request)
More devops work.
More difficulty to share common code between resource services.
Where to put business logic ?
When starting a fresh project this second approach seams to me a bit of an over engineered work.
I feel like starting with the first approach and THEN split the monolith resource service into several specific services depending on the observed needs will minimize the complexity and risks.
What's your opinions regarding that ?
Is there any best practices ?
Thanks a lot !
The first approach is not microservice way, by definition.
And yes, idea is to split - each service for Bounded Context - One for Users, one for Inventory, Todo things etc etc.
The idea of microservices, at very simple, assumes:
You want to pay extra dev-ops work for modularity, and complete/as much as possible removal of dependencies between different bounded contexts (see dev/product/pjm teams).
It's idea lies around ownership, modularity, allowing separate teams develop their own piece of code, without requirement from them to know the rest of the system . As long as there is Umbiqutious Language (common set of conventions/communication protocols/terminology/documentation) they can work in completeley isolated, autotonmous fashion.
Maintaining, managing, testing, and develpoing become much faster - in cost of initial dev-ops and sophisticated architecture engeneering investment.
Sharing code should be minimal, and if required, could be done to represent the Umbiqutious Language (common communication interface/set of conventions). Sharing well-documented code, which acts as integration/infrastructure mini-framework, and have special dev/dev-ops/team attached to it ccould be easy business, as long as it, as i said, well-documented, and threated as separate architecture-related sub-project.
Properly engeneered Microservice architecture could lessen maintenance and development times by huge margin, but it requires quite serious reason to use it (there lot of reasons, and lots of articles on that, I wont start it here) and quite serious engeneering investment at start.
It brings modularity, concept of ownership, de-coupling of different contexts of your app.
My personal advise check if you really need MS architecture. If you can not invest engenerring though and dev-ops effort at start and do not have proper reasons for such system - why bother?
If you do need MS, i would really advise against the first method. You will develop wrong thing's, will miss the true challenges of MS, and could end with huge refactor, which could take more work than engeneering MS system from start properly. It's like to make square to make it fit into round bucket later.
Now answering your question title: granularity. (your question body bit different from your post title).
Attach it to Domain Model / Bounded Context. You can make meaty services at start, in order to avoid complex distributed transactions.
First just answer question if you need them in your design/architecture?
If not, probably you did a good design.
Passing reference ids between models from different microservices should suffice, and if not, try to rethink if more of complex transactions could be avoided.
If your system have unavoidable amount of distributed trasnactions, perhaps look towards using/making some CQRS mini-framework as your "shared code infrastructure component" / communication protocol.
It is the key problem of the microservices or any other SOA approach. It is where the theory meets the reality. In general you should not force the microservices architecture for the sake of it. This should rather naturally come from functional decomposition (top-down) and operational, technological, dev-ops needs (bottom-up). First approach is closer to what you would need to do, however at the first step do not focus so much on the technology aspect. Ask yourself why would you need to implement a separate service for particular business function. Treat it as a micro-application with all its technical resources. Ask yourself if there is reason to implement particular function as a full-stack app.
Some, of the functionalities you have mentioned in scenario 1) are naturally ok, such as 'authentication' service - this is probably good candidate.
For the business functions decomposition into separate service, focus on the 'dependencies' problem, if there are too many dependencies and you see that you have to implement bigger chunk of data mode - naturally this is not a micro service any more.
Try to put litmus test , if you can 'turn off' particular functionality and the system still makes sense - it is the candidate for service or further decomposition

SOA performance in a webapp

I'm struggling with the decision between a traditional backend (let's say a Django instance managing everything) and a service oriented architecture for a web app resembling LinkedIn. What I mean with SOA is having a completely independent data access interface - let's say Ruby + Sinatra - that queries the database, an independent chat application - Twisted - which is used via its API, a Django web server that uses those APIs for serving the content, etc.
I can see the advantages of having everything in the project modularized and accesed only via APIs: scalability, testing, etc. However, wouldn't this undermine the site performance? I imagine all modules would communicate via HTTP requests so wouldn't this arquitecture add a lot of latency to basically everything in the site? Is there a better alternative than HTTP?
Secondly, regarding development ease, would this really add much complexity to our developers? Specially during the first phase until we get an MVP.
Edit: We're a small team of two devs and a designer but we have no deadlines so we can handle a bit of extra work if it brings more technical value
Short answer, yes, SOA definitely trades encapsulation and reusability for latency. Long answer, it depends (as it always does) on how you do it.
How much latency affects your application is directly proportional to how fine-grained your services are. If you make very fine-grained services, you will have to make hundreds of sequential calls to assemble a user experience. If you make extremely coarse-grained services, you will not get any reusability out of your services; as they will be too tightly coupled to your application.
There are alternatives to HTTP, but if you are going to use something customized, you need to ask yourself, why are you using services at all? Why don't you just use libraries, and avoid the network layer completely?
You are definitely adding costs and complexities to your project by starting with an API. This has to balanced by the flexibility an API gives you. It might be a situation where you would benefit from internally structuring APIs to your code-base, but just invoking them as modules. Or building libraries instead of stand-alone APIs.
A lot of this depends on how big your project is. Are you a team of 1-3 devs cranking to get out your MVP? Or are you an enterprise with 20-100 devs that all need to figure out a way to divide up a project without stepping on each other?

API Throttling Best Practices

I have a SOAP api that I would like to throttle access to on a User basis after "x" many calls have been received in "y" amount of time.
After searching around, the #1 consideration (obviously) is to consider your parameters for when to throttle users. However, I don't see much in the way of best practices/examples for implementing such a solution. I did see the Leaky Bucket Method which makes sense. I have to believe there are more ideas out there though.
Any other takers on how you go about implementing your throttling solution? Questions include:
Do any frameworks provide capabilities (e.g. Spring, etc.) for throttling in web apis?
Seems to me you would need to store access information per user. How do you minimize the database overhead for doing this EVERY call?
Do you even NEED to access a datastore to implement this?
For what its worth, I've sort of answered this question after working on some other production projects.
Home brew: Using Spring AOP to pointcut around the method calls prior to executing API method code is one home-brew way if you have your own algorithm to implement. This ends up being pretty elegant and flexible as you can capture a lot of metadata prior to deciding what to do with the request.
API Management Service: If you're talking about a production system and you have the budget, probably the best way to go is to delegate this to an API Management layer like Apigee or Mashery.
Advantage is that it separates the concerns so its easier to change and allows you to focus just on your API. This is especially helpful if business stakeholders are involved and you need a good UI and dictionary of terms.
Disadvantage, of course is the cost and the vendor lock in.
Hope this helps someone!

SOA - data access for business services as a separate web service or no?

Currently inside my organization we are trying to come up w/ some conventions for a pilot SOA project. At first glance we thought it would be best to force users of the service to use the business service w/out direct access to any data endpoints .. but are there specific scenarios where this is not true or it might be "valid" for developers to have access to specific data endpoints outside of a service?
I always fear that if we open this up, it will actually hurt reuse because everyone will just "re-invent" similar business services using the same back-end data as it's available and would be "in theory .. easier" to just write a new business service rather than ask "what does this other service do that uses my database?"
Because even if the service is almost a direct pass through to the database we would have the ability to apply rules that would save developers time and ultimately the business money.
Wouldn't your webservice just be a thin wrapper for your business layer anyway? Your service layer probably shouldn't have anything more than your business layer besides some dumbed-down DTOs perhaps. Then noone is asking "what does this other service do that uses my database?" because it isn't using your db, it is using your BL.
You're waving a red flag when you describe "forcing" users to do anything. Maybe you can think about your question and rephrase it in terms something like "enable" users, because this should be the starting point for your decision, and SOA offers advantages and disadvantages for different UI strategies.

How does one go about breaking a monolithic application into web-services?

Not having dealt much with creating web-services, either from scratch, or by breaking apart an existing application, where does one start? Should a web-service encapsulate an entity, much like a class does, or should the service have more/less to it?
I realize that much of this is based on a case by case analysis of what the needs are, but are there any general guide-lines or best practices or even small nuggets of information that web-service veterans can impart to a relative newbie?
Our web services are built around functional areas. Sometimes this is just for a single entity, sometimes it's more than that.
For example, if you have a CRM, one of your web services might revolve around managing Contacts. Creating, updating, searching for, etc. If you do some type of batch type processing, a web service might exist to create and submit a job.
As far as best practices, bear in mind that web services add to the processing overhead. Mainly in serializing / deserializing the data as it goes across the wire. Because of this the main upside is solely in scalability. Meaning that you trade an increased per transaction processing time for the ability to run the service through multiple machines.
The main parts to pull out into a web service are those areas which are common across multiple applications, or which you intend to expose publicly, or which would benefit from greater load balancing.
Of course, you need to analyze your application to see where any bottlenecks really are. In some cases it doesn't make sense. For example, if you have a single application that isn't sharing its code and/or the bottleneck is primarily database related.
Web Services are exactly what they sound like Services for the Web.
A web service should be built as an API for the service layer of your app.
A service usually encapsulates an entity larger than a single class.
To learn more about service layers and refactoring to add a service layer read about DDD.
Good Luck
The number 1 question is: To what end are you refactoring your application functionality to be consumned as a bunch of web services?