gcc problem with explicit template instantiation? - c++

It is my understanding that either a declaration or typedef of a specialization ought to cause a template class to be instantiated, but this does not appear to be happening with gcc. E.g. I have a template class, template class Foo {};
I write
class Foo<double>;
typedef Foo<double> DoubleFoo;
but after compilation the symbol table of the resulting object file does not contain the members of Foo.
If I create an instance:
Foo<double> aFoo;
then of course the symbols are all generated.
Has anyone else experienced this and/or have an explanation?

The syntax for explicit instantiation is
template class Foo<double>;
See C++03 §14.7.2.
Hoping the functions get generated and linked, but not stripped after creating, but not using, an instance (the most minimal implicit instantiation), is quite a gamble.

You are talking about implicit instantiation. But that does only happen if the completenes of the class type would affect semantics of the program.
In your case, the class type doesn't need to be complete because the type you typedef can stay incomplete (class body is not needed, so there is no need to instantiate it). To illustrate, you can also say typedef class MyFunnyThing type; in a statement of its own, without ever defining that class anywhere.
If you create an object, the type of it has to be complete, and so the class template then is implicitly instantiated. Please note that implicit instantiation of a class template will not implicitly instantiate the member function or static datamember definitions, unless they are explicitly used elsewhere.
Also, to declare a specialization of a class-template, the whole point is to prevent an instantiation to happen, to tell the compiler "don't instantiate, because later i specialize it explicitly". The declaration if your specialization also misses a template<> in front of it.


How to define a non-instantiable template class?

According to [temp.inst]:
Unless a class template specialization has been explicitly instantiated or explicitly specialized, the class template specialization is implicitly instantiated when the specialization is referenced in a context that requires a completely-defined object type or when the completeness of the class type affects the semantics of the program.
So if I get it right, it is possible to define a template class and use it without odr-use it. It then will not be instantiated.
My question: what is the more short and/or idiomatic way to define a non instantiable template class?
(I shouln'd ask two questions in one thread, but when does "the completeness of the class type [would] affect the semantics of the program"?)

When will implicit instantiation cause problems?

I'm reading C++ Primer, and it says:
"If a member function isn't used, it is not instantiated. The fact that members are instantiated only if we use them lets us instantiate a class with a type that may not meet the requirements for some of the template’s operations."
I don't know why this is a problem. If some operations are required, why doesn't compiler instantiate those operations? Can someone give an example?
That's an ease-of-use feature, not a pitfall.
Lazy instantiation serves to simplify templates. You can implement the set of all possible member functions that any specialization might have, even if some of the functions don't work for some specializations.
It also reduces compile time, since the compiler never needs to instantiate what you don't use.
To prevent lazy instantiation, use explicit instantiation:
template class my_template< some_arg >;
This will immediately instantiate all the members of the class (except members which are templates, inherited, or not yet defined). For templates that are slow to compile, you can do the above in one source file (translation unit) and then use the linker to bypass instantiation in other source files, by putting a declaration in the header:
extern template class my_template< some_arg >;

C++ template explicit specialization - calling existing member function

I'm using explicit template specialization to initialize a std::vector with information but only for a specific type of std::vector, thus the explicit specialization. Within the constructor, if I try to call push_back or any other existing function in std::vector, compilation fails. What is the problem and how do I fix it?
simplified example:
namespace std
class vector<int>
int value = 5;
compiler message:
In constructor 'std::vector<int>::vector()':
error: 'push_back' was not declared in this scope
Explicit specializations are completely different classes that are separate from the primary template. You have to rewrite everything.
In normal situations where you control the primary template, you would typically have some sort of common base class or base class template to collect common structures.
With a given library, it is generally a very bad idea to add specializations (unless the library explicitly says it's OK). With the C++ standard library, this is outright undefined behaviour.
(The main problem is that other translation units may be using the template instantiation which you're specializing without seeing your specialization, which violates the one-definition rule.)
Template specializations are unrelated types from both the primary template and any other specialization. It is unclear what you are attempting to do, as it is also illegal to provide specializations of templates in the std namespace unless the specialization uses your own user defined type.
If you can explain the problem to solve, you might get other options, like specializing a member function rather than the template itself...

Use typedef/using from templated base class in derived class

In accessing a using from a base class with a templated base class, I've run into an issue with verbosity if nothing else. In the below code, the derived class attempts to use the my_type from its base class.
template <typename T>
class Base {
using mytype = T;
template <typename T>
class Derived : public Base<T>{
// using the base's mytype here
static typename Base<T>::mytype func() { return 0;}
However, in practice I'm finding this to be an awful lot of characters for what seems like it should be simpler. if the Base class was not templated then it wouldn't require the <T> or the typename (obviously).
In my real issue, I have a great deal of classes deriving from the base and I want to simplify this if possible. What I have at the moment is like the next example, where I'm just adding an additional using to get the type from the base class, but it feels like an extra layer that I shouldn't need to have.
template <typename T>
class Derived : public Base<T>{
using base_type = typename Base<T>::mytype;
static base_type func() { return 0;}
this may seem like a silly issue, but the number of times the base class's mytype is used in the derived classes makes it pretty hideous in the former case. Is there a right way to get the types out of the templated base that maintains readability?
This is a well known quirk of the language for which there is no real solution. Lookup in templates is done in two separate steps, during the first phase of lookup before instantiation non-dependent names are resolved to their meanings, while in the second phase dependent names are resolved after instantiation.
The division of the two phases was included in the language to provide some sanity for the template developer that does not know where the template will be instantiated. The first phase of lookup is done at the point where the template is defined, and it can be reasoned about by the developer at exactly that point. At one point or another, the template will do operations that depend on the arguments, and those cannot be resolved where the template is defined, since the template arguments are not yet fixed. Those names are considered dependent, and lookup is postponed to the second phase, after substitution of the template arguments, so that ADL can kick in.
How does this relate to your particular problem? When you inherit from a non-template base, the developer has fixed what the base is, and that can be looked up at the point of the template definition as you expect. But when the base depends on a template argument, the definition of the base class is not known at the place of the derived template definition. In particular, without substituting the type in, the compiler cannot possibly know whether there is a specialization for this particular type. This implies that during the first phase the compiler cannot assume anything at all about the base and thus lookup cannot search into it.
The direct way of using a typedef in a base is for the developer of the derived template to explicitly tell the compiler that it wants a type and that the type will be defined in the instantiation of the base template. The key point here is that the compiler knows nothing about the base, but the developer can require that uses of this template comply with a contract in which the instantiation of the base must have that nested type. The developer is free to add constraints on the types of her template, the compiler is not.
The syntax for that is the one in your first block: typename Base<T>::type to refer to the type, which tells the compiler that the contract of use requires that whatever T is used to instantiate Derived, the user is required to ensure that Base<T> will contain a nested member type that is a type (typename). As a short hand, you can opt for the second approach: create a local typedef that will be found inside Derived and resolved to that. In that case, regular lookup during the first phase will find the nested typedef, determine that it refers to a dependent name and postpone the complete lookup for the second phase.
While this is not an answer to the question of whether there is a better way (readability wise), I hope it provides some understanding as of why things are like they are. The decision while designing the language was not arbitrary [it might or not be ideal, some people believe the first phase is unneeded and unwanted, but it was not arbitrary]
Maybe I'm missing something obvious here, but you can simply use using on the type directly without having to give it a new name:
template <typename T>
class Derived : public Base<T>{
using typename Base<T>::mytype;
static mytype func() { return 0;}
You can even decide if the using-declaration for mytype should go into the public, protected or private section.

Undefined template methods trick?

A colleague of mine told me about a little piece of design he has used with his team that sent my mind boiling. It's a kind of traits class that they can specialize in an extremely decoupled way.
I've had a hard time understanding how it could possibly work, and I am still unsure of the idea I have, so I thought I would ask for help here.
We are talking g++ here, specifically the versions 3.4.2 and 4.3.2 (it seems to work with both).
The idea is quite simple:
1- Define the interface
// interface.h
template <class T>
struct Interface
void foo(); // the method is not implemented, it could not work if it was
// I do not think it is necessary
// but they prefer free-standing methods with templates
// because of the automatic argument deduction
template <class T>
void foo(Interface<T>& interface) { interface.foo(); }
2- Define a class, and in the source file specialize the interface for this class (defining its methods)
// special.h
class Special {};
// special.cpp
#include "interface.h"
#include "special.h"
// Note that this specialization is not visible outside of this translation unit
template <>
struct Interface<Special>
void foo() { std::cout << "Special" << std::endl; }
3- To use, it's simple too:
// main.cpp
#include "interface.h"
class Special; // yes, it only costs a forward declaration
// which helps much in term of dependencies
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
Interface<Special> special;
return 0;
It's an undefined symbol if no translation unit defined a specialization of Interface for Special.
Now, I would have thought this would require the export keyword, which to my knowledge has never been implemented in g++ (and only implemented once in a C++ compiler, with its authors advising anyone not to, given the time and effort it took them).
I suspect it's got something to do with the linker resolving the templates methods...
Do you have ever met anything like this before ?
Does it conform to the standard or do you think it's a fortunate coincidence it works ?
I must admit I am quite puzzled by the construct...
Like #Steward suspected, it's not valid. Formally it's effectively causing undefined behavior, because the Standard rules that for a violation no diagnostic is required, which means the implementation can silently do anything it wants. At 14.7.3/6
If a template, a member template or the member of a class template is explicitly specialized then that specialization shall be declared before the first use of that specialization that would cause an implicit instantiation to take place, in every translation unit in which such a use occurs; no diagnostic is required.
In practice at least on GCC, it's implicitly instantiating the primary template Interface<T> since the specialization wasn't declared and is not visible in main, and then calling Interface<T>::foo. If its definition is visible, it instatiates the primary definition of the member function (which is why when it is defined, it wouldn't work).
Instantiated function name symbols have weak linkage because they could possibly be present multiple times in different object files, and have to be merged into one symbol in the final program. Contrary, members of explicit specializations that aren't templates anymore have strong linkage so they will dominate weak linkage symbols and make the call end up in the specialization. All this is implementation detail, and the Standard has no such notion of weak/strong linkage. You have to declare the specialization prior to creating the special object:
template <>
struct Interface<Special>;
The Standard lays it bare (emphasize by me)
The placement of explicit specialization declarations for function templates, class templates, member functions of class templates, static data members of class templates, member classes of class templates, member class templates of class templates, member function templates of class templates, member functions of member templates of class templates, member functions of member templates of non-template classes, member function templates of member classes of class templates, etc., and the placement of partial specialization declarations of class templates, member class templates of non-template classes, member class templates of class templates, etc., can affect whether a program is well-formed according to the relative positioning of the explicit specialization declarations and their points of instantiation in the translation unit as specified above and below. When writing a specialization, be careful about its location; or to make it compile will be such a trial as to kindle its self-immolation.
Thats pretty neat. I'm not sure if it is guaranteed to work everywhere though. It looks like what they're doing is having a deliberately undefined template method, and then defining a specialization tucked away in its own translation unit. They're depending on the compiler using the same name mangling for both the original class template method and the specialization, which is the bit I think is probably non-standard. The linker will then look for the method of the class template, but instead find the specialization.
There are a few risks with this though. No one, not even the linker, will pick up multiple implementations of the method for example. The template methods will be marked selectany because template implies inline so if the linker sees multiple instances, instead of issuing an error it will pick whichever one is most convenient.
Still a nice trick though, although unfortunately it does seem to be a lucky coincidence that it works.