Priority Queue Wrong Order - c++

I am programming the huffman encoding. This is the beginning of my program:
using namespace std;
//Counting methods
int *CountCharOccurence(string text)
int *charOccurrence = new int[127];
for(int i = 0; i < text.length(); i++)
return charOccurrence;
void DisplayCharOccurence(int *charOccurrence)
for(int i = 0; i < 127; i++)
if(charOccurrence[i] > 0)
cout << (char)i << ": " << charOccurrence[i] << endl;
//Node struct
struct Node
char character;
int occurrence;
Node(char c, int occ) {
character = c;
occurrence = occ;
bool operator < (const Node* node)
return (occurrence < node->occurrence);
void CreateHuffmanTree(int *charOccurrence)
priority_queue<Node*, vector<Node*> > pq;
for(int i = 0; i < 127; i++)
Node* node = new Node((char)i, charOccurrence[i]);
cout << "peek: " <<>character <<>occurrence << endl;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
int *occurrenceArray;
occurrenceArray = CountCharOccurence("SUSIE SAYS IT IS EASY");
return (EXIT_SUCCESS);
The program first outputs the characters with their occurence number. This looks fine:
: 4
A: 2
E: 2
I: 3
S: 6
T: 1
U: 1
Y: 2
but the test loop which has to display the node contents in priority order outputs this:
peek: Y2
peek: U1
peek: S6
peek: T1
peek: I3
peek: E2
peek: 4
peek: A2
This is not the expected order. Why?

Elements in your priority queue are pointers. Since you don't provide a function that takes 2 pointers to Node objects , default compare function compares 2 pointers.
bool compareNodes(Node* val1, Node* val2)
return val1->occurence < val2->occurence;
priority_queue<Node*, vector<Node*>,compareNodes > pq;
Your operator < is used when Node compares with Node*

You should tell your priority queue what it should sort by. In your case, you have to tell it to sort by Node::occurence.

You are storing pointers to nodes in the queue, but haven't provided a suitable comparison function, so they are sorted by comparing the pointers. The operator< you've provided will compare a node with a pointer, which isn't what you want.
There are two options:
Provide a function for comparing two node pointers according to their values, and give this function to the queue, or
Store node objects in the queue, and provide an operator< to compare two nodes.
The second option will also fix the memory leak in your code, and remove a whole pile of unnecessary memory allocations, so I would suggest that.


if user enter 5 then display the last 5 elements of linked list vise versa

i am stuck in my uni assignment....
i have an linked list of 20 elements, i have to take the value from user and if user enter 5 then print the last 5 elements of linked list
void traverse(List list) {
Node *savedCurrentNode = list.currentNode;
list.currentNode = list.headNode;
for(int i = 1; == true; i++)
std::cout << "Element " << i << " " << list.get() << endl;
list.currentNode = savedCurrentNode;
im trying this but this method prints all the elements of my linked list
For what little code you have, a review:
// Why are you passing the list by value? That is wasteful.
void traverse(List list) {
// I don't see you taking a value anywhere; surely you know how to do that
// What is happening here? Can't you just assign the head to something
// directly?
Node *savedCurrentNode = list.currentNode;
list.currentNode = list.headNode;
// Like you said, this traverses the entire list, it's also poorly
// formed. You literally don't need i.
// for (;; /* However your list increments here */)
for(int i = 1; == true; i++)
std::cout << "Element " << i << " " << list.get() << endl;
// What is the purpose of this?
list.currentNode = savedCurrentNode;
For someone who is writing a linked list, this code seems to be fundamentally flawed. My expectation of someone tackling a linked list is that they are about to stop being a beginner, but I'm not seeing that here in the code and what structure of the list class is implied. The list class is weird to say the least.
And just to be clear, my expectation stems from where I place the linked list assignment in my curriculum. It's also more idiomatic than this list.
With that out of the way, this task is trivial if you took the time to think the project through. Most students skip the planning step and create unnecessary headaches for themselves.
Knowing that you would need the total size of the list, why not just make it member data? Any function that adds to the list will increment the value accordingly. And any function that subtracts from the list will decrement accordingly. That way you always know the size of the list at all times.
Knowing the size of the list is most of the battle. You then need to do the arithmetic necessary to advance in the list to satisfy your requirement. And now you can print.
#include <iostream>
class SList {
SList() = default;
// Rule of 5 intentionally left out
void push_front(int val) {
m_head = new Node{val, m_head};
++m_size; // The magic happens here
std::size_t size() const { return m_size; }
void traverse_last(int numElements, std::ostream& sout = std::cout) const {
int placement = m_size;
Node* walker = m_head;
// Move our walker node the appropriate amount of steps
while (walker && placement > numElements) {
walker = walker->next;
// Now that we're in position, we can print
while (walker) {
sout << walker->data << ' ';
walker = walker->next;
sout << '\n';
struct Node {
int data;
Node* next = nullptr;
Node* m_head = nullptr;
std::size_t m_size = 0ULL;
int main() {
SList test;
for (int i = 5; i > 0; --i) {
std::cout << "Size: " << test.size() << '\n';
for (int i = 1; i <= 5; ++i) {
❯ ./a.out
Size: 5
4 5
3 4 5
2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
void traverse(List list, int printFrom)
Node *savedCurrentNode = list.currentNode;
list.currentNode = list.headNode;
for(int i=1;; i++)
if(i > printFrom)
cout << "Element " << (i - printFrom) << " " << list.get() << endl;
list.currentNode = savedCurrentNode;
solved my prblem by this there printFrom is a variable whose value is number of elemenets that skipped like if my linked list have size of 20 and user want to see last 5 then printFrom stores 15 and skipped 15 values and print last 5

how return different types from function in c++?

I have a homework in c++ to make a Vector for multi data types in the same vector, I stuck where I need to return different data types and I can't change the main.
The homework ask to make the main valid:
int main()
Vector v;
for (int i = 0; i != v.size(); ++i) { // this code print 5 5.5 this
std::cout << v.get(i) << "\t";
std::cout << "Displaying an object of type Vector in different way:\n";
Integer x;
x = v.get(0);
std::cout << x << "\t"; // it prints 5
Float y;
y = v.get(1);
std::cout << y << "\t"; // it prints 5.5
String z;
z = v.get(2);
std::cout << z << "\t"; // it prints this
I tried what I know and I got 3 ways but still didn't fix that first I made all data pointer is char* and made a string type that worked with saving the data and cout but it stuck on return data type, I cant use template because I'm not allowed to change the main
int get(int n)
Node* p = head;
int i;
for (i = 0; (i < n)&&p->next; i++)
p = p->next;
if (i != n)
return NULL;
if (p->type != "int")
return NULL;
else return *((int*)p->data);
still I cant overload functions by just the return type, I tried to make vector have 3 pointers to data but still I stuck
int* int_;
float* float_;
string* string_;
Node* next;
string type;
Node(string type_)
I searched on internet and still not found what I want, at last I tried to make the Node template
but since the get function is on the vector and the main didn't send a type that's didn't solve the problem.
You might return wrapper with conversion operator, something like:
struct data
int int_ = 0;
float float_ = 0;
string string_;
operator int () const { return int_; }
operator float () const { return float_; }
operator std::string () const { return string_; }
const Node* get_node(int n) const
Node* p = head;
int i;
for (i = 0; (i < n) && p->next; i++)
p = p->next;
return p;
data get(int n) const
auto* node = get_node(n);
if (node == nullptr) throw std::out_of_range{};
return node->data;
If I understood correctly, what you are looking for is an heterogeneous container.
You need to create a wrapper that handle different types transparently inside your container. For your underlying type you have several options depending on your necessity.
If you know upfront the list of types that you need to support at compile type, you can use std::variant
If the types that you need to support are unbounded at compile time you can use
Finally, you can create a common interface and implement a wrapper for your supported types. The container will store a smart pointer of your objects.
removed suggestion on designed decision based on the C++ version
removed reference to std::vector

Creating a STL min heap priority queue?

My task is to implement a min heap priority queue sorting each queue object with the m_time member variable.
My problem is that I can't manage the queue to sort smallest first instead of largest.
I have a struct in the .h file called Event that includes three variables:
struct Event
Event(int time=-1, int grind=-1, bool val=false)
{ m_time=time;m_grindNr=grind; m_value=val;}
int m_time;
int m_grindNr;
bool m_value;
The code below is what's inside the .cpp file:
struct compare
bool operator()(const Event& a, const Event& b)
return a.m_time < b.m_time;
void main()
priority_queue <Event,vector<Event>, compare> Que;
Event firstEvent;
firstEvent.m_time = 2;
firstEvent.m_grindNr = 0;
firstEvent.m_value = 0;
Event secondEvent;
secondEvent.m_time = 5;
secondEvent.m_grindNr = 0;
secondEvent.m_value = 0;
Event tempEvent =; //Takes the top value
cout << tempEvent.m_time << " "; //Should print number 2, but prints 5
tempEvent =; //Takes the top value
cout << tempEvent.m_time << endl; //Should print number 5, but prints 2
I have also tried using the std::less in the priority queue parameter but its the same result.
I hope you understand my question, thanks in advance.
You have to use greater, as priority_queue take largest first.
So change your compare to
return b.m_time < a.m_time;

openmpi/c++: defining a mpi data type for class with members of variable length (pointers pointing to malloced memory)?

i am currently learning to use openmpi, my aim is to parallelize a simple program whose code i will post bellow.
The program is for testing my concept of paralleling a much bigger program, i hope to learn all i need to know for my actual problem if i succeed with this.
Basically it is a definition of a simple c++ class for lists. A list consists of two arrays, one integer and one double. Entries with the same indicies belong together, in a way that the integer entry is some kind of list entry identifier (maybe an object ID) and the double entry is some kind of quantifier (maybe the weight if an object).
The basic purpose of the program is to add lists together (this is the task i want to parallelize). Adding works as follows: For each entry in one list it is checked if there is the same integer entry in the the other list, if so then the double entry gets added to the double entry in the other list, if there is no such entry in the other list then both the integer and the double entries gets added to the end of the list.
Basically each summand in this list addition represents a storage and each entry is a type of object with a given amount (int is the type and double is the amount), so adding two lists means putting the stuff from the second storage to the first.
The order of the list entries is irrelevant, this means that the addition of lists is not only associative but commutative too!
My plan is to add a very large number of such lists (a few billions) so parallelizing could be to let each thread add a subset of lists first and when this is finished distribute all such sublists (one for each thread) to all of the threads.
My current understanding of openmpi is that only the last step (distributing of finished sublists) needs any special non standard stuff. Basically i need a AllReduce but with a custom data type and a custom operaton.
The first problem i have is understanding how to create a fitting MPI data type. I came to the conclusion that i probably need MPI_Type_create_struct to create a struct type.
I found this site with a nice example:
from which i learned a lot but the problem is, that in this case there are fixed member arrays. In my case i have lists with arbitrary sized member variables or better with pointers pointing to memory blocks of arbitrary size. So doing it like in the example would lead to creating a new MPI datatype for each list size (using fixed sized lists could help but only in this minimalistic case, but i want to learn how to do it with arbitrary sized lists are preparation for my actual problem).
So my question is: how to create a data type for this special case? What is the best way?
I even thought to maybe write some non mpi code to serialize my class/object, (which would be a lot of work for my real problem but in this example it should be easy) to a single block of bits. Then i could simply use a MPI function to distribute those blocks to all threads and then i just have to translate it back to the actual object, and then i could let each thread simply add the "number-of-threads" lists together to have the same full reduced list on all threads (because the operation is commutative it is not important if the order is the same on each thread in the end).
The problem is that i do not know which MPI function to use to distribute a such memory blocks to each thread so that in the end each thread has an array of "number-of-threads" such blocks (similar like AllReduce but with blocks).
But thats just another idea, i would like to hear from you whats the best way.
Thank you, here is my fully working example program (ignore the MPI parts thats just preparation, you can simply compile with: g++)
As you can see, i needed to create custom copy constructors because standard of the pointer members. I hope thats not a problem for MPI?
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#if (CFG_MPI > 0)
#include <mpi.h>
#define MPI_Barrier(xxx) // dummy code if not parallel
class list {
int *ilist;
double *dlist;
int n;
list(int n, int *il, double *dl) {
int i;
if (n>0) {
this->ilist = (int*)malloc(n*sizeof(int));
this->dlist = (double*)malloc(n*sizeof(double));
if (!ilist || !dlist) std::cout << "ERROR: malloc in constructor failed!" << std::endl;
} else {
this->ilist = NULL;
this->dlist = NULL;
for (i=0; i<n; i++) {
this->ilist[i] = il[i];
this->dlist[i] = dl[i];
this->n = n;
~list() {
ilist = NULL;
dlist = NULL;
list(const list& cp) {
int i;
this->n = cp.n;
this->ilist = NULL;
this->dlist = NULL;
if (this->n > 0) {
this->ilist = (int*)malloc(this->n*sizeof(int));
this->dlist = (double*)malloc(this->n*sizeof(double));
if (!ilist || !dlist) std::cout << "ERROR: malloc in copy constructor failed!" << std::endl;
for (i=0; i<this->n; i++) {
this->ilist[i] = cp.ilist[i];
this->dlist[i] = cp.dlist[i];
list& operator=(const list& cp) {
if(this == &cp) return *this;
int i;
this->n = cp.n;
if (this->n > 0) {
this->ilist = (int*)malloc(this->n*sizeof(int));
this->dlist = (double*)malloc(this->n*sizeof(double));
if (!ilist || !dlist) std::cout << "ERROR: malloc in copy constructor failed!" << std::endl;
} else {
this->ilist = NULL;
this->dlist = NULL;
for (i=0; i<this->n; i++) {
this->ilist[i] = cp.ilist[i];
this->dlist[i] = cp.dlist[i];
return *this;
void print() {
int i;
for (i=0; i<this->n; i++)
std::cout << i << " : " << "[" << this->ilist[i] << " - " << (double)dlist[i] << "]" << std::endl;
list& operator+=(const list& cp) {
int i,j;
if(this == &cp) {
for (i=0; i<this->n; i++)
this->dlist[i] *= 2;
return *this;
double *dl;
int *il;
il = (int *) realloc(this->ilist, (this->n+cp.n)*sizeof(int));
dl = (double *) realloc(this->dlist, (this->n+cp.n)*sizeof(double));
if (!il || !dl)
std::cout << "ERROR: 1st realloc in operator += failed!" << std::endl;
else {
this->ilist = il;
this->dlist = dl;
il = NULL;
dl = NULL;
for (i=0; i<cp.n; i++) {
for (j=0; j<this->n; j++) {
if (this->ilist[j] == cp.ilist[i]) {
this->dlist[j] += cp.dlist[i];
} if (j == this->n) {// no matching entry found in this
this->ilist[this->n] = cp.ilist[i];
this->dlist[this->n] = cp.dlist[i];
il = (int *) realloc(this->ilist, (this->n)*sizeof(int));
dl = (double *) realloc(this->dlist, (this->n)*sizeof(double));
if (!il || !dl)
std::cout << "ERROR: 2nd realloc in operator += failed!" << std::endl;
else {
this->ilist = il;
this->dlist = dl;
return *this;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
int npe, myid;
#if (CFG_MPI > 0)
MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
if (!myid) // reduce output
std::cout << "NPE = " << npe << " MYID = " << myid << std::endl;
int ilist[5] = {14,17,4,29,0};
double dlist[5] = {0.0, 170.0, 0.0, 0.0, 24.523};
int ilist2[6] = {14,117,14,129,0, 34};
double dlist2[6] = {0.5, 170.5, 0.5, 0.5, 24.0, 1.2};
list tlist(5, ilist, dlist);
list tlist2(6, ilist2, dlist2);
if (!myid) {
tlist +=tlist2;
if (myid) tlist.print();
#if (CFG_MPI > 0)
return 0;

Sorted list: must have class/struct/union

so i have been working on a code for over two weeks and its not going too well. here are the instructions and the code is below it, as well as errors:
Task 1: Create one instance of this class. (the sorted list; he also had other instructions on HOW to start the code, but its already been done by me below in the code such as typedef...) You also need to read in data from one data file: float.dat, which contains the following numbers:
Data in float.dat contains floating numbers, which should be inserted into the object of SortedList. Note that you do not have any prior knowledge about data values in float.dat, but we assume that there are 10 elements in the data file.
Task 2: Use GetNextItem( ) to print out all the elements in the list in sorted sequence on computer screen.
Task 3: Use GetNextItem( ) to output all the elements in the list in sorted sequence onto a data file, output.dat.
Task 4: Design your test cases to demonstrate InsertItem( ), DeleteItem( ) and RetrieveItem( ) are working as expected.
here is the code:
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
#define MAX_ITEMS 10
typedef float ItemType;
class SortedList
int length;
ItemType values[MAX_ITEMS];
int currentPos;
enum RelationType { LESS, GREATER, EQUAL };
SortedList() {length = 0; currentPos = -1;}
int getLength() {return length;}
RelationType ComparedTo(ItemType x)
if (length > x.getLength())
return LESS;
else if (length == x.getLength())
return GREATER;
return EQUAL;
void MakeEmpty() {length = 0;}
void InsertItem(ItemType x)
int first = 0, last = length --;
bool moreToSearch = (first <= last);
int location = 0;
int midpoint= (first + last) / 2;
while (moreToSearch)
switch (x.ComparedTo(values[location]))
case LESS: //search in 1st half
moreToSearch = (first <= last);
moreToSearch = (location < length);
for (int index = length; length > location; index--)
values[index] = values[index - 1];
values[location] = x;
void DeleteItem(ItemType x)
int location = 0;
while (x.ComparedTo(values[location]) != EQUAL)
for (int index = location ++; index < length; index++)
values[index --] = values[index];
void RetrieveItem(ItemType &x, bool & found)
int midpoint;
int first = 0, last = length - 1;
bool moreToSearch = (first <= last);
found = false;
int index = 0;
while (moreToSearch && !found)
midpoint = (first + last) / 2;
switch (x.ComparedTo(values[index++]))
case LESS: //search in 1st half
moreToSearch = (first <= last);
last = midpoint - 1;
case GREATER: //Search in 2nd half
first = midpoint + 1;
moreToSearch = (first <= last);
case EQUAL: //x has been found
found = true;
int LengthIs() {return length;}
void ResetList() {currentPos = -1;}
bool IsFull()
if (length < 9)
return false;
return true;
void GetNextItem(ItemType &x)
x = values[currentPos];
cout << x;
int main()
SortedList x;
ifstream inFile; ofstream output;
string line;
bool allAboutLists;
int i = 0;
int size = 0;"float.txt");
float values[10];
while (!inFile.eof()) // write or read data from inFile into values
inFile >> values[i];
size++; // this will count how many values there are in the array
cout << "The following is the list that's been made:" << endl << endl;
cout << endl;
x.RetrieveItem(7.1, allAboutLists);
cout << endl;
cout << endl << "The length is: "; x.LengthIs(); cout << endl;
cout << "Is the list full?: " << boolalpha << x.IsFull() << endl;
cout << "The next item is: ";
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
cout << x.GetNextItem << endl;
for (int f = 0; f < 10; f++)
output << x.GetNextItem << endl;
return 0;
and the compiler keeps saying this:
(25) error C2228: left of '.getLength' must have class/struct/union [they mean the x. its red lined under, same for the rest of those left of etc..]
(27) error C2228: left of '.getLength' must have class/struct/union
(44) error C2228: left of '.ComparedTo' must have class/struct/union
(66): error C2228: left of '.ComparedTo' must have class/struct/union
-and also, 7.1 in main has something about refernce type mistake.
I am in extereme hurry as i have been working on it for 2 weeks now and its driving me crazy ! I have the code done as seen and more than wnough and just need to know what to change exactly because I am following everything I have been searching and researching yet its no good. so precise details or code specifically taken from mine and fixed would be appreciated.
You are passing x as ItemType which is a float.
float doesn't have those methods... looks like you wanted to pass it as a SortedList
The compare function needs two parameters in order to do a compare. Instead of ComparedTo, you may want to call it CompareToLocation.
RelationType CompareToLocation(ItemType x, size_t location){
if(x < values[location]) return LESS;
if(x == values[location]) return EQUAL;
return GREATER;}
An example usage would be:
result = CompareToLocation(x, location);
// ...
You defined ComparedTo as a method for SortedList, yet everytime you call that function, you call it on ItemType objects, which are actually floats.
As you can see in the definition of the method, you are trying to use, once again, SortedList methods on float Objects:
RelationType ComparedTo(ItemType x)
if (length > x.getLength())
return LESS;
else if (length == x.getLength())
return GREATER;
return EQUAL;
Your problem is not really a compiling one, but a conceptual one, since you don't seem to grasp what your are actually coding.
I'd recommend have your declarations and implementations separate, so you can see at a glance how does your class work.
Your class declaration should look something like this:
class SortedList
int length;
ItemType values[MAX_ITEMS];
int currentPos;
enum RelationType { LESS, GREATER, EQUAL };
int getLength();
RelationType ComparedTo(ItemType x) ;
void MakeEmpty();
void InsertItem(ItemType x) ;
void DeleteItem(ItemType x);
void RetrieveItem(ItemType &x, bool & found);
int LengthIs();
void ResetList();
bool IsFull();
void GetNextItem(ItemType &x);
You should focus on each method, making clear what each one of them is trying to achieve, and what does it need to achieve it (parameters).
For example:
RelationType ComparedTo(ItemType x) ;
Your SortedList class has this function, which receives an ItemType (float) as a parameter.
What is this trying to achieve? How do you compare a whole ordered list to a single element?
How can a single number be greater, less or EQUAL to a set of numbers?
Maybe what you really want to do is compate parameter X with an element inside the list?
If this is the case, how do you know which element in the list must be compared to parameter X? You should add another parameter telling you which element inside your ordered list to compare X to.
I quess this doesn't really solve your problem, but at least I hope this helps you understand better what your problem is.