Converting method signatures - c++

typedef void (__thiscall* LPVOIDPROC) (void);
class ClassA
void SetProc(LPVOIDPROC pProc) { m_pProc = pProc; }
void OnSomeEvent() { m_pProc(); }
class ClassB
ClassA* pCA;
void Proc() { /* ... */ }
void Init()
// Assume pCA != NULL
pCA->Set((LPVOIDPROC)&ClassB::Proc); // error C2440
How to get rid of this error C2440: 'type cast' : cannot convert from 'void (__thiscall ClassB::* )(void)' to 'LPVOIDPROC' ? I don't want to limit LPVOIDPROC signature to ClassB only. This should be any class and referenced proc should not be static.

typedef void (* CLASSPROC) (void *);
template<class T, void (T::*proc)()>
void class_proc(void * ptr)
class ClassA
void * m_pInstance;
void SetProc(void *pInstance, CLASSPROC pProc) {
m_pInstance = pInstance;
m_pProc = pProc;
void OnSomeEvent() { m_pProc(m_pInstance); }
class ClassB
ClassA* pCA;
void Proc() { /* ... */ }
void Init()
// Assume pCA != NULL
pCA->SetProc(this, class_proc<ClassB, &ClassB::Proc>);

I refer you to this link. Your type LPVOIDPROC is a pointer-to-function, which is not the same thing as a pointer-to-member-function. When you try to cast ClassB::Proc, you are trying to convert a pointer-to-member-function, an invalid operation.
You should take a look at boost::function, that offers exactly what you are looking for. Or you could use functors to encapsulate your functions if you don't want to resort to boost. Example:
struct VoidProcFunctor {
virtual void call() = 0;
class ClassB;
struct BProcFunctor : VoidProcFunctor {
BProcFunctor(ClassB* b) : b_(b) {}
void call();
ClassB* b_;
class ClassA
VoidProcFunctor* m_pProc;
void SetProc(VoidProcFunctor* pProc) { m_pProc = pProc; }
void OnSomeEvent() { m_pProc->call(); }
class ClassB
ClassA* pCA;
void Proc() { /* ... */ }
void Init()
// Assume pCA != NULL
// warning! this is not the best design possible
BProcFunctor* bproc = new BProcFunctor(this);
void BProcFunctor::call() { b_->proc() }

Non-static methods require a 'this' pointer, without a 'this' pointer you cannot call it, and so it makes no sense to cast it to a C function pointer.
Consider making a simple class (let's call it X) that has
a data member that refers to a ClassB instance
a () operator (although I prefer methods with clear names) calling ClassB::Proc using the ClassB instance as this-pointer.
Instead of passing a function pointer to class A, make an instance of X (with its datamember to ClassB filled in) and pass this to class A.
Instead of calling a function pointer class A should call x().
Class X could even be written using templates, so if you have this situation for more than one class you must only write it once.
I think that in C# it can be done cleaner using delegates but I leave that to the C# and .Net specialists.

Never cast function pointers. You can end up with stack corruption. Don't do it.
Don't pass pointers to non-static member functions. They use a different calling convention and are not compatible.
In your case, making "Proc()" static might solve the problem.

You need your Proc method to be a static method.


Provide a pointer to member function to be invoked by the target class without functional

I'm reading a lot of questions (and answers) about function pointers, functors and callbacks but I still have a confusion about which is the right tool for me.
Some of them cannot apply to my scenario because it seems my compiler avr-gcc v5.4.0 does not have C++ standard library (i.e. std::function is not available).
This is my base class:
class Debouncer
typedef uint8_t (Debouncer::*debouncer_raw_t) (void);
Debouncer() {}
void setRawFunction(Debouncer::debouncer_raw_t callback) { _raw = callback; }
debouncer_raw_t _raw;
void anotherFunction()
uint8_t value = _raw();
// do something
In my other classes I have:
class Inputs
Debouncer _deb;
uint8_t myRaw()
return something;
Of course this won't compile because myRaw is not static.
Anyway, I'm going to try to avoid this because it would break the existing code.
If I'm not wrong, a lot of questions seem to ask the other way around.
Instead I just want to pass the pointer of my member function to my Debouncer class, so it can call _raw() when it needs to.
Here I found this advise to avoid std:: library:
#define CALL_MEMBER_FN(object, ptrToMember) ((object).*(ptrToMember))
void userCode(Fred& fred, FredMemFn p) // Use a typedef for pointer-to-member types
int ans = CALL_MEMBER_FN(fred,p)('x', 3.14);
// Would normally be: int ans = (fred.*p)('x', 3.14);
// ...
But it seems the other way around. Here the class Fred is my Debouncer.
I don't want to call the Debouncer member, but member of the caller class (i.e. Input::myRaw()).
Would you please help me to understand which is the right tool to achieve such a simple task?
Making a member function virtual is a relatively low-overhead way to have a single pointer (to an object) refer to both the object's data and the correct member function.
class InputsBase
// All classes that implement myRaw() should inherit from this class
virtual uint8_t myRaw() = 0;
class Inputs : public InputsBase
Debouncer _deb;
virtual uint8_t myRaw()
return something;
Your Debouncer can then simply store a pointer to the object in question.
class Debouncer
typedef InputsBase* debouncer_raw_t;
Debouncer() {}
void setRawFunction(debouncer_raw_t callback) { _raw = callback; }
debouncer_raw_t _raw;
void anotherFunction()
uint8_t value = _raw->myRaw();
// do something
If you know (or require) each of the classes using Debouncer have a public myRaw() function (or better operator(), or actually anything else), the problem is simpler:
template <typename T>
class Debouncer
Debouncer (T* t): _t(t) {}
void anotherFunction()
uint8_t value = _t->myRaw();
std::cout << static_cast<int>(value);
T* _t;
class Inputs
Inputs() : _deb(this)
// beware, if Debouncer uses its parameter in constructor (like call a method),
// you cannot use initializer list
uint8_t myRaw()
return 13;
void foo()
Debouncer<Inputs> _deb;
int main()
Inputs i;;
This would be preferred solution in C++. See for example standard library <algorithm> - any function taking a predicate or some other callable expects to call it with operator() rathen than having to deal with pointers-to-member-function.
If you don't know what function should be called and you really cannot impose any requirement on the classes, you need to store both a pointer (or reference) to the class and a pointer to the member function. Note that you cannot connect pointers to member functions of different classes, so we need templates once again:
template <typename T, typename Func>
class Debouncer
Debouncer (T* t, Func f): _t(t), _f(f) {}
void anotherFunction()
uint8_t value = (_t->*_f)(); //I get it now why isocpp asks to use macro here, the syntax is horrible
std::cout << static_cast<int>(value);
T* _t;
Func _f;
class Inputs
Inputs() : _deb(this, &Inputs::myRaw)
// beware, if Debouncer uses its parameter in constructor (like call a method),
// you cannot use initializer list
uint8_t myRaw()
return 13;
void foo()
Debouncer<Inputs, decltype(&Inputs::myRaw)> _deb; //decltype is C++11, you could also declare type like you did in your question
int main()
Inputs i;;

function pointer to a class member

I am trying to do some like this:
class A {
void *(*func)(void *);
A(void *(*function)(void *)){
func = function;
class B {
void *real_func(void *);
A ptr;
But I get this error:
error: ISO C++ forbids taking the address of an unqualified or
parenthesized non-static member function to form a pointer to member
Someone knows how to initialize the function pointer to a function member in the same class???
Since real_func is not a static member function, its type cannot be void *(*)(). Instead, it is void *(B::*)() so you need to declare func accordingly:
void *(B::*func)();
// call it like this
If you are careful, you can also use pointer to A as the base class, but you must make sure that the pointer to A points to an instance of B:
void *(A::*func)();
At this point, however, you are mostly just replicating the functionality of virtual member functions. So I would recommend you use that instead:
class A {
virtual void *func() = 0;
class B {
void *func() {
// ...
You could create B like this:
struct B {
static void *real_func(void *);
A ptr;
A static member function acts like a regular function, so you can create a function pointer for it.
If you don't need a regular function pointer, then you can use std::function:
#include <functional>
struct A {
std::function<void *(void*)> func;
A(std::function<void *(void*)> function)
: func(function)
struct B {
void *real_func(void *);
A ptr;
: ptr(std::bind(&B::real_func,this,std::placeholders::_1))

Passing a function pointer to a function

What should I do if I want to pass a non-static member function of any class as a click function of the button ? Is it possible ? If so what do I need to do ? For example in which ever class (EntityToolGUI over here) the button is initiatlized, I want to set its click action to a non-static member function (a non-static member function of class EntityToolGUI ) of that class.
typedef void (*ptr2clickFunc)(void);
class GUIButton : public GUIObject {
private : void (*clickFunc)(void);
public : void setClickFunction(ptr2clickFunc clickFunc);
void GUIButton::setClickFunction(ptr2clickFunc clickFunc)
this->clickFunc = clickFunc;
class EntityToolGUI {
public : EntityToolGUI();
protected : void addAnimation();
void EntityToolGUI::addAnimation()
cout<<"add animation"<<endl;
I am getting an error no matching function call to GUIButton::setClickFunction(void (EntityToolGUI::*)())
candidate is void GUIButton::setClickFunction(void (*)())
How do I solve this ?
Most (decent) C code that passes function pointers around use an extra void* argument for passing user context to the function. This is not so common in C++ (as better techniques than function pointers exist), but if you're stuck using function pointers for some reason then it may be appropriate.
typedef void (*ptr2clickFunc)(void*);
class GUIButton : public GUIObject {
private : ptr2clickFunc clickFunc;
private : void * userdata;
public : void setClickFunction(ptr2clickFunc clickFunc, void* userdata);
class Foo
static void do_foo( void * userdata )
Foo* thisptr = static_cast<Foo*>(userdata);
void foo() { ... }
int main()
Foo foo;
GUIButton button;
button.setClickFunction( &Foo::do_foo, &foo );;
EDIT As noted by Bartek, if you're doing this a lot you can extract the static function into a template - it looks a bit like this (untested and probably with minor errrors).
// GUIButton is as before
// Note no static function here
class Foo { void foo(); }
template<typename T, void(T::*FN)() >
void Call( void * data)
int main()
Foo f;
GUIButton button;
button.setClickFunction( &Call<Foo,&Foo::foo>, &f );;
If you want to pass obj fun ptr you can use boost::bind and boost::function
You cannot pass a pointer to non-static member function as a pointer to a "regular" non-member function. You should either make addAnimation static, or make ptr2clickFunc typedef a pointer to member function.
Note that invoking a pointer to member function is different from invoking a function pointer, because you must supply an instance on which the member pointer is to be invoked.
addAnimation needs to be static function. When the call back function is set the way you are doing it now, the object of class EntityTollGUI is not registered along with the function.
Try this one (C++11):
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <functional>
class Raiser
std::function<void(int)> ev1, ev2;
void RaiseEv1()
if (!ev1._Empty())
void RaiseEv2()
if (!ev2._Empty())
class Handler
int id;
std::function<void(int)> h;
Handler(int newId)
id = newId;
h = [this](int i)
printf("Handler with id = %d captured event!\n", this->GetId());
void Hook1(Raiser & raiser)
raiser.ev1 = h;
void Hook2(Raiser & raiser)
raiser.ev2 = h;
int GetId()
return id;
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
Raiser raiser;
Handler handler1(1), handler2(2);
AFAIK, this is the most you can get with events in C++ without using language extensions.

how to pass method of child as parameter to function in parent

In the following exceedingly abbreviated classes I would like to define in the base a method (ProcessLines) that would iterate over a set of database records, passing each record as a parameter to a function that is only defined in the child class. Obviously the Base is a virtual class that will never be instantiated on its own.
Class Base {
typedef ProcLineFunc( Long *Line );
void ProcessLines( ProcLineFunc pf);
Class Child{
void DoWork( Long *Line) { //do something}
I'm not sure how to implement this. If I redeclare ProcessLines in the child and just call the parent method, I get the same error message as if I call ProcessLines in the code that creates the child.
Child c(//something);
Gives me a compiler message:
[BCC32 Error] main.cpp(67): E2034 Cannot convert 'bool (* (_closure )(long *))(long )' >to 'int ()(long *)'
Full parser context
main.cpp(56): class Add2Chan
main.cpp(78): decision to instantiate: bool Add2Chan::ProcessByLines()
--- Resetting parser context for instantiation...
main.cpp(67): parsing: bool Add2Chan::ProcessByLines()
I'm fairly new to c++ and the E2034 error message scares the daylights out of me.
Please help. I used a typedef so that I can, in my child classes call ProcessLines multiple times, passing in different functions as I go.
Normally you would do this sort of thing with a protected, pure virtual function:
class Base {
ProcessLines() {
//Logic to process lines here, obviously psuedo-code
while(moreLines) {
virtual void ProcessLine(const Line& line) = 0;
class Child : public Base {
void ProcessLine(const Line& line) { //Logic to process the line for this type }
class DifferentChild : public Base {
void ProcessLine(const Line& line) { //Logic to process the line for DifferentChild }
I think this is the kind of thing you're looking for. It appears to me like you're trying to implement polymorphism in an odd way, but this is the normal way to do it in C++.
Instead of using pointers to functions, use pointers to objects. Accept the limitation that your function is going to be called DoWork and nothing else, and there can only be one such function in each class. This is not a bad limitation. Declare the (pure virtual) function in a class (which is called an interface), and derive classes from it (they are said to implement an interface).
struct DoingWork
virtual void DoWork(long *Line) = 0; // does some work on a list
struct DoingGreatWork: DoingWork
virtual void DoWork(long *Line) {printf("Great work\n");}
struct DoingSlightWork: DoingWork
virtual void DoWork(long *Line) {printf("Slight work\n");}
Using this example:
class Base {
void ProcessLines(DoingWork& object) {
//Logic to process lines here
while(moreLines) {
class Whatever // no need to derive from Base
void DoStuff()
Base object;
If the working objects have to have access to the calling object, initialize them like this:
class Whatever // no need to derive from Base
struct DoingElaborateWork: DoingWork
Whatever& caller;
DoingElaborateWork(Whatever& caller): caller(caller) {}
virtual void DoWork(long *Line)
printf("Doing work requested by %s\n",;
void DoStuff()
Base object;
const char* name() {return "Whatever";}
P.S. They say that "in C++03 functions are second-class citizens" because you cannot do with functions what you can do with objects (like this solution i provide). I heard that in C++11 functions are much improved, but i am not sure about the details.
Since you are doing this in C++Builder, you can utilize its __closure extension to do exactly what you asked for (some portions of the VCL do exactly this for their own callbacks):
class Base
virtual ~Base() {}
typedef void (__closure *ProcLineFunc)( Long *Line );
void ProcessLines( ProcLineFunc pf);
class Child : public Base
void DoWork( Long *Line) { //do something}
Child c(...);

Passing function name as parameter of Another function in C++ class

I have two classes A and B. I want to pass a function name in class A as parameter of function in Class B. I tried with below sample, Is it correct way.
class A
B m_b;
void MyFun()
// do something
void Test()
m_b.Process( MyFun );
class B
void Process( void (*f)() )
thanks in advance
Since MyFun is a member function of class A, you need a pointer-to-member instead of a regular function pointer, and you also need an instance of class A to invoke the function on:
class B
void Process(A *obj, void (A::*f)() )
Actually, if MyFun is not a static member of your class, it has a hidden argument that is of type A*, so this is implemented like: m_a.MyFun(...) =~ MyFunImpl(&m_a, ...).
So, What you want is probably have a static function MyFun (you can't use this inside it), and inside B::Process call f().
If you need to pass this, refer to casablanca's answer (pointers to member functions).
Otherwise, if you want to pass an argument, you can lookup std::bind or lambda functions (C++0x), or boost::bind prior to that.
Follow the advice here:, you'll end up with this:
class A;
typedef void (A::*MemFun)();
class B
void Process(A& a, MemFun mf)
class A
B m_b;
void MyFun()
// do something
void Test()
MemFun p = &A::MyFun;
A a;
m_b.Process(a, p);