Capistrano for Django - django

Does anyone know of a good Django equivalent of Capistrano/Webistrano?

Fabric is a Python-based application deployment system. It can be used to deploy Django projects.

Capistrano (and therefore Webistrano) can be used for pretty much any deployment, so long as you use SSH. Capistrano is Rails-ready out-of-the-box but it can easily be configured to deploy PHP, Django, Java...whatever really.
Capistrano is a Ruby application so you'll need to have Ruby (and the required Gems) installed to run it.
Webistrano is a Rails application and you can run this locally or deploy it to a server if you wish.

I googled around for a simple formula, and then created my own at:


Saleor comes with react by default. Can we have a 'basic' Saleor without frontend frameworks?

I wanted to use Saleor for a "single-type-product" e-commerce website. I installed Saleor yesterday but it has a huge requirements file, including react.js and many other frontend stuff. I don't want them. Is it possible to install Saleor without anything else? Or at least, with the least other requirements?
Yes, you can simply install the backend and expose the graphql api endpoint to consume data from you front-end. Or go regular django-style and use templated views. Simply clone the repo here, install, migrate and run the django server.
Yes. You can install saleor only the backend part.
To do so,
run git clone
after that,
create a docker-compose.yml file if you would like to run with docker-compose
otherwise you are good to go.

Using newer version of nodejs in a ruby project with cloud foundary

My project is using the latest ruby-buildpack which currently loads nodejs 6.14.4. I'd like to use a more current version of nodejs. What's the best way to get it exposed to the application? Does multi-buildpacks solve this problem, and if so, do I list the nodejs buildpack before or after the ruby buildpack in the manifest file? Or, would it be better to package a custom buildpack?
What's the best way to get it exposed to the application? Does multi-buildpacks solve this problem,
I think multi-buildpacks should work for you. You can put Nodejs as a supply buildpack which would tell it to install Node.js, whatever version you want. Then the Ruby buildpack would run and Node.js should be available on the path while it runs so you can use it to do whatever you want.
and if so, do I list the nodejs buildpack before or after the ruby buildpack in the manifest file
The last buildpack should be the buildpack which supplies the command to start your app. Only the final buildpack is allowed to pick the command which starts your app. Other buildpacks, called supply buildpacks, only contribute/install dependencies.
It sounds like that should be the Ruby buildpack in your case.
Or, would it be better to package a custom buildpack?
I'd strongly advise against this. Forking and maintaining a buildpack is a lot of work. Let other people do this work for you and you'll be a lot happier :)

Using wwwhisper for a Django app in Heroku

it is possible to use wwwhisper add-on for a Django app? In that case, where can I find any guide about how to configure it? I've already installed the add-on, but I don't know how to make it work.
wwwhisper author here. The add-on works only with Ruby and Node.js applications on Heroku.

Why does redmine not use the development and test environments?

Why does redmine not use the development and test environments?
In the official installation guide they only show one environment when setting up the databases, advise to run bundler skipping dev and test, and run the rails server in production mode.
I think this instruction describes the installation process only for server (which runs in Production mode). I think it is done this way not to confuse new users (who do not have a lot of knowledge in Rails)
You can easily use this instruction to setup Redmine locally (I did it successfully several times ;). In order to install Redmine locally you should change only few points in the instruction.

How to use vagrant to develop on django locally and then deploy to EC2/Azure?

I chose Vagrant so that other developers in my team can quickly start contributing to the project. Is there anyway we can also make it easy for the developed code to be deployed on EC2 or Azure servers? If there are any articles on the optimal setup, please point me to them. Thanks!
The first video of Getting started with Django shows how to use Vagrant for locally Django developing and how to use it for deploying it to Heroku, you may want to use the first part of the tutorial (the one related with the local development). For the second it depends how you are going to deploy it, but as long as your code will be in a Git repository, you could clone it to EC2/azure from git.