Communicating applications without Event hooks - c++

I want to have my applications communicate to each other. I think something like a server-client model would suit me well, but I was also wondering if there was a different way. I want this way to not involve those windows event hooks.

I am assuming you want to communicate with different processes on the same machine, although many of these concepts can apply across computers as well.
What you are looking for is IPC (Inter Process Communication).
You can do IPC via:
Message queue
Named pipe
Shared memory
Message passing
memory-mapped file
My personal recommendation is a loopback connection via socket commands. It is difficult to give you much help beyond that without knowing more details about what you want to do.

You could loopback over Ethernet or use named pipes.
Look up Inter-process Communication (IPC) for a list of all related topics.
Edit: Given your comments about both being in different processes, then you are best off sending information across a network (ie sockets programming). This would give you the added advantage of being able to run the main process and the debug process on different machines. It's a bit hard to give you much information on it. You'll need to figure out what sort of requests you will send across the network and what sort of data you will send back in response. Effectively you need to design your own simple protocol.


Windows CE centralized message queue between processes

Setup: 4 processes need to monitor a centralized source (I am thinking Message Queue) and be alerted when a message is put into the queue. This is for reporting errors that each process needs to know about to decide what they individually will do about it.
I have a few questions however, since I want to make sure Message Queues are the best way to go about it before I venture to far down that road.
Does the Message Queue API on Windows CE have events/notifications of some sort? If not, does the Windows CE OS itself allow you to tie in to the queue somehow for alerts of new messages arriving? Is there a better Inter Process communication tool for this kind of setup and requirements?
EDIT: Also, this will be a running log of errors that cant be lost, so I will put it on my flash memory.
What always works is a simple TCP connection via loopback. This also makes it easy to debug on a desktop system, in case you want. Concerning CE's message queues, those are always 1:1, so you'd need as many as you have connections between processes. Also, if you want to use them in a TCP stream-like manner, you'll need one for each direction.
There is another way you could use, and that is to monitor the file that you're logging the info to. I'm not sure to what extent CE supports a notification API for file changes, but if you don't need low-latency reactions, you can always poll every now-and-then. Alternatively, use a named event after writing to the logfile.

p2p open source library tcp/udp multicast support

I have a certain application running on my computer. The same application can run on many computers on a LAN or different places in the world. I want to communicate between them. So I basically want a p2p system. But I will always know which computers(specific IP address) will be peers. I just want peers to have join and leave functionality. The single most important aim will be communication speed and time required. I assume simple UDP multicast (if anything like that exists) between peers will be fastest possible solution. I dont want to retransmit messages even if lost. Should I use an existing p2p library e.g. libjingle,etc. or just create some basic framework from scratch as my needs are pretty basic?
I think you're missing the point of UDP. It's not saving any time in a sense that a message gets faster to the destination, it's just you're posting the message and don't care if it arrives safely to the other side. On WAN - it will probably not arrive on the other side. UDP accross networks is problematic, as it can be thrown out by any router on the way which is tight on bandwidth - there's no guarantee of delivery for it.
I wouldn't suggest using UDP out of the topology under your control.
As to P2P vs directed sockets - the question is what it is that you need to move around. Do you need bi/multidirectional communication between all the peers, or you're talking to a single server from all the nodes?
You mentioned multicast - that would mean that you have some centralized source of data that transmits information and all the rest listen - in this case there's no benefit for P2P, and multicast, as a UDP protocol, may not work well accross multiple networks. But you can use TCP connections to each of the nodes, and "multicast" on your own, and not through IGMP. You can (and should) use threading and non-blocking sockets if you're concerned about sending blocking you, and of course you can use the QoS settings to "ask" routers to rush your sockets through.
You can use zeromq for support all network communication:
zeromq is a simple library encapsulate TCP and UDP for high level communication.
For P2P you can use the different mode of 0mq :
mode PGM/EPGM for discover member of P2P on your LAN (it use multicast)
mode REQ/REP for ask a question to one member
mode PULL/PUSH for duplicate one resource on the net
mode Publish/subscribe for transmission a file to all requester
Warning, zeromq is hard to install on windows...
And for HMI, use green-shoes ?
i think you should succeed using multicast,
unfortunately i do not know any library,
but still in case you have to do it from scratch
take a look at this:
good luck :-)

TCP server with state information using network library

I'm writing a tcp server for an online turn-based game. I've already written a prototype using php sockets, but would like to move to C++. I've been looking at the popular network libraries (ASIO, ACE, POCO, LibEvent), but currently unclear which one would best suit my needs:
1) Connections are persistent (on the order of minutes), and the server must be able to handle 100+ simultaneous connections.
2) Connections must be able to maintain state information (user login info). [my php prototype currently requires each client request to contain the login info]
3) Optionally and preferably multi-threaded, but a single process. Prefer not to have 1 thread per connection, but a fixed number of threads working on all open connections.
I'm leaning towards POCO's TCPServer or Reactor frameworks, but not exactly sure if they meet my requirements. I think the Reactor is single threaded, and the TCPServer enforces 1:1 threading/connection. Am I correct?
In either case case, I'm not exactly sure how to do the most important task of associating login info to a specific connection with connections coming and going at random.
Boost.Asio should meet your requirements. The reactor queue can be serviced by multiple threads. Using asynchronous methods will enable your design of a fixed number of threads servicing all connections.
The tutorials and examples are probably the best place to start if you are unfamiliar with the library.
You might also take a look at MUSCLE, a multi-user networking library and server I wrote with this sort of application in mind. It's BSD-licensed, handles hundreds of users, and includes a server-side database mechanism for storing and sharing any information you want the clients to know about each other. The server is single-threaded by default, but I haven't found that to be a problem in practice (and it's possible to extend the server to be multithreaded if that turns out to be necessary).

how can we tell if the remote server is multi-threaded?

My customer did not gave me details regarding the nature of it's application. It might
be multithreaded it might be not. His server serves SOAP messages (http requests)
Is there any special trick in order to understand if the peer is single or multi threaded?
I don't want to ask the customer and I don't have access to his server/machine. I want to find it myself.
It's irrelevant. Why do you feel it matters to you?
A more useful question would be:
Can the server accept multiple
simultaneous sessions?
The answer is likely to be 'yes, of course' but it's certainly possible to implement a server that's incapable of supporting multiple sessions.
Just because a server supports multiple sessions, it doesn't mean that it's multi-threaded. And, just because it's multi-threaded doesn't mean it will have good performance. When servers need to support many hundreds or thousands of sessions, multi-threading may be a very poor choice for performance.
Are you asking this question because you want to 'overlap' SOAP messages on the same connection - in other words, have three threads send requests, and then all three wait for a response? That won't work, because (like HTTP) request and response messages are paired together on each connection. You would need to open three connections in order to have three overlapped messages.
Unfortunately, no, at least not without accessing the computer directly. Multiple connections can even be managed by a single thread, however the good news is that this is highly unlikely. Most servers use thread pooling and assign a thread to a connection upon a handshake. Is there a particular reason why you need to know? If you're presumably going to work on this server, you'll know first-hand how it works.
It doesn't matter if the server is multithreaded or not. There are good and efficient ways to implement I/O multiplexing without threads [like select(2) and suchlike], if that's what worries you.

Client and server

I would like to create a connection between two applications. Should I be using Client-Server or is there another way of efficiently communicating between one another? Is there any premade C++ networking client server libraries which are easy to use/reuse and implement?
Application #1 <---> (Client) <---> (Server) <---> Application #2
Client / server is a generic architecture pattern (much like factory, delegation, inheritance, bridge are design patterns). What you probably want is a library to eliminate the tedium of packing and unpacking your data in a format that can be sent over the wire. I strongly recommend you take a look at the protocol buffers library, which is used extensively at Google and released as open source. It will automatically encode / decode data, and it makes it possible for programs written in different languages to send and receive messages of the same type with all the dirty work done for you automatically. Protobuf only deals with encoding, not actually sending and receiving. For that, you can use primitive sockets (strongly recommend against that) or the Boost.Asio asynchronous I/O library.
I should add that you seem to be confused about the meaning of client and server, since in your diagram you have the application talking to a client which talks to a server which talks to another application. This is wrong. Your application is the client (or the server). Client / server is simply a role that your application takes on during the communication. An application is considered to be a client when it initiates a connection or a request, while an application is considered to be a server when it waits for and processes incoming requests. Client / server are simply terms to describe application behavior.
If you know the applications will be running on the same machine, you can use sockets, message queues, pipes, or shared memory. Which option you choose depends on a lot of factors.
There is a ton of example code for any of these strategies as well as libraries that will abstract away a lot of the details.
If they are running on different machines, you will want to communicate through sockets.
There's a tutorial here, with decent code samples.