How to use V8's built in functions - c++

I'm new in both javascript and V8. According to Google's Embedder's Guide, I saw something in the context section talking about built-in utility javascript functions. And I also found some .js files(e.g. math.js) in the downloaded source code, so I tried to write a simple program to call functions in these files, but I failed.
Does a context created by Persistent<Context> context = Context::New() have any built-in js functions? How can I access them?
Is there a way to first import existing js files as a library(something like src="xxx" type="text/javascript" in HTML page) and then run my own execute script?
Can I call google maps api through the embedded V8 library in app? How?

3. Google Maps needs a full browser DOM (or at least XMLHttpRequest I guess), you can't use it from just a Javascript library.

I think v8 gives you the Math.* functions for free.
You need to implement everything else yourself though, like loading other javascript files. has some of the functions you might be looking for.
As for the maps API, I believe you would need a full blown rendering engine/javascript engine combo for that. You might be better off taking a look at Webkit or something that you can use to embed Webkit for what you're looking to do, I can't really say.

You can use for example the --allow_natives_syntax or --expose_natives_as option.
Here are examples with MathLog picked at random in src/math.js:
First compile a shell with
$ scons d8 -j8
Then use --expose_natives_as:
$ ./d8 --expose_natives_as nat
V8 version 3.12.7 (candidate) [console: dumb]
d8> nat.MathLog(100)
or use --allow_natives_syntax with the '%' prefix:
$ ./d8 --allow_natives_syntax
V8 version 3.12.7 (candidate) [console: dumb]
d8> %MathLog(100)


How to run a JavaScript file - V8

I have embedded v8 into my c++ application. Referring I am able to run a javascript. Tested and works fine.
I access the links from my c++ application, download html data, download javascript. Some embedded scripts in the html call functions in external script files. How do I ensure that the external scripts are available for the embedded ones?
The downloaded JavaScript files (one or more) may be of large size. In such a context, how do I execute the JavaScript api present in HTML using v8? Code to run a JavaScript in v8 is below,
// Create a string containing the JavaScript source code.
v8::Local<v8::String> source =
v8::String::NewFromUtf8(isolate, "'Hello' + ', World!'",
// Compile the source code.
v8::Local<v8::Script> script =
v8::Script::Compile(context, source).ToLocalChecked();
// Run the script to get the result.
v8::Local<v8::Value> result = script->Run(context).ToLocalChecked();
Assuming downloaded javascript is 200KB, how can I feed such a large buffer to v8::Script::Compile api. And when I have more than one file present, how can feed I them to v8 ?
How do I ensure that the external scripts are available for the embedded ones?
You load the external scripts first.
How do I execute the JavaScript API present in HTML using v8?
Do you mean the DOM? window, document and the like? The DOM is not part of ECMAScript, so V8 knows nothing about it; it is provided by the embedder (i.e. usually Chrome). In your own embedding you need to provide all those objects yourself, using V8's API. Needless to say, this is a huge amount of work. If what you're after is a way to render websites, then I recommend that you use some existing component/library for that, for example the Chromium Embedded Framework, or your favorite GUI toolkit's WebView (or whatever it is called).
Assuming downloaded JavaScript is 200KB, how can I feed such a large buffer to v8::Script::Compile API?
Just like you feed a small script to V8: put it into a v8::Local<v8::String>, then call v8::Script::Compile and v8::Script::Run.
And when I have more than one file present, how can feed I them to v8 ?
Call v8::Script::Compile and v8::Script::Run repeatedly, possibly using a loop. For an example, see V8's shell sample, specifically the function RunMain.
As I receive partial JavaScript in HTTP packets (chunks), can I pass the partial JavaScript to V8?
Yes, V8 has a script streaming interface. See the API documentation for v8::ScriptCompiler::ExternalSourceStream. For examples on how to use it, you can study the tests. Streaming may or may not be worth it for scripts as small as 200KB; it is definitely not required.

Use Node.js as an interpreter

I would like to embed NodeJS in my application. The reason i would like to use NodeJS and not just the V8 directly, is because of the extensions that exist for NodeJS.
To do that i understand that i need to compile NodeJS with GYP. Got it. But how do i work with it? is there a static lib to link to? how to start it up? say i want to provide it with a V8 context, how do i pass it?
a bit at a loss here. hope for help.
Note - i want to activate nodejs from my C++ code, not the other way around. i understand extensions, this is not what i want.
As I got from this question the problem of immediate linking with node.js is still unsolved. Actually the workaround may be running it in a separated process like an ordinary command line application. You may save your script to file, pass it as cmdline argument, then obtain std output from the node.js executable.

Building a Native Client app from nothing

What does it take to build a Native Client app from scratch? I have looked into the documentation, and fiddled with several apps, however, I am now moving onto making my own app and I don't see anything related to creating the foundation of a native client app.
Depending on the version of the SDK you want to use, you have a couple of options.
Pepper 16 and 17: use or use an example as a starting point
If you are using pepper_16 or pepper_17, you will find a Python script in the project_templates in the SDK. It will setup up a complete set of files (.cc, .html, .nmf) with comments indicating where you need to add code. Run python -h to see what options it accepts. Additional documentation can be found at
Pepper 18 and newer: use an example as the starting point
If you are using pepper_18 or newer, is no longer included. Instead you can copy a very small example from the examples directory (e.g., hello_world_glibc or hello_world_newlib for C or hello_world_interactive for C++) and use that as a starting point.
Writing completely from scratch
If you want to write your app completely from scratch, first ensure that the SDK is working by compiling and running a few of the examples. Then a good next step is to look at the classes pp::Module and pp:Instance, which your app will need to implement.
On the HTML side, write a simple page with the EMBED element for the Native Client module. Then add the JavaScript event handlers for loadstart, progress, error, abort, load, loadend, and message and have the handlers write the event data to, e.g., the JavaScript console, so that it's possible to tell what went wrong if the Native Client module didn't load. The load_progress example shows how to do this.
Next, create the manifest file (.nmf). From pepper_18 and onwards you can use the script found in the tools/ directory for this. If you want to write it from scratch, the examples provide examples both for using newlib and glibc (the two Standard C librares currently supported). See hello_world_newlib/ and hello_world_glibc/, respectively.
If you haven't used a gcc-family compiler before, it is also a good idea to look at the Makefile for some of the examples to see what compiler and linker flags to use. Compiling both for 32-bit and 64-bit right from the beginning is recommended.
Easiest way is to follow the quick start doc at, in particular steps 5-7 of the tutorial ( ) which seems to be what you are asking about.

AngelScript, how to load a script file?

I know how I can bind C++ functions to AngelScript, but in my C++ code, how do I load an .as script file? How can I say in my C++ "Execute now!" ?
In the AngelScript API I don't find any function like "LoadScript" or "ExecuteScript".
Or do I have to define a path somewhere from where AngelScript loads all scripts and I don't need to tell it the exact files?
Just found it out (in a small side sentence in the docs):
AngelScript doesn't provide a build in file loading. That's why there is no API function. So the manual loading is indeed the only way.
asIScriptModule::AddScriptSection will load a script string. asIScriptContext::Execute will execute a function from a script. The documentation was pretty clear about all of this; you might want to give it a look.

Help programmatically add text to an existing PDF

I need to write a program that displays a PDF which a third-party supplies. I need to insert text data in to the form before displaying it to the user. I do have the option to convert the PDF in to another format, but it has to look exactly like the original PDF. C++ is the preferred language of choice, but other languages can be investigated (e.g. C#). It need to work on a Windows desktop machine.
What libraries, tools, strategies, or other programming languages do you suggest investigate to accomplish this task? Are there any online examples you could direct me to.
Thank-you in advance.
What about PoDoFo:
The PoDoFo library is a free, portable
C++ library which includes classes to
parse PDF files and modify their
contents into memory. The changes can
be written back to disk easily. The
parser can also be used to extract
information from a PDF file (for
example the parser could be used in a
PDF viewer). Besides parsing PoDoFo
includes also very simple classes to
create your own PDF files. All classes
are documented so it is easy to start
writing your own application using
iTextSharp is a free library that you can use in .Net applications. Take a look at the iText page - that is for the iText project, which is a Java library. iTextSharp is part of that project, and is a port to C# and .Net.
Consider Python It have a lot PDF librarys (both creating and extracting) eg:
There are also good tools for using C/C++ code in Python and to create .exe form Python scripts. If you decide to use different language consider Python as prototyping language!