Why is event handling in native Visual C++ deprecated? - c++

Event handling is also supported for
native C++ classes (C++ classes that
do not implement COM objects),
however, that support is deprecated
and will be removed in a future
Anyone knows why? Couldn't find any explanation for this statement.

It's totally non-standard kludge that probably has very little actual
users. And I mean non-stndard kludge even in WinNT and Microsoft-private world.
COM has much richer repertoire for event-like mechanisms and also allow
fully multi-threaded code these days
This one is lethal - that functionality is doing implicit locking (probably our grandpa's idea
of "synchonized" before templates and widespread safe use of normal critical sections). That
makes it more dangerous than COM's single apartment, ahem, thing :-) As in it can give you a deadlock out of nowhere (happened to Java's synchronized methods as well - nothing special :-)
Everyone and their dogs know how to use normal multi-threading and at least critical sections with smart pointers these days, so besides being dangerous, that thing is also irrelevant.

I'd hazard a guess, and it is just that, that similar functionality can be achieved by a signal/slots type library in a more more portable/standard C++ (with templates) fashion rather than requiring compiler support by MS.

I'd hazard a guess that they would want you to do it all the .Net way now.

Have a look at Boost::Signals2
(This is the successor of Boost Signals, which is no longer maintained)


A base class to automatically provide getter and setter functions C++

My use case is like.
I have some plain fields, which need a basic thread safe getter and setter.
For some fields a custom getter and setter is required.
What will be the best approach for this problem?
The standard library provides atomic for simple thread-safe getting and setting of values. http://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/atomic/atomic
Be aware that proper thread safety almost always involves a lot more than wrapping a few members in std::atomic and calling it a day.
To directly answer the question, I don't believe there is a single good answer to this.
Unlike C#, C++ doesn't appear to have automatic get, set generation built into the language, and although there might be a complicated way of doing this "organically" (templates, perhaps?); any solution you might come across might end up being some sort of tool built into an IDE or utility program, such as Eclipse or Code::Blocks.
Additionally, C++ in its C++03 form is not usually inherently thread-safe; support for multi-threading, thread management, async, and memory safety were added on in later versions (C++11 and on), but due to the nature of C++, I don't believe C++ will ever be inherently thread-safe (at least for now).
While std::atomic<type whatever> can be a viable option, you might also want to keep in mind that it is indeed an "add-on" to the language and incurs a time cost, like most other constructs with multi-threading (even atomic operations at the processor level are somewhat slower). You could go the route of mutexes, but again, we're going into multi-threading territory, which may be beyond the scope of your question.

Is there a common design pattern or object oriented approach used to encapsulate thread behaviour?

I have recently been using pthreads on Linux and want to start looking into using boost threads in the near future. I have never used MS visual studio so I don't know the approach there but I (have to) use Embarcadero C++ Builder (formerly Borland) one of the few good things I find with it is that is has a built in class TThread. This is a class that you can derive from to give nicely encapsulated data and start and terminate functions. I prefer this approach than the pthread way of passing functions and void* being passed into the thread create function. I was wondering if there is some kind of design pattern or structure that is commonly used to provide a more object oriented that encapsulates the functionality of threads in this way? I can try and create it myself, but I cannot be the first person to desire this kind of approach and wondered if there was a "standard" way of achieving it.
Edit: Alternatively, if this is a very bad idea perhaps an illustration of why?
I would consider that the most standard approach would be using the standard thread library (closely related to boost::thread, not 100% the same). I would avoid redesigning what has already been designed, reviewed and verified by a committee of experts.
Also note that for the kind of operations that you mention in the comment you might want to take a look at the future part of the standard library (again similar to the boost counterpart), and in particular to the std::asynch function.
I like the way boost::thread is designed (I saw a similar design in the threading library from Rouge Wave). Basically a thread is started by passing a function to be executed and latter that thread object can be used to join that thread. pthread is very similar in design, but boost::thread is much easier to use.

Single threaded shared pointer for simple inclusion in large project

For a piece of multiplatform c++ code I am writing, I need a shared pointer. Currently the project does not use boost, and pulling it in would be extremely difficult or impossible from an administrative view. However, I can use select C++11 features, including shared pointers.
There is a problem with the standard shared pointers, they guarantee thread safety. That means that on some platforms/compilers, like GCC ( http://tinyurl.com/GCCSharedPtrLockPolicy ) atomics and mutexes will be needlessly used, but at least I can check and work around issues incurred by this. Then for other platforms ( http://tinyurl.com/msvscSharedPtr ) there does not even appear to be a way to check, what thread safety mechanisms are used. The original boost pointer provides only the most basic of thread safety guarantees ( http://tinyurl.com/SharedPtrThreadSafety ).
My core issue here is that on some platforms Atomics can cause costly synchronizations between CPU caches and unneeded Mutexes can cause calls to the OS that that may delay for not entirely related reasons. This code will be multi-threaded, but we have other synchronization methods for moving data between threads. A thread-safe shared pointer is simply not needed or wanted.
Normally, I would prefer to benchmark and make my decision, but because of the platforms this will run on, and be ported too, I cannot practically do so. I would need to test on some of the less popular platforms, where less optimized compilers tend to exist, but I do not have that ability currently.
I will try to make a push to get Boost pointers, but that is unlikely, what are my other options for when that fails? In the mean time I will research trying to get just the Shared_ptr out of boost, but I do not think that will be easy.
I could roll my own. This seems like a terrible idea, why would I have to re-invent something this basic.
If there is a library with that is simple and has liberal enough licensing, then I could simply copy their shared_ptr code and simplify rolling my own.
Edit: Pulling in anything from boost other than header only libraries has been struck out. I will be researching Loki as one of the answerers suggested. If that fails and no answers materialize here, I will roll my own :( .
I'd take a look at the one in Loki. Loki is considerably smaller than boost, and the smart pointer implementation in Loki is highly configurable.
boost shared_ptr supports single threading usage
you can #define the macro BOOST_SP_DISABLE_THREADS on a project-wide basis to switch to ordinary non-atomic reference count updates
citation from boost shared_ptr
gcc has a class __shared_ptr which takes a lock-policy. shared_ptr derives off this.
One of the policies is _S_single, which is for single threaded code (ie: non locked/non atomic reference count)
In c++11 you can use template aliases which will allow you to use the non-standard __shared_ptr class which shared_ptr derives off
template<typename T>
using st_ptr = __shared_ptr<T, __gnu_cxx::_S_single>;
If you don't have a conformant compiler yet you can roll your own by just inheriting off __shared_ptr and exposing the interface (in fact this is how gcc currently does it because of the fact that template aliases were not available prior to 4.7)
Look in bits/shared_ptr.h to see how shared_ptr derives off __shared_ptr - it will be trivial to roll your own.
It is quite possible to write/adapt your own smart pointer class for use in legacy projects that the newer libraries do not support. I have written my own for just such a reason and it works well with MSVC++ 4.2 and onwards.
See ootips.org/yonat/4dev/smart-pointers.html which is what I based mine on. Definitely a possibility if you want a small solution. Just the header and .cpp file required.
The key point to watch out for is the lack of the explicit keyword in older compilers. Another is that you may want to allow implicit conversion to the raw pointer to allow your APIs to remain less affected (we did this) and in that case you should also take care to prevent conversion to other types of pointers as well.

Will (and should) there be sockets in C++11?

Is the new C++11 going to contain any socket library? So that one could do something std::socket-ish?
Seeing as how std::thread will be added, it feels as if sockets should be added as well. C-style sockets are a pain... They feel extremely counter-intuitive.
Anyways: Will there be C++ sockets in C++11 (googled it but couldn't find an answer)? If not, are their any plans on adding this? Why (/ why not)?
No, it is not. As for the near future, the C++ standards committee has created a study group that is developing a networking layer proposal. It looks like they're going for a bottom-up approach, starting with a basic socket layer, then building HTTP/etc support on top of that. They're looking to present the basic socket proposal at the October committee meeting.
As for why they didn't put this into C++11, that is purely speculative.
If you want my opinion on the matter, it's for this reason.
If you are making a program that does something, that has a specific functionality to it, then you can pick libraries for one of two reasons. One reason is because that library does something that is necessary to implement your code. And the other is because it does something that is helpful in implementing code in general.
It is very difficult for a design for a particular program to say, "I absolutely must use a std::vector to hold this list of items!" The design for a program isn't that specific. If you're making a web browser, the idea of a browser doesn't care if it holds its tabs in a std::vector, std::list, or a user-created object. Now, some design can strongly suggest certain data structures. But rarely does the design say explicitly that something low-level like a std::list is utterly essential.
std::list could be used in just about any program. As can std::vector, std::deque, etc.
However, if you're making a web browser, bottled within that design is networking. You must either use a networking library or write a networking layer yourself. It is a fundamental requirement of the idea.
The term I use for the former type, for libraries that could be used in anything, is "utility" libraries.
Threading is a utility library. Design might encourage threading through the need to respond to the user, but there are ways to be responsive without preemptive multithreading. Therefore, in most cases, threading is an implementation choice. Threading is therefore a utility.
Networking is not. You only use networking if your design specifically calls for it. You don't decide to just dump networking into a program. It isn't an implementation detail; it is a design requirement.
It is my opinion that the standard C/C++ library should only implement utilities. It's also why I'm against other heavyweight ideas like XML parsers, etc. It isn't wrong for other libraries to have these things, but for C and C++, these are not good choices.
I think it should, since a lot of other popular languages support socket operations as a part of the language (they don't force the user to use any OS-specific API). If we already have file streams to read/write local files, I don't see why we can't have some method of transferring data with sockets.
There will be no sockets in C++11. The difference between threads and sockets is that threads involves making more guarantees about ordering, if your program involves threads. For a platform with just one core, then C++11 doesn't mandate that your CPU springs an extra core. Sockets, on the other hand, would be... difficult to implement portably and fail gracefully on systems that don't have them.
This is so weird that in 2022, there is still no standard for a basic OS construct as sockets in C++.
The closest I found is kissnet (Apparently exists since 2019).
It's small (~1500 lines), runs on Windows and Linux, uses OpenSSL, and requires C++ 17 (Which is a plus in my book), basically everything I needed.
There will not be in C++0x. There are proposals to add them in a future version.
The amount of new stuff in C++0x had to be limited to give the committee time to deal with it all thoroughly.
The wikipedia page for C++0x is usually pretty up to date and the section on library changes doesn't seem to mention sockets.

boost vs ACE C++ cross platform performance comparison?

I am involved in a venture that will port some communications, parsing, data handling functionality from Win32 to Linux and both will be supported. The problem domain is very sensitive to throughput and performance.
I have very little experience with performance characteristics of boost and ACE. Specifically we want to understand which library provides the best performance for threading.
Can anyone provide some data -- documented or word-of-mouth or perhaps some links -- about the relative performance between the two?
Thanks all. Confirmed our initial thoughts - we'll most likely choose boost for system level cross-platform stuff.
Neither library should really have any overhead compared to using native OS threading facilities. You should be looking at which API is cleaner. In my opinion the boost thread API is significantly easier to use.
ACE tends to be more "classic OO", while boost tends to draw from the design of the C++ standard library. For example, launching a thread in ACE requires creating a new class derived from ACE_Task, and overriding the virtual svc() function which is called when your thread runs. In boost, you create a thread and run whatever function you want, which is significantly less invasive.
Do yourself a favor and steer clear of ACE. It's a horrible, horrible library that should never have been written, if you ask me. I've worked (or rather HAD to work with it) for 3 years and I tell you it's a poorly designed, poorly documented, poorly implemented piece of junk using archaic C++ and built on completely brain-dead design decisions ... calling ACE "C with classes" is actually doing it a favor. If you look into the internal implementations of some of its constructs you'll often have a hard time suppressing your gag reflex.
Also, I can't stress the "poor documentation" aspect enough. Usually, ACE's notion of documenting a function consists of simply printing the function's signature. As to the meaning of its arguments, its return value and its general behavior, well you're usually left to figure that out on your own. I'm sick and tired of having to guess which exceptions a function may throw, which return value denotes success, which arguments I have to pass to make the function do what I need it to do or whether a function / class is thread-safe or not.
Boost on the other hand, is simple to use, modern C++, extremely well documented, and it just WORKS! Boost is the way to go, down with ACE!
Don't worry about the overhead of an OS-abstraction layer on threading and synchronization objects. Threading overhead literally doesn't matter at all (since it only applies to thread creation, which is already enormously slow compared to the overhead of a pimpl-ized pointer indirection). If you find that mutex ops are slowing you down, you're better off looking at atomic operations or rearranging your data access patterns to avoid contention.
Regarding boost vs. ACE, it's a matter of "new-style" vs. "old-style" programming. Boost has a lot of header-only template-based shenanigans (that are beautiful to work with, if you can appreciate it). If, on the other hand, you're used to "C with classes" style of C++, ACE will feel much more natural. I believe it's mostly a matter of personal taste for your team.
I've used ACE for numerous heavy duty production servers. It never failed me. It is rock solid and do the work for many years now. Tried to learn BOOST's ASIO network framework-Couldn't get the hang of it. While BOOST is more "modern" C++, it also harder to use for non trivial tasks - and without a "modern" C++ experience and deep STL knowledge it is difficult to use correctly
Even if ACE is a kind of old school C++, it still has many thread oriented features that boost doesn't provide yet.
At the moment I see no reason to not use both (but for different purposes). Once boost provide a simple mean to implement message queues between tasks, I may consider abandoning ACE.
When it comes to ease-of-use, boost is way better than ACE. boost-asio has a more transparent API, its abstractions are simpler and can easily provide building blocks to your application. The compile-time polymorphism is judiciously used in boost to warn/prevent illegal code. ACE's uses of templates, on the other hand, is limited to generalization and is hardly ever user-centric enough to disallow illegal operations. You're more likely to discover problems at run-time with ACE.
A simple example which I can think of is ACE_Reactor - a fairly scalable and decoupled interface- but you must remember to call its "own" function if you're running its event loop in a thread different from where it was created. I spent hours to figure this out for the first time and could've easily spent days. Ironically enough its object model shows more details than it hides - good for learning but bad for abstraction.
Threading is really only a small part of what boost and ACE provide, and the two aren't really comparable overall. I agree that boost is easier to use, as ACE is a pretty heavy framework.
I wouldn't call ACE "C with classes." ACE is not intuitive, but if you take your time and use the framework as intended, you will not regret it.
From what I can tell, after reading Boost's docs, I'd want to use ACE's framework and Boost's container classes.
Use ACE and boost cooperatively. ACE has better communication API, based on OO design patterns, whereas boost has like "modern C++" design and works well with containers for example.
We started to use ACE believing that it would hide the platform differences present between windows and unix in TCP sockets and the select call. Turns out, it does not. Ace's take on select, the reactor pattern, cannot mix sockets and stdin on windows, and the semantic differences between the platforms concerning socket writablility notifications are still present at the ACE level.
By the time we realized this we were already using the thread and process features of ACE (the latter of which again does not hide the platform differences to the extent we would have liked) so that our code is now tied to a huge library that actually prevents the porting of our code to 64 Bit MinGW!
I can't wait for the day when the last ACE usage in our code is finally replaced with something different.
I've been using ACE for many years (8) but I have just started investigating the use of boost again for my next project. I'm considering boost because it has a bigger tool bag (regex, etc) and parts of it are getting absorbed into the C++ standard so long term maintenance should be easier.
That said, boost is going to require some adjustment. Although Greg mentions that the thread support is less invasive as it can run any (C or static) function, if you're used to using thread classes that are more akin to the Java and C# thread classes which is what ACE_Task provides, you have to use a little finesse to get the same with boost.