Find a window using c++ and modifying controls - c++

I would like to use c++ without mfc(and not clr) in order to modify textbox's and activate a button on a form outside of my project. I don't know where to start. I've done a lot of searching but can only find information for VB. A starting point would help.
I tried this and it doesn't seem to work.
HWND fWindow = FindWindow(NULL ,(LPCWSTR)"title");
and I also tried this
HWND fWindow = FindWindow(NULL ,LPCWSTR("title"));
I ALSO tried using LPTSTR instead of LPCWSTR, incase it was a unicode deal.
Maybe I don't understand this microsoft LPCWSTR and LPTSTR crap.
I also tried
HWND fWindow = FindWindow(NULL,TEXT("title"));
and that didn't work.
I guess the windows api must just be broken.
I tried the function on other programs...I'm using xp and I tried catching the calculator, and an explorer window, and something else. But I got nothing.
Heres some of the exact code I'm using to try and figure this out.
HWND face = NULL;
face = FindWindow(NULL,TEXT("My Computer"));
LPSTR title = TEXT("");
if(face != NULL)
face = nothing.
title = ""
Bear in mind, I'm not actually trying to hook explorer, I just want to figure out how to get it to work.

Use spy++ or winspector to see the actual "text" of the window.
(Strictly speaking, the caption of the window need not match it's window text. Especially true of "fancy" windows which paint their own caption.)
The following works fine for me (using Calc.exe to test).
HWND hwnd = NULL;
hwnd = FindWindow(NULL,_T("Calculator"));
TCHAR title[251];
if(hwnd != NULL)
MessageBox(NULL,_T("No such window."),_T("OOPS"),MB_OK);
Edit: You should have used _TEXT instead of TEXT.

One way to do this is to use FindWindow to get a handle to the form. Then if you know the button and edit window Ids, you can use GetDlgItem to get their window handles. If you dont know the ids, you can use EnumChildWindows to examine all of the controls on the form.
Once you have the window handles for the controls, you can use SetWindowText to set the text on the edit control, and send a WM_COMMAND message to the form window with the button ID as the command value to make the form think that the button has been clicked.
There are a lot of ways to go about this once you have the correct window handles. There are security issues when you use the window handles of another process, but if the process isn't secured, then inter-process use of window handles just works. For a secured process, you won't be able to find out the window handles.

The windows API provides Methods for this. These should be independent of MFC and CLR, as they are plain win32. I had a project once accessing the Form fields of an Applictation from a loaded DLL (don't ask why).
you might want to look here (Codeproject)
or here (msdn)
At first, you need to obtain a handle to the process you want to access.
When have this, you can use GetDlgItem() (search msdn for that) to retrieve a handle to the desired textbox.
With this handle, you should be able to modify the control in question.

If your trying to get big (and do some more UI automation), you sould have a closer look at these:
Microsoft Active Accessibility
Microsoft UI Automation
Windows Automation API (Win7)


Spy++ Win32 API Getting Window instance from Spy++ Information

I am using Spy++ to find windows, I am doing this as a test and realise the Handles change fequently. However, here is the information I get from Spy++. Can I use these handles to grab that window in C++
Here's how I get it from the name.
HWND main_window_handle = FindWindowA(NULL, WINDOW_NAME);
How can I get it using either the Window Handle or Instance Handle.
The window handle is the HWND and their values are not stable, it will probably change every time you run the program.
The instance handle (HINSTANCE) is also not stable and has little to do with finding a specific window in another application, it is the load address of the module (.exe or .dll) that created the window.
To find a window you will generally call FindWindow with a specific class name. If the class name of the window you are looking for is not really unique then you should probably use EnumWindows and try to look for other specific attributes and/or child windows to identify the top level window you are looking for.
It is also possible (and often the best approach) to use UI Automation to find and manipulate windows in 3rd-party applications.
Try using
HINSTANCE myInstance = (HINSTANCE)&__ImageBase;

which window is on top on the other

I have 2 windows and I want to know which window is on the top of the other?
I tried to test using GetWindowLong and comparing the results but no chance.
LONG wndState1 = ::GetWindowLong(handler1, GWL_EXSTYLE);
LONG wndState2 = ::GetWindowLong(handler2, GWL_EXSTYLE);
both results is equal to 256.
Edited: In the picture below I have the dialog of notepad++ is on top of the FileZilla, How do I Get That by Code.
Is there a trick for that ?
THank you
GetWindowLong is used to retrieve style information for a particular window.
In order to get the top-most window, use
HWND WINAPI GetForegroundWindow(void);
You will still need to know the window handles (HWND) for the processes you're interested in so that you can find out which process owns the foreground window.
Note that this API can only return the window that the user is interacting with (or has interacted with most recently).
I agree with Remy that there isn't any API to do that. The only way I can think of to actually do that is to install a global hook and intercept certain messages (e.g. WM_ACTIVATE, WM_SETFOCUS and so on). Since you will also retrieve the timestamps for the messages, it should be simple to infer which window is on top of any other window. This will require you to write a dll but this is relatively simple to do. I can't guarantee this will work either though I think it will (I've written a global hook but never used it to find out the z-order of windows)

::PostMessage doesn't work when I am tabbed in to another program

In our Program we have a Dialog from a separate dll open to display infomation. I need to close this dialog when our system timer causes the system to lock.
I send information to the dll by registering a system message in both my MainFrm and EditDisplayDll
SYSTEMLOCK = RegisterWindowMessage("SystemLock");
When I sent the message via
The message correctly sends to my EditDisplayDll and closes the dialog when the system locks; however, if I alt tab while waiting for the timeout and use another program(firefox, outlook, etc.) the message never correctly calls to the EditDisplayDll. The MainFrm and other windows inside of the MainFrm correctly lockout and hide themselves in either case.
I have tried also using HWND_BROADCAST with PostMessage and SendNotifyMessage. I have also tried to use FindWindow() and FindWindowEx() to specifically call the EditDisplayDll.
I cannot use something like GetDlgItem() because my MainFrm.cpp doesn't have access to this dll.
My decision to use GetActiveWindow() was because I believe it looks to windows specific to my program no matter what window I am in as seen in the imagery in Foreground Vs Active window
Finally, my question is, is there a way to call all Windows in my program no matter what program I am currently in or is there another way I could get access to the specific IDD of the EditDisplayDll in order to send the SYSTEMLOCK message to it?
CWnd *cWndED = FindWindow(_T("EditDisplay"),_T("EditDisplay")); HWND
hwnd = (HWND)cWndED;
You should use win32 API ::FindWindow with proper class, window name. And do not cast CWnd pointer to HWND. Your code should look like:
HWND hWnd = ::FindWindow(_T("ProperClass"), _T("ProperNmae"));
if (hWnd != NULL)
::PostMessage(hWnd, YOUR_MESSAGE, ....);
I will suggest you to find your Dll window class and name using Spy++ and then try to find that using above method. Remember it's always better to use native API for this kind of tasks.
FindWindow is a good solution if you know both, name of the window and the element.
If you want to get the HWND of your window - no element inside the window -, you can pass as first parameter NULL.
::FindWindow(NULL, _T("WindowName"));
Back to your code: If you are lucky your PostMessage does nothing, otherwise the active window may catch your message. Who knows how/if it is handled in the active window ? Use the PostMessage if you have a valid IsWindow(HWND) from FindWindow or FindWindowEx.
In case you want a CWnd from your HWND take a look at this. (The call may be slow)
HWND hWnd = ::FindWindow(_T("ClassName"), _T("WindowName"));
if (hWnd && IsWindow(hWnd))
::PostMessage(hWnd, MESSAGE_TO_BE_SEND, lParam_or_Flags);

Windows.h - Notification when focus enters a text input

I'm trying to come up with a solution for setting up a notification when focus enters a text field. The end goal in mind is to recreate the type of functionality you see on mobile devices with on screen keyboards.
So far I've been exploring SetWinEventHook with EVENT_OBJECT_FOCUS and GetGUIThreadInfo with GUI_CARETBLINKING.
From the docs:
An object has received the keyboard focus. The system sends this event
for the following user interface elements: list-view control, menu
bar, pop-up menu, switch window, tab control, tree view control, and
window object.
GUI_CARETBLINKING The caret's blink state. This bit is set if the
caret is visible.
Using these methods I've come up with this solution:
void TextInputHelper::setupEventHook(FREContext iCtx)
ctx = iCtx;
handleEventObjectFocus, 0, 0,
void CALLBACK handleEventObjectFocus(HWINEVENTHOOK hook, DWORD evt, HWND hwnd,
LONG idObj, LONG idChild, DWORD thread, DWORD time)
threadInfo.cbSize = sizeof(GUITHREADINFO);
BOOL result = GetGUIThreadInfo(thread, &threadInfo);
if(threadInfo.flags & GUI_CARETBLINKING)
//text field focus
This does seem to work in some cases but its definitely not reliable. Programs like Notepad an IE seem to work fine but others like Firefox do not. This also will not work for things like text fields on websites because it doesn't look like handleEventObjectFocus will get called.
Does anyone know of another way to approach this problem? I've been searching around and it seems like I might be looking for something in the Accessibility APIs but I haven't been able to dig up to much on it.
To clarify, I'm looking to receive a notification when focus enters any text field. This application is a win32 dll and will never have focus its self.
If you're using standard Windows controls WM_SETFOCUS should do the trick. No need to get fancy with hooking etc.
EDIT: For system wide behavior you can check out SetWindowsHookEx. To catch events system-wide you need to use it from within a DLL. You can use a combination of hooks including one that catches WM_SETFOCUS.
If you're trying to supply an alternative text input method, you should look into "IME" - "Input Method Editor". These are directly supported by the OS.
You can catch the entrance into a text field using the EN_SETFOCUS notification.
WM_FOCUS is for the window itself, not for controls that are in it. Otherwise said, if you want to use WM_FOCUS, you'll have to subclass your EDIT field. It's not necessary here.
EDIT: it wasn't completely clear that you wanted a system-wide behavior. IN that case you have to use an hook (cf. SetWindowsHookEx) as explained in the answer above. Sorry.

How can i get handle for separate windows using MFC?

I'm new to MFC. Can anyone please tell me how can I get handle separate windows using MFC. My task is to take screenshot of separate windows and I want to display it. By using CWnd::GetDesktopWindow I’ll take the handle for desktop. If I want to get handle for other windows how can I get it. Now i got the handle for desktop if I want to display the desktop which I captured how I can do it. Please anyone help me.
It depends on what types of window do you want to get. To retrieve some window has specified class name or caption, please use API FindWindow(...) with class&caption as input; to get all the child windows under desktop or some top level window, you could use EnumWindows(...) in a recursive function.
In order to get the handle to all the windows on your desktop, you need the function EnumWindows.
You provide it with a callback function and it will call it with a handle to each window it finds.
To get an MFC CWnd* from a HWND, you can do this:
CWnd *const window = CWnd::FromHandle(hWnd);