Want to place several images with transparent colour on the same background - c++

I am desparately searching for place several graphics having a transparent background on the same background with GDI+. I did not have any programming experience with Windows or graphic programming (like games) before, so it is more difficult to find a solution. GDI+ has a transparent colour. GDI+ only uses the transparency information to bitmap this colour properly on another image. Once bitmaped, however, the first image is no more transparent. If you put the same image several times on the same background, you will see that only the first placement was transparent.
My problem is placing several transparent objects on a background at once. You can see the code below that works for one ship (nNrOfShips = 1;). If you write a larger value for this variable, no ship will be placed.
How should I modify the code? I also tried to use Ship arrays, but no ship appears on the screen. You may create your own example by using a background with (slightly) changing colour and just place an image transparently. I hope that that example would help me.
Here the code example...
HDC hdcScreen = GetLockedScreen();
m_hdcShip = CreateCompatibleDC(hdcScreen);
// Draw the ship image on restored background
Graphics grBkg(m_hdcNewBackground);
// Restore new background
BitBlt(m_hdcNewBackground, 0, 0,
GetWtsMetrics(wtsm_ScreenSizeX), GetWtsMetrics(wtsm_ScreenSizeY),
m_hdcSavedBackground, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); // 20100125 SAE
BYTE nNrOfShips = 1; // DATA->GetNrOfShips();
for (BYTE nShipId = 0; nShipId < nNrOfShips; nShipId++)
Ship ship = DATA->GetShipList()[nShipId];
ShipModel shipModel = DATA->FindShipModel(ship.nShipModelId); // 20100202 SAE
WORD nCurResId = DATA->FindCurShipResourceId(ship); // 20100131 SAE
WORD nIndex = nCurResId - shipModel.nFirstResId; // 20100131 SAE
assert(nIndex >= 0);
ShipResource shipRes = (*shipModel.pvectResource)[nIndex]; // 20100202 SAE
// 20100126 SAE
// Always take the first (upper left) coordinates of the ship rectangle:
QuadrantVector &wpQuadrants =
{ // 20100115 SAE: Determine first the coordinates of the ship
ship.vectRectangle = DATA->RandomRectangleCoordinates(
shipModel.nHeight, shipModel.nWidth);
} while (!DATA->AreCoordinatesValid(ship.vectRectangle, wpQuadrants) &&
!DATA->AreShipsTooClose(ship, DATA->GetShipList(), DATA->GetDistance()));
grBkg.RotateTransform(0); // 20100201 SAE
-shipModel.nWidth/2, -shipModel.nHeight/2);
// Determine bounding rectangle of ship after drawing on transformed page
// 20100125 SAE
Rect rcSrc(-shipModel.nWidth/2, -shipModel.nHeight/2,
shipModel.nWidth, shipModel.nHeight);
TransformRect(&grBkg, &m_rcCurShip, &rcSrc,
CoordinateSpacePage, CoordinateSpaceWorld);
} // for
m_hdcShip = 0;

Use the Bitmap.MakeTransparent() method on the images when you load them. You'll need to select the color that's the background color for those images. Storing the images in the PNG format with the transparency selected in the graphics editor would be another way.


Is there a way to save a Graphics object in Codename One without without taking a screenshot?

The question is in the title. For example how can I save g in a file in the following snippet ?
public void paints(Graphics g, Image background, Image watermark, int width, int height) {
g.drawImage(background, 0, 0);
g.drawImage(watermark, 0, 0);
// Upper left corner
g.fillRect(0, 0, 10, 10);
// Lower right corner
g.fillRect(width - 10, height - 10, 10, 10);
Font f = Font.createTrueTypeFont("Geometos", "Geometos.ttf").derive(220, Font.STYLE_BOLD);
// Draw a string right below the M from Mercedes on the car windscreen (measured in Gimp)
(int) (848 ),
(int) (610)
// NOW how can I save g in a file ?
The reaseon why I don't want to take a screenshot is because I want to keep the full resolution of g (eg : 2000 x 1500).
I would be so grateful to anyone that can tell me how to do that with Codename one. If not possible then it is already good to know it!
What you could do is to create an Image as buffer, get the graphics object from the image an do all your drawings operations on it. Then draw the whole image to the display and save it as a file:
int height = 2000;
int width = 1500;
float saveQuality = 0.7f;
// Create image as buffer
Image imageBuffer = Image.createImage(width, height, 0xffffff);
// Create graphics out of image object
Graphics imageGraphics = imageBuffer.getGraphics();
// Do your drawing operations on the graphics from the image
// Draw the complete image on your Graphics object g (the screen I guess)
g.drawImage(imageBuffer, w, h);
// Save the image with the ImageIO class
OutputStream os = Storage.getInstance().createOutputStream("storagefilename.png");
ImageIO.getImageIO().save(imageBuffer, os, ImageIO.FORMAT_PNG, saveQuality);
Note, that I have not tested it, but it should work like that.
Graphics is just a proxy to a surface, it has no knowledge or access to the underlying surface to which it is drawing and the reason for that is quite simple. It can draw to a hardware accelerated "surface" where there is physically no underlying image.
This is the case both on iOS and Android where the "screen" is natively drawn and has no buffer.

Drawing keeps getting stuck to the screen in SDL

In my program what I am drawing gets stuck on to the screen I am drawing on, by this I mean that what I previously drawed onto the screen stays after I call SDL_UpdateWindowSurface(). Here is my code.
void tower_manager::render()
m_tower.draw(camx, camy,m_screen);
//SDL_BlitSurface(test, NULL, m_screen, NULL);
SDL_Rect rect = { 32, 32, 32, 32 };
//draw the tower walls;
for (int x = 0; x < towerWidth; x++)
for (int y = 0; y < towerHeight * 2; y += 2)
rect.x = x*blockSize - camx;
rect.y = y*blockSize - camy;
SDL_BlitSurface(test, NULL, m_screen, &rect);
Apparently I need at least 10 reputation to post images so I cant post a screen shot but here is an example, you know what happens to the desktop when a windows application freezes and it keeps drawing the same window over and over again and you can draw it around to make art and stuff? That's exactly what it looks like is happening here. Also I have another issue when I call the tower objects method that is originally going to draw the tower using the same code it does not draw or do anything at all(i am passing in a pointer to the screen I am drawing to in its parameter).
You would want to clear the surface regions that you are drawing to. If you don't, then the screen surface retains the old renderings from previous frames and you are drawing on top of them. This causes a smearing artifact.
An old optimization (no longer so useful with SDL2 or OpenGL) here is to keep track of dirty rectangles and clear each of them, but the simplest way is to just clear the entire surface each frame before rendering.
So, once per frame do something like this:
SDL_FillRect(m_screen, NULL, 0x000000);

How to efficiently render a small sprite in Direct3D / C++ on a large Window (DWM)?

I'm implementing a custom cursor in DirectX/C++ that is drawn on a transparent window on top of the desktop.
I have stripped it down to a basic example. The magic of executing Direct3D on the DWM is based on this article on Code Project
The problem is that when using a very big window (e.g. 2560x1440) as a base for the DirectX rendering, it will give up to 40% GPU Load according to GPU-Z. Even if the only thing I am displaying is a static 128x128 sprite, or nothing at all. If I use an area like 256x256, the GPU Load is around 1-3%.
Basically this loop would make the GPU go crazy on a big window while it's smooth sailing on a small window:
while(true) {
g_pD3DDevice->PresentEx(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);
So it seems like it re-renders the whole screen whether anything changes or not, am I right? Can I tell Direct3D to only re-render specific parts that needs to be updated?
I have found a way to tell Direct3D to render a specific part by providing RGNDATA Dirty region information to PresentEx. It is now 1% GPU Load instead of 20-40%.
std::vector<RECT> dirtyRects;
//Fill dirtyRects with previous and new cursor boundaries
DWORD size = dirtyRects.size() * sizeof(RECT)+sizeof(RGNDATAHEADER);
RGNDATA *rgndata = NULL;
rgndata = (RGNDATA *)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, size);
RECT* pRectInitial = (RECT*)rgndata->Buffer;
RECT rectBounding = dirtyRects[0];
for (int i = 0; i < dirtyRects.size(); i++)
RECT rectCurrent = dirtyRects[i];
rectBounding.left = min(rectBounding.left, rectCurrent.left);
rectBounding.right = max(rectBounding.right, rectCurrent.right);
rectBounding.top = min(rectBounding.top, rectCurrent.top);
rectBounding.bottom = max(rectBounding.bottom, rectCurrent.bottom);
*pRectInitial = dirtyRects[i];
//preparing rgndata header
header.dwSize = sizeof(RGNDATAHEADER);
header.iType = RDH_RECTANGLES;
header.nCount = dirtyRects.size();
header.nRgnSize = dirtyRects.size() * sizeof(RECT);
header.rcBound.left = rectBounding.left;
header.rcBound.top = rectBounding.top;
header.rcBound.right = rectBounding.right;
header.rcBound.bottom = rectBounding.bottom;
rgndata->rdh = header;
// Update display
g_pD3DDevice->PresentEx(NULL, NULL, NULL, rgndata, 0);
But it's something I do not understand. It will only give 1% GPU Load if I add the following
SetLayeredWindowAttributes(hWnd, 0, 180, LWA_ALPHA);
I want it transparent anyway so it's good, but instead I get some weird tearing effects after a while. It is more noticeable the faster I move the cursor. What does that come from? It looks like image provided. I am sure I have set the dirty rects perfectly accurate.
The above tearing seem to differ from computer to computer.

Drawing points of handwritten stroke using DrawEllipse (GDI+)

I'm working on an application that draws handwritten strokes. Strokes are internally stored as vectors of points and they can be transformed into std::vector<Gdiplus::Point>. Points are so close to each other, that simple drawing of each point should result into an image of continual stroke.
I'm using Graphics.DrawEllipse (GDI+) method to draw these points. Here's the code:
// prepare bitmap:
Bitmap *bitmap = new Gdiplus::Bitmap(w, h, PixelFormat32bppRGB);
Graphics graphics(bitmap);
// draw the white background:
SolidBrush myBrush(Color::White);
graphics.FillRectangle(&myBrush, 0, 0, w, h);
Pen blackPen(Color::Black);
// draw stroke:
std::vector<Gdiplus::Point> stroke = getStroke();
for (UINT i = 0; i < stroke.size(); ++i)
// draw point:
graphics.DrawEllipse(&blackPen, stroke[i].X, stroke[i].Y, 2, 2);
At the end I just save this bitmap as a PNG image and sometimes the following problem occurs:
When I saw this "hole" in my stroke, I decided to draw my points again, but this time, by using ellipse with width and height set to 1 by using redPen with width set to 0.1f. So right after the code above I added the following code:
Pen redPen(Color::Red);
for (UINT i = 0; i < stroke.size(); ++i)
// draw point:
graphics.DrawEllipse(&redPen, stroke[i].X, stroke[i].Y, 1, 1);
And the new stoke I've got looked like this:
When I use Graphics.DrawRectangle instead of DrawEllipse while drawing this new red stroke, it never happens that this stroke (drawn by drawing rectangles) would have different width or holes in it:
I can't think of any possible reason, why drawing circles would result into this weird behaviour. How come that stroke is always continual and never deformed in any way when I use Graphics.DrawRectangle?
Could anyone explain, what's going on here? Am I missing something?
By the way I'm using Windows XP (e.g. in case it's a known bug). Any help will be appreciated.
I've made the wrong assumption that if I use Graphics.DrawEllipse to draw a circle with radius equal to 2px with pen of width about 2px, it will result in a filled circle with diameter about 4-5 px being drawn.
But I've found out that I actually can't rely on the width of the pen while drawing a circle this way. This method is meant only for drawing of border of this shape, thus for drawing filled ellipse it's much better to use Graphics.FillEllipse.
Another quite important fact to consider is that both of mentioned functions take as parameters coordinates that specify "upper-left corner of the rectangle that specifies the boundaries of the ellipse", so I should subtract half of the radius from both coordinates to make sure the original coordinates specify the middle of this circle.
Here's the new code:
// draw the white background:
SolidBrush whiteBrush(Color::White);
graphics.FillRectangle(&whiteBrush, 0, 0, w, h);
// draw stroke:
Pen blackBrush(Color::Black);
std::vector<Gdiplus::Point> stroke = getStroke();
for (UINT i = 0; i < stroke.size(); ++i)
graphics.FillEllipse(&blackBrush, stroke[i].X - 2, stroke[i].Y - 2, 4, 4);
// draw original points:
Pen redBrush(Color::Red);
std::vector<Gdiplus::Point> origStroke = getOriginalStroke();
for (UINT i = 0; i < origStroke.size(); ++i)
graphics.FillRectangle(&redBrush, origStroke[i].X, origStroke[i].Y, 1, 1);
which yields following result:
So in case someone will face the same problem as I did, the solution is:

Removal of OpenGL rubber banding artefacts

I'm working with some OpenGL code for scientific visualization and I'm having issues getting its rubber banding working on newer hardware. The code is drawing a "Zoom Window" over an existing scene with one corner of the "Zoom Window" at the stored left-click location, and the other under the mouse as it is moved. On the second left-click the scene zooms into the selected window.
The symptoms I am seeing as the mouse is moved across the scene are:
Rubber banding artefacts appearing which are the lines used to create the "Zoom Window" not being removed from the buffer by the second "RenderLogic" pass (see code below)
I can clearly see the contents of the previous buffer flashing up and disappearing as the buffers are swapped
The above problem doesn't happen on low end hardware such as the integrated graphics on a netbook I have. Also, I can't recall this problem ~5 years ago when this code was written.
Here are the relevant code sections, trimmed down to focus on the relevant OpenGL:
// Called by every mouse move event
// Makes use of current device context (m_hDC) and rendering context (m_hRC)
void MyViewClass::DrawLogic()
// Make the rendering context current
if (!wglMakeCurrent(m_hDC, m_hRC))
// ... error handling
// Perform the logic rendering
// Draws the rectangle on the buffer using XOR op
bSwapRv = ::SwapBuffers(m_hDC);
// Removes the rectangle from the buffer via a second pass
// Release the rendering context
if (!wglMakeCurrent(NULL, NULL))
// ... error handling
void MyViewClass::RenderLogic(void)
glLineStipple(1, 0x0F0F);
// Uses custom "Point" class with Coords() method returning double*
// Draw rectangle with corners at clicked location and current location
glVertex2d(m_pntCurrLoc.X(), m_pntClickLoc.Y());
glVertex2d(m_pntClickLoc.X(), m_pntCurrLoc.Y());
// Setup code that might be relevant to the buffer configuration
bool MyViewClass::SetupPixelFormat()
1, // Version number (?)
PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW // Format must support window
| PFD_SUPPORT_OPENGL // Format must support OpenGL
| PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER, // Must support double buffering
PFD_TYPE_RGBA, // Request an RGBA format
32, // Select a 32 bit colour depth
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // Colour bits ignored (?)
8, // Alpha buffer bits
0, // Shift bit ignored (?)
0, // No accumulation buffer
0, 0, 0, 0, // Accumulation bits ignored
16, // 16 bit Z-buffer
0, // No stencil buffer
0, // No accumulation buffer (?)
PFD_MAIN_PLANE, // Main drawing layer
0, // Number of overlay and underlay planes
0, 0, 0 // Layer masks ignored (?)
memset(&chosen_pfd, 0, sizeof(PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR));
chosen_pfd.nSize = sizeof(PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR);
// Find the closest match to the pixel format
m_uPixelFormat = ::ChoosePixelFormat(m_hDC, &pfd);
// Make sure a pixel format could be found
if (!m_uPixelFormat)
return false;
::DescribePixelFormat(m_hDC, m_uPixelFormat, sizeof(PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR), &chosen_pfd);
// Set the pixel format for the view
::SetPixelFormat(m_hDC, m_uPixelFormat, &chosen_pfd);
return true;
Any pointers on how to remove the artefacts will be much appreciated.
#Krom - image below
With OpenGL it's canonical to redraw the whole viewport if just anything changes. Consider this: Modern system draw animates complex scenes at well over 30 FPS.
But I understand, that you may want to avoid this. So the usual approach is to first copy the frontbuffer in a texture, before drawing the first rubberband. Then for each rubberband redraw "reset" the image by drawing a framebuffer filling quad with the texture.
I know I'm posting to a year and half old question but in case anyone else comes across this.
I've had this happen to me myself is because you are trying to remove the lines off of the wrong buffer. For example you draw your rectangle on buffer A call swapBuffer and then try to remove the rectangle off of buffer B. What you would want to do is keep track of 2 "zoom window" rectangles while your doing the drawing one for buffer A and one for buffer B and then keep track of which one is the most recent.
If you're using Vista/7 and Aero, try switching to the Classic theme.