Factory Pattern - Question with Auto-wire up - factory-pattern

I'm using subsonic2's generated classes and wanting to add a layer of abstraction for testing, I created a basic interface, as such...
public interface IController<TCollection>
where TCollection : class
TCollection FetchAll();
TCollection FetchByID(object id);
TCollection FetchByQuery(Query query);
bool Delete(object id);
//void Insert(TEntity entity);
//void Update(TEntity entity);
Which is great, I created an "extended" class folder, dropped a class in there and extended that class ...
public partial class AddressController : IController<AddressCollection> { }
NO problems, yay. Then it hit me -- there's 239 of these classes, and I'm not about to go make those by hand, there has to be a way for the software to do this, and I'm lazy, so I started to look at a factory pattern that would return a IController< TCollection >. How would I go about this? I guess a better question is, how do I get reflection to do my evil bidding by taking a class and asking it to use a certain interface?


How can I access a private (non-static) method in C++?

Currently I am working on a project where I want to control a model train for a nice showcase.
I have multiple locomotives which all have a unique address (just think of it as a UUID). Some locomotives have a headlight, some of them have a flashing light, some have both and some of them have none.
My base class is this:
class GenericLocomotive : public Nameable, public Describable {
uint16_t address;
GenericLocomotive(const char* name, const char* description, uint16_t address);
void setFunction(uint8_t command, bool val);
Now I want to have a different class which provides the functionality to enable and disable the headlight:
class HasHeadLight {
void activateHeadlight();
void deactivateHeadlight();
My goal is to have a specific class for every locomotive (with different functionality) which looks something like this:
class <SpecificLocomotive> : public GenericLocomotive, public HasHeadlight, public HasFlashlight,... {
The problem is, that I must have access to the private field 'address' of my GenericLocomotive class and I also have to call the function setFunction(...) from my HasHeadlight class.
I am quite new to C++ and just found out about the concept of friend classes and methods, but I can not quite get it to work, because even with the declaration of the method setFunction(...) as a friend, I can not just call something like
this->setFunction(HEADLIGHT_COMMAND, true);
from my HasHeadlight-class, because the function is not declared in 'this'.
How can I access the method from my other class? Is this friend thing even needed or is there a completely different way to structure my C++ program?
You have misunderstood how class inheritance works:
Inheritance establishes an is-a relationship between a parent and a child. The is-a relationship is typically stated as as a specialization relationship, i.e., child is-a parent.
There are many ways you can tackle what you want to achieve here, but this is not it. You're on the right track as far as treating the different train components as separate objects, and one way to achieve that would be to instead make each component a member of the specialized locomotive:
class HeadLight {
void activateHeadlight();
void deactivateHeadlight();
class SpecialLocomotive : public GenericLocomotive {
HeadLight mHeadlight;
Flashlight mFlashlight;
SpecialLocomotive(const char* name, const char* description, uint16_t address)
: GenericLocomotive(name, description, address) {
setFunction(HEADLIGHT_COMMAND, true);
void toggleLight(bool on) {
if (on) {
} else {
mHeadlight.void deactivateHeadlight();
/* so on and so forth /*
There's not enough details to go further with it. If you need to call setFunction from within Headlight, I would consider that a poor design choice, but there are other ways.

C++ Help on refactoring a monster class

I have a C background and am a newb on C++. I have a basic design question. I have a class (I'll call it "chef" b/c the problem I have seems very analogous to this, both in terms of complexity and issues) that basically works like this
class chef
void prep();
void cook();
void plate();
char name;
char dish_responsible_for;
int shift_working;
in pseudo code, this gets implemented along the lines of:
int main{
chef my_chef;
kitchen_class kitchen;
for (day=0; day < 365; day++)
The chef class here seems to be a monster class, and has the potential of becoming one. chef also seems to violate the single responsibility principle, so instead we should have something like:
class employee
char name;
int shift_working;
class kitchen_worker : employee
class cook_food : kitchen_worker
void cook();
class prep_food : kitchen_worker
void prep();
class plater : kitchen_worker
void plate();
I'm admittedly still struggling with how to implement it at run time so that, if for example plater (or "chef in his capacity as plater") decides to go home midway through dinner service, then the chef has to work a new shift.
This seems to be related to a broader question I have that if the same person invariably does the prepping, cooking and plating in this example, what is the real practical advantage of having this hierarchy of classes to model what a single chef does? I guess that runs into the "fear of adding classes" thing, but at the same time, right now or in the foreseeable future I don't think maintaining the chef class in its entirety is terribly cumbersome. I also think that it's in a very real sense easier for a naive reader of the code to see the three different methods in the chef object and move on.
I understand it might threaten to become unwieldy when/if we add methods like "cut_onions()", "cut_carrots()", etc..., perhaps each with their own data, but it seems those can be dealt with by having making the prep() function, say, more modular. Moreover, it seems that the SRP taken to its logical conclusion would create a class "onion_cutters" "carrot_cutters" etc... and I still have a hard time seeing the value of that, given that somehow the program has to make sure that the same employee cuts the onions and the carrots which helps with keeping the state variable the same across methods (e.g., if the employee cuts his finger cutting onions he is no longer eligible to cut carrots), whereas in the monster object chef class it seems that all that gets taken care of.
Of course, I understand that this then becomes less about having a meaningful "object oriented design", but it seems to me that if we have to have separate objects for each of the chef's tasks (which seems unnatural, given that the same person is doing all three function) then that seems to prioritize software design over the conceptual model. I feel an object oriented design is helpful here if we want to have, say, "meat_chef" "sous_chef" "three_star_chef" that are likely different people. Moreover, related to the runtime problem is that there is an overhead in complexity it seems, under the strict application of the single responsibility principle, that has to make sure the underlying data that make up the base class employee get changed and that this change is reflected in subsequent time steps.
I'm therefore rather tempted to leave it more or less as is. If somebody could clarify why this would be a bad idea (and if you have suggestions on how best to proceed) I'd be most obliged.
To avoid abusing class heirarchies now and in future, you should really only use it when an is relationship is present. As yourself, "is cook_food a kitchen_worker". It obviously doesn't make sense in real life, and doesn't in code either. "cook_food" is an action, so it might make sense to create an action class, and subclass that instead.
Having a new class just to add new methods like cook() and prep() isn't really an improvement on the original problem anyway - since all you've done is wrapped the method inside a class. What you really wanted was to make an abstraction to do any of these actions - so back to the action class.
class action {
virtual void perform_action()=0;
class cook_food : public action {
virtual void perform_action() {
//do cooking;
A chef can then be given a list of actions to perform in the order you specify. Say for example, a queue.
class chef {
perform_actions(queue<action>& actions) {
for (action &a : actions) {
This is more commonly known as the Strategy Pattern. It promotes the open/closed principle, by allowing you to add new actions without modifying your existing classes.
An alternative approach you could use is a Template Method, where you specify a sequence of abstract steps, and use subclasses to implement the specific behaviour for each one.
class dish_maker {
virtual void prep() = 0;
virtual void cook() = 0;
virtual void plate() = 0;
void make_dish() {
class onion_soup_dish_maker : public dish_maker {
virtual void prep() { ... }
virtual void cook() { ... }
virtual void plate() { ... }
Another closely related pattern which might be suitable for this is the Builder Pattern
These patterns can also reduce of the Sequential Coupling anti-pattern, as it's all too easy to forget to call some methods, or call them in the right order, particularly if you're doing it multiple times. You could also consider putting your kitchen.opens() and closes() into a similar template method, than you don't need to worry about closes() being called.
On creating individual classes for onion_cutter and carrot_cutter, this isn't really the logical conclusion of the SRP, but in fact a violation of it - because you're making classes which are responsible for cutting, and holding some information about what they're cutting. Both cutting onions and carrots can be abstracted into a single cutting action - and you can specify which object to cut, and add a redirection to each individual class if you need specific code for each object.
One step would be to create an abstraction to say something is cuttable. The is relationship for subclassing is candidate, since a carrot is cuttable.
class cuttable {
virtual void cut()=0;
class carrot : public cuttable {
virtual void cut() {
//specific code for cutting a carrot;
The cutting action can take a cuttable object and perform any common cutting action that's applicable to all cuttables, and can also apply the specific cut behaviour of each object.
class cutting_action : public action {
cuttable* object;
cutting_action(cuttable* obj) : object(obj) { }
virtual void perform_action() {
//common cutting code
object->cut(); //specific cutting code

C++ Object Design issue: efficiently and safely construct objects and save/load with database

my English is not good enough to explain my problem. But I will try my best.
I used to be a Java programmer but have been using C++ more than a year. The one thing always bothers me is the strategy of creating business objects from network(like through SNMP, Web Service or other data sources...) and save it to database and load it when application startup. Usually my design is like following :
class Object{
/* this is just a demonstration, in real code, there are all kinds of Object and has relationships*/
friend class DBConnection;
friend class SNMPConn
std::string& m_strName;
//... all kinds of properties
class DBConnection
int load(Object& obj);
int save(Object& obj);
int modify(Object& obj);
int loadAll(std::vector);
class SNMPConn
int load(Object& obj);
The thing I am not conmforable with is the line of "friend class ..." . It breaks the encapsulation.I found some framework, like litesql(sourceforge.net/apps/trac/litesql) and other commercial ones, but these frameworks are difficult to integrate with my existing code. I am trying to do it manually and trying to find a common strategy for this kind of work.
I was a Java deveoper, design in C++ is the thing I'm not good at. I don't know what's the best practice for this kind of design work.
As I understand from this problem (breaking encapsulation during reading and writing to DB or SNMP connection), first you need a proper design to eliminate these "friend"s. please define an abstract class for connections (i.e. IDBConnection) also persistent objects (i.e. IPersistent). You may use "Abstract Factory" pattern to create them. Furthermore, isolate load and save methods to another class and use "visitor pattern" to initialize or save your objects from/to your DB.
Another point, if you need an embedded DB for your application, use SQLite there are tons of good C++ wrappers for it. Hope it helps
Here's how I might do it in pseudo-code:
class Result {
int getField(name);
string getField(name);
class Connection {
void save(list<pair<string, string>> properties);
Result query();
class DBConnection {
class DBResult : public Result {
Result query() {
return ( DBResult );
void save
class Object {
void load(Result);
void save(Connection) {
// make properties list
Without Java-style reflection, that's probably how I'd do it without getting into "friend"-ship relationships. Then you're not tightly coupling the knowledge of connection logic into the connection classes.
You could also build template functions to do it, but you'd still need a friend relationship.
class Object {
friend template<class Conn, class Obj> load(Conn c, Obj o);
friend template<class Conn, class Obj> save(Conn c, Obj o);
load<Connection, Object>(Connection c, Object o) {
//access o.private to load into c
I'm not sure which way I'd go. In one respect, you encapsulate load/save logic in your Object classes, which is great for locality, but it might tightly couple your persistence and business logic all in one location.

supplying dependency through base class

I have a list of Parts and some of them need a pointer to an Engine, lets call them EngineParts. What I want is to find these EngineParts using RTTI and then give them the Engine.
The problem is how to design the EnginePart. I have two options here, described below, and I don't know which one to choose.
Option 1 is faster because it does not have a virtual function.
Option 2 is easier if I want to Clone() the object because without data it does not need a Clone() function.
Any thoughts? Maybe there is a third option?
Option 1:
class Part;
class EnginePart : public Part {
protected: Engine *engine
public: void SetEngine(Engine *e) {engine = e}
class Clutch : public EnginePart {
// code that uses this->engine
Option 2:
class Part;
class EnginePart : public Part {
public: virtual void SetEngine(Engine *e)=0;
class Clutch : public EnginePart {
private: Engine *engine;
public: void SetEngine(Engine *e) { engine = e; }
// code that uses this->engine
(Note that the actual situation is a bit more involved, I can't use a simple solution like creating a separate list for EngineParts)
Virtual functions in modern compilers (from about the last 10 years) are very fast, especially for desktop machine targets, and that speed should not affect your design.
You still need a clone method regardless, if you want to copy from a pointer-/reference-to-base, as you must allow for (unknown at this time) derived classes to copy themselves, including implementation details like vtable pointers. (Though if you stick to one compiler/implementation, you can take shortcuts based on it, and just re-evaluate those every time you want to use another compiler or want to upgrade your compiler.)
That gets rid of all the criteria you've listed, so you're back to not knowing how to choose. But that's easy: choose the one that's simplest for you to do. (Which that is, I can't say based of this made-up example, but I suspect it's the first.)
Too bad that the reply stating that 'a part cannot hold the engine' is deleted because that was actually the solution.
Since not the complete Engine is needed, I found a third way:
class Part;
class EngineSettings {
Engine *engine
friend class Engine;
void SetEngine(Engine *e) {engine = e}
Value* GetSomeValue(params) { return engine->GetSomeValue(params); }
class Clutch : public Part, public EngineSettings {
// code that uses GetSomeValue(params) instead of engine->GetSomeValue(params)
Because GetSomeValue() needs a few params which Engine cannot know, there is no way it could "inject" this value like the engine pointer was injected in option 1 and 2. (Well.. unless I also provide a virtual GetParams()).
This hides the engine from the Clutch and gives me pretty much only one way to code it.

Best aproach to java like adapters event-handling in C++

I'm doing some research in how to implement a event-handling scheme in C++ that can be easyest as its to implements an adpter to a class in java. The problem is that with the approach shown below, I will need to have all adapters already implemented with its function overriding in the devived class (because the linker needs it). On the other side, using a delegate strategy where I can use the adapter just in the derived class should imply in less performance considering the way it need to be implemented.
wich one, or what on else should be the best approach to it?
class KeyboardAdapter
virtual void onKeyDown(int key) = 0;
class Controller : public KeyApadter
void onKeyDown(int key);
void Controller::onKeyDown(int key) {}
class UserController : public Controller {
void onKeyDown(int key);
void UserController::onKeyDown(int key) {
// do stuff
int main() {
UserController * uc = new UserController();
Controller * c = uc;
Take a look at Boost.Signals library for an example of how you can implement event handling without classes with virtual functions (http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_39_0/doc/html/signals.html).
Given that your code appears to be handling keystrokes from the user, and given that nobody types faster than, say, 100-150 words per minute, I wouldn't worry too much about efficiency. Just do it the way that makes the most sense to you.
Besides boost::signals, you can try sigc++. It is used by the C++ GTK/Glib wrapper GTKmm. It seems to fit your needs.