How to display remote email message? - c++

I have been using this code to display IMAP4 messages:
void DisplayMessageL( const TMsvId &aId )
// 1. construct the client MTM
TMsvEntry indexEntry;
TMsvId serviceId;
User::LeaveIfError( iMsvSession->GetEntry(aId, serviceId, indexEntry));
CBaseMtm* mtm = iClientReg->NewMtmL(indexEntry.iMtm);
// 2. construct the user interface MTM
CBaseMtmUi* uiMtm = iUiReg->NewMtmUiL(*mtm);
// 3. display the message
CMsvOperationWait* waiter=CMsvOperationWait::NewLC();
waiter->Start(); //we use synchronous waiter
CMsvOperation* op = uiMtm->OpenL(waiter->iStatus);
// 4. cleanup for example even members
CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(4); // op,waiter, mtm, uimtm
However, in case when user attempts to download a remote message (i.e. one of the emails previously not retrieved from the mail server), and then cancels the request, my code remains blocked, and it never receives information that the action was canceled.
My question is:
what is the workaround for the above, so the application is not stuck?
can anyone provide a working example for asynchronous call for opening remote messages which do not panic and crash the application?
Asynchronous calls for POP3, SMTP and local IMAP4 messages work perfectly, but remote IMAP4 messages create this issue.
I am testing these examples for S60 5th edition.
Thank you all in advance.

First of all, I would retry removing CMsvOperationWait and deal with the open request asynchronously - i.e. have an active object waiting for the CMsvOperation to complete.
CMsvOperationWait is nothing more than a convenience to make an asynch operation appear synchronous and my suspicion is that this is culprit - in the case of download->show message, there are two asynch operations chained.


Widevine Session Update endless Loop

I am using from chrome to handle DRM protected data. I am currently successfully setting the widevine server certificate I get from the license server. I can also create a session with the pssh box of the media im trying to decode. So far everything is successful (all promises resolve fine).
(session is created like this: _cdm->CreateSessionAndGenerateRequest(promise_id, cdm::SessionType::kTemporary, cdm::InitDataType::kCenc,, static_cast<uint32_t>(pssh_box.size()));)
I am then getting a session message of type kLicenseRequest which I am forwarding to the respective license server. The license server responds with a valid response and the same amount of data as I can see in the browser when using Chrome. I am then passing this to my session like this:
_cdm->UpdateSession(promise_id,, static_cast<uint32_t>(session_id.size()),, static_cast<uint32_t>(license_response.size()));
The problem now is that this promise never resolves. It keeps posting the kLicenseRequest message over and over again to my session without ever returning. Does this mean my response is wrong? Or is this something else?
The issue is caused by the fact, that everything in CreateSessionAndGenerateRequest is done synchronous - that means by the time CreateSessionAndGenerateRequest returns your promise will always be resolved.
The CDM will emit the kLicenseRequest inside CreateSessionAndGenerateRequest and it doesn't do so in a "fire & forget" fashion, but the function waits there until you have returned from the cdm::Host_10::OnSessionMessage. Since my implementation of OnSessionMessage was creating a synchronous HTTP Request to the license server before - also synchronously - calling the UpdateSession the entire chain ended up to be blocking.
So ultimately I was calling UpdateSession while still being inside CreateSessionAndGenerateRequest and I assume the CDM cannot handle this and reacts by creating a new session with the given ID and generating a request again, which of course triggered another UpdateSession and so on.
Ultimately the simplest way to break the cycle was to make something asynchronous. I decided to launch a separate thread when receiving kLicenseRequest, wait for a few milliseconds to make sure that CreateSessionAndGenerateRequest has time to finish (not sure if that is really required) and then issue the request to the license server.
The only change I had to do was adding the surrounding std::thread:
void WidevineSession::forward_license_request(const std::vector<uint8_t> &data) {
[=]() {
net::HttpRequest request{"POST", _license_server_url};
request.add_header("Authorization", fmt::format("Bearer {}", _access_token))
const auto response = _client.execute(request);
if (response.status_code() != 200) {
log->error("Widevine license request not accepted by license server: {} {} ({})", response.status_code(), response.status_text(), utils::bytes_to_utf8(response.body()));
throw std::runtime_error{"Error requesting widevine license"};
log->info("Successfully requested widevine license from license server");
_adapter->update_session(this, _session_id, response.body());

detect client connection closed in the grpc server

In the unary RPC example provided in the grpc Github (client) and (server), is there any way to detect client's closed connection?
For example, in file:
std::string prefix("Hello ");
reply_.set_message(prefix +;
// And we are done! Let the gRPC runtime know we've finished, using the
// memory address of this instance as the uniquely identifying tag for
// the event.
status_ = FINISH;
int p = 0,i=0;
while(i++ < 1000000000) { // some dummy work
p = p + 10;
responder_.Finish(reply_, Status::OK, this);
With this dummy task before sending the response back to the client, server will take a few seconds. If we close the client (for example say with Ctrl+C), the server does not throw any error. It simply calls Finish and then deallocates the object as if the Finish is successful.
Is there any async feature (handler function) on the server-side to get us notified that the client has closed the connection or client is terminated?
Thank You!
Unfortunately, no.
But now guys from gRPC team works hard to implement callback mechanism into C++ implementation. As I understand it will work the same way as on Java implementation( ).
You can see how to work with future API with next examples: and
And the point of your interest there is ServerBidiReactor class from ::grpc::experimental namespace for server side. It have OnDone and OnCancel notification methods that maybe can help you.
Another interesting point there is that you can store a pointers to connection object and send notifications to client at any time.
But it still have many issue and I don't recommend to use this API in production code.
Current progress of C++ callbacks implementation you can see there:

How to make sure last AMQP message is published successfully before closing connection?

I have multiple processes working together as a system. One of the processes acts as main process. When the system is shutting down, every process need to send a notification (via RabbitMQ) to the main process and then exit. The program is written in C++ and I am using AMQPCPP library.
The problem is that sometimes the notification is not published successfully. I suspect exiting too soon is the cause of the problem as AMQPCPP library has no chance to send the message out before closing its connection.
The documentation of AMQPCPP says:
Published messages are normally not confirmed by the server, and the RabbitMQ will not send a report back to inform you whether the message was succesfully published or not. Therefore the publish method does not return a Deferred object.
As long as no error is reported via the Channel::onError() method, you can safely assume that your messages were delivered.
This can of course be a problem when you are publishing many messages. If you get an error halfway through there is no way to know for sure how many messages made it to the broker and how many should be republished. If this is important, you can wrap the publish commands inside a transaction. In this case, if an error occurs, the transaction is automatically rolled back by RabbitMQ and none of the messages are actually published.
Without a confirmation from RabbitMQ server, it's hard to decide when it is safe to exit the process. Furthermore, using transaction sounds like overkill for a notification.
Could anyone suggest a simple solution for a graceful shutting down without losing the last notification?
It turns out that I can setup a callback when closing the channel. So that I can safely close connection when all channels are closed successfully. I am not entirely sure if this process ensures all outgoing messages are really published. However from the test result, it seems that the problem is solved.
class MyClass
AMQP::TcpConnection m_tcpConnection;
AMQP::TcpChannel m_channelA;
AMQP::TcpChannel m_channelB;
void MyClass::stop(void)
int remainChannel = 2;
auto closeConnection = [&]() {
if (remainChannel == 0) {
// close connection when all channels are closed.
auto closeChannel = [&](AMQP::TcpChannel & channel) {
.onSuccess([&](void) { closeConnection(); })
.onError([&](const char * msg)
std::cout << "cannot close channel: "
<< msg << std::endl;
// close the connection anyway

ActiveMQ-cpp Broker URI with PrefetchPolicy has no effect

I am using activemq-cpp 3.7.0 with VS 2010 to build a client, the server is ActiveMQ 5.8. I have created a message consumer using code similar to the following, based on the CMS configurations mentioned here. ConnClass is a ExceptionListener and a MessageListener. I only want to consume a single message before calling cms::Session::commit().
void ConnClass::setup()
// Create a ConnectionFactory
std::tr1::shared_ptr<ConnectionFactory> connectionFactory(
// Create a Connection
m_connection = std::tr1::shared_ptr<cms::Connection>(
// Create a Session
m_session = std::tr1::shared_ptr<cms::Session>(
// Create the destination (Queue)
m_destination = std::tr1::shared_ptr<cms::Destination>(
// Create a MessageConsumer from the Session to the Queue
m_consumer = std::tr1::shared_ptr<cms::MessageConsumer>(
m_session->createConsumer( m_destination.get() ));
m_consumer->setMessageListener( this );
void ConnClass::onMessage( const Message* message )
// read message code ...
// schedule a processing event for
// another thread that calls m_session->commit() when done
The problem is I am receiving multiple messages instead of one message before calling m_session->commit() -- I know this because the commit() call is triggered by user input. How can I ensure onMessage() is only called once before each call to commit()?
It doesn't work that way. When using async consumers the messages are delivered as fast as the onMessage method completes. If you want to consume one and only one message then use a sync receive call.
For an async consumer the prefetch allows the broker to buffer up work on the client instead of firing one at a time so you can generally get better proformance, in your case as the async onMessage call completes an ack is sent back to the broker an the next message is sent to the client.
Yes, I find this too. However, when I use the Destination URI option ( "consumer.prefetchSize=15" , ) for the asynchronous consumer, It works well.
BTW, I just use the latest ActiveMQ-CPP v3.9.4 by Tim , and ActiveMQ v5.12.1 on CentOS 7.

OpenDDS and notification of publisher presence

Problem: How can I get liveliness notifications of booth publisher connect and disconnect?
I'm working with a OpenDDS implementation where I have a publisher and a subscriber of a data type (dt), using the same topic, located on separate computers.
The reader on the subscriber side has overridden implementations of on_data_available(...)and on_liveliness_changed(...). My subscriber is started first, resulting in a callback to on_liveliness_changed(...) which says that there are no writers available. When the publisher is started I get a new callback to telling me there is a writer available, and when the publisher publishes, on_data_available(...) is called. So far everything is working as expected.
The writer on the publisher has a overridden implementation of on_publication_matched(...). When starting the publisher, on_publication_matched(...) gets called since we already have a subscriber started.
The problem is that when the publisher disconnects, I get no callback to on_liveliness_changed(...) on the reader side, nor do I get a new callback when the publisher is started again.
I have tried to change the readerQos by setting the readerQos.liveliness.lease_duration.
But the result is that the on_data_available(...) never gets called, and the only callback to on_liveliness_changed(...) is at startup, telling me that there are no publishers.
DDS::DataReaderQos readerQos;
m_subscriber->get_default_datareader_qos( readerQos );
DDS::Duration_t t = { 3, 0 };
readerQos.liveliness.lease_duration = t;
m_binary_Reader = static_cast<binary::binary_tdatareader( m_subscriber->create_datareader(m_Sender_Topic,readerQos,this, mask, 0, false) );
Ok, guess there aren't many DDS users here.
After some research I found that a reader/writer match occurs only if this compatibility criterion is satisfied: offered lease_duration <= requested lease_duration
The solution was to set the writer QoS to offer the same liveliness. There is probably a way of checking if the requested reader QoS could be supplied by the corresponding writer, and if not, use a "lower" QoS, all thou I haven't tried it yet.
In the on_liveliness_changed callback method I simply evaluated the alive_count in the from the LivelinessChangedStatus.