Django + Virtualenv: commands fail with ImportError of project name - django

This is blowing my mind because it's probably an easy solution, but I can't figure out what could be causing this.
So I have a new dev box and am setting everything up. I installed virtualenv, created a new environment for my project under ~/.virtualenvs/projectname
Then, I cloned my project from github into my projects directory. Nothing fancy here. There are no .pyc files sitting around so it's a clean slate of code.
Then, I activated my virtualenv and installed Django via pip. All looks good so far.
Then, I run python syncdb within my project dir. This is where I get confused:
ImportError: No module named projectname
So I figured I may have had some references of projectname within my code. So I grep (ack, actually) through my code base and I find nothing of the sorts.
So now I'm at a loss, given this environment why am I getting an ImportError on a module named projectname that isn't referenced anywhere in my code?
I look forward to a solution .. thanks guys!

Is projectname exactly (modulo suffix) the name of the directory the project is in? Wild guess, but I know Django does some things with the current directory…
Also, what is trying to import projectname? Do you get a traceback? If not, try running with py --traceback syncdb and see what happens.


Created a brand new Django Project, attempting to run the server generates an Improperly Configured Error

I have been working on a Django Project for a bit, until I took a break. One month later I dug back in to the project and went to run the server. I received an error:
django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: Requested setting DEBUG, but settings are not configured. You must either define the environment variable DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE or call settings.configure() before accessing settings.
I figured I must have tweaked something by accident. So I created a brand new Django Project (using a virtual environment), and just went to test the server. I received the same error. I tried the python shell solution listed in another answers but to no avail.
If it helps I'm on Linux with Django version 2.1.5 and Python 3.6.
If anyone encounters something similar I found using python3 runserver works in place of using django-admin. Per Greg's answer below, I did begin to receive a new error ModuleNotFoundError: No Module named "mysite" exists. I will continue to search for an answer on that front.
Going off of the comments here.
If "env | grep DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE" returns empty, it means you have to set an environment variable stating where your file is located.
This can be done by doing the following:
export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=mysite.settings
Be sure to replace "mysite" with the name of your app!

django-admin command error while project creation

After upgrading to django 1.9 and tried creating new project.Getting following error
How should i solve this?
After upgrading to django 1.9 and creating new project following error occurred
CommandError: /home/shaastr/ehgg/ already exists, overlaying a project or app into an existing directory won't replace conflicting files
I think you have 2 versions of django installed, and both are being called when trying to start the project.
Try running pip uninstall django twice, if it runs both time then this was what was going on. Obviously, pip install django afterwards to get it working again
I had the same problem after using pip to install django 1.10 over an older version.
I used pip to uninstall and manually deleted the leftover django folder in the site-packages folder.
re-installed using pip, and now it is working with no problem.
I am also working with docker containers. I had this problem where it said that already exists in the workdirectory (that I made through the Dockerfile file) when I tried to restart the process of making a container after deleting the old one.
It did not show me where the workdirectory was made and hence could not delete the as pointed out in the error.
The solution that worked was I changed the service name in my yml file and gave the command with new servicenm
docker-compose run servicenm startproject projectnm directory
remove then re-run your django-admin startproject command, it will work
Make sure that if you have deleted (rm -r) "your Django project_name" to also delete (rm) the corresponding deleted project python file in the same repository.
sudo pip uninstall django
sudo rm /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/django/ -rf
sudo pip install django==1.10
This resolved my problem.
You need to define another directory for your new project. Not /ehgg directory.
It seems though you are creating a new project inside your old project.
And this error clearly state that, there is old setting i.e "" for your old project. Since every time a new settings created for your new project.
I hope it's clear to you.
Thank you.
Check whether the project name is correct or not. Django avoids
hypens (-) in project names.
It can happen due to two reasons:
You are trying to create a new folder with the exiting folder name.
You have previously deleted a folder with this name. Deleted it for some reason. But again trying to create package with this name.
To resolve this follow
Rename the from your project folder.
Go to <%System Path%>/PycharmProjects/<%Your Project Name%>/.idea/workspace.xml
edit this file "workspace.xml" and then search with the package name you are trying to create.
delete that line and save the file.
Now try to run the command again.
I hope this helps.

django - How to manually set sys.path?

Till now I was making change on my django production server (yes, really really bad :p ). I am wanna to go to a git process, and creating a local test server before deployement. So, I downloaded my python files, and ran a :
python runserver
hoping and prayed... but it was not enough, I got a nice error :
django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: WSGI application 'issc.issc.wsgi.application' could not be loaded; Error importing module: 'No module named issc.wsgi'
I read in the documentation that [] is created automatically and sets up several key parts :
In addition, is automatically created in each Django project. is a thin wrapper around that takes care of several things for you before delegating to
It puts your project’s package on sys.path.
It sets the DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE environment variable so that it points to your project’s file.
It calls django.setup() to initialize various internals of Django.
My question is : how can I manually set up these variables ? Because in my case I downloaded all the files on an arbitrary directory, but it was not enough. Eveything is here, but it is missing the link to this everything....
If you want to manually set the address of your config file, you can set DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE with the following:
export DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE='settings_to_load'
You can set all your environmental variables this way and it should work. I recommend to use a Virtualenv to this at least.

django site urls whose are not under site-packages

Lets assume you have a django website svn directory which is not under site-packages.
Whenever i run:
mysyper_dir/whatever_module/ runserver
and then connect, I realize that my request are still handled by the python files in:
while I can see the prints of
from my server console.
is there a way to tell django that, every "non-framework" files it will ever need are in the "mysyper_dir/whatever_module" directory ?
Neither of these are Django specific (Python actually already handles this) but there's a couple of things you could do. You could set the environment variable PYTHONPATH, or you could add directories to sys.path. You can find more about where modules are located here.
If you are looking to have things just apply to Django, then adding to sys.path might be your best bet. You could try something weird like modifying and adding command line arguments after the #!/usr/bin/env python but that's uncharted territory for me.

Django App not working: "Error: No module named app_name"

I'm new to Django, and I can't figure out why my app isn't loading. I've created all the files:,, with default code in. But when I run python runserver, it says the following:
Error: No module named app_name
What am I doing wrong?
Did you remember to include in your folder?
If you did, make sure the permissions on the file are also correct. There's also a similar question here.
Just an additional hint: Instead of manually creating the files you can use startapp APPNAME to automatically create a directory with all necessary files for a new app.
I got your point the init file thing also dosen't work out for me as well. Just ensure that are you writing the proper command inside the proper directory while creating the app, using the terminal.
Like while writing the command "django-admin startapp APP_NAME", ensure that the command is written inside your root configuration directory (which gets created after you typein command "django-admin startproject PROJECT-NAME"), not anywhere else. Then mention the app name inside the file, under the INSTALLED_APPS[ ] list. Then finally run the command "python runserver" in the same root configuration directory. I assure you, this will work for sure and the "No modules found" thing will disappear. Have a try and tell me if it don't. Thank you.