Is Linux Standard Base (LSB) AppChecker reliable? - c++

According to the LSB scanner, my binary is supposedly incompatible with a specific version of Linux because it uses GBLICXX_3.4.9 symbols. But when I tried to run the binary myself on that version, everything seems to work fine...
Can a binary even start on a Linux distro if that distro is missing the runtime libraries containing the required symbols?

I don't know if I've understood well the question but as far as I know even though you have compiled your program with a modern glibc does not necessarily mean that you won't be able to execute into an older version. The next Linux command:
objdump -T "your exe or lib file" | grep GLIB
will show you which version of the glibc the symbols of your program belong to.
For further information there is a paper called How to write shared libraries by Ulrich Drepper that explains a lot of things of how symbols work in linux not only for shared libraries but also for executables

I suspect they're warning you that you're using symbols that, even if they are available on your test system, may not be available on all LSB-compliant systems.


How do I find what libraries need to be installed on a client linux machine if I compile a binary with a newer version of gcc?

Say I have a C++ binary that was compiled with a version of gcc say 4.4.x, which is used on a client linux box.
If I want to upgrade my compiler to use a newer one, say 4.9.3 (because I want to use C++11):
What kind of things would need to be upgraded on the client box to run this new binary? (e.g. .so libraries)
And how would one find this out?
What kind of things would need to be upgraded on the client box to run this new binary?
You will need to ship two shared libraries with your application: libgcc_s and libstdc++. See for more details.
You can ship these libraries in the same directory with your executables if you link using $ORIGIN. See for more details.
And how would one find this out?
Run ldd and readelf -d on your executables to see what libraries they need.
I'm guessing from the fact that you mention GCC 3.4 that your client system is running RedHat/CentOS/Scientific Linux 4 which is so old that even Red Hat ended support for it three years ago. If you were running any newer version then you would have been able to take advantage of the Developer Toolsets which include a modified version of GCC that statically links newer parts of the standard library into your binary so that it can run on legacy systems without newer glibc/libstdc++ runtimes.
There are two mechanisms to test compatibility of shared libraries:
The SONAME: a canonical name for the library that is used by the linker to reference the library. You can query the list of required libraries for every ELF object (executable or library) with the ldd command, and you need to do this recursively for each referenced library to get a full list of libraries needed.
The symbol version information. This is an additional constraint that allows adding functionality to existing libraries by introducing version requirements per symbol used -- a program only using symbols that have existed for ages will require a lower minimum version of the library than one that uses new functionality.
Both of these need to be fulfilled in order for the program to run.
The typical approach of Linux distributions is to keep a mapping of SONAME to package name (as multiple versions differing in SONAME can be installed concurrently), and a table of versioned symbols to the package revision these were introduced. The appropriate package development tools for your distribution should be able to create a list of dependency specifications that matches your program's requirements; if they fail to do so because symbols are unknown, it is likely that this version cannot be supported on that release of the distribution.
An alternative could be to link statically all libraries (notably libstdc++) other than the libc (and libm and libdl if you use them); then the produced ELF executable depends only of the libc; however, with ancient enough kernels or libc (on the target machine) even that might fail to work...
For details, read Drepper's paper: How To Write Shared Libraries

Man Bites Dog: symbol resolved *without* linking library? clock_gettime() -lrt

I have a C++ source tree developed under Ubuntu 12.04 using clang++ 3.2 that builds some libraries, then compiles some applications with these libraries and the usual collection of other various system libraries. Two puzzles. Client reports that code fails to build with undefined reference to clock_gettime(). Sure enough, I did not include the obligatory "-lrt" in the build logic (scons).
First puzzle: This compiles, links and executes correctly and without complaint on my system even though I do not specify "-lrt" anywhere! How does this symbol get correctly resolved? I suspect it is because the application links against a dynamic library that itself requires librt but I don't understand the logic behind why this would happen?
Second puzzle: Assuming a satisfactory explanation of how clock_gettime() gets resolved without "-lrt", why would this happen on my system but not on client's very similar setup?
"... a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma" --- Winston Churchill
Suggestions for tools to reveal what is really going on here would be most welcomed.
From SUSv4 (Utilities/c99):
-l rt
This option shall make available all interfaces referenced in <aio.h>, <mqueue.h>, <sched.h>, <semaphore.h>, and <spawn.h>, interfaces marked as optional in <sys/mman.h>, interfaces marked as ADV (Advisory Information) in <fcntl.h>, and interfaces beginning with the prefix clock_ and time_ in <time.h>. An implementation may search this library in the absence of this option.
I presume the above suffices to at least justify why this behavior is allowed by POSIX.
Most likely the involved systems are different in this regard. For example, clock_gettime() might be implemented in libc for you, but in librt for your client. Don't take chances: use a portable -l rt and forget about the issue.
A more obvious example is -l xnet, which behaves similarly according to POSIX, but, at least on Gentoo, Debian and Ubuntu Linux systems, compiling with -l xnet actually yields an error. (libxnet purportedly contains the implementation for the UNIX sockets interface.)
If you want to further investigate the issue, try ldd in GNU/Linux systems. ldd should display the dynamic dependencies for your binary. I'd bet that clock_gettime() is simply implemented in

Compile C++ for all linux distributions

How can i compile my C++ files to work on ALL linux distributions.
The machine that i'll compile them on is Ubuntu 10.10
If i compile them on Ubuntu 10.10, will they work on other Distros like ubuntu, fedora, debian, non debian distros.. etc?
% gcc -o foo foo.c -static
the resulting binary should work on most distros, given that it runs on the same architecture (64bit, 32bit, arm, mips etc).
the main point is: since you do not know what can be found on the target systems in advance, you have to bundle everything you can into either the binary you are shipping or in some kind of "chrooted" environment where you deploy external libs as well (stuff that can't be linked statically) and then have some kind of a wrapper to use your deployed libs instead of the system libs.
Although #akira answer will probably work for your case, it isn't the best solution. Most Linux distros have packing systems which retrieve the dependencies for you.
If you are serious about writing Linux software which is used on other people's boxes, you will need to look into 'GNU Autotools' which is what drives the ' ./configure && make all && make install ' thing which you will have run more than once by now!
It is much harder than it should be, at least for C++:
Provided you only use the libraries listed in the Linux Standards Base, a dynamic executable should be fine.
For other libraries, either link with static versions of them, or ship dynamic libraries; I prefer the former.
I would personally recommend avoiding static-linking the C library, as this prevents some useful functionality provided by it working, for example the nss stuff..

Building Boost with LSB C++ Compiler

I want to build my program with LSB C++ Compiler from the Linux Standard Base Program depends on the Boost library, built with gcc 4.4 version. Compilation fails. Is it possible to build the Boost library with LSB C++ Compiler? Alternatively, is it possible to build the Boost library with some old gcc version, what version is recommended? My final goal is to get my executable and third-party Boost libraries running on most Linux distributions.
Generally, what can be done to get better binary compatibility for Linux distributions, developing C++ closed-source application depending on the Boost library?
I've recently had call to do this, in the event that it's of use to anyone else these are the steps I followed:
Download and install the LSB SDK
Download a version of boost and extract to /opt/boost/boost_<version> (I used 1.43)
Make sure libbz2-dev is installed.
Bootstrap with
cd /opt/boost/boost_<version>
./ --prefix=/opt/boost --without-libraries=python,mpi --without-icu
Edit /opt/boost/boost_<version>/project-config.jam and add the line
using gcc : : /opt/lsb/bin/lsbc++ : <cflags>-U_GNU_SOURCE <cxxflags>-U_GNU_SOURCE ;
near the top of the file. Note that this will fail if you have a using declaration in one of the other files bjam reads its configuration from, you can pass --debug-configuration to get an idea of which files it's reading.
./bjam cflags=-fPIC cxxflags=-fPIC linkflags=-fPIC install
I didn't try to get either the python or MPI libraries working, nor did I try to get ICU working with the boost.regex library. The latter is probably a case of building static versions of the ICU libraries with the LSB toolset.
The -fPIC isn't strictly necessary for 32-bit Linux, but is required if you want to link static libraries into a shared library for 64-bit Linux.
The end result should be binaries in /opt/boost/lib and headers in /opt/boost/include, obviously you can modify the prefix to suit your own preferences. I still have a fair amount of work to do before I've ported all our code to the LSB, so I can't report on how well the certification process goes yet.
LSB C++ compiler is not actually a compiler. The lsbc++ executable is a wrapper around GCC compiler that is installed on your system (the actual compiler can be controlled via --lsb-cxx option). You will most likely hack into boost build system for it to call LSB wrapper instead of native gcc compiler.
So the issues that may arise are most likely not that LSB compiler can't compile the language constructs, but instead, that there are some linking issues.
For example, LSB compiler by default discards any shared libraries the code is linked against, unless they belong to LSB. This may lead to linking errors if BOOST relies on such libraries. This can be controlled via LSBCC_SHAREDLIBS environment variable, but you should make sure you ship these libs along with your product.
Another issue is that LSB falls behind GCC compiler releases (and BOOST may crawl into all dark corners of compilers). As far as I know, GCC 4.4 is not tested sufficiently, so you'd better try it with 4.3 compiler.
And Google doesn't seem to find anything related to building boost with LSBCC, so if you manage to do it, please, share your experience, for example, as your own answer to your question.

Can I use a shared library compiled on Ubuntu on a Redhat Linux machine?

I have compiled a shared library on my Ubuntu 9.10 desktop. I want to send the shared lib to a co-developer who has a Red Hat Enterprise 5 box.
Can he use my shared lib on his machine?
First point: all of the answers regarding compiler version seem misguided. What's important are the linkages (and the architecture, of course).
If you copy the .so file over to the start system (into its own /usr/local/* or /opt/* directory, for example) then try to run the intended executable using an LD_PRELOAD environment settings. If the linker ( manages to resolve all the symbols between the two then the program should load and run.
So it should be possible, and reasonably safe (so long as you're not over-writing any of the existing system libraries and just using LD_* /etc/ (in a chroot?) magic to link the target executables to this library.
However, I think it's a bad idea. You have a package management issue. Both Ubuntu and Red Hat have fine package management tools. Use them! (Note the proper place to ask questions about package management would be ServerFault or SuperUser, definitely not SO).
Unlikely: you wouldn't have asked this question if it just worked, would you?
According to DistroWatch, Ubuntu 9.10 uses glibc-2.10.1, while RHEL-5.4 uses glibc-2.5. This means that if your library references any symbols with versions GLIBC_2.6 and above, it will not work on RHEL-5.
You can tell whether you use any such symbols (and which ones) with:
readelf -s /path/to/your/ | egrep 'GLIBC_2.([6-9]|10)'
If the output is non-empty, then the library will not work on RHEL-5.
You might be able to build a library compatible with RHEL-5 by using autopackage.
I join to Xinus. IMHO compiler, in case of Ubuntu and RHEL, it will be gcc, is tightly coupled with glibc. So if on both machines it's same, than most probably it caa run.
But why guessing, do a small test drive (main with couple of lines) and if it's running than there's a good chance that a bigger program can run on a "hostile" environment :)
The best solution is to give your code to your co developper,
and let's compile it !!!!
You have several solution
Upgrading his gcc to the same version as your
Install his gcc version on your computer and compile it
You must check if you both work on the same architecture 32 bits or 64 bits.
My opinion is that you can have some problems , because you probably do not use the same glibc
Yes, it is possible. Provide a static library to your partner and keep your gcc to the same or compatible version. you can check my post here: