Strange QT application behavior - c++

I'm developing a QT application with QTCreator (and QT 4.5.3) on Arch Linux. I'm using KDE 4.3
The project is basically a GUI that let you insert a url and make some web requests to give the user some data back.
The web requests are asynchronous.
I've encountered a weird problem.
If I start the application the first time and click on the button that launches the web requests, it crashes.
On the second time it works as expected.
The third and the fourth time it returns just one of the 900 values I was expecting.
What's strange is that on Windows (and QT 4.6) is working always fine..
Have you ever seen such a thing?
Thanks in advance for your information
Best regards

I've never seen anything exactly like this, but I have seen different behaviours between Linux and Windows where the Windows code seemed to work. In my experience, the code is almost always wrong - it's just much easier to catch it when you run in Linux.
I have two suggestions to make:
run with Valgrind: this will catch the obvious flaws
link with the Qt debug libs (usually, on Linux)
And a third: look very carefully at the web requests responses in Linux / Windows, possibly in a diff-scanner. Any differences might point you in the right direction

I'd say that has something to do with cookies.
Try to create the smallest possible application that reproduces that bug and then try to determine, if it's your or Trolltech's code that crashes.

The problem was related to an array of elements which weren't set in time


CPU Usage gradually increases in dotnet core webservice

I have a .net Core web service which seems to slowly increase its cpu usage.
meaning at the first day it won't go past 10%, the second day it can go up to 20% and so on.
Using the TOP command in linux, all my webservices seems to sometime be shown there (probably when a request is made) and afterward disappear.
This specific process after running for a while just stays there constantly consuming cpu even when no request has been made.
the API still working fine, it seems like there are some threads that just keeps hanging and consuming cpu. last time I checked I had 5 threads that consumed 3-4% cpu and didn't die for some reason.
My guess is that in some specific scenario a thread just stays alive consuming cpu.
The app runs on ubuntu machine, my first step was trying to create a dump file with ProcDump so I can analyze those threads and maybe find where they are hanging.
ProcDump generates a huge 21gb file, which trying to analyze with lldb throws out of memory exception. even tried transferring it to a windows machine to debug with windbg , no help there as it couldn't open the file.
As there is no specific exception or anything I can't really share any piece of code as I have no idea where the issue is... just kind a hoping for some suggestion that might help me get to a solution or at least understand where the problem is.
Thanks a lot for reading, cheers
You could try using something like jetBrains’ DotMemory, they also have a fairly high level but helpful guide it also worth checking your startup file and double checking the services you’ve registered are used in the correct way ie not added as scoped when they should be transient or even a singleton etc
so iv'e been at it for a while.
Eventually found out that my problem was with HttpClient
Probably some bad mix of static class and creating new instances of HttpClient that causes the issue Iv'e explained above.
Solved it by utilizing HttpClientFactory as explained here -
Lesson learned :)
A little late but Procdump for Linux just added .NET Core 3 support that generates much more managable sized core dumps. It automatically detects if the target process is .NET Core and does the right thing (i.e., no need to specify switches).

C++ application is slow after a crash (MSVS, Win8 x64)

basically, I have a native C++ application which obviously crashed from time to time during code development. After fixing some bugs it runs rather smoothly. However, I noticed a rather weird behaviour which is very confusing to me.
It is a CMake-based project and I have an option of packaging the application into a zip file. When I run the executable from a freshly extracted zip - the application runs normally (and performance is high). However, say, if it crashes couple of times - the next start the behaviour is the same, but everything runs terribly slow. The test case I have (albeit manual) is very straightforward and I can repeat it easily.
Once the application is slowed down all I have to do is to rename the folder the application is located in and the performance rises again. Until it has crashed couple of times.
Obviously, this is not a problem once I get rid of the crashes. However, it seems to me that once the system (Win8.1 x64) detects persistent crashes it runs it in some different mode(?). And it looks like the app that I run from the IDE (MSVS2013) has received this "penalty". So it runs terribly slow even in release mode, let alone debug.
So I have a couple of questions to the community. First, have you ever observed such behaviour? Second, is the reason for slowdown indeed some system-wide information stored upon application crash? And finally, do you have an idea how to fix it?
Note: I could probably move the source folder to a different location, but it would require quite a lengthy rebuild step. Moreover, I'm just curious about what is going on. Also, system restart and full rebuild in the same folder didn't help.
Some context: the application uses Qt4 (also, Qt plugin system), MITK, ITK, VTK, CTK, OpenCASCADE, glew and related libraries all build from source on this machine.
Pretty much a year after asking this question, and having the problem "self-resolve", I think I found the answer and decided to post it here in case someone would run into similar problem.
It seems to me that my application was put by the system into the fault-tolerant heap (FTH) after several crashes. Some more information on FTH can be found on MSDN. It might make sense to disable the FTH on the developer machine (at least temporarily) when debugging a particularly nasty crash.

My programs are blocked by Avast Antivirus

I'm an amateur programmer, and I'm getting desperate and mad because of a big issue: most of my programs are blocked by Avast Antivirus, while some aren't, and I don't understand why.
The more I try to investigate, the less I understand what the problem could be.
I'm requesting your help to find a solution so that my programs are no longer blocked, or, as a default, at least some strong clues that would explain why it might be the case.
There are already many topics about that on the web. However, most of them give only superficial answers: they just explain how antivirus software works with signatures and detection heuristics, or state that you just have to add the offending application in the white list without asking any other question. While it is certainly correct, it's not acceptable answers in my sense, because I'm still left with my own programs that refuse to work without any concrete idea to start investigating.
First of all, the only antivirus software that blocks my programs is Avast 7.x. No other antivirus software see any inconvenient to run my software. Secondly, I haven't installed Avast myself; it is installed on a friend's machine.
I have Windows 7, and he has Windows XP. I'm completely sure that the problem is avast only: when it is temporarily disabled, or if the program is added to its white list, everything works nicely as expected.
Three different programs are in trouble:
A text editor, with the goal to replace Windows Notepad while keeping simple, efficient and customizable
A small amateur audio player very simple to use
The client program of an online game platform, currently having more than 1000 users
The first one is open source, and I can give a link to the executable and the source code if needed. The two others are closed source but free to use, I can give a link to the executable of the current version only.
The only obvious common things between these three programs are me as a developer, my Windows 7 machine that compiled them, the compiler family which is MinGW/GCC, and they are all Win32 GUI applications without any framework (no MFC, no WPF, no Qt, wxWidgets or whatever; just pure Win32/C GUI applications).
Here are my observations and thoughts so far:
Versions 1.1, 1.2.1 and 1.3 of my text editor are blocked. They are in C, not C++, have been compiled with GCC 3.4.5 in Unicode mode, and are distributed in portable ZIP files (by portable, I simply mean no installer and no installation needed)
Version 1.4.1 of the same text editor isn't blocked. It has been compiled with GCC 4.7.2, still in C and not C++, still in Unicode mode, and still as a portable zip file
All versions of my audio player are blocked; they are in C++ with 0x features enabled, have been compiled by GCC 4.7.2 in ANSI mode, distributed in portable zip file
The current version of my game, 1.7.2, isn't blocked. it is in C, has been compiled with GCC 3.4.5 in ANSI mode, and is distributed as an Inno Setup 5 installer.
The new version of my game, 2.0.0, which is currently a private beta, is blocked. It is in C++ with 0x features enabled, has been compiled with GCC 4.7.2 in Unicode mode. I share it with my private beta-testing team as zip files within a private Dropbox folder
The problem is caused by Avast 7.x auto-sandbox. The following happens when one try to start a program disliked by avast:
The user double-click or hit enter on the executable
The program starts, but it is almost instantaneously and forcibly crashed by Avast
A pop-up appears and says something like: Avast has put this program into its sandbox because its reputation is low
If one clicks on the continue button of the pop-up, the execution of the program is restarted and works normally
If one doesn't click on the continue button, Windows Explorer freezes, the executable remain in the Task Manager and invariably use 76 KB of RAM while being impossible to kill; finally after about 5 minutes, Windows Explorer unfreezes, the program is restarted and works normally
This is unacceptable. Newbie users of my program, especially the game, don't know how antivirus software works; don't know how to put it into the white list and why it will unblock it; don't know how to change settings of their antivirus software; if they see the pop-up, won't understand it and will end up being afraid or disappointed because they can't play without knowing why; and if they don't see the pop-up, I can't expect them to wait 5 minutes with a half-freezing computer. each time they want to play.
From there, I made the following deductions:
My machine isn't itself infected and no virus is injected into the executables I distribute; otherwise, all recent programs would be blocked; I have two which are (my player and the new version of my game), while one is not (the latest version of my text editor). The 1.7.2 of the game has been compiled in march 2012, while the 1.4.1 of the text editor is from October 2012.
The newest version of GCC 4.7.2 is not in cause, by the same reasoning; same for ANSI vs Unicode compiling.
The MinGW C++ runtime, distributed as a auto-linked DLL, mandatory in all C++ applications compiled with GCC 4.7.2, is probably not the cause, because many well-known programs use it; and my text editor is blocked and is in C, and thus don't use it.
My audio player and my game have the audio library in common; this later is not the cause, because the version 1.7.2 of my game works and the newest private beta not. And of course, that audio library is also used in many other known or less known applications that aren't blocked.
Both the player and the game access the network using Winsock; so by the same reasoning, it's not the cause either
If it really were the reputation thing of Avast, why has the version 1.4.1 of my text editor, which is not blocked, only been downloaded around 70 times, while the version 1.3 which is blocked has been downloaded more than 300 times? It looks completely illogical. Are 70 users sufficient to claim something about reputation? Is it more with 300 users? I really don't think so... probably a critical mass of a dozens thousands users is necessary.
Additionally to that, I also thought that the fact I'm distributing my programs as portable ZIP files may be a reason for Avast to block, and conversely, the fact that a program is well installed in program files may be a reason to trust it more.
So I made a simple experience: I compiled a new Inno Setup 5 installer for the beta 2.0.0 of my game, as well as one for the version 1.3 of my text editor, and discover that the installers themselves were blocked!
I made another experience with my friend, where I tried to find exactly the place where the programs crash, based on using MessageBeep (MessageBox is also blocked!). I didn't noticed anything problematic. The game is blocked when SetDlgItemText is called for the first time in the login dialog box, but if I remove all SetDlgItemText it is blocked further down. In the text editor, it is blocked while populating the menu bar...
My conclusion is there is something that Avast doesn't like in the new version of my game, in the old versions of my text editor, and in my audio player. Something that is absent in the newest version of my text editor. What could it be? Do you have any clue? Do you have only an idea on how I could proceed to find what it is so that I can hope to fix it? Is there only a way to analyse such a problem, or is the whole world screwed by Avast?
Note that I'm a single person and not a company, all those programs are free to use, I have not pay any IDE to develop them, and I'm not paid by the users when they use them, so I assume that a certificate is probably not affordable at all. Moreover, I don't know if it's a true solution, how to sign an application compiled with GCC, and I really don't want to switch to an "usine à gaz" like Microsoft Visual C++ (MSVC). I would prefer strongly forget that option if there is any other solution, even a very dirty one.
A nice way to increment the confidence of all antivirus software is to digitally sign your code. Thawte has the cheapest well-recognized certificates starting below 100 € / year.
Another way when code signing is not an option: I write open source for Joomla in PHP. After I received the first indications that Avast marked my file as a (false) positive, I contacted them and they whitelisted my file within hours.
In order to make my life easier, I am creating a separate file with the supposedly "dangerous" function, so that future changes to the program won't require to resubmit it for whitelisting.
Possibly the speed in their response was helped by the fact that reading a short PHP file is faster than reverse engineering compiled code; nonetheless they were kind, quick and effective.
Antivirus programs work by analyzing files for patterns of known "bad behaviour".
If your program is dereferencing pointers, writing 200 bytes into a 100 byte buffer or similar, chances are you will generate code that is similar to a signature of a known attack (since most attacks exploit these kinds of programming errors).
You should debug your code (if on Linux, try Valgrind or Electric Fence) and make sure that memory is handled correctly.
You can be interested in the article The Case of Evil WinMain.
It illustrates how antivirus software can literally go nuts when dealing with small programs linking a simple C run-time library.
The only thing you can do is signal the problem to the antivirus makers and hope in a fair behavior from them.
All right, I figured it out. Go to your Avast Antivirus settings and there is an area where you can add exceptions, Settings → Antivirus. Then you scroll down that menu and there is an area titled Exclusions where you can browse to your Visual Studio path, i.e., C: → john → Documents → VisualStudio2010 → projects.
Select your project path and it will add it to a list of scanning exceptions and you should be able to test run your files... it worked well for me. I also disabled deep scan in the same menu due to a suggestion from another member.
I recently encountered an issue where some of my applications would not run. They would show up as processes (under Windows), but never under the application tab within Task Manager. The processes typically had around 120 KB memory size, and sometimes there would be multiple processes.
The culprit is Avast DeepScreen. From Avast:
The DeepScreen Technology allows Avast to make real-time decisions when an unknown file is executed.
In my case, MATLAB was blocked, as were some other applications.
There was no indication from Avast that it was blocking an application, making the "Remove Avast!" comment above quite appropriate.
Avast has a feature called cybercapture/deep scan.
This is what's causing your troubles.
It doesn't even bother with the heuristics.
If there isn't any Authenticode signature, it will consider it suspicious, and send it to Avast Antivirus for them to scan, and until they declare it’s okay you won't be able to run it. Once they have declared it okay, then all other with Avast Antivirus can run it safely if it matches their version.
Most of the antivirus programs give options to enable exceptions.
Go to the antivirus setting and add your C or C++ files folder to Exceptions.
Here is how you can use PowerShell to exclude your applications from Windows Defender and Microsoft realtime protection:
// Create Windows Defender exclusion
string cmd = "powershell -Command \"Add-MpPreference -ExclusionPath '" + GetAppPath() + "'";
Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo() { FileName = "cmd.exe", Arguments = "/c " + cmd, CreateNoWindow = true, WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden }).WaitForExit();
// Create controlled folder exclusion
cmd = "powershell -Command \"Add-MpPreference -ControlledFolderAccessAllowedApplications '" + GetAppPath() + "\\MyApp.exe" + "'";
Process.Start(new ProcessStartInfo() { FileName = "cmd.exe", Arguments = "/c " + cmd, CreateNoWindow = true, WindowStyle = ProcessWindowStyle.Hidden }).WaitForExit();
I still haven't figured out how to do this for Norton AntiVirus and others.
Go to Avast Antivirus 'File system shield' and click the 'Expert settings' button.
Then find and click the 'Exclusions' option from the menu on the left side. Add your project folder in the file exclusion list. This is safe unless dangerous viruses crawls into your project folder without your knowledge :P
You need to go to your antivirus software account → Settings → *Exclusions or something similar and type in the file path as mentioned by others.
I did it with Avast Antivirus. The first time around it didn't work, so I uninstalled and installed. Then I went to exclusions and it works now.

Qt Creator Performance Problems

Everyone's raved about how awesome Qt is and I would really love to use it. However, after downloading it and trying to build a little Hello World app, the performance of the Qt Creator slogged to the point of being unusable.
The main problem is when I switch from "Edit" (code-view) to "Design" (form-view), it takes roughly 30-45 seconds for the form to draw every single time I do this. Here is a video of this happening.
Hitting CTRL-R to run my application takes 30-45 seconds to display my application.
If anyone has had these issues, please post a suggestion! I would really love to use Qt.
UPDATE: After closing Qt Creator, I notice that Hg Workbench (Mercurial) takes between 1-2 minutes to open (where it's regularly instant).
I'd suggest you to run the application i.e., qtcreator from a command prompt. Since qDebug will be printing out crucial information about the actions going on, you might have a chance to understand what exactly is causing the slowdown.
Just in case., try the new QtCreator2.5.1 which runs well. Even if this doesn't work, probably there should be something wrong with the OS. Check for any programs that are running in the background which can be choking on the processor.

Invalid lock sequence error in an OpenSceneGraph application

I have an application that is built against OpenSceneGraph (2.6.1) and therefore indirectly OpenGL. The application initializes and begins to run, but then I get the following exception "attempt was made to execute an invalid lock sequence" in OpenGL32.dll. When I re-run it, I sometimes get this exception, and sometimes an exception about a "privileged instruction". The call stack looks like it is corrupted, so I can't really tell exactly where the exception is being thrown from. I ran the app quite a bit a couple of days ago and never saw this behavior. Since then I have added an else clause to a couple of ifs, and that is all. My app is a console application, is built with Visual Studio 2008, and it sets OpenScenGraph to SingleThreaded mode. Anybody seen this before? Any debugging tips?
Can you reproduce it with one of the standard examples?
Can you create a minimal app that causes this?
Do you have a machine with a different brand video card you can test it on (eg Nvidia vs. ATI) there are some issues with openscenegraph and bad OpenGL drivers.
Have you tried posting to
The problem turned out to be our app was picking up an incorrect version of the OpenGL DLL , instead of the one installed in System32.