BizTalkServerIsolatedHost disappeared from one server in multi-server group - web-services

Afternoon all,
We have a group of four BizTalk servers: two orchestration hosts and two adapter hosts. We have a number of orchestrations exposed as web services, and for the purposes of this question, it is important to note that these web services are hosted on the adapter servers, and run under the BizTalkServerIsolatedHost host instance.
This morning, we started seeing odd errors on both of the adapter servers when SOAP calls came into the web services, like this:
The Messaging Engine failed to
register the adapter for “SOAP” for
the receive location blahblahblah.
Please verify that the receive
location exists, and that the isolated
adapter runs under an account that has
access to the BizTalk databases.
We restarted IIS on both servers, which fixed the errors on ONE server, but the other server continued to fail. The errors continued after a reboot as well.
After chasing our tails for a while, we eventually discovered that the BizTalkServerIsolatedHost host instance on the still-failing server was gone. Just... gone. These applications have been in production for months. Everything had been working swimmingly through the morning, until this just happened.
I don't want to muddy the waters, because I think the problems are unrelated, but in the interest of providing enough information, this problem exactly coincided with a problem in our load-balancing network hardware. The load balancer, which provides a single URL to consumers, and round-robins between the two adapter servers, just stopped working. This problem has not been resolved, so I don't know what happened, but it certainly made troubleshooting more interesting...
So, I have two questions:
Has anyone seen this before, where a host instance disappears?
We cannot find anything in the event viewer or anywhere else that says the host instance was deleted. Is this logged somewhere?


Scalable login/lobby servers for a multiplayer game

I am developing a multiplayer game (client-server model) and I am stuck when it comes to scaling its servers.
I understand that most games never even reach 10 000+ players, and I don't think mine will either.
Though if I would be very lucky to get that I want to develop the servers so they cannot become a huge obsticle later.
I have searched a lot for a solution to my problem on the internet, checking GDC talks about it and checking other posts on this website, but none of them seems to solve my specific problem.
My current setup is below and all servers are written in C++ using ENet as my network library.
Game server
This server handles the actual gameplay of the game and requires quite a lot of CPU and packages being sent between the server and its connected clients.
But this dedicated server is hosted by the players themselves, so I don't have to think about scaling it at all.
Lobby server
This server handles the server list, containing all servers currently up.
All game servers are sending a UDP package to this server every 5 seconds to say they are still alive.
This is so the lobby server can keep an updated list of all servers currently online.
All clients are sending a UDP package to this server when they want to fetch all servers (which is only in the server
list screen), and the lobby server sends back a list of all servers.
This does not happen that often and the lobby server is limited to send 4 servers per second to a client (and not a huge package containing all servers).
Login server
This server handles creating accounts, lost password, logins, friends and their current game status,
private messages to other logged in players and player profiles that specifies what in-game items they have.
All clients are sending a UDP package to this server every 5 seconds to say they are still alive, while also
sending what game they are currently in. The server then sends back their friend lists online/offline/in-game statuses.
This is so their friends can keep an updated list of which friend is online/offline/in-game.
It sends messages only with player actions otherwise, like creating an account, logging in, changing/resetting password,
adding/removing/ignoring a friend, private messages to friends, etc.
My questions
What I am worried about is that my lobby and login server might not be scalable and that they would have too much traffic on them.
1. Could they in theory be hosted on just a single computer? Or would it be too much traffic for 10 000+ players?
2. If they can be hosted on a single computer, will the servers still not have issues for people that live far away?
Would it be better to have the lobby and login servers per region of the world in that case?
The bad thing about that is that the players would not be able to see servers in the US if they live in Europe, and that their account and items would not exist on the other servers.
3. Might be far-fetched, but if I would rewrite both servers to instead be on a website with a database and make the client/game server do
web requests instead (such as HTTPS or calling a php with specific headers),
would it help in solving my problems somehow?
All your problems and questions are solved by serverless cloud based solution AWS Lambda e.g. or similar. In this case the scalability is not your problem. Just develop the logic. This will save you much time.
If you would like to make servers as single app hosted by your own server. Consider using something like e.g. Go instead of C++. It's designed exactly for these purposes. I mean highly loaded web/network services.
Well, this is c++ and i code in java, but maybe the logic is useful for you any way so i will tell you how i end up implementing something similar but in a casino.
In my case I have 2 diferrent sockets in the same server program, one of the sockets is TCP and it handles all logins, registers and payments, while the second socket is UDP and it handle the actual game multiple payers are playing, then you could group internally all those UDP connection in groups (probably arrays of sockets) to generate those lobbies. Doing that all your server is just one class that could run in a single pc using 2 ports (one for each socket) However this do not solve the problem of the ping for people who live far away.
If ping is a problem (not my case in a casino) you could probably host your server region base but removing the login, registration and paymets of your server and replace it for a connection to a central server (this central server should be TCP and you could also implement a https socket to also allow your webpage to connect to this server and create accounts or pay you directly from the browser)
sorry to mess your life even more, but i hope it helps

504 Gateway Time-out from google cloud platform, but only sometimes

I'm hosting a CouchBase single node cluster in GCP and a flask backend OpenShift cluster which supports angular frontend. The problem is, when a post is called in my flask by my angular, it is taking too much time to get connected the VM (couchbase) and hence flask has to return a "504 Gateway Time-out". But this happens only sometimes. Sometimes it just works very well with proper speed. Not able to troubleshoot. The total data size is less than 100M, and everything is 100% memory resident in Couchbase. So I guess this is not a problem with Couchbase. Just the connection latency to GCP.
My guess is that the first time your flask backend is trying to connect for the first time to your VM, it's taking more than usual as it needs to establish the connection, authenticate and possibly do other things depending on your use-case.
This is a common problem when hosting your app on App Engine or something similar and the solution there is to use "warm-up requests". This basically spins up the whole connection (and in app engine case the instance) and makes a test connection just so when the desired connection comes, everything is already set up.
So I suggest that you check how warm-up requests work and configure something similar between your flask and VM. So basically a route in flask with the only purpose of establishing a test connections with a test package. This way your next connection will be up to speed with no 504 errors.
try to clear to cache of load balancer in GCP console
I already faced same kind of issue and resolved it using above technique

AWS, Load Balancer 504 error after a few requests

I am repeating a question that I posted at
to reach out more people.
I am trying to deploy a REST service in AWS. The current architecture is:
Domain name (Route 53) -> Load Balancer -> Single EC2 instance (bound to an Elastic IP). And I use TLS/SSL certificate issued by a Certificate Manager.
The instance is Ubuntu 16.04 machine, and the service is implemented with (bare) Vert.X (==no proxy server).
However, 504 Error (gateway timeout) occurs after a few different requests (each of which takes <1s) in a series, and then it does not respond. The requests do not reach the server instance after a few requests. I checked that it happens in the same way when I access both the domain name and the load balancer directly. I have confirmed that the exact same scenario is working with direct URL.
I run up a dummy server returning "hello world" and it's working okay with the load balancer. The problem should be caused by something no coherent between the load balancer and the server code, but I can't get where to start.
I have checked several threads complaining the 504 errors, and followed some of the instructions, but they do not work. Especially I set keep-alive option in Vert.x and set the idle time longer than the balancer's. As the delays are not longer than the idel time with the direct communication, I believe it is not the problem anyway. I have checked the Security Groups also and confirmed the right ports are open. (The first few requests are working, so it must not be the problem also.)
Does any of you have a sense where I should start looking at? Even better, know the source of the problem?
Thanks in advance.
EDIT: I just found the issue in some of the code. I've answered myself below. Thanks for reading!
Found the issue in my code. Some of the APIs (implemented by my colleague...) was not flushing the buffer of HTTP responses in the server.
In Vert.X Java, it was resp.end().
It was somehow working with direct access probably the buffer was flushed at some point, but that flush seems not caught by the load balancer.
Hope nobody experiences this, but in case...

Suddenly scheduled tasks are not running in coldfusion 8

I am using Coldfusion MX8 server and one of the scheduled task was running from 2 years but now suddenly from 01/12/2014 scheduled tasks are not running. When i browsed the file in browser then the file is running successfully without error.
I am not sure is there any updatation or license expiration problem. I am aware that mid of this year Adobe closed the support for coldfusion 8.
The first most common problem of this problem is external to the server. When you say you browsed to the file and it worked in a browser, it is very important to know if that test was performed on the server desktop. Knowing that you can browse to the file from your desktop or laptop is of small value.
The most common source of issues like this is a change in the DNS or network stack that is interfereing with resolution. For example, if the internal DNS serving your DMZ suddenly starts serving the "external" address - suddenly your server can't browse to your domain. Or if the IP served by the server for the domain in question goes from being to some other IP that the server can't acces correctly due to reverse proxy or LB or some other rule. Finally, sometimes the Apache or IIS is altered so that an IP that previously was serviced ( being the most common example) now does not respond.
If it is something intrinsic to the scheduler service then Frank's advice is pretty good - especially look for "proxy schduler" entries in the log - they can give you good clues. I would also log results of a scheduled task to a file. Then check the file. If it exists then your scheduled tasks ARE running - they are just not succeeding. Good luck!
I've seen the cf scheduling service crash in CF8. The rest of CF is unaffected.
Have you tried restarting the server?
Here are your concerns:
Your File (works since you tested it manually).
Your Scheduled Task (failed).
Your Coldfusion Application (Service) (any changes here)?
Your Server (what about here).
To test your problem create a duplicate task and schedule it. Leave the other one in place (maybe set your new one to run earlier). Use the same file too. See if it completes.
If it doesn't then you have a larger problem. Since the Coldfusion Server sits atop of the JVM there could be something happening there. Things just don't stop working unless something got corrupted or you got compromised. If you hardened your server by rearranging/renaming the file structure to make it more secure...It would break your task.
So going back: if your test schedule works then determine what is different between the two. Note you have logging capabilities. Logging abilities for CF8
If you are not directly incharge of maintaining this server, then I would recommend asking around and see if there was recent maintenance, if so, what was done to the server?

Move to 2 Django physical servers (front and backend) from a single production server?

I currently have a growing Django production server that has all of the front end and backend services running on it. I could keep growing that server larger and larger, but instead I want to try and leave that main server as my backend server and create multiple front end servers that would run apache/nginx and remotely connect to the main production backend server.
I'm using slicehost now, so I don't think I can benefit from having the multiple servers run on an intranet. How do I do this?
The first step in scaling your server is usually to separate the database server. I'm assuming this is all you meant by "backend services", unless you give us any more details.
All this needs is a change to your settings file. Change DATABASE_HOST from localhost to the new IP of your database server.
If your site is heavy on static content, creating a separate media server could help. You may even look into a CDN.
The first step usually is to separate the server running actual Python code and the database server. Any background jobs that does processing would probably run on the database server. I assume that when you say front end server, you actually mean a server running Python code.
Now, as every request will have to do a number of database queries, latency between the webserver and the database server is very important. I don't know if Slicehost has some feature to allow you to create two virtual machines that are "close" in terms of network latency(a quick google search did not find anything). They seem like nice guys, so maybe you could ask them if they have such a service or could make an exception.
Anyway, when you do have two machines on Slicehost, you could check the latency between them by simply pinging between them. When you have the result you will probably know if this is at all feasible or not.
Further steps depends on your application. If it is media heavy, then maybe using a separate media server would make sense. Otherwise the normal step is to add more web servers.
As a side note, I personally think it makes more sense to invest in real dedicated servers with dedicated network equipment for this kind of setup. This of course depends on what budget you are on.
I would also suggest looking into Amazon EC2 where you can provision servers that are magically close to each other.