How to create threaded list in CakePHP? - list

I create table: id, name, thread_id
The mainly thread has thread_id = 0, but their children has theard_id = id of parent, and how is the best and simplest solution to create list with children, and looks like:
Category 1
Product 1
Product 2
Category 2
Product 3
Maybe You have better solution for such a list?
Sorry, for my english:)

I suspect that the easiest way may be to use Cake's own TreeBehavior. More on that at I've never used it personally, but have heard good things. It should provide all of the tools (and instruction) you need.

One of easiest and efficient is to use Tree behavior as proposed by kicaj-pl.
But I suggest you to consider MultiTree Behavior. It's also using nested tree database model but allows you to create many trees with different root_id and independent left and right values (so update of one tree doesn't update any other).

Ah! I found this sentence: When You use find('threaded') you have to field 'parent_id' for creating structure like tree...
All works fine!
Thanks for replies, bye!

Try the MPPT logic for It. For that you need 3 fields in your database table viz parent_id , lft , rght. And to implement it using CakePHP, CakePHP already provided the function for it for that please refer :)

1.First, your model must use "Tree" behaviour in model file (Modelname.php - in my case Post.php)
public $actsAs = array('Tree');
2.Next you need to retrieve threaded results and pass them to a view (ModelnamesController.php - in my case PostsController.php).
$posts = $this->Post->find('threaded');
$this->set('posts', $posts);
3.Finally, here's a template you can use, that renders infinitely threaded list for the above results
<div id="posts_navi">
<? function renderPosts($postsArray, $tmpModel){
//set return for the first time
if(!isset($return)){ $return = ""; }
$return .= '<ul>';
//create list
foreach ($postsArray as $post){
$return .= '<li>';
if($post['Post']['content'] != null){
$return .= $tmpModel->link($post['Post']['title'], array('action' => 'view', $post['Post']['id']),array('escape'=>false));
$return .= $post['Post']['title'];
//if post has children, go deeper
$return .= renderPosts($post['children'], $tmpModel);
$return .= '</li>';
$return .= '</ul>';
return $return;
} ?>
<? $tmpModel = $this->Html; // we have to pass html helper inside, I am not sure it this is best way but it works
echo renderPosts($posts, $tmpModel); //finally, we render the $result returned. ?>


Doctrine paginator

I'm running into a problem with the Doctrine Paginator.
In my repository I have a function to retrieve a specific dataset.
I use the querybuilder for this:
In order to select only specific fields I use the following:
if (count($selectFields) > 0) {
foreach ($selectFields as $selectField) {
$qb->addSelect($alias . '.' . $selectField);
This works fine when I retrieve the whole set like this:
$query = $qb->getQuery();
$data = $query->getResult(AbstractQuery::HYDRATE_ARRAY);
But it fails when I use the paginator:
$paginator = new Paginator($qb, $fetchJoinCollection = false);
$total = $paginator->count(),
$data = $paginator->getQuery()->getResult(AbstractQuery::HYDRATE_ARRAY)
I get the error:
Not all identifier properties can be found in the ResultSetMapping:
Question: Why does the paginator fail when I select only specific fields?
Am I overlooking something? Or am I doing it wrong all together?
i am using this solution.
add use statements
use Zend\Paginator\Paginator;
use DoctrineORMModule\Paginator\Adapter\DoctrinePaginator as DoctrineAdapter;
use Doctrine\ORM\Tools\Pagination\Paginator as ORMPaginator;
in your action
$viewModel = new ViewModel();
$entityManager = $this->getServiceLocator()
$queryBuilder = $entityManager
$queryBuilder->add('select', new Expr\Select(array('', '')));
$queryBuilder->add('from', 'Application\Entity\Table t');
$adapter = new DoctrineAdapter(
new ORMPaginator(
$paginator = new Paginator($adapter);
$page = (int)$this->params()->fromQuery('page');
if($page) $paginator->setCurrentPageNumber($page);
$viewModel->results = $paginator;
return $viewModel;
Doctrine is trying to hydrate a relationship outlined by your YAML file, using a field that doesn't exist because you've excluded it from your SELECT statement. Take a look at your mapping file to figure out what you need to add back in.
I would think that it's only complaining with the Paginator because the field is not being accessed (and therefore not being lazy-loaded) when you don't use the Paginator.
As an aside (and with zero understanding of your stack, so YMMV) I would avoid making a habit of SELECTing reduced result sets, as you'll find yourself running into odd issues like this all the time. If you do need extra performance, you'd be better off putting a good old caching layer in place...

CakePHP 1.3: Way to removed a specific string from a text - PHP Function or Regular Expression

I migrated a News database into a CakePHP news site I am creating. I have a problem with displaying the text from those migrated news because in the text that was imported to DB there were HTML tags that controls the text within them.
Could anyone help me find a way to remove these texts without compromising the layout of those same news?
Basically, I would like to accomplish the following:
Create a ONE-Time Use only function that I can include in my ArticlesController
For example the function name would be function fixtext(){...}
When I call this function from lets say, all the affected rows in the Article.body column would be scanned and fixed.
The section of text I want to remove is font-size: 12pt; line-height: 115%;, which in within the <span>...</span> tag.
I had something in mind like this, but I am not sure how to implement it
function fixtext(){
$this->autoRender = 'FALSE';
$articles = $this->Article->find(
'fields' => array(
'recursive' => -1
foreach($articles as $article){
// Per Dunhamzzz suggestion
$text = str_replace('font-size: 12pt; line-height: 115%;', '', $article['Article']['body']);
$this->Article->id = $article['Article']['id'];
$this->Article->saveField('Article.body', $text);
I am not sure how to approach this, and what is the best way.
Firstly, I would personally create a shell to accomplish this as it is a batch job and (depending on the amount of records involved) you may hit Apache's request timeout limit. Also, it's a good (fun) learning experience and the shell can be extended to perform future maintenance tasks.
Secondly, it is a bad idea to parse HTML using (greedy) regular expressions due to the fact it may be malformed. It is safer to use an HTML parser or using simple string replacements instead but, if it is a small regular string that can be pattern matched safely (ie. your not trying to remove the closing </span> tags), regular expressions can work.
Something like this (untested):
// app/vendors/shells/article.php
* Maintenance tasks for Articles
class Article extends Shell {
* Clean HTML in articles.
public function cleanHtml(){
// safety kill switch (comment before running)
$this->quit('Backup the `articles` table before running this!');
// this query will time out if you have millions of records
$articles = $this->Article->find('all', array(
'fields' => array(
'recursive' => -1,
// loop and do stuff
foreach ($articles as $article) {
$this->out('Processing ' . $article['Article']['name'] . ' ... ');
$article['Article']['body'] = $this->_removeInlineStyles($article['Article']['body']);
$this->Article->id = $article['Article']['id'];
$saved = $this->Article->saveField('body', $article['Article']['body']);
$status = ($saved) ? 'done' : 'fail';
* Removes inline CSS styles added by naughty WYSIWYG editors (or pasting from Word!)
protected function _removeInlineStyles($html) {
$html = preg_replace('/ style="[^"']+"/gi', '', $html);
return $html;
You can use a simple str_replace() to cut that piece of text out.
foreach($articles as $article){
'Article.body' => str_replace('font-size: 12pt; line-height: 115%;', '', $article['Article']['body']),
'' => $article['Article']['id']
This is pending the text is the same in each case, otherwise you will need something a bit more complicated with regular expressions (or maybe multiple str_replace() calls to remove each bad property).

Opencart how to add everything from the language file in php loop

It there a way to read everything from within a language with Opencart?
At the moment I have to:
$this->data['heading_title'] = $this->language->get('heading_title');
$this->data['tab1'] = $this->language->get('tab1');
Language File
// Heading
$_['heading_title'] = 'Help';
$_['tab1'] = 'Account';
The easiest thing to do is to use array merge at the top of your controller
$this->data = array_merge($this->data, $this->language->load('language/file'));
or simply
$this->data += $this->language->load('language/file');
For 2.x, use
$data = array_merge($this->data, $this->language->load('language/file'));
3.x does this automatically
In system/library/language.php is a
function to get everything called all().
This is how to get a single item:
$var = $this->language->get('heading_title');
This returns an array with all language entries:
$var = $this->language->all();

Show Joomla module only in specific articles?

Is it possible to show modules in Joomla only in a specific article (not per menu item), but in standard module position?
For example somehow get the current article id in a template and insert the modules with according id suffix in the name?
I would advise you not to hardcode things like this in the template. My question is, why don't you want to use a menu item? You can create a hidden menu item for that article and use it, then assign the module to that menu item.
If you still want to do it without using a menu item, a possible workaround would be to use something like "mod_php" (some module that allows you to use php code) and do something more or less like this:
Create the module and assign it to a position that is not used anywhere (you can type whatever you want in the module position)
In your php module, put this code:
$option = JRequest::getVar( 'option', '' );
$view = JRequest::getVar( 'view', '' );
$id = JRequest::getInt( 'id', 0 );
if ( $option == "com_content" && $view == "article" && $id == YOUR_ARTICLE_ID ) {
$module = JModuleHelper::getModule('your_module_type', 'module_title');
if ( ! empty( $module ) ) {
$attribs = array( 'style' => 'xhtml' );
echo JModuleHelper::renderModule( $module, $attribs );
I'm sorry if the code snippet is not showing properly, but I hope you can read it ok. Just one thing, when you fill in the part saying 'your_module_type', don't include the "mod_" part of the name. For example, if you want to output a module of type "mod_article_list", you should write "article_list" in "your_module_type".
I hope it helps!

Querying a website with Perl LWP::Simple to Process Online Prices

In my free time, I've been trying to improve my perl abilities by working on a script that uses LWP::Simple to poll one specific website's product pages to check the prices of products (I'm somewhat of a perl noob). This script also keeps a very simple backlog of the last price seen for that item (since the prices change frequently).
I was wondering if there was any way I could further automate the script so that I don't have to explicitly add the page's URL to the initial hash (i.e. keep an array of key terms and do a search query amazon to find the page or price?). Is there anyway way I could do this that doesn't involve me just copying Amazon's search URL and parsing in my keywords? (I'm aware that processing HTML with regex is generally bad form, I just used it since I only need one small piece of data).
use strict;
use warnings;
use LWP::Simple;
my %oldPrice;
my %nameURL = (
"Archer Season 1" => "",
"Code Complete" => "",
"Intermediate Perl" => "",
"Inglorious Basterds (2-Disc)" => ""
if (-e "backlog.txt"){
open (LOG, "backlog.txt");
my #temp = split(/:\s/);
$oldPrice{$temp[0]} = $temp[1];
print "\nChecking Daily Amazon Prices:\n";
open(LOG, ">backlog.txt");
foreach my $key (sort keys %nameURL){
my $content = get $nameURL{$key} or die;
$content =~ m{\s*\$(\d+.\d+)} || die;
if (exists $oldPrice{$key} && $oldPrice{$key} != $1){
print "$key: \$$1 (Was $oldPrice{$key})\n";
print "\n$key: $1\n";
print LOG "$key: $1\n";
Yes, the design can be improved. It's probably best to delete everything and start over with an existing full-featured web scraping application or framework, but since you want to learn:
The name-to-URL map is configuration data. Retrieve it from outside of the program.
Store the historic data in a database.
Learn XPath and use it to extract data from HTML, it's easy if you already grok CSS selectors.
Other stackers, if you want to amend my post with the rationale for each piece of advice, go ahead and edit it.
I made simple script to demonstate Amazon search automation. Search url for all departments was changed with escaped search term. The rest of code is simple parsing with HTML::TreeBuilder. Structure of HTML in question can be easily examined with dump method (see commented-out line).
use strict; use warnings;
use LWP::Simple;
use URI::Escape;
use HTML::TreeBuilder;
use Try::Tiny;
my $look_for = "Archer Season 1";
my $contents
= get ""
. uri_escape($look_for);
my $html = HTML::TreeBuilder->new_from_content($contents);
for my $item ($html->look_down(id => qr/result_\d+/)) {
# $item->dump; # find out structure of HTML
my $title = try { $item->look_down(class => 'productTitle')->as_trimmed_text };
my $price = try { $item->look_down(class => 'newPrice')->find('span')->as_text };
print "$title\n$price\n\n";