How to view source code of header file in C++? - c++

similar to iostream.h ,conio.h , ...

The standard library is generally all templates. You can just open up the desired header and see how it's implemented†. Note it's not <iostream.h>, it's <iostream>; the C++ standard library does not have .h extensions. C libraries like <string.h> can be included as <cstring> (though that generally just includes string.h)
That said, the run-time library (stuff like the C library, not-template-stuff) is compiled. You can search around your compiler install directory to find the source-code to the run-time library.
Why? If just to look, there you go. But it's a terrible way to try to learn, as the code may have non-standard extensions specific to the compiler, and most implementations are just generally ugly to read.
If you have a specific question about the inner-workings of a function, feel free to start a new question and ask how it works.
† I should mention that you may, on the off chance, have a compiler that supports export. This would mean it's entirely possible they have templated code also compiled; this is highly unlikely though. Just should be mentioned for completeness.

From a comment you added, it looks like you're looking for the source to the implementations of functions that aren't templates (or aren't in the header file for whatever reason). The more traditional runtime library support is typically separately compiled and in a library file that gets linked in to your program.
The majority of compilers provide the source code for the library (though it's not guaranteed to be available), but the source files might be installed anywhere on your system.
For the Microsoft compilers I have installed, I can find the source for the runtime in a directory under the Visual Studio installed location named something like:
vc\crt\src // VS2008
vc7\crt\src // VS2003
vc98\crt\src // VC6
If you're using some other compiler, poke around the installation directory (and make sure that you had asked that runtime sources to be installed when you installed your compiler tools).

As mentioned, it is implementation specific but there is an easy way to view contents of header files.
Compile your code with just preprocessing enabled for gcc and g++ it is -E option.
This replaces the contents of header files by their actual content and you can see them.
On linux, you can find some of them in /usr/include
These files merely contain declarations and macro definitions.The actual implementation source files can be obtained from the library provider e.g the source code of standard C++ Library(libstdc++) is obtainable here.

According to the C++ language specification, implementors do not have to put standard headers into physical files. Implementors are allowed to have the headers hard coded in the translator's executable.
Thus, you may not be able to view the contents of standard header files.


How properly specify the #include paths in c++ to make your program portable

I've been struggling back and forth with this for a while now looking stuff up and asking questions and I'm still at a crossroads. What I've done so far and where I'm currently at based on what I've been told is this: I've added 2 directories to my repo: src for my .cpp files and include for my .hpp files. In my include directory I have all the .hpp files directly in the folder where as in my src directory I have several sub-directories grouping my .cpp files according to the purpose they serve e.g. \src\ValuationFunctions\MonteCarloFunctions\FunctionHelpers.
I've changed the name of all the #include "header.h" to #include "..\include\header.h". This works for my main file which is directly in the src folder but I found now that it doesn't work for my .cpp files that are in sub-directories like in my example above, it would seem I would have to navigate back to the root folder doing something like #include "../../..\include\header.h" which obviously can't be the way to go.
How do I make this work, am I even on the right track here? I have uploaded my repo to github ( and the goal is for someone to be able to go there, see how the program is structured, clone the repo and just run it (I imagine this is what the goal always is? Or does some responsibility usually fall on the cloner of the repo to make it work?).
I'm using Windows and Visual Studios, help greatly appreciated.
How properly specify the #include paths in c++ to make your program portable
Please read the C++11 standard n3337 and see this C++ reference website. An included header might not even be any file on your computer (in principle it could be some database).
If you use some recent GCC as your C++ compiler, it does have precompiled headers and link-time optimization facilities. Read also the documentation of its preprocessor. I recommend to enable all warnings and debug info, so use g++ -Wall -Wextra -g.
If you use Microsoft VisualStudio as your compiler, it has a documentation and provides a cl command, with various optimization facilities. Be sure to enable warnings.
You could consider using some C++ static analyzer, such as Clang's or Frama-C++. This draft report could be relevant and should interest you (at least for references).
The source code editor (either VisualStudioCode or GNU emacs or vim or many others) and the debugger (e.g. GDB) and the version control system (e.g. git) that you are using also have documentation. Please take time to read them, and read How to debug small programs.
Remember that C++ code can be generated, by tools such as ANTLR or SWIG.
A suggestion is to approach your issue in the dual way: ensure that proper include paths are passed to compilation commands (from your build automation tool such as GNU make or ninja or meson). This is what GNU autoconf does.
You could consider using autoconf in your software project.
I've changed the name of all the #include "header.h" to #include "..\include\header.h".
I believe it was a mistake, and you certainly want to use slashes, e.g. #include "../include/header.h" if you care about porting your code later to other operating systems (e.g. Linux, Android, MacOSX, or some other Unixes). On most operating systems, the separator for directories is a / and most C++ compilers accept it.
Studying the source code of either Qt or POCO could be inspirational, and one or both of these open source libraries could be useful to you. They are cross-platform. The source code of GCC and Clang could also be interesting to look into. Both are open source C++ compilers, written in C++ mostly (with some metaprogramming approaches, that is some generated C++ code).
See also this and that.
In program development, it is often necessary to use toolkits developed by others. Generally speaking, in Visual Studio, source files are rarely used, and most of them use header files and link libraries that declare classes. If you want to use these classes, you need to include the name of the header file in the file, such as #include "cv.h". But this is not enough, because this file is generally not in the current directory, the solution is as follows:
Open "Project-Properties-Configuration Properties-C/C++-General-Additional Include Directory" in turn and add all the paths.
For all kinds of IDEs, we can do similar operations to include directories. So for those who clone the project, it is quite normal to modify the directory contained in the project.

Where is the standard library?

I have searched Google but haven't found quite a direct answer to my queries.
I have been reading C++ Primer and I'm still quite new to the language, but despite how good the book is it discusses the use of the standard library but doesn't really describe where it is or where it comes from (it hasn't yet anyway). So, where is the standard library? Where are the header files that let me access it? When I downloaded CodeBlocks, did the STL come with it? Or does it automatically come with my OS?
Somewhat related, but what exactly is MinGW that came with Cobeblocks? Here it says
MinGW is a C/C++ compiler suite which allows you to create Windows executables without dependency on such DLLs
So at the most basic level is it just a collection of "things" needed to let me make C++ programs?
Apologies for the quite basic question.
"When I downloaded CodeBlocks, did the STL come with it?"
Despite it's not called the STL, but the C++ standard library, it comes with your c++ compiler implementation (and optionally packaged with the CodeBlocks IDE).
You have to differentiate IDE and compiler toolchain. CodeBlocks (the Integrated Development Environment) can be configured to use a number of different compiler toolchains (e.g. Clang or MSVC).
"Or does it automatically come with my OS?"
No, usually not. Especially not for Windows OS
"So, where is the standard library? Where are the header files that let me access it?"
They come with the compiler toolchain you're currently using for your CodeBlocks project.
Supposed this is the MinGW GCC toolchain and it's installed in the default directory, you'll find the libraries under a directory like (that's what I have)
and the header files at
"So at the most basic level is it just a collection of "things" needed to let me make C++ programs?"
It's the Minimalist GNU toolchain for Windows. It usually comes along with the GCC (GNU C/C++ compiler toolchain), plus the MSYS minimalist GNU tools environment (including GNU make, shell, etc.).
When you have installed a C++ implementation you'll have something which implements everything necessary to use C++ source files and turn them into something running. How that is done exactly depends on the specific C++ implementation. Most often, there is a compiler which processes individual source file and translates them into object files which are then combined by a linker to produce an actual running program. That is by no means required and, e.g., cling directly interprets C++ code without compiling.
All this is just to clarify that there is no one way how C++ is implemented although the majority of contemporary C++ implementations follow the approach of compiler/linker and provide libraries as a collection of files with declarations and library files providing implementations of these declarations.
Where the C++ standard library is located and where its declarations are to be found entirely depends on the C++ implementations. Oddly, all C++ implementations I have encountered so far except cling do use a compiler and all these compilers support a -E option (although it is spelled /E for MSVC++) which preprocesses a C++ file. The typically quite large output shows locations of included files pointing at the location of the declarations. That is, something like this executed on a command line yields a file with the information about the locations:
compiler -E input.cpp > input.ii
How the compiler compiler is actually named entirely depends on the C++ implementation and is something like g++, clang++, etc. The file input.cpp is supposed to contain a suitable include directive for one of the standard C++ library headers, e.g.
#include <iostream>
Searching in the output input.ii should reveal the location of this header. Of course, it is possible that the declarations are made available by the compiler without actually including a file but just making declarations visible. There used to be a compiler like this (TenDRA) but I'm not aware of any contemporary compiler doing this (with modules being considered for standardization these may come back in the future, though).
Where the actual library file with the objects implementing the various declarations is located is an entirely different question and locating these tends to be a bit more involved.
The C++ implementation is probably installed somehow when installing CodeBlocks. I think it is just one package. On systems with a package management system like dpkg on some Linuxes it would be quite reasonable to just have the IDE have a dependency on the compiler (e.g., gcc for CodeBlocks) and have the compiler have a dependency on the standard C++ library (libstdc++ for gcc) and have the package management system sort out how things are installed.
There are several implementations of the C++ standard library. Some of the more popular ones are libstdc++, which comes packaged with GCC, libc++, which can be used with Clang, or Visual Studio's implementation by Microsoft. They use a licensed version of Dinkumware's implementation. MinGW contains a port of GCC. CodeBlocks, an IDE, allows you to choose a setup which comes packaged with a version of MinGW, or one without. Either way, you can still set up the IDE to use a different compiler if you choose. Part of the standard library implementation will also be header files, not just binaries, because a lot of it is template code (which can only be implemented in header files.)
I recommend you read the documentation for the respective technologies because they contain a lot of information, more than a tutorial or book would:
libstdc++ faq
MinGW faq

C++ Modules and the C++ ABI

I've been reading about the C++ modules proposal (latest draft) but I don't fully understand what problem(s) it aims to solve.
Is its purpose to allow a module built by one compiler to be used by any other compiler (on the same OS/architecture, of course)? That is, does the proposal amount to standardizing the C++ ABI?
If not, is there another proposal being considered that would standardize the C++ ABI and allow compilers to interoperate?
Pre-compiled headers (PCH) are special files that certain compilers can generate for a .cpp file. What they are is exactly that: pre-compiled source code. They are source code that has been fed through the compiler and built into a compiler-dependent format.
PCHs are commonly used to speed up compilation. You put commonly used headers in the PCH, then just include the PCH. When you do a #include on the PCH, your compiler does not actually do the usual #include work. It instead loads these pre-compiled symbols directly into the compiler. No running a C++ preprocessor. No running a C++ compiler. No #including a million different files. One file is loaded and symbols appear fully formed directly in your compiler's workspace.
I mention all that because modules are PCHs in their perfect form. PCHs are basically a giant hack built on top of a system that doesn't allow for actual modules. The purpose of modules is ultimately to be able to take a file, generate a compiler-specific module file that contains symbols, and then some other file loads that module as needed. The symbols are pre-compiled, so again, there is no need to #include a bunch of stuff, run a compiler, etc. Your code says, import, and it appears.
Look at any of the STL-derived standard library headers. Take <map> for example. Odds are good that this file is either gigantic or has a lot of #inclusions of other files that make the resulting file gigantic. That's a lot of C++ parsing that has to happen. It must happen for every .cpp file that has #include <map> in it. Every time you compile a source file, the compiler has to recompile the same thing. Over. And over. And over again.
Does <map> change between compilations? Nope, but your compiler can't know that. So it has to keep recompiling it. Every time you touch a .cpp file, it must compile every header that this .cpp file includes. Even though you didn't touch those headers or source files that affect those headers.
PCH files were a way to get around this problem. But they are limited, because they're just a hack. You can only include one per .cpp file, because it must be the first thing included by .cpp files. And since there is only one PCH, if you do something that changes the PCH (like add a new header to it), you have to recompile everything in that PCH.
Modules have essentially nothing to do with cross-compiler ABI (though having one of those would be nice, and modules would make it a bit easier to define one). Their fundamental purpose is to speed up compile times.
Modules are what Java, C#, and a lot of other modern languages offer. They immensely reduce compile time simply because the code that's in today's header doesn't have to be parsed over and over again, everytime it's included. When you say #include <vector>, the content of <vector> will get copied into the current file. #include really is nothing else than copy and paste.
In the module world, you simply say import std.vector; for example and the compiler loads the query/symbol table of that module. The module file has a format that makes it easy for the compiler to parse and use it. It's also only parsed once, when the module is compiled. After that, the compiler-generated module file is just queried for the information that is needed.
Because module files are compiler-generated, they'll be pretty closely tied to the compiler's internal representation of the C++ code (AST) and will as such most likely not be portable (just like today's .o/.so/.a files, because of name mangling etc.).
Modules in C++ have to be primarily better thing than today solutions, that is, when a library consists of a *.so file and *.h file with API. They have to solve the problems that are today with #includes, that is:
require macroguards (macros that prevent that definitions are provided multiple times)
are strictly text-based (so they can be tricked and in normal conditions they are reinterpreted, which gives also a chance to look differently in different compilation unit to be next linked together)
do not distinguish between dependent libraries being only instrumentally used and being derived from (especially if the header provides inline function templates)
Despite to what Xeo says, modules do not exist in Java or C#. In fact, in these languages "loading modules" relies on that "ok, here you have the CLASSPATH and search through it to find whatever modules may provide symbols that the source file actually uses". The "import" declaration in Java is no "module request" at all - the same as "using" in C++ ("import ns.ns2.*" in Java is the same as "using namespace ns::ns2" in C++). I don't think such a solution can be used in C++. The closest approximation I can imagine are packages in Vala or modules in Tcl (those from 8.5 version).
I imagine that C++ modules are rather not possible to be cross-platform, nor dynamically loaded (requires a dedicated C++ dynamic module loader - it's not impossible, but today hard to define). They will definitely by platform-dependent and should also be configurable when requested. But a stable C++ ABI is practically only required within the range of one system, just as it is with C++ ABI now.

How to portably detect whether a compiler supports <iostream> vs <iostream.h>

I'm working on a utility that needs to be able to compile on both standard C++ compilers and pre-standard compilers. The code can and will be thrown at just about any C++ compiler in existence.
I am looking for a means to robustly and portably determine whether the target compiler supports header files with or without an .h extension. I will also need to detect whether namespaces are supported. Both of these needs may or may not be possible.
A little background: The utility is the Inline::CPP language extension for Perl. The extension automatically includes <iostream>, and tries to make a good guess whether a '.h' is required or not (and of course whether or not the compiler supports namespaces). But it's far from perfect in that regard, and this issue is diminishing the breadth of the utility's usefulness.
So to reiterate the question: How do I portably detect whether a compiler supports standard headers such as <iostream>, or pre-standard headers such as <iostream.h>?
Not in the code, but in the build/configure system. For example in CMake, you could use try_compile and provide it a sample file.
try_compile(PRE_STANDARD_HEADERS tmp_builds pre_standard_headers_test.cpp)
add_definitions( -D PRE_STANDARD_HEADERS )
You'd need to make that pre_standard_headers_test.cpp .. just a simple compilable exe that #include <iostream.h> for example.
Then in your normal code just an
would do the trick.
The standard approach for Linux and other Unix-friendly platforms is to use a configure script. The script will generate as its output a Makefile and a config.h header file that turns on or off any compiler features that your code could rely on when available.
For Windows it is kind of expected that you will provide solution and project files for Visual Studio, with a pre-generated config.h header file.

Where can I see the code used in C++ standard libraries?

When I compile a program with #include
where can I see the contents of that file, and also since that file contains declarations, where can I see the actual code used in those functions?
Is it open to everyone or is it not available to the public?
The actual code is in the platform-specific standard libraries that come with your compiler, you can see it by looking at the standard library implementation source.
Here's the documentation (and source) for libstdc++ by GNU (it comes with gcc):
Download the source from one of these mirrors:
Generally the #included file is readable, but the library it implements is generally not readable. The include files on a mac are in /usr/include/c++.
The library code depends on the compiler. For Gnu C++ used in linux and Mac you can definitely see the code. You might have to download it. It is available at
I don't think Windows C++ library code is available.
It depends on what toolchain you are using, not every vendor is making his implementation public. You can have a look at the GNU C library for starters:
Dinkumware, the company behind the C++ standard template library that is used in Visual Studio for example, is offering a commercial product, thus the code is not available to everyone - it really depends on your license. Some versions of Visual Studio indeed ship with the source code of the runtime included.
As for the STL, there is also STLport, an open source STL implementation.
Your best bet will indeed be the projects that gcc/g++ depend on.
The C++ standard itself is just this: a standard. The implementation of which is done by many vendors. STLport and GNU libstdc++ are both open source and can be looked at as a whole. Visual Studio ships with Dinkumware C++ standard library. It is closed source.
Nevertheless, you can always see the source of the headers by opening the include directory of your C++ standard lib. The files are named just like you include them. Much of it is implemented in headers anyway. But are pretty much unreadable to the untrained eye.
But when it comes to using the C++ library don't depend on the exact source code of it, but rather on what the C++ standard says. Don't program to an implementation, but rather to the standard.
Run this command from your command line:
find /usr -name iostream
That will tell you the directory you want.
If you use something like Visual Studio, you can put a break point and then start line-by-line stepping through your code and it will open the included files as you go along. Quickest way into a file in my opinion. Otherwise you can find the code somewhere on your PC ... on mine its in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\crt\src\ostream for example, replacing ostream with iostream, sstream, etc (note that those are file names without extensions) but also if you look at the directory you'll see a lot of .h and .c files
All system headers ship with your compiler. On Linux systems, these can normally be found under /usr/include . On other platforms, the will normally live where you installed the compiler.
Commercial libraries do not normally ship source code. On linux, these can normally be found in the source pacakges.