Is there a solution to automatically synchronize Emacs org-mode with one of the web based todo services? - web-services

Org-mode is amazing. I like its power and simplicity. However, sometimes I need access to my tasks in places where I don't have the necessary setup. Is there a way to synchronize my org agenda with one of the better web based todo services like RTM, Toodledo or similar?
It would be the best solution, because I'd run the sync process regularly and automatically on my computer and I would have access (read access is enough) to my org data through the web interface of the synchronized service.

I have been using Org-mode with Remember the Milk quite nicely. here is my setup:
(require org-feed)
(setq org-feed-alist
'(("Remember The Milk"
"Remember The Milk"
:template "* TODO %title\n %a\n "
;;* rtm feed timer
(run-at-time 3600 3600 'org-feed-update-all)
The only problem is that I get asked for authentication the first time I start up emacs. With a bit of elisp this could be fixed, I just haven't had time yet.
Just as an update, there is a new package shaping up that might handle syncing a little better:

I realize this is quite old, however a pertinent update is that a Google Summer of Code project is currently in progress to create just this. See (and follow updates to) the page on the Org-mode Wiki for Org-sync.
Org-sync is a tool to synchronize your Org-mode documents with bugtracking tools such as Bugzilla, Github or Google Code and other TODO-list services such as Toodledo or Google Task.
Project Goals
Integrate and complete org-element.el
Write a library for bugtracker backends
Write several backends
There is also a link to the list of backends currently in progress to be integrated with Org-sync.

I just save my org-mode files in a Dropbox folder and then they are automatically synced and can be viewed/edited from anywhere.

This is probably way late but Sacha Chua wrote an org to toodledo synchronization tool for emacs.

you could also set up org with some kind of revision control software-- I use git, and then use git to clone/pull where ever i need it.

MobileOrg is, however, limited to the iPhone at present. I am eagerly following development on a similar application for android.

There is a possibility to publish org mode to HTML. If you need only readonly access it should work.

And if memory serves, org-mode has a mobile hook ... here's a snippet from the Info page:
MobileOrg is an application for the
iPhone/iPod Touch series of devices,
developed by Richard Moreland.
MobileOrg offers offline viewing and
capture support for an Org-mode system
rooted on a "real" computer. It does
also allow you to record changes to
existing entries. For information
about MobileOrg, see
This appendix describes the support
Org has for creating agenda views in a
format that can be displayed by
MobileOrg, and for integrating notes
captured and changes made by MobileOrg
into the main system.
For changing tags and TODO states
in MobileOrg, you should have set up
the customization variables
org-todo-keywords' and
org-tags-alist' to cover all
important tags and todo keywords, even
if individual files use only part of
these. MobileOrg will also offer you
states and tags set up with in-buffer
settings, but it will understand the
logistics of todo state sets (*note
Per-file keywords::) and mutually
exclusive tags (*note Setting tags::)
only for those set in these variables.

I've put together a simple python script based on some already-existing code,
which allows one to push an org file to a google-tasks list, to
pull the contents of a google-tasks list into an org file, or to perform a bidirectional synchronization between the two.

There is an app for Android, orgzly, that gives you views of your org-mode files synced by dropbox.

Not totally related but org-mode doesn't work that well as an 'on-the-go' thing. The mobile-org and other services try to do this but I don't know..
I version control my org files and push them (using git) onto my personal webspace and then sync it on the various computers I use. That way, I can keep myself on top of things.

org-trello is a nice package that lets you sync an org-mode file with Trello.
Since Trello's and org-mode's feature sets don't overlap 100 %, I prefer to name the files .trello to make sure I don't confuse them with full-blown org-files.
Here's how I init it, with use-package:
(use-package org-trello
:defer t
:mode (("\\.trello$" . org-mode))
(when (locate-library "org-trello")
(add-hook 'org-mode-hook
(defun org-trello-turn-on-if-extension-matches ()
(let ((filename (buffer-file-name (current-buffer))))
(when (and filename (string= "trello" (file-name-extension filename)))
(set-variable 'org-trello-current-prefix-keybinding "C-c t"))

I've not used it, but this seems to be an org-mode integration for


Is it an efficient method to use a framework to code a single interactive webpage in python?

This is an open source contributor project for Wikidata's Chronic Pain project.
I would like to create a webpage that :
Have inputboxes where the user select several wikipedia page titles (with suggestions)
Can also take these parameters via the URL
Get items metadata from Wikidata.
Makes a SPARQL request to gather scholarly articles.
Render data from Wikidata and Wikipedia, linking to various wiki pages.
The webpage will be hosted on Wikimedia fundation server. I have access to a linux container as well as a Jupyter Notebook (not sure this one is suitable for this project). It has to be coded in Python 3 since I will use Pywikibot framework to interact with Wikidata.
I'm new to programming so that I don't really know what is the best approach. I heard that it was difficult to code webpages in Python without using a framework like Django. However this page is very simple so that it may not be the most efficient to deploy Django for this ?
NB : your question is bordering on "primarily opinion based" (which doesn't mean it's a bad question by itself but that answers might be more, well, opinions than hard facts).
This being said, "a single interactive page" doesn't mean the server code behind is just loading a static html file and sending it to the client. For example, the main UI part of our product is, technically speaking, "a single interactive page", but this "single" page is full react app and is backed by a dedicated API with a dozen entry points, which the dispatch to a whole load of backend code including database access, celery tasks etc. It would of course be technically possible to code all this with only pure wsgi or even plain old cgi code, but well, it could also be possible to write it directly in C or even assembly and no one would ever consider this a viable solution.
To make a long story short: do not even waste your time trying to code this project with plain wsgi (and let's not talk cgi), you will end up reinventing the squared wheel and everyone will hate you for this (stakeholders because you'll never deliver a robust, working product in due time and budget, and other devs because they'll now have to port the whole darn thing to a stable, mature and maintained framework). Now if Django appears to be overkill for this project there are much lighter frameworks like flask. Actually both are the "industry standard" and safe choices.

How can we improve our web development workflow?

How can multiple developers work on the same website (CSS, JavaScript, ASP.NET).
We use SVN as source control, but the problem is more in regards of testing and general workflow.
I know we could do unit tests and we have for our API, but I don't see how we can do unit testing for our frontend?
We get a lot of problems in the frontend like:
Developer 1 changes CSS and it messes up CSS for developer 2.
Developer 1 changes JavaScript and components developer 2 made stops working.
Developer 1 removed an ID or a CSS class in C# (code behind) and CSS styling is lost or JavaScript stops working.
It's basically things of that nature.
What we do now is manually test everything in all major browsers and we spend too much time on that.
Any good suggestions on how we can improve our way of working? Keep in mind that it's a website and we are struggling with problems related to that.
This is a management issue rather than a workflow issue.
You need to be proactive at managing the situation and be tough.
You have a source control system in place, what you need to do is:-
Enforce day end (or more frequent if preferred) check ins.
Rollback work if it doesn't work. You have to be tough on this point to ensure the developers understand that you mean it.
You need to actively communicate the above to your team to make sure they understand the new work procedures.
It'd only take a few weeks for it to sink in, after that you can relax the controls.
Introduce releases/iterations/milestones; and publish them only from the repo.
Can you not possibly break the site areas up into segments and assign developer responsibilities to each, even if it means sandboxing the "base" code of the site (framework / main CSS / main JavaScript) and assigning a specific responsibility to it? You can then task developers to keep their CSS / JavaScript separate from the main files and merge them before testing and release.
We've had similar problems where I work and this approach seemed to sort it out for the most part. For each segment we built we created a new folder in each of the respective projects (DAL / BL / Presentation), based on the functionalities / modules / segments, each with their own site content (JavaScript / CSS), but still making sure that some generic styling and JavaScript being available to all developers.
An official Agile project management methodology (like Scrum) has huge benefits in an environment like this, as you get to discuss these issues on a daily basis and, if over-arching requirements for new CSS and JavaScript are identified by all developers, it can be integrated into the site's base content.

Best Practices for Code/Web Application Deployment?

I would love to hear ideas on how to best move code from development server to production server.
A list of gotcha's, don't do this list would be helpful.
Any tools to help automate the steps of.
Make backups of existing code, given these list of files
Record the Deployment of these files from dev to production
Allow easier rollback if deployment or app fails in any way...
I have never worked at a company that had a deployment process, other than a very manual, ftp files from dev to production.
What have you done in your companies, departments, etc?
Thank you...
Yes, I am a coldfusion programmer, but files are files, and this should be language agnostic question.
OK, I'll bite. There's the technology aspect of this problem, which other answers have already covered. But the real issue is a process problem. Where the real focus should be ensuring a meaningful software development life cycle (SDLC) - planning, development, validation, and deployment. I'll cover each in turn. What you want is a repeatable activity at each phase.
Articulating and recording what's to be delivered. Often tickets or user stories are enough. Sometimes you do more, like a written requirements document, that a customer signs off on, that's translated into various artifacts such as written use cases - ultimately what you want though is something recorded in an electronic system where you can associate changes to code with it. Which leads me to...
Remember that electronic system? Good. Now when you make changes to code (you're committing to source control right?) you associate those change with something in this electronic system - typically tickets. I like Trac, but have also heard good things about Atlassian's suite. This gives you traceability. So you can assert what's been done and how. Then you can use this system and source control to create a build - all the bits needed for whatever's changed - and tag that build in source control - that's your list of what's changed. Even better, have a build contain everything, so that it's standalone entity that can easily be deployed on it's own. The build is then delivered for...
Perhaps the most important step that many shops ignore - at their own peril. Defects found in production are exponentially more expensive to fix then when they're discovered earlier in the process. And validation is often the only step where this occurs in many shops - so make sure yours does it.
This should not be done by the programmer! That's like the fox watching the hen house. And whoever is doing is should be following some sort of plan. We use Test Link. This means each build is validated the same way, so you can identify regression bugs. And, this build should be deployed in the same way as you would into production.
If all goes well (we usually need a minimum of 3 builds) the build is validated. And this goes to...
This should be a non-event, because you're taking a validated build following the same steps as you did in testing. Could be first it hits a staging server, where there's an automated copying process, but the point being is that is shouldn't be an issue at this point, because you validated with the same process.
In terms of knowing what's where, what you really want is a logical way to group changes together. This is where the idea of a build comes in. It's really the unit that should segue between steps in the SDLC. If you already have that, then the ability to understand the state of a given system becomes trivial.
Check out Ant or Maven - these are build and deployment tools used in the Java world which can help you copy / ftp files, backup and even check out code from SVN.
You can automate your deployment steps using these tools, for example Ant will allow you declare a set of tasks as part of your deployment. So you could, for example:
Check out a revision using SVNAnt or similar to a directory
Copy (and perhaps zip first) these files to a backup directory
FTP all the files to your web server(s)
Create a report to email to the team illustrating the deployment
Really you can do almost anything you wish to put time into using Ant. Maven is a little more strucutred (and newer) and you can see a discussion of the differences here.
Hope that helps!
In a nutshell...
You should start with some source control solution - probably Subversion or Git. Once that's in place you can create a script that generates a clean build of your source code and deploys it to your production server(s).
You could do this with a simple batch script or use something like Ant for more control. Here is a simple example of a batch file using Subversion:
svn copy svn://path/to/your/project/trunk -r HEAD svn://path/to/your/project/tags/%version%
svn checkout svn://path/to/your/project/trunk -r HEAD //path/to/target/directory
Ant makes it easy to do things like automatically run unit tests and sync directories. For example:
<sync todir="//path/to/target/directory" includeEmptyDirs="true" overwrite="true">
<fileset dir="${basedir}">
<exclude name="**/*.svn"/>
<exclude name="**/test/"/>
This is really just a starting point. A next step might be a continuous integration solution like Hudson. I would also recommend reading "Pragmatic Project Automation: How to Build, Deploy, and Monitor Java Applications".
One ColdFusion specific gotcha is to make sure you clear the Application scope when required (to update any singleton components). A common approach here is to use a URL parameter that causes onRequestStart() to call onApplicationStart(). You may also have to clear the trusted cache.
We use a system called AnthillPro:
It's commercial software, but it allows us to completely automate our deployment process across multiple servers and operating systems (We currently use it for both ColdFusion and Java, but it can be used for most languages. It has a ton of 3rd party integrations:

How to make templates of profiles in websphere?

I am aware that we can make templates of domains in weblogic very easily using config_builder script. Is there a similar thing in websphere?
I know nothing about WebLogic, but fix pack 9 for WebSphere added something you may find useful. The wsadmin command AdminTask.extractConfigProperties with GenerateTemplates and PortablePropertiesFile options set to true will generate a portable, editable file transferable to another cell. AdminTask.applyConfigProperties is used to read your edited output and apply the properties to a new cell, server, etc. I haven't tried this yet outside of a controlled sandbox environment; so, I'm not sure what pitfalls may await you. But if you have a ton of servers to build, it may be worth your time to do some experimentation.
Here's the IBM doc on the topic.
As far as i know i don't think there is such a capability.
You can use the default product shipped profiles to start with and create the servers and configure them the way you want.
These servers can then be used as a template to build other servers.
I am not sure if this helps you but i thought i would point this out.

Workflow to Turn Wiki content into a system manual

We're in the middle of deploying a new software system to lot's of users in lot's of places (200+ users over 8 countries). In the past we've written a manual for the users, then update it every so often. This works ok, in that all the users ahve the same manual and it covers the main things but it has it's problems, like it doesn't get updated that often, we sometimes miss updates, and some users will have old copies.
We've been talking about using a wiki during the testing and deployment phases to build a knowledge base about the system. Ideally we'd then like some way to convert that into some form fo electronic document that we can then 'pretty-fie' and send out as the official manual, as well as letting users use and update the wiki.
Has anyone else done anything similar ? Any suggestions for wiki systems, workflows, document formats etc?
Most wikis support export via PDF e.g.:
MediaWiki PDF Export
DokuWiki PDF Export
TWiki PDF Export
You can write something that generates LaTeX from the wiki and renders a manual to PDF. With packages like hyperref you can retain cross-references as hyperlinks.
Additionally, you can integrate content from multiple sources such as a data dictionary into the LaTeX document, which can be mixed and matched with the wiki content. You could also set the architecture up so it can support cross-referencing that goes either way.
Framemaker could also support this using generated MIF files, and you could also use Lout in a similar way or convert your wiki content to docbook, which would allow you to use any of the many rendering options available to that format.
As an aside, the following Stackoverflow postings discuss various systems for maintaining documentation.
Application (Not a Markup Language) for Producing a User Manual
Can LaTeX be used for producing any documentation that accompanies software?
What tools are used to write documentation?
What tools does your team use for writing user manuals?
How best to write documentation (ideally in latex) targeting both the web (html) and paper (pdf)?
Best tool(s) for working with DocBook XML documents?
What is the recommended toolchain for formatting XML DocBook?
Is a successor for TeX/LaTeX in sight?
Madcap Flare is a help-and-manual authoring tool that uses HTML for the source of each topic. You could pretty easily do a mass import of the Wiki pages. Would then require some cleaning but after that you have a nice single-source system that can output CHM, web-browsable help, PDF, DOC/DOCX, etc.
How are you storing the help source at the moment? Is it MS Word files, MS help, LaTeX?
If you put your help source files under version control then you will get all the benefits of a wiki without having to migrate to a new system - people can make edits to the help files easily - those changes can be tracked, reverted etc. and you get the prettified manuals as before.
I followed Node's links and came across some mediawiki pages that I thought were noteworthy.
Extension:OpenDocument Export
Extension:PDF Writer
Category:Data extraction extensions
I gave a previous answer which may be useful for the "wiki to PDF" part -- look at using the open source PediaPress code or functionality. You can get ODFs from it too, although their PDFs are already quite pretty (but you might want to rebrand it and restyle it for your company I suppose).