Long Integer and Float - c++

If a Long Integer and a float both take 4 bytes to store in memory then why are their ranges different?

Integers are stored like this:
1 bit for the sign (+/-)
31 bits for the value.
Floats are stored differently, giving greater range at the expense of accuracy:
1 bit for the sign (+/-)
N bits for the mantissa S
M bits for the exponent E
Float is represented in the exponential form: (+/-)S*(base)^E
BTW, "long" isn't always 32 bits. See this article.

Different way to encode your numbers.
Long counts up from 1 to 2^(4*8).
Float uses only 23 of the 32 bits for the "counting". But it adds "range" with an exponent in the other bits. So you have bigger numbers, but they are less accurate (in the lower based parts):
1.2424 * 10^54 (mantisse * exponent) is certainly bigger than 2^32. But you can discern a long 2^31 from a long 2^31-1 whereas you can't discern a float 1.24 * 10^54 and a float 1.24 * 10^54 - 1: the 1 just is lost in this representation as float.

They are not always the same size. But even when they are, their ranges are different because they serve different purposes. One is for integers with no decimal places, and one is for decimals.

This can be explained in terms of why a floating point representation can represent a larger range of numbers than a fixed point representation. This text from the Wikipedia entry:
The advantage of floating-point
representation over fixed-point (and
integer) representation is that it can
support a much wider range of values.
For example, a fixed-point
representation that has seven decimal
digits, with the decimal point assumed
to be positioned after the fifth
digit, can represent the numbers
12345.67, 8765.43, 123.00, and so on, whereas a floating-point
representation (such as the IEEE 754
decimal32 format) with seven decimal
digits could in addition represent
1.234567, 123456.7, 0.00001234567, 1234567000000000, and so on. The
floating-point format needs slightly
more storage (to encode the position
of the radix point), so when stored in
the same space, floating-point numbers
achieve their greater range at the
expense of precision.

Indeed a float takes 4 bytes (32bits), but since it's a float you have to store different things in these 32 bits:
1 bit is used for the sign (+/-)
8 bits are used for the exponent
23 bits are used for the significand (the significant digits)
You can see that the range of a float directly depends on the number of bits allocated to the significand, and the min/max values depend on the numbre of bits allocated for the exponent.
With the upper example:
8 bits for the exponent (= size of a char) gives an exponent range [-128,127]
--> max is about 127*log10(2) = 10^38
Regarding a long integer, you've got 1 bit used for the sign and then 31 bits to represent the integer value leading to a max of 2 147 483 647.
You can have a look at Wikipedia for more precise info:
Wikipedia - Floating point

Their ranges are different because they use different ways of representing numbers.
long (in c) is equivalent to long int. The size of this type varies between processors and compilers, but is often, as you say, 32 bits. At 32 bits, it can represent 232 different values. Since we often want to use negative numbers, computers normally represent integers using a format called "two's complement". This way, we can represent numbers from (-231) and up to (231-1). Counting the number 0, this adds up to 232 numbers.
float (in c) is usually a single presicion IEEE 754 formatted number. At 32 bits, this data type can also take 232 different bit patterns, but they are not used to directly represent whole numbers, like in the long. Instead, they represent a sign, and the mantisse and exponent of a normalized decimal number.

In general: when you have more range of values (float has up to 10^many), you have less precision.
This is what happens here. If you need integers, 32-bit long will give you more.

In a handwavey high level, floating point sacrefices integer precision to extend its range. This is done by combining a base value with a scaling factor. For large values, a float will not be able to precisely represent all integers but for small values it will represent better than integer precision.

No, the size of primitive data types in C is Implementation Defined.
This wiki entry clearly states: The floating-point format needs slightly more storage (to encode the position of the radix point), so when stored in the same space, floating-point numbers achieve their greater range at the expense of precision.


Reciprocal representation of integers in floating point numbers

I need to store a lot of different values as doubles between 0 to 1, to have a uniform representation. For example, an ARGB value - that is a 32-bit integer. Can doubles uniquely represent every integer value if i store it as a reciprocal? I know there's enough bits to do it, but I'm not sure whether the exponential spacing will prevent this.
The standard double has 52 bit mantissa, so yes, it is capable to hold and exactly reproduce a 32 bit integer.
Another problem is the requirement that they have to be beetween 0 and 1.
The reciprocal is not the way to do that! Counterexample: 1/3 is not exactly representable by a double.
You will have to divide the values to ensure the range. You may only divide or multiply by powers of two to preserve exact accuracy. So given you have unsigned 32 bit values convert them to double and then divide by 2^32. If you revert that on reading the values should be reproduced exactly. In C or C++ there are even special instructions to manipulate exponent and mantissa of a float or double directly, these may be more efficient and secure.

Errors multiplying large doubles

I've made a BOMDAS calculator in C++ that uses doubles. Whenever I input an expression like
I get a result like 1000000000000000000004341624882808674582528.000000. I suspect it has something to do with floating-point numbers.
Floating point number represent values with a fixed size representation. A double can represent 16 decimal digits in form where the decimal digits can be restored (internally, it normally stores the value using base 2 which means that it can accurately represent most fractional decimal values). If the number of digits is exceeded, the value will be rounded appropriately. Of course, the upshot is that you won't necessarily get back the digits you're hoping for: if you ask for more then 16 decimal digits either explicitly or implicitly (e.g. by setting the format to std::ios_base::fixed with numbers which are bigger than 1e16) the formatting will conjure up more digits: it will accurately represent the internally held binary values which may produce up to, I think, 54 non-zero digits.
If you want to compute with large values accurately, you'll need some variable sized representation. Since your values are integers a big integer representation might work. These will typically be a lot slower to compute with than double.
A double stores 53 bits of precision. This is about 15 decimal digits. Your problem is that a double cannot store the number of digits you are trying to store. Digits after the 15th decimal digit will not be accurate.
That's not an error. It's exactly because of how floating-point types are represented, as the result is precise to double precision.
Floating-point types in computers are written in the form (-1)sign * mantissa * 2exp so they only have broader ranges, not infinite precision. They're only accurate to the mantissa precision, and the result after every operation will be rounded as such. The double type is most commonly implemented as IEEE-754 64-bit double precision with 53 bits of mantissa so it can be correct to log(253) ≈ 15.955 decimal digits. Doing 1e21*1e21 produces 1e42 which when rounding to the closest value in double precision gives the value that you saw. If you round that to 16 digits it's exactly the same as 1e42.
If you need more range, use double or long double. If you only works with integer then int64_t (or __int128 with gcc and many other compilers on 64-bit platforms) has a much larger precision (64/128 bits compared to 53 bits). If you need even more precision, use an arbitrary-precision arithmetic library instead such as GMP

C++ I've just read that floats are inexact and do not store exact integer values. What does this mean?

I am thinking of this at a binary level.
would a float of value 1 and an integer of value 1 not compile down to (omitting lots of zeros here)
If they do both compile down to this then where does this inexactness come in.
Resource I'm using is http://www.cprogramming.com/tutorial/lesson1.html
It's possible. Floating point numbers are represented in an exponential notation (a*2^n), where some bits represent a (the significand), and some bits represent n (the exponent).
You can't uniquely represent all the integers in the range of a floating point value, due to the so-called pigeonhole principle. For example, 32-bit floats go up to over 10^38, but on 32 bits you can only represent 2^32 values - that means some integers will have the same representation.
Now, what happens when you try to, for example, do the following:
x = 10^38 - (10^38 - 1)
You should get 1, but you probably won't, because 10^38 and 10^38-1 are so close to each other that the computer has to represent them the same way. So, your 1.0f will usually be 1, but if this 1 is a result of calculation, it might not be.
Here are some examples.
To be precise: Integers can be exactly represented as floats if their binary representation does not use more bits than the float format supplies for the mantissa plus an implicit one bit.
IEEE floats have a mantissa of 23 bits, add one implicit bit, and you can store any integer representable with 24 bits in a float (that's integers up to 16777216). Likewise, a double has 52 mantissa bits, so it can store integers up to 9007199254740992.
Beyond that point, the IEEE format omits first the odd numbers, then all numbers not divisible by 4, and so on. So, even 0xffffff00ul is exactly representable as a float, but 0xffffff01ul is not.
So, yes, you can represent integers as floats, and as long as they don't become larger than the 16e6 or 9e15 limits, you can even expect additions between integers in float format to be exact.
A float will store an int exactly if the int is less than a certain number, but if you have a large enough int, there won't be enough bits in the mantissa to store all the bits of the integer. The missing bits are then assumed to be zero. If the missing bits aren't zero, then your int won't be equal to your float.
Short answer: no, the floating point representation of integers is not that simple.
The representation adopted for the float type by the C language standard is called IEEE 754 single-precision and is probably more complicated than most people would like to delve into, but the link describes it thoroughly in case you're interested.
As for the representation of the integer 1: we can see how it's encoded in the 32-bit base-2 single-precision format defined by IEEE 754 here - 3f80 0000.
Suppose letters stand for a bit, 0/1. Then a floating point number looks (schematically) like:
where s is the sign +/- and the number is .mmmm x 10 ^ ee
Now if you have two immediately following numbers:
.mmm0 x 10 ^ ee
.mmm1 x 10 ^ ee
Then for large exponent ee the difference might be more then 1.
And of course in base 2 a number like 1/5, 0.2, cannot represented exact. Summing fractions wil increase the error.
(Note this is not the exact representation.)
would a float of value 1 and an integer of value 1 not compile down to (omitting lots of zeros here) 0001
No, float will be stored like something similar to 0x00000803f, depending on precision.
What does this mean?
Some numbers cannot be precisely represented in binary form. O.2 in binary form will look like 0.00110011001100110011... which will keep going on(and repeating) forever. No matter how many bits you use to store it, it will be never enough. That's because 5 is not divisible by 2. The only way to precisely represent it is to use ratios to store it.
floating points have limited precision. Roughly speaking, they only store certain amount of digits after first significant non-zero digit, and the rest will be lost. That'll result in errors, for example, with single precision floats 100000000000000001 and 100000000000000002 are most likely rounded off to the same number.
You might also want to read something like this.
If you're writing financial software, do not use floats. Use Bignums, using libraries like gmp
Contrary to some modern dynamically typed programming languages such as JavaScript or Ruby that have a single basic numeric type, the C programming language has many. That is because C reflects the different way to represent different kinds of numbers within a processor register.
To investigate different representations you can use the union construct where the same data can be viewed as different types.
union {
float x;
int v;
} u;
Assign u.x = 1.0f and printf("0x%08x\n",u.v) to get the 32-bit representation of 1.0f as a floating point number. It should return 0x3f800000 and not 0x00000001 as one might expect.
As mentioned in earlier answers this reflects the representation of a floating number as a 32-bit value as `
1.0f = 0x3F800000 = 0011.1111.1000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000 =
0 0111.1111 000.0000.0000.0000.0000.0000 = 0 0x7F 0
Here the three parts are sign s=0, exponent e=127, and mantissa m=0 and the floating point value is computed as
value = s * (1 + m * 2^-23) * 2^(e-127)
With this representation any integer number from -16,777,215 to 16,777,215 can be represented exactly. This is the value of (2^24 - 1) since there are only 23 bits in the mantissa. This range is not sufficient for many applications, therefore the float type cannot replace the int type.
The range of exact representation of integers by the double type is wider since the value occupies 64 bits and there are 53 bits reserved for the mantissa. It is exactly from
-9,007,199,254,740,991 to 9,007,199,254,740,991. Yet double requires twice as much memory.
Another source of difficulty is the way fractional numbers are represented. Since decimal fractions cannot be represented exactly (0.1f = 0x3dcccccd = 0.10000000149...) the use of floating point numbers breaks common algebraic identities.
0.1f * 10 != 1.0f
This can be confusing and lead to errors that are hard to detect. In general strict equality should not be used with floating point numbers.
Another example of floating point arithmetic depature from algebraic correctness:
float x = 16777217.0f;
float y = 16777215.0f;
x -= 1.0f;
y += 1.0f;
if (y > x) {printf("16777215.0 + 1.0 > 16777217.0 - 1.0\n");}
Yet another issue is the behaviour of the system when the limits of exact representation are broken. When in integer arithmetic the result of an arithmetic operation is greater than the range of the type, this can be detected in many ways: a special OVERFLOW bit in the processor flags register is flipped, and the result is significantly different from the expected.
In floating point arithmetic as the example above shows, the loss of precision occurs silently.
Hope this helps to understand why one needs many basic numeric types in C.

How can 8 bytes hold 302 decimal digits? (Euler challenge 16)

c++ pow(2,1000) is normaly to big for double, but it's working. why?
So I've been learning C++ for couple weeks but the datatypes are still confusing me.
One small minor thing first: the code that 0xbadc0de posted in the other thread is not working for me.
First of all pow(2,1000) gives me this more than once instance of overloaded function "pow" matches the argument list.
I fixed it by changing pow(2,1000) -> pow(2.0,1000)
Seems fine, i run it and get this:
Instead of
it is missing a lot of the values, what might be cause that?
But now for the real problem.
I'm wondering how can 302 digits long number fit a double (8 bytes)?
0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF = 18446744073709551616 so how can the number be larger than that?
I think it has something to do with the floating point number encoding stuff.
Also what is the largest number that can possibly be stored in 8 bytes if it's not 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF?
Eight bytes contain 64 bits of information, so you can store 2^64 ~ 10^20 unique items using those bits. Those items can easily be interpreted as the integers from 0 to 2^64 - 1. So you cannot store 302 decimal digits in 8 bytes; most numbers between 0 and 10^303 - 1 cannot be so represented.
Floating point numbers can hold approximations to numbers with 302 decimal digits; this is because they store the mantissa and exponent separately. Numbers in this representation store a certain number of significant digits (15-16 for doubles, if I recall correctly) and an exponent (which can go into the hundreds, of memory serves). However, if a decimal is X bytes long, then it can only distinguish between 2^(8X) different values... unlikely enough for exactly representing integers with 302 decimal digits.
To represent such numbers, you must use many more bits: about 1000, actually, or 125 bytes.
It's called 'floating point' for a reason. The datatype contains a number in the standard sense, and an exponent which says where the decimal point belongs. That's why pow(2.0, 1000) works, and it's why you see a lot of zeroes. A floating point (or double, which is just a bigger floating point) number contains a fixed number of digits of precision. All the remaining digits end up being zero. Try pow(2.0, -1000) and you'll see the same situation in reverse.
The number of decimal digits of precision in a float (32 bits) is about 7, and for a double (64 bits) it's about 16 decimal digits.
Most systems nowadays use IEEE floating point, and I just linked to a really good description of it. Also, the article on the specific standard IEEE 754-1985 gives a detailed description of the bit layouts of various sizes of floating point number.
2.0 ^ 1000 mathematically will have a decimal (non-floating) output. IEEE floating point numbers, and in your case doubles (as the pow function takes in doubles and outputs a double) have 52 bits of the 64 bit representation allocated to the mantissa. If you do the math, 2^52 = 4,503,599,627,370,496. Because a floating point number can represent positive and negative numbers, really the integer representation will be ~ 2^51 = 2,251,799,813,685,248. Notice there are 16 digits. there are 16 quality (non-zero) digits in the output you see.
Essentially the pow function is going to perform the exponentiation, but once the exponentiation moves past ~2^51, it is going to begin losing precision. Ultimately it will hold precision for the top ~16 decimal digits, but all other digits right will be un-guaranteed.
Thus it is a floating point precision / rounding problem.
If you were strictly in unsigned integer land, the number would overflow after (2^64 - 1) = 18,446,744,073,709,551,616. What overflowing means, is that you would never actually see the number go ANY HIGHER than the one provided, infact I beleive the answer would be 0 from this operation. Once the answer goes beyond 2^64, the result register would be zero, and any multiply afterwords would be 0 * 2, which would always result in 0. I would have to try it.
The exact answer (as you show) can be obtained using a standard computer using a multi-precision libary. What these do is to emulate a larger bit computer by concatenating multiple of the smaller data types, and use algorithms to convert and print on the fly. Mathematica is one example of a math engine that implements an arbitrary precision math calculation library.
Floating point types can cover a much larger range than integer types of the same size, but with less precision.
They represent a number as:
a sign bit s to indicate positive or negative;
a mantissa m, a value between 1 and 2, giving a certain number of bits of precision;
an exponent e to indicate the scale of the number.
The value itself is calculated as m * pow(2,e), negated if the sign bit is set.
A standard double has a 53-bit mantissa, which gives about 16 decimal digits of precision.
So, if you need to represent an integer with more than (say) 64 bits of precision, then neither a 64-bit integer nor a 64-bit floating-point type will work. You will need either a large integer type, with as many bits as necessary to represent the values you're using, or (depending on the problem you're solving) some other representation such as a prime factorisation. No such type is available in standard C++, so you'll need to make your own.
If you want to calculate the range of the digits that can be hold by some bytes, it should be (2^(64bits - 1bit)) to (2^(64bits - 1bit) - 1).
Because the left most digit of the variable is for representing sign (+ and -).
So the range for negative side of the number should be : (2^(64bits - 1bit))
and the range for positive side of the number should be : (2^(64bits - 1bit) - 1)
there is -1 for the positive range because of 0(to avoid reputation of counting 0 for each side).
For example if we are calculating 64bits, the range should be ==> approximately [-9.223372e+18] to [9.223372e+18]

Some floating point precision and numeric limits question

I know that there are tons of questions like this one, but I couldn't find my answers. Please read before voting to close (:
According to PC ASM:
The numeric coprocessor has eight floating point registers.
Each register holds 80 bits of data.
Floating point numbers are always stored as 80-bit
extended precision numbers in these registers.
How is that possible, when sizeof shows different things. For example, on x64 architecture, the sizeof double is 8 and this is far away from 80bits.
why does std::numeric_limits< long double >::max() gives me 1.18973e+4932 ?! This is huuuuuuuuuuge number. If this is not the way to get max of floating point numbers, then why this compiles at all, and even more - why does this returns a value.
what does this mean:
Double precision magnitudes can range from approximately 10^−308 to 10^308
These are huge numbers, you cannot store them into 8B or even 16B (which is extended precision and it is only 128bits)?
Obviously, I'm missing something. Actually, obviously, a lot of things.
1) sizeof is the size in memory, not in a register. sizeof is in bytes, so 8 bytes = 64 bits. When doubles are calculated in memory (on this architecture), they get an extra 16 bits for more precise intermediate calculations. When the value is copied back to memory, the extra 16 bits are lost.
2) Why do you think long double doesn't go up to 1.18973e+4932?
3) Why can't you store 10^308 in 8 bytes? I only need 13 bits: 4 to store the 10, and 9 to store the 308.
A double is not an intel coprocessor 80 bit floating point, it is a IEEE 754 64 bit floating point. With sizeof(double) you will get the size of the latter.
This is the correct way to get the maximum value for long double, so your question is pointless.
You are probably missing that floating point numbers are not exact numbers. 10^308 doesn't store 308 digits, only about 19 digits.
The size of space that the FPU uses and the amount of space used in memory to represent double are two different things. IEEE 754 (which probably most architectures use) specifies 32-bit single precision and 64-bit double precision numbers, which is why sizeof(double) gives you 8 bytes. Intel x86 does floating point math internally using 80 bits.
std::numeric_limits< long double >::max() is giving you the correct size for long double which is typically 80 bits. If you want the max size for 64 bit double you should use that as the template parameter.
For the question about ranges, why do you think you can't store them in 8 bytes? They do in fact fit, and what you're missing is that at the extremes of the range there are number that can't be represented (for example exponent nearing 308, there are many many integers that cant' be represented at all).
See also http://floating-point-gui.de/ for info about floating point.
Floating point number on computer are represented according to the IEEE 754-2008.
It defines several formats, amongst which
binary32 = Single precision,
binary64 = Double precision and
binary128 = Quadruple precision are the most common.
Double precision number have 52 bits for the digit, which gives the precision, and 10 bits for the exponent, which gives the size of the number.
So doubles are 1.xxx(52 binary digits) * 2 ^ exponent(10 binary digits, so up to 2^10=1024)
And 2^1024 = 1,79 * 10^308
Which is why this is the largest value you can store in a double.
When using a quadruple precision number, they are 112 bits of precision and 14 digits for the exponent, so the largest exponent is 16384.
As 2^16384 gives 1,18 * 10^4932 you see that your C++ test was perfectly correct and that on x64 your double is actually stored in a quadruple precision number.