For legacy reasons I need to use intrusive pointers, as I need the ability to convert raw pointers to smart pointers.
However I noticed there is no weak intrusive pointer for boost. I did find a talk about it on the boost thread list, however nothing concrete.
Does anyone know of a thread safe implementation of weak intrusive pointer?
It does not make any sense.
To elaborate: weak_ptr points to the same instance of a counter object that shared_ptr do. When the shared_ptr goes out of scope, the instance of the counter stays (with a count effectively at 0), which allows the weak_ptr instances to check that they effectively point to a freed object.
With Intrusive Counting, the counter is integrated within the object. When the count reaches 0, the object is usually either recycled or deleted... but the point is the counter is no longer available. The rationale is that this allow for a more efficient storage (1 single chunk) and greater speed (cache locality).
If you need Weak Reference counting and do not care for the benefits of intrusive counting, you can use a combination of shared_ptr and weak_ptr.
The idea is to deassociate the counter from the objects.
class Counted
// bla
boost::shared_ptr<int> mCounter;
Now you can return weak handles:
class WeakHandle
explicit WeakHandle(Counted& c): mCounter(c.mCounter), mObject(&c) {}
bool expired() const { return mCounter.expired(); }
boost::weak_ptr<int> mCounter;
Counted* mObject;
Here, we deassociate the lifetime of the counter from the lifetime of the object, so that it will survive the destruction of the object... partially. Thus making the weak_ptr effectively possible.
And of course, using shared_ptr and weak_ptr this is Thread Safe ;)
I didn't really like either of the previous answers so:
No, I don't know of an implementation, but I think it is possible. The standard implementation of the shared_ptr holds two reference counts, one for the "strong" and one for the "weak" references, and a pointer to the referent. In an intrusive_ptr implementation the strong count needs to be part of the object, but the weak can't be. So, it seems like you could create a "weakable" intrusive_ptr.
Define a weak pointer helper:
template<class X>
class intrusive_ptr_weak_helper {
long weak_ref_count;
X *target_instance;
Then record that into the object beside the reference count:
struct X {
intrusive_ptr_weak_helper *ref_weak_helper;
long ref_count;
When constructing X:
ref_count = 0;
ref_weak_helper = NULL;
The "strong" pointer, intrusive_strong_ptr, is identical to intrusive_ptr, until deletion occurs. When the strong ref count goes to zero (before deletion occurs):
if (ref_weak_helper != NULL) {
if (ref_weak_helper->weak_ref_count == 0)
delete ref_weak_helper;
ref_weak_helper->target_instance = NULL;
The "weak" version, intrusive_weak_ptr, records the pointer to the weak helper, manipulating that reference count, and accessing the target object via the target_instance pointer. When the weak_ref_count decrements to zero the status of target_instance determines whether the helper is deleted or not.
There are many details missing (concurrency concerns for instance) but this is a mixing of the shared_ptr and the intrusive_ptr. It maintains the basic benefits of the intrusive_ptr (cache optimization, reuse of 3rd party intrusive (strong) ref count, strong and weak pointer stand-ins are pointer sized) while adding extra work mainly in the weak reference path.
Current implementation of intrusive pointer is using reference counter. So deleting object delete also delete the counter, so weak_intrusive_pointer will never know that the object was deleted.
If you need to get weak_ptr from this, you probably search boost::enable_shared_from_this<T>.
OpenSceneGraph and its successor, VulkanSceneGraph, each have comprehensive implementations of intrusive strong pointers and associated weak pointers, named ref_ptr<> and observer_ptr<>, respectively.
I don't know every detail of these systems, but it seems they work using an additional object which is informed when the referent (a descendant of the class Referenced) is deleted. Weak pointers use this third object when an attempt is made to convert them to strong pointers.
VulkanSceneGraph is the next generation scene graph that is currently in development and intended to replace OpenSceneGraph, so I assume its intrusive pointer system is a more advanced implementation.
Worth checking out:
Shared pointers are good idea, no doubt. But as long as a large scale program includes raw pointers, I think there is a big risk in using shared pointers. Mainly, you will loose control of the real life-cycle of pointers to objects that hold raw pointers, and bugs will occur in locations which are more difficult to find and debug.
So my question is, was there no attempt to add to modern c++ a "weak pointer" which does not depend on using shared pointers? I mean just a pointer which becomes NULL when deleted in any part of the program. Is there a reason not to use such a self-made wrapper?
To better explain what I mean, the following is such a "weak pointer" that I made. I named it WatchedPtr.
#include <memory>
#include <iostream>
template <typename T>
class WatchedPtr {
// the only way to allocate new pointer
template <typename... ARGS>
WatchedPtr(ARGS... args) : _ptr (new T(args...)), _allocated (std::make_shared<bool>(true)) {}
WatchedPtr(const WatchedPtr<T>& other) : _ptr (other._ptr), _allocated (other._allocated) {}
// delete the pointer
void del () {delete _ptr; *_allocated = false;}
auto& operator=(const WatchedPtr<T> &other) { return *this = other; }
bool isNull() const { return *_allocated; }
T* operator->() const { return _ptr; }
T& operator*() const { return *_ptr; }
T* _ptr;
std::shared_ptr <bool> _allocated;
struct S {
int a = 1;
int main () {
WatchedPtr<S> p1;
WatchedPtr<S> p2(p1);
p1->a = 8;
std::cout << p1.isNull () << std::endl;
std::cout << p2.isNull () << std::endl;
p2.del ();
std::cout << p1.isNull () << std::endl;
std::cout << p1.isNull () << std::endl;
return 0;
Thank you all. Some clarifications following the comments and answers so far:
The implementation I presented for WatchedPtr is merely to demonstrate what I mean: a pointer that does not get the copy from external allocation, cannot be deleted externally, and becomes null if it is deleted. The implementation is knowingly far from perfect and was not meant to be perfect.
Problem with mix of shared_ptr and raw pointers is very common: A* is held as raw pointer, thus created at some point of the program and explicitly deleted at some point of the program. B holds a A*, and B* is held as shared_ptr, thus B* has vague lifespan. Thus B may live long after the deletion of A* that B holds.
The main usage of "WatchedPtr" in my mind is defensive programing. i.e. check for null and do the best thing possible for continuity (and a debug error). shared_ptr can do it, but in a very dangerous way - it will hide and delay the problem.
There can also be a design usage for "WatchedPtr" (very few and explicit "owners"), but this is not the main idea. For that indeed shared pointers are doing the job.
The intention of "WatchedPtr" is not for replacing all existing raw pointers in the program at once. It is not the same effort as replacing to shared_ptr, which IMHO has be done for the whole program at once. Which is unrealistic for large scale programs.
Weak pointers rely on notifications from the smart pointer infrastructure, so you could never do this with actual raw pointers.
One could imagine an extension of, say, unique_ptr which supported weak pointers, certainly. Presumably the main reason that nobody rushed in to implement such a feature is that weak pointers are already at the "Use refcounting and everything should just work" end of the scale, while unique_ptr is at the "Manage your lifetimes through RAII or you're not a real C++ programmer" end of the scale. Weak pointers also require there to be a separate control block per allocation, meaning that the performance advantage of such a WatchedPtr would be minimal compared to shared_ptr.
I think there is a big risk in using shared pointers. Mainly, you will loose control of the real life-cycle of pointers to objects that hold raw pointers, and bugs will occur in locations which are more difficult to find and debug.
Then you say
just a pointer which becomes NULL when deleted in any part of the program.
Don't you see the contradiction?
You don't want to use shared pointer because the lifetime of objects are determined at runtime. So far so good.
However, you want a pointer that automatically becomes null when the owner deletes it. The problem is if the lifetime of your pointer is known, you should not need that at all! If you know when the lifetime of your pointer ends, then you should be able to remove all instances of that pointer, a have a mean to check if the pointer is dead.
If you have a pointer that you don't know when the owner will free it and have no way to check or no observable side effect for the point of view of the weak owner, then do you really have control over lifetime of your pointer? Not really.
In fact, your implementation rely on containing a shared pointer. This is enlightening in the sense that you need some form of shared ownership in order to implement a raw pointer that can have weak pointer to it. Then if you need shared ownership to implement a raw pointer with weak references, you are left with a shared pointer. That's why the existence of your proposed class is contradictory.
std::shared_ptr + std::weak_ptr is made to deal with the issue of "parts of your program don't know when the owner free the resouce". What you need is a single std::shared_ptr and multiple std::weak_ptr, so they know when the resource is freed. These classes have the infomation needed to check the lifetime of a variable at runtime.
Or if in the contrary you know the lifetime of your pointers, then use that knowledge and find a way to remove dangling pointers, or expose a way to check for dangling pointers.
Reading the answers and comments, along with C++ Core Guidelines by Bjarne Stroustrup & Herb Sutter, I have come to the following answer:
When following the guidelines, there is no need for a "WatchedPtr" which involves "new" and "delete". However, a way to track the validity of a raw pointer taken from a smart pointer, is still in question for me, for debug/QA purposes.
In details:
Raw pointers should continue to be used. For various reasons. However, explicit "new" and "delete" should not. The cases of calling "new" and "delete" should all be replaced by shared_ptr/unique_ptr.
At the place where a raw pointer is currently allocated, there is no point in replacing it by "WatchedPtr".
If replacing a raw pointer to something else where it is allocated, it will be in most cases to unique_ptr, and on the other cases to shared_ptr. The "WatchedPtr", if at all, will continue from that point, built from the shared/unique pointer.
Therefor I have posted a somewhat different question.
What would the best practice to hold a non owning reference to a object, that can be deleted?
The first part is fairly simple, I simply using the stupid-smart pointer: observer_ptr. However, the last part makes it somewhat more difficult.
Having this setup, to illustrate the need of my vector unique ptr
class Object
class Derrived : public Object
With the implementation of
vector<nonstd::observer_ptr<Object>> _observers;
vector<unique_ptr<Object>> _objects;
auto t = make_unique<Derrived>();
// Same objects
cout << ( == << endl;
Now at any time, somewhere, one of the objects in _objects might be deleted.
I will simply illustrate this by deleting the first object in the vector:
This will result in the _objects vector is empty. However, the _observers vector now points to a freed memory space.
Of course, I can simply delete the observer from _observers, but imagine having such observing references in different parts of my program.
Would there be any cleaner solution for this, and it this the right way to observe different objects?
Please let me know if the example at hand does not illustrate the problem (or any problem for that matter) that I described.
Your use-case sounds like a std::weak_ptr<Object> would be suitable non-owning representation. Of course, for a std::weak_ptr<T> the owning representation is std::shared_ptr<T>. However, since you’ll need to “pin” the object before you could access a std::weak_ptr<T> you’d have more than one owner anyway while accessing the pointer.
As stated in the comments, this is a typical use-case for std::weak_ptr:
std::weak_ptr is a smart pointer that holds a non-owning ("weak")
reference to an object that is managed by std::shared_ptr. It must be
converted to std::shared_ptr in order to access the referenced object.
vector<shared_ptr<Object>> objects;
weak_ptr<Object> ptr{ objects.back() };
auto sh_ptr = ptr.lock(); // increase reference count if object is still alive
if(sh_ptr) { // if object was not deleted yet
sh_ptr->doStuff(); // safely access the object, as this thread holds a valid reference
Today there is no way to make non-owning relationship to be enforced by compiler:
1. weak_ptr could be converted to shared_ptr
2. Everything else could be deleted.
3. Wrappers around weak_ptr that would be non convertible to shared_ptr would not work also: once reference to an object is retrieved it could be deleted too.
In order to make the discussion clear, I'm going to describe the problem in a very general manner, i.e. I will neither provide names of real classes nor will I describe the domain/context (however, I might if it turns out to be urgent).
Imagine class A. Let this class have 2 immutable fields, for instance x and y (please, notice, that these could be potentially big objects, i.e. inefficient to copy). Additionally, let these x and y be primary fields, i.e. only they are used in the implementation of ==/!= operators as well as hash-computing function.
Since A is immutable in terms of x and y, the idea is to let multiple instances of A (say a1 and a2) which have a1.x == a2.x a1.y == a2.y (i.e. a1 == a2) to implicitly have shared access to those x and y, so that there is no unnecessary duplication.
Moreover, now imagine that there is another field in A: z, which is secondary and mutable, and serves as a sort of behavior tweak for A. By design, it is desired to make this field shared among equal instances of A too. So, if I invoke a1.setZ(...) this change will also affect a2 because their access to z is shared.
As a result, we end up with a class A which has pure value semantics, but shares its members implicitly across equal instances. AFAIK such pattern is called Flyweight or aliasing.
One more detail before we move to the question. Most classes in the project are implemented using Pimpl idiom:
class Private;
Private* p;
and class A is not an exclusion. That's why the proposed idea of implementing the scheme described above is as follows.
Use shared pointer to A::Private instead of raw one in
Pimpl idiom;
Have global set of shared pointers to A::Private;
In constructor of A to check whether a shared
pointer to suitable A::Private already exists in the set
(utilizing x and y of course), and if yes, then simply set p
to it, otherwise create new instance of A::Private and store
shared pointer to it in this set, and similarly set p to it;
A::Private's destructor should remove shared pointer to this from the set.
This looks like the most straightforward and intuitive implementation. However, the problem is that since this global set holds a shared pointer to A::Private, it means that even when all instances of corresponding A are destroyed, the reference counter will stay on 1, i.e. it will never reach 0, and thus the memory is never freed.
I thought it would be good if some shared pointers would offer a method to set lower bound for the reference counter. In this case, for example, I would simply set it to 1 which would mean that when it reaches 1 it frees the memory. Unfortunately, I haven't found any implementation of such behavior in popular libraries (Boost, Qt, Poco, etc.). Of course, I could do manual reference counting for my problem, but that just doesn't feel right and smells like reinventing the wheel.
Probably, there are other ways to solve this problem. Looking forward for your suggestions.
NOTE: I would like to immediately intercept any advising to transform the problem to pointer semantics which I am well aware of. I need the solution exactly for the scheme described above.
If I understood correctly what your design issue is, then I would let the global set contain weak, non-owning pointers (e.g. weak_ptr<>) which are able to check if they are dangling, yet they do not increase the reference count.
std::vector<std::weak_ptr<Private>> _objects;
Therefore, when all owning shared pointers to an object are destroyed, the object will be destroyed as well**.
Now your global set will be left with a dangling weak_ptr<>, but the nice thing is that you can check whether that pointer points to an object which is alive or not (use the lock() member function to obtain a possibly null shared_ptr<>. And if it doesn't, you won't dereference it:
// A simple, hypothetical loop through the collection of objects
// which does something, but checks whether the pointers are
// dangling before doing that something on a possibly dead object
// that would be Undefined Behavior)
std::for_each(_objects.begin(), _objecs.end(), [] (std::weak_ptr<Private> p)
std::shared_ptr<Private> sp = p.lock();
if (sp != nullptr)
sp->callMember(); // For instance...
If you also want to remove the corresponding weak_ptr<> to an object from the collection once the object gets destroyed, then you could use a custom deleter routine. Your routine will be invoked when the object is destroyed and will be passed the pointer to that object: at this point, before deallocating, you can erase the corresponding element from the set.
For example, a function that instantiates new objects of type A and returns a shared_ptr to it could look this way:
static std::shared_ptr<object> make_A()
std::shared_ptr<Private> sp(
new Private(), // Instantiate the object
[] (Private* p) // Set up the custom deleter...
// Remove the corresponding element from the vector...
// let's find that element!
[p] (std::weak_ptr<priv> wp)
// lock() will return a null pointer if wp is dangling
std::shared_ptr<priv> sp = wp.lock();
// In case wp is not dangling, return true if and only
// if it points to the object we're about to delete
return ((sp != nullptr) && (sp.get() == p));
Here I assumed C++11, you could easily do the same in C++03 by replacing std::shared_ptr<> with boost::shared_ptr<>, std::weak_ptr<> with boost::weak_ptr<>, and lambdas with properly-defined functors.
Hope this helps.
Have you checked Boost.Flyweight out?
I need a collection in which i can store heap-allocated objects having virtual functions.
I known about boost::shared_ptr, std::unique_ptr (C++11) and boost::ptr_(vector|list|map), but they doesn't solve duplicate pointer problem.
Just to describe a problem - i have a function which accepts heap-allocated pointer and stores it for future use:
void SomeClass::add(T* ptr)
But if i call add twice with same parameter ptr - _list will contain two pointers to same object and when _list is destructed multiple deletion of same object will occur.
If _list will count pointer which he stores and uses them at deletion time then this problem will be solved and objects will not be deleted multiple times.
So the question is:
Does somebody knows some library with collections (vector,list,map in essence) of pointer with auto-delete on destruction and support of reference counting?
Or maybe i can solve this problem using some other technique?
I need support of duplicate pointers. So i can't use std::set.
As Kerrek SB and Grizzly mentioned - it is a bad idea to use raw pointers in general and suggests to use std::make_shared and forget about instantiation via new. But this is responsibility of client-side code - not the class which i designs. Even if i change add signature (and _list container of course) to
void SomeClass::add(std::shared_ptr<T> ptr)
then somebody (who doesn't know about std::make_shared) still can write this:
SomeClass instance;
T* ptr = new T();
So this is not a full solution which i wait, but useful if you write code alone.
Update 2:
As an alternative solution i found a clonning (using generated copy constructor). I mean that i can change my add function like this:
template <typename R>
void SomeClass::add(const R& ref)
_list.push_back(new R(ref));
this will allow virtual method (R - class which extends some base class (interface)) calls and disallow duplicate pointers. But this solution has an overhead for clone.
Yes: std::list<std::shared_ptr<T>>.
The shared pointer is avaiable from <memory>, or on older platforms from <tr1/memory>, or from Boost's <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>. You won't need to delete anything manually, as the shared pointer takes care of this itself. You will however need to keep all your heap pointers inside a shared pointer right from the start:
std::shared_ptr<T> p(new T); // legacy
auto p = std::make_shared<T>(); // better
If you another shared pointer to the same object, make a copy of the shared pointer (rather than construct a new shared pointer from the underlying raw pointer): auto q = p;
The moral here is: If you're using naked pointers, something is wrong.
Realize that smart pointers are compared by comparing the underlying container. So you can just use a std::set of whatever smartpointer you prefer. Personally I use std::unique_ptr over shared_ptr, whenever I can get away with it, since it makes the ownership much clearer (whoever holds the unique_ptris the owner) and has much lower overhead too. I have found that this is enough for almost all my code. The code would look something like the following:
std::set<std::unique_ptr<T> > _list;
void SomeClass::add(T* ptr)
std::unique_ptr<T> p(ptr);
auto iter = _list.find(p);
if(iter == _list.end())
I'm not sure right now if that is overkill (have to check if insert is guaranteed not to do anything, if the insertion fails), but it should work. Doing this with shared_ptr<T> would look similar, although be a bit more complex, due to the lack of a relase member. In that case I would probably first construct a shared_ptr<T> with a do nothing deleter too pass to the call to find and then another shared_ptr<T> which is actually inserted.
Of course personally I would avoid doing this and always pass around smart pointers when the ownership of a pointer changes hands. Therefore I would rewrite SomeClass::add as void SomeClass::add(std::unique_ptr<T> ptr) or void SomeClass::add(std::shared_ptr<T> ptr) which would pretty much solve the problem of having multiple instances anyways (as long as the pointer is always wrapped).
What are some ways you can shoot yourself in the foot when using boost::shared_ptr? In other words, what pitfalls do I have to avoid when I use boost::shared_ptr?
Cyclic references: a shared_ptr<> to something that has a shared_ptr<> to the original object. You can use weak_ptr<> to break this cycle, of course.
I add the following as an example of what I am talking about in the comments.
class node : public enable_shared_from_this<node> {
public :
void set_parent(shared_ptr<node> parent) { parent_ = parent; }
void add_child(shared_ptr<node> child) {
void frob() {
if (parent_) parent_->frob();
private :
void do_frob();
shared_ptr<node> parent_;
vector< shared_ptr<node> > children_;
In this example, you have a tree of nodes, each of which holds a pointer to its parent. The frob() member function, for whatever reason, ripples upwards through the tree. (This is not entirely outlandish; some GUI frameworks work this way).
The problem is that, if you lose reference to the topmost node, then the topmost node still holds strong references to its children, and all its children also hold a strong reference to their parents. This means that there are circular references keeping all the instances from cleaning themselves up, while there is no way of actually reaching the tree from the code, this memory leaks.
class node : public enable_shared_from_this<node> {
public :
void set_parent(shared_ptr<node> parent) { parent_ = parent; }
void add_child(shared_ptr<node> child) {
void frob() {
shared_ptr<node> parent = parent_.lock(); // Note: parent_.lock()
if (parent) parent->frob();
private :
void do_frob();
weak_ptr<node> parent_; // Note: now a weak_ptr<>
vector< shared_ptr<node> > children_;
Here, the parent node has been replaced by a weak pointer. It no longer has a say in the lifetime of the node to which it refers. Thus, if the topmost node goes out of scope as in the previous example, then while it holds strong references to its children, its children don't hold strong references to their parents. Thus there are no strong references to the object, and it cleans itself up. In turn, this causes the children to lose their one strong reference, which causes them to clean up, and so on. In short, this wont leak. And just by strategically replacing a shared_ptr<> with a weak_ptr<>.
Note: The above applies equally to std::shared_ptr<> and std::weak_ptr<> as it does to boost::shared_ptr<> and boost::weak_ptr<>.
Creating multiple unrelated shared_ptr's to the same object:
#include <stdio.h>
#include "boost/shared_ptr.hpp"
class foo
foo() { printf( "foo()\n"); }
~foo() { printf( "~foo()\n"); }
typedef boost::shared_ptr<foo> pFoo_t;
void doSomething( pFoo_t p)
printf( "doing something...\n");
void doSomethingElse( pFoo_t p)
printf( "doing something else...\n");
int main() {
foo* pFoo = new foo;
doSomething( pFoo_t( pFoo));
doSomethingElse( pFoo_t( pFoo));
return 0;
Constructing an anonymous temporary shared pointer, for instance inside the arguments to a function call:
f(shared_ptr<Foo>(new Foo()), g());
This is because it is permissible for the new Foo() to be executed, then g() called, and g() to throw an exception, without the shared_ptr ever being set up, so the shared_ptr does not have a chance to clean up the Foo object.
Be careful making two pointers to the same object.
boost::shared_ptr<Base> b( new Derived() );
boost::shared_ptr<Derived> d( b.get() );
} // d goes out of scope here, deletes pointer
b->doSomething(); // crashes
instead use this
boost::shared_ptr<Base> b( new Derived() );
boost::shared_ptr<Derived> d =
boost::dynamic_pointer_cast<Derived,Base>( b );
} // d goes out of scope here, refcount--
b->doSomething(); // no crash
Also, any classes holding shared_ptrs should define copy constructors and assignment operators.
Don't try to use shared_from_this() in the constructor--it won't work. Instead create a static method to create the class and have it return a shared_ptr.
I've passed references to shared_ptrs without trouble. Just make sure it's copied before it's saved (i.e., no references as class members).
Here are two things to avoid:
Calling the get() function to get the raw pointer and use it after the pointed-to object goes out of scope.
Passing a reference of or a raw pointer to a shared_ptr should be dangerous too, since it won't increment the internal count which helps keep the object alive.
We debug several weeks strange behavior.
The reason was:
we passed 'this' to some thread workers instead of 'shared_from_this'.
Not precisely a footgun, but certainly a source of frustration until you wrap your head around how to do it the C++0x way: most of the predicates you know and love from <functional> don't play nicely with shared_ptr. Happily, std::tr1::mem_fn works with objects, pointers and shared_ptrs, replacing std::mem_fun, but if you want to use std::negate, std::not1, std::plus or any of those old friends with shared_ptr, be prepared to get cozy with std::tr1::bind and probably argument placeholders as well. In practice this is actually a lot more generic, since now you basically end up using bind for every function object adaptor, but it does take some getting used to if you're already familiar with the STL's convenience functions.
This DDJ article touches on the subject, with lots of example code. I also blogged about it a few years ago when I first had to figure out how to do it.
Using shared_ptr for really small objects (like char short) could be an overhead if you have a lot of small objects on heap but they are not really "shared". boost::shared_ptr allocates 16 bytes for every new reference count it creates on g++ 4.4.3 and VS2008 with Boost 1.42. std::tr1::shared_ptr allocates 20 bytes. Now if you have a million distinct shared_ptr<char> that means 20 million bytes of your memory are gone in holding just count=1. Not to mention the indirection costs and memory fragmentation. Try with the following on your favorite platform.
void * operator new (size_t size) {
std::cout << "size = " << size << std::endl;
void *ptr = malloc(size);
if(!ptr) throw std::bad_alloc();
return ptr;
void operator delete (void *p) {
Giving out a shared_ptr< T > to this inside a class definition is also dangerous.
Use enabled_shared_from_this instead.
See the following post here
You need to be careful when you use shared_ptr in multithread code. It's then relatively easy to become into a case when couple of shared_ptrs, pointing to the same memory, is used by different threads.
The popular widespread use of shared_ptr will almost inevitably cause unwanted and unseen memory occupation.
Cyclic references are a well known cause and some of them can be indirect and difficult to spot especially in complex code that is worked on by more than one programmer; a programmer may decide than one object needs a reference to another as a quick fix and doesn't have time to examine all the code to see if he is closing a cycle. This hazard is hugely underestimated.
Less well understood is the problem of unreleased references. If an object is shared out to many shared_ptrs then it will not be destroyed until every one of them is zeroed or goes out of scope. It is very easy to overlook one of these references and end up with objects lurking unseen in memory that you thought you had finished with.
Although strictly speaking these are not memory leaks (it will all be released before the program exits) they are just as harmful and harder to detect.
These problems are the consequences of expedient false declarations: 1. Declaring what you really want to be single ownership as shared_ptr. scoped_ptr would be correct but then any other reference to that object will have to be a raw pointer, which could be left dangling. 2. Declaring what you really want to be a passive observing reference as shared_ptr. weak_ptr would be correct but then you have the hassle of converting it to share_ptr every time you want to use it.
I suspect that your project is a fine example of the kind of trouble that this practice can get you into.
If you have a memory intensive application you really need single ownership so that your design can explicitly control object lifetimes.
With single ownership opObject=NULL; will definitely delete the object and it will do it now.
With shared ownership spObject=NULL; ........who knows?......
If you have a registry of the shared objects (a list of all active instances, for example), the objects will never be freed. Solution: as in the case of circular dependency structures (see Kaz Dragon's answer), use weak_ptr as appropriate.
Smart pointers are not for everything, and raw pointers cannot be eliminated
Probably the worst danger is that since shared_ptr is a useful tool, people will start to put it every where. Since plain pointers can be misused, the same people will hunt raw pointers and try to replace them with strings, containers or smart pointers even when it makes no sense. Legitimate uses of raw pointers will become suspect. There will be a pointer police.
This is not only probably the worst danger, it may be the only serious danger. All the worst abuses of shared_ptr will be the direct consequence of the idea that smart pointers are superior to raw pointer (whatever that means), and that putting smart pointers everywhere will make C++ programming "safer".
Of course the mere fact that a smart pointer needs to be converted to a raw pointer to be used refutes this claim of the smart pointer cult, but the fact that the raw pointer access is "implicit" in operator*, operator-> (or explicit in get()), but not implicit in an implicit conversion, is enough to give the impression that this is not really a conversion, and that the raw pointer produced by this non-conversion is an harmless temporary.
C++ cannot be made a "safe language", and no useful subset of C++ is "safe"
Of course the pursuit of a safe subset ("safe" in the strict sense of "memory safe", as LISP, Haskell, Java...) of C++ is doomed to be endless and unsatisfying, as the safe subset of C++ is tiny and almost useless, as unsafe primitives are the rule rather than the exception. Strict memory safety in C++ would mean no pointers and only references with automatic storage class. But in a language where the programmer is trusted by definition, some people will insist on using some (in principle) idiot-proof "smart pointer", even where there is no other advantage over raw pointers that one specific way to screw the program state is avoided.