grep replacement with extensive regular expression implementation - regex

I have been using grepWin for general searching of files, and wingrep when I want to do replacements or what-have-you.
GrepWin has an extensive implementation of regular expressions, however doesn't do replacements (as mentioned above).
Wingrep does replacements, however has a severely limited range of regular expression implementation.
Does anyone know of any (preferably free) grep tools for windows that does replacement AND has a reasonable implementation of regular expressions?
Thanks in advance.

I think perl at the command line is the answer you are looking for. Widely portable, powerful regex support.
Let's say that you have the following file:
you can use
perl -pne 's/quux/splat!/' -i /tmp/foo
to produce
The magic is in Perl's command line switches:
-e: execute the next argument as a perl command.
-n: execute the command on every line
-p: print the results of the command, without issuing an explicit
'print' statement.
-i: make substitutions in place. overwrite the document with the
output of your command... use with caution.

I use Cygwin quite a lot for this sort of task.
Unfortunately it has the world's most unintuitive installer, but once it's installed correctly it's very usable... well apart from a few minor issues with copy and paste and the odd issue with line-endings.
The good thing is that all the tools work like on a real GNU system, so if you're already familiar with Linux or similar, you don't have to learn anything new (apart from how to use that crazy installer).
Overall I think the advantages make up for the few usability issues.

If you are on Windows, you can use vbscript (requires no downloads). It comes with regex. eg change "one" to "ONE"
Set objFS=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set objArgs = WScript.Arguments
strFile = objArgs(0)
Set objFile = objFS.OpenTextFile(strFile)
strFileContents = objFile.ReadAll
Set objRE = New RegExp
objRE.Global = True
objRE.IgnoreCase = False
objRE.Pattern = "one"
strFileContents = objRE.Replace(strFileContents,"ONE") 'simple replacement
WScript.Echo strFileContents
C:\test>type file
two one two
C:\test>cscript //nologo test.vbs file
two ONE two
You can read up vbscript doc to learn more on using regex


Create Vim Command for a Regex search

I have a few Regex expressions that I use with xVim for Xcode. Rather than repeatedly typing them out in the command bar with \<Regex>, I'd like to be able to invoke them with a custom command, like :Regex1. So I've added command Regex1 “/-\s*\(“ to my xvimrc file and restarted Xcode. When I run :Regex1 however nothing happens.
Your command wouldn't even work in original Vim. I don't know xVim, but try something along these lines:
" With cursor moving to match.
command Foo /foo/
" Just updating the search pattern (but less likely to be portable to xVim).
command Foo let #/ = 'foo'
If none of that works; try defining a mapping instead. As this is just translating keys, it has the highest chance of being supported.
I would suggest using this PERL Regex plugin since it already does what you want.
Abbreviations ...
I understand you often use the same regex. You can use abreviations instead of a command to do a search.
ab re -\s*(
then type / + re + space and your long regex (here just "-\s*(" should expand).
... Not user defined command
User defined commands are not available in ed nor in vi nor in vim without the +eval compilation flag (:h user-commands and scroll one line up).
For a list of ex commands:
For a list of ed commands:

Copy File with Regex Replacement

I'm trying to find a simple/elegant command-line solution for a process that is often used in scripts. Something like: (Fictional example)
CopyWithReplace <SourceFile> <DestFile> -m <match regular expression> -r <replacement regular expression>
It would copy the text file with the matched text replaced as specified. Ideally, the find/replace would happen in the pipeline, rather than as a secondary step. (Destinations quite often are remote locations, and long distance WAN links are often not as fast and reliable as desired.)
What would be the simplest** way to achieve this scriptable functionality in a windows environment?
** Simplest = easy to write batch code, fewest 3rd party tools, etc. Bonus points for a reasonably standard Regex implementation.
This can be achieved with sed.
The basic usage pattern, for a substitution as you described, is:
sed 's/regexp/replacement/g' inputFileName > outputFileName
sed is a Unix utility, but there are several ways of using it in Windows if you wish. This StackOverflow post lists the various options available.

bsd_glob behaving differently on different machines

I am using bsd_glob to get a list of files matching a regular expression for file path. My perl utility is working on RHEL, but not on Suse 11/AIX/Solarix, for the exact same set of files and the same regular expression. I googled for any limitations of bsd_glob, but couldn't find much information. Can someone point what's wrong?
Below is the regular expression for the file path I am searching for:
I need all files beginning with DATA, in any directory present under 'level_one'.
This works perfectly on my RHEL box, but not on any other Unix and Suse Linux.
Below is the code snipped where I am using bsd_glob
foreach my $file (bsd_glob ( "$fileName", GLOB_ERR )) {
if ($fileName =~ /[[:alnum:]]\*\/\*$/) {
next if -d $file;
$fileList{$file} = $permissions;
elsif ($fileName =~ /[[:alnum:]]\*$/) {
$fileList{$file} = $permissions;
else {
$fileList{$file} = $permissions;
In this case where I am facing the issue, /datafiles/data_one/level_one/*/DATA* is being passed to bsd_glob. I am creating a map ($fileList) of files that are returned by bsd_glob based on the regular expression I am passing to it. $permissions is a predefined value.
Any help is appreciated.
The problem here looks to be that you're confusing glob patterns and regular expressions.
You're looking for a file called * with that, under a directory containing a literal *.
Whilst that is technically possible it's really very strange. And simply cannot ever match the patterns your glob should find.
Do you perhaps mean:
(different delimiter for clarity)
Also - why are you using bsd_glob specifically? From File::Glob:
Since v5.6.0, Perl's CORE::glob() is implemented in terms of bsd_glob(). Note that they don't share the same prototype--CORE::glob() only accepts a single argument. Due to historical reasons, CORE::glob() will also split its argument on whitespace, treating it as multiple patterns, whereas bsd_glob() considers them as one pattern. But see :bsd_glob under EXPORTS, below.
I used bsd_glob instead of glob as there was slight difference in the way it works on different UNIX platforms. Specifically, for the above mentioned pattern, on some UNIX platforms, it didn't return a file having exact name 'DATA', and only returned files with something appended to DATA.
I'm a little surprised at that, as they should be implementing the same mechanisms and the same POSIX standard on globbing. Is there any chance there's a permissions related problem instead?
But otherwise you could perhaps try not using glob to do the heavy lifting, and instead just compare the file name to a bunch of regular expressions. (Although note - REs have very different syntax)
foreach my $file ( glob('/datafiles/data_one/level_one/*/*') ) {
next unless $filename =~ m,DATA\w+$,;

When and why did the output of qr() change?

The output of perl's qr has changed, apparently sometime between versions 5.10.1 and 5.14.2, and the change is not documented--at least not fully.
To demonstrate the change, execute the following one-liner on each version:
perl -e 'print qr(foo)is."\n"'
Output from perl 5.10.1-17squeeze6 (Debian squeeze):
Output from perl 5.14.2-21+deb7u1 (Debian wheezy):
The perl documentation (perldoc perlop) says:
$rex = qr/my.STRING/is;
print $rex; # prints (?si-xm:my.STRING)
which appears to no longer be true:
$ perl -e 'print qr/my.STRING/is."\n"'
I would like to know when this change occurred (which version of Perl, or supporting library or whatever).
Some background, in case it's relevant:
This change has caused a bunch of unit tests to fail. I need to decide if I should simply update the unit tests to reflect the new format, or make the tests dynamic enough to support both formats, etc. To make an informed decision, I would like to understand why the change took place. Knowing when and where it took place seems like the best place to start in that investigation.
It's documented in perl5140delta:
Regular Expressions
(?^...) construct signifies default modifiers
[...] Stringification of regular expressions now uses this notation. [...]
This change is likely to break code that compares stringified regular expressions with fixed strings containing ?-xism.
The function regexp_pattern can be used to parse the modifiers for normalisation purposes.
Part of the reason this was added, was that regular expressions were getting quite a few new modifiers.
Your example would actually produce something like this if that change didn't happen:
That also doesn't really express the modifiers in place.
d/u/l can only be added to a regex, not subtracted like i.
They are also mutually exclusive.
a/aa There are actually two levels for this modifier.
While work went underway adding these modifiers it was determined that this will break quite a few tests on CPAN modules.
Seeing as the tests were going to break anyway, it was agreed upon that there should be a way of specifying just use the defaults ((?^:…)).
That way, the tests wouldn't have to updated every time a new modifier was added.
To receive the stringified form of a regexp you can use Regexp::Parser and its qr method. Using this module you can not only test the representation of a regexp, but also walk a tree.

Compounding switch regexes in Vim

I'm working on refactoring a bunch of PHP code for an instructor. The first thing I've decided to do is to update all the SQL files to be written in Drupal SQL coding conventions, i.e., to have all-uppercase keywords. I've written a few regular expressions:
:%s/create table/CREATE TABLE/gi
:%s/create database/CREATE DATABASE/gi
:%s/primary key/PRIMARY KEY/gi
:%s/not null/NOT NULL/gi
Okay, that's a start. Now I just open every SQL file in Vim, run all five regular expressions, and save. This feels like five times the work it should be. Can they be compounded in to one obnoxiously long but easily copy-pastable regex?
why do you have to do it in vim? how about sed/awk?
e.g. with sed
sed -e 's/create table/\U&/g' -e's/not null/\U&/g' -e 's/.../\U&/' *.sql
btw, in vi you may do
:%s/create table/\U&/g
to change case, well save some typing.
if you really want a long command to execute in vi, maybe you could try:
:%s/create table\|create database\|foo\|bar\|blah/\U&/g
Open the file containing that substitution commands.
Copy its contents (to the unnamed register, by default):
If there is only one file where the substitutions should be
performed, open it as usual and run the contents of that register
as a Normal mode command:
If there are several files to edit automatically, open those
files as arguments:
:args *.sql
Execute the yanked substitutions for each file in the argument list:
:argdo #"|up
(The :update command running after the substitutions, writes
the buffer to file if it has been changed.)
While sed can handle what you want (hovewer it can be interactive as you requestred by flag 'i'), vim still much powerfull. Once I needed to change last argument in some function call in 1M SLOC code base. The arguments could be in one line or in several lines. In vim I achieved it pretty easy.
You can open all php files in vim at once:
vim *.php
After that run in ex mode:
:bufdo! %s/create table/CREATE TABLE/gi
Repeat the rest of commands. At the end save all the files and exit vim: