How to create a multicolumn Listbox? - c++

I'm working on a program, which should list all files and it's size(for now...). I created a simple application, which should write the data to a listbox. I'm trying to write the data in two columns(the first should be the name, and next to it, in an other column, it's size), but i can't figure out, how should i do this.
Can someone help me?
Thanks in advance!
I try to use ListControl., but unfortunately i can't. I can succesfully compile my App, but i can only see, the empty rectangle. Does someone know what i am doing wrong?
BOOL CGetFileListDlg::OnInitDialog()
// Set the icon for this dialog. The framework does this automatically
// when the application's main window is not a dialog
SetIcon(m_hIcon, TRUE); // Set big icon
SetIcon(m_hIcon, FALSE); // Set small icon
// TODO: Add extra initialization here
LVITEM lvItem;
LVCOLUMN lvColumn;
int nCol;
lvColumn.mask = LVCF_FMT | LVCF_TEXT | LVCF_WIDTH;
lvColumn.fmt = LVCFMT_CENTER; = 10;
lvColumn.pszText = _T("Filename");
ListView_InsertColumn( m_List, 0, &lvColumn );
ListView_SetItemText( m_List, 0, 0, _T("TEST") );
return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control

The list box control does support multiple columns, but it only supports a single series of entries; the multiple column support just makes the items continue onto the next columns so that vertical scrolling is not necessary.
As Kornel has suggested, a list view control may be more appropriate. After creating a list view control, use ListView_InsertColumn to create the columns. Then use ListView_SetItemText to insert items.
My apoligies; you should use ListView_InsertItem to insert an item (a row) and then use ListView_SetItemText to alter the subitems (columns). If the list view is still just a blank box without any headings, have you initialised common controls? This can be done using InitCommonControlsEx, specifying the ICC_LISTVIEW_CLASSES constant. This should be done before creating the control.
See Microsoft's documentation on list view controls.

Don't use a List Box, use a List Control with LVS_REPORT style.

Maybe to use DataGridView with object as data source.

Three important parameters to be checked are
List Box or the List Control (List Control is to be used)
View parameter must be Report mode
Owner Data must be set to False
The screenshot shows these
The programming flow to add data to list control are Change the list Control to extended list view(ListView_SetExtendedListViewStyle), Create the layout(By adding columns), Add Item data (for each row needed) & add finally add sub-item to each column (for each item data added previously).


C++ Windows Owner Drawn Main Menu -- itemID

I am attempting to create an owner-drawn main menu, in Windows. I understand setting:
menuiteminfo.ftype = MFT_OWNERDRAW
I also know about handling the WM_MEASUREITEM and WM_DRAWITEM messages.
However, how do I know which main menu item is sending the message? (so that I can fill-in the appropriate box size and text) "itemID" seems to be the only unique identifier. But, how can I associate this pointer/handle to the item in question? I can use "lParam" to determine it is a menu item. But, I can't determine which menu item. "GetMenuItemID" is useless, as it returns "-1" for all main-menu items.
Or, am I going about this all-wrong? I have been searching for answers, for weeks. Really, all I want to do is change the text color of the main menu, from black, to white or light gray, so I can use a dark background.
The itemID field of the MEASUREITEMSTRUCT and DRAWITEMSTRUCT structs tells you exactly which menu item is being measured/drawn. This is the ID that you specify when you create/modify a menu item. That ID is specified via either:
the uIDNewItem parameter of AppendMenu(), InsertMenu(), or ModifyMenu().
the item parameter of InsertMenuItem() or SetMenuItemInfo()
the wID field of the MENUITEMINFO struct that you pass to InsertMenuItem() or SetMenuItemInfo().
Use whatever IDs you want, as long as they are unique for your menus.
You can also use the itemData field of MEASUREITEMSTRUCT and DRAWITEMSTRUCT to receive any custom data you want for owner-drawn menu items, if you so desire (like, for example, a pointer to a buffer that contains a menu item's text string). This custom value can be anything you want that is meaningful for you. You set this value in the dwItemData field of the MENUITEMINFO struct that you pass to InsertMenuItem() or SetMenuItemInfo().
This is all covered in the documentation:
Using Menus: Creating Owner Drawn Menu Items
Thank you Remy. Through the items that you mentioned, and researching the documentation for each, I was able to find a buried secret. For a Main Menu item, the "itemID" in both the MEASUREITEMSTRUCT and DRAWITEMSTRUCT is the handle to the drop-down menu of that item. From that, I added this line of code to WM_CREATE, to associate the itemID with the numerical (zero-based) position:
mItemID[i] = int(GetSubMenu(hMenu, i));
'i' is the numerical position, from left to right. I can then use a comparison statement like this, in WM_MEASUREITEM and WM_DRAWITEM:
lpmis=(LPMEASUREITEMSTRUCT)lParam; if(lpmis->itemID==mItemID[i])

How to insertItem to 2nd colum in CListCtrl

I am new to MFC & BGCControlBar.
Now I plan to use CBCGPListCtrl which is defined as:
class BCGCBPRODLLEXPORT CBCGPListCtrl : public CListCtrl
CBCGPListCtrl m_wndWatch;
Now in the demo code I plan to change:
int CWatchBar::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct)
if (CBCGPDockingControlBar::OnCreate(lpCreateStruct) == -1)
return -1;
m_Font.CreateStockObject (DEFAULT_GUI_FONT);
CRect rectDummy;
rectDummy.SetRectEmpty ();
// Create output pane:
m_wndWatch.Create (dwStyle, rectDummy, this, ID_LIST_1);
m_wndWatch.InsertColumn (0, _T("Variable"), LVCFMT_LEFT, 100);
m_wndWatch.InsertColumn (1, _T("Value"), LVCFMT_LEFT, 100);
m_wndWatch.InsertItem (0, _T("m_nCount"));
m_wndWatch.SetItemText (0, 1, _T("100"));
m_wndWatch.SetFont (&m_Font);
return 0;
What I get is a list(as in pic), I can only edit the 1st colum and the data can not be retained. How can I edit the second column text and make the data retainable?
You need a grid control rather than a CListCtrl (or derived class). Actually, it's possible to add support for edition in other columns but it's a looooooot of work and not the kind of thing I'd recommend to a newcomer.
According to this page of their web site, they have a grid control.
There are a few things you need to do in order to make a MFC CListCtrl editable. This is a very broad overview without going into too many details:
As mentioned above it is quite a bit of work and you need to derive a class from CListCtrl, since CListCtrl by itself does not allow you to explicitly edit all of the columns.
You need a routine that will calculate the row/column number of the particular cell you clicked on, given a cursor position CPoint.
In the derived CListCtrl class you also need a method to edit the selected cell, creating and making visible a CEdit control of the appropriate size.
Create a derived CEdit control, such that it sends the LVN_ENDLABELEDIT message and self-destructs upon completion.
An example Visual Studio 2010 project implementing an editable list control is downloadable from this site:
Upon running/debugging the example, you get an example dialog project implementing an editable list control as shown:

MFC: Displaying a tabulated display of text items

This should be simple it seems but I can't quite get it to work. I want a control (I guess CListBox or CListCtrl) which displays text strings in a nice tabulated way.
As items are added, they should be added along a row until that row is full, and then start a new row. Like typing in your wordprocessor - when the line is full, items start being added to the next line, and the control can scroll vertically.
What I get when trying with a list-mode CListCtrl is a single row which just keeps growing, with a horizontal scroll bar. I can't see a way to change that, there must be one?
You probably need a list control wth LVS_REPORT. If you expect the user to add items interactively using a keyboard, you probably need a data grid, not a list. Adding editing to list control subitems is not easy, and it would be easier to start from CWnd. Search "MFC Data Grid" to find some open source class libraries that implemented the feature.
If you can afford adding /clr to your program, you can try the data grid classes in Windows Forms using MFC's Windows Form hosting support. You will find a lot more programming resources on data grid classes in Windows Forms than any other third-party MFC data grid class library.
If you use CRichEditCtrl you can set it to word-wrap, take a look at this snippet extracted from:
(I've derived my own QRichEditCtrl from the MFC CRichEditCtrl,
and here's the relevant code:)
void QRichEditCtrl::SetWordWrap(bool bWrap)
CDC * pDC = GetDC();
long lLineWidth = 9999999; // This is the non-wrap width
if (bWrap)
lLineWidth = ::MulDiv(pDC->GetDeviceCaps(PHYSICALWIDTH),
1440, pDC->GetDeviceCaps(LOGPIXELSX));
SetTargetDevice(*GetDC(), lLineWidth);

How to mark a list control item as selected?

In a Win32 application I have a dialog with a list control which is defined is the dialog template:
CONTROL "",IDC_LIST_Attributes,"SysListView32",LVS_REPORT |
In the runtime I retrieve the handle to that control and perform different operations with it - remove all items, add items, etc. It works fine.
The problem is I can't programmatically mark an item as selected. I use the following code for that:
LVITEM lvItem;
lvItem.stateMask = stateMask;
lvItem.state = state;
SendMessage( windowHandle, LVM_SETITEMSTATE, indexToSelect, (LPARAM)&lvItem);
This code runs and no changes happen to the list control. when I clisk on items with a mouse they are selected allright. What am I missing?
Have you tried ListView_SetItemState Macro?
From the MSDN Link:
Items will only show as selected if
the list-view control has focus or the
LVS_SHOWSELALWAYS style is used.
Another Link that my help.

How do I display a tooltip for a CMFCRibbonButton in the status bar?

I have a CMFCRibbonStatusBar in my mainframe to which I add a CMFCRibbonButtonsGroup which again has a CMFCRibbonButton. This button has the same ID as a menu entry.
Creating the button is done as follows:
CMFCRibbonButtonsGroup* pBGroup = new CMFCRibbonButtonsGroup();
CMFCToolBarImages images;
images.SetImageSize(CSize(32, 16)); // Non-square bitmaps
pBGroup->SetImages(&images, NULL, NULL);
m_pStatusButton = new CMFCRibbonButton(ID_STATUS_SHOWSTATUS,
m_wndStatusBar.AddExtendedElement(pBGroup, _T(""));
I want to use this button as a status indicator.
I want to display a tool tip in the following two cases:
when the status changes and
when the user moves the mouse over the button.
I have no idea how to start in the first place. I have looked at the ToolTipDemo and DlgToolTips sample projects but couldn't figure out how to do it since all they do is display tooltips for the toolbar items or dialog buttons (CWnd-derived instead of CMFCRibbonButton).
If you are familiar with the ToolTipDemo sample project: Since there seem to be several ways of doing things, I would prefer the tooltip to look like the "Extended Visual Manager-based" tool tip as shown in this screenshot.
I don't think it's possible to show the tooltip without the mouse cursor being over the control. That's all done automatically.
However if you want to have a nice looking tooltip like in your screenshot, you need to call SetToolTipText and SetDescription, like this:
CMFCRibbonButton* pBtn = new CMFCRibbonButton(12345, _T(""), 1);
pBtn->SetToolTipText("This is the bold Title");
pBtn->SetDescription("This is the not-so-bold Description");
I am using CMFCRibbonButton controls within a CMFCRibbonButtonGroup, which is added to the CMFCRibbonStatusBar. Take note of the 4th parameter in the CMFCRibbonButton() constructor, bAlwaysShowDescription, as this seems to affect the behavior depending upon whether SetDescription() has been called.
Specifically, if SetDescription() has not been called, it doesn't matter whether bAlwaysShowDescription is TRUE or FALSE - the tool tip is displayed (as I would expect). If SetDescription() is set and bAlwaysShowDescription is FALSE, when hovering over the button the tool tip is displayed with the description below it.
What seems counterintuitive given the name of this bAlwaysShowDescription parameter, is that when this is TRUE and SetDescription() is set, NEITHER the tool tip nor the description appear. I wonder if this is related to this post:
Hope this helps and you can achieve what you need with the different combinations of bAlwaysShowDescription parameter and whether SetDescription() is set.