delete & new in c++ - c++

This may be very simple question,But please help me.
i wanted to know what exactly happens when i call new & delete , For example in below code
char * ptr=new char [10];
delete [] ptr;
call to new returns me memory address. Does it allocate exact 10 bytes on heap, Where information about size is stored.When i call delete on same pointer,i see in debugger that there are a lot of byte get changed before and after the 10 Bytes.
Is there any header for each new which contain information about number of byte allocated by new.
Thanks a lot

Do it allocate exact 10 bytes
That's implementation dependant. The guarantee is "at least 10 chars".
Where information about size is stored?
That's implementation dependant.
Is there any header for each new which contain information about number of byte allocated by new?
That's implementation dependant.
By "that's implementation dependant" I mean it's not defined in the standard.

That's all up to the compiler and your runtime library. It's only exactly defined what effects new and delete have on your program, but how exactly these are acieved is not specified.
In your case it seems like a little more memory than requested is allocated and it will probably store management information like the size of the current chunk of memory, information about adjacent areas of free space or information to help the debugger try to detect buffer overflows and similar problems.

It is completely implementation-dependent. In general case you have to store the number of elements elsewhere. The implementation must allocate enough space for at least the number of elements specified, but it can allocate more.

Is there any header for each new which contain information about number of byte allocated by new.
That's platform dependent but yes, on many platforms there are.

Precisely, according to the standard, new char[10] will alloc at least 10 bytes in the heap.
The internals of new and delete are implementation dependent. So it will vary from compiler to compiler, and platform to platform. Additionally, you can find a variety of allocator algorithms (e.g: TCMalloc).
I'll give you an overview of how it could work internally, but don't take it as absolute truth. It's written for the solely purpose of this explanation.
In short, the new operator internally invokes malloc. The malloc uses a really long linked list of available memory blocks, aka free chain. When malloc is invoked, it lookups this list for the first block that's big enough to hold the requested size. After that, it splits the block in two parts, one with the size you requested, and the other with the rest, which is then added back to the free chain. Finally, it returns the block with the request size.
The inverse occurs in a free call, which is invoked by delete/delete[]. In short, it puts the provided block back to the free chain.
There could be fancy tricks during the processes I described above, like sorting the free chain, rounding the requested size to the next power of two to reduce memory fragmentation, and so on.

char * ptr=new char [10];
You are creating an array of 10 character's in heap and storing the address of 0th element in a pointer.this is similar to doing an malloc in C
delete [] ptr;
You are deleting(freeing the memory) the heap memory which was allocated by the earlier statement.this is similar to doing a free in c.

It is implementation dependent, but mostly the metadata for a block of memory is usually stored in the area before the memory address returned. The change that you observed before the 10 bytes was likely metadata being updated for this block (likely the size of the block being written into the meta data), and after the 10 bytes were metadata being updated for the next block (still unallocated, likely the pointer to the next chunk on the free list).
It is not a good idea to mess with the heap as it is not portable. However, if you want to do such heap magic, I suggest you implement your own memory pools (just get a large chunk of memory from the heap and manage it yourself). A possible place to start would be to look at libmm.

While the specifics are implementation dependent, one piece of information the implementation will need to store is the number of elements in the array. Or if it does not store it directly, it will need to accurately derive it from the block size allocated.
The reason for this because if an array of objects is allocated with new[], when they are deleted with delete[], the destructor of each object in the array will need to be called. delete[] will need to know how many objects to destruct. This is why it is necessary to match new with delete and new[] with delete[].


When delete [] pointer works, why can't you get the size of the array pointed to?

A common way to use a heap-allocated array is:
SomeType * arr = new SomeType[15454];
//... somewhere else
delete [] arr;
In order to do delete [] arr the C runtime has to know the length of the memory buffer associated with the pointer. Am I right?
So in principle it should be possible to access the information somehow? Could it be accessed using some library? I'm just wondering. I understand that it is not a core part of the language so it would be platform dependent.
You get it right. The information is there. But there is no standard way of obtaining it.
If you are using windows, there is an _msize() method, which might give you the size of the memory block, though it may not necessarily be accurate. (The reported memory block size may be rounded up to the closest larger alignment point.) See MSDN -
If this is something that you really must have, you can try your luck with overriding new, allocating a slightly larger memory block, storing its size in the beginning, and returning a pointer to the byte after the size. Then you can write your own msize() which returns that size. Of course you will need to also override delete. But it is too much hassle, and it is best to avoid it if you can. If that way you go, only pain will you find.
The information exists. Unfortunately, the standart does not specify how dynamic memory should be allocated, nor how the size of the allocated block could be extracted.
That mean that each implementation can do what it wants. Classical ways are:
an allocation table storing all allocated/free blocks with their begin and size - simple to implement except for searches in the table
reserved zones before and after dynamically allocated memory zones - the implementation actually allocates zones consisting in: preamble - dynamic_memory - postamble. The preamble/postamble contains linking informations to other zones, size and status. At deallocation time, the preamble/postamble integrity can be controlled to optionnaly emit a warning for probable memory overwrite. The preamble is the memory preceding the dynamic memory presented to the program.
But as nothing is specified, you will have to dig in the internals of your implementation. Normally reading the source of malloc/free is the best source of information.
The truth is delete[] does not know the exact size of an array you have allocated, but it knows how much memory was allocated with the corresponding call to new[]. Often no excess memory is allocated, so the two numbers match. However, you cannot rely on it. This is not part of the standard because there is no reliable way of knowing the size of a dynamically allocated array.

C++ doesn't tell you the size of a dynamic array. But why?

I know that there is no way in C++ to obtain the size of a dynamically created array, such as:
int* a;
a = new int[n];
What I would like to know is: Why? Did people just forget this in the specification of C++, or is there a technical reason for this?
Isn't the information stored somewhere? After all, the command
delete[] a;
seems to know how much memory it has to release, so it seems to me that delete[] has some way of knowing the size of a.
It's a follow on from the fundamental rule of "don't pay for what you don't need". In your example delete[] a; doesn't need to know the size of the array, because int doesn't have a destructor. If you had written:
std::string* a;
a = new std::string[n];
delete [] a;
Then the delete has to call destructors (and needs to know how many to call) - in which case the new has to save that count. However, given it doesn't need to be saved on all occasions, Bjarne decided not to give access to it.
(In hindsight, I think this was a mistake ...)
Even with int of course, something has to know about the size of the allocated memory, but:
Many allocators round up the size to some convenient multiple (say 64 bytes) for alignment and convenience reasons. The allocator knows that a block is 64 bytes long - but it doesn't know whether that is because n was 1 ... or 16.
The C++ run-time library may not have access to the size of the allocated block. If for example, new and delete are using malloc and free under the hood, then the C++ library has no way to know the size of a block returned by malloc. (Usually of course, new and malloc are both part of the same library - but not always.)
One fundamental reason is that there is no difference between a pointer to the first element of a dynamically allocated array of T and a pointer to any other T.
Consider a fictitious function that returns the number of elements a pointer points to.
Let's call it "size".
Sounds really nice, right?
If it weren't for the fact that all pointers are created equal:
char* p = new char[10];
size_t ps = size(p+1); // What?
char a[10] = {0};
size_t as = size(a); // Hmm...
size_t bs = size(a + 1); // Wut?
char i = 0;
size_t is = size(&i); // OK?
You could argue that the first should be 9, the second 10, the third 9, and the last 1, but to accomplish this you need to add a "size tag" on every single object.
A char will require 128 bits of storage (because of alignment) on a 64-bit machine. This is sixteen times more than what is necessary.
(Above, the ten-character array a would require at least 168 bytes.)
This may be convenient, but it's also unacceptably expensive.
You could of course envision a version that is only well-defined if the argument really is a pointer to the first element of a dynamic allocation by the default operator new, but this isn't nearly as useful as one might think.
You are right that some part of the system will have to know something about the size. But getting that information is probably not covered by the API of memory management system (think malloc/free), and the exact size that you requested may not be known, because it may have been rounded up.
You will often find that memory managers will only allocate space in a certain multiple, 64 bytes for example.
So, you may ask for new int[4], i.e. 16 bytes, but the memory manager will allocate 64 bytes for your request. To free this memory it doesn't need to know how much memory you asked for, only that it has allocated you one block of 64 bytes.
The next question may be, can it not store the requested size? This is an added overhead which not everybody is prepared to pay for. An Arduino Uno for example only has 2k of RAM, and in that context 4 bytes for each allocation suddenly becomes significant.
If you need that functionality then you have std::vector (or equivalent), or you have higher-level languages. C/C++ was designed to enable you to work with as little overhead as you choose to make use of, this being one example.
There is a curious case of overloading the operator delete that I found in the form of:
void operator delete[](void *p, size_t size);
The parameter size seems to default to the size (in bytes) of the block of memory to which void *p points. If this is true, it is reasonable to at least hope that it has a value passed by the invocation of operator new and, therefore, would merely need to be divided by sizeof(type) to deliver the number of elements stored in the array.
As for the "why" part of your question, Martin's rule of "don't pay for what you don't need" seems the most logical.
There's no way to know how you are going to use that array.
The allocation size does not necessarily match the element number so you cannot just use the allocation size (even if it was available).
This is a deep flaw in other languages not in C++.
You achieve the functionality you desire with std::vector yet still retain raw access to arrays. Retaining that raw access is critical for any code that actually has to do some work.
Many times you will perform operations on subsets of the array and when you have extra book-keeping built into the language you have to reallocate the sub-arrays and copy the data out to manipulate them with an API that expects a managed array.
Just consider the trite case of sorting the data elements.
If you have managed arrays then you can't use recursion without copying data to create new sub-arrays to pass recursively.
Another example is an FFT which recursively manipulates the data starting with 2x2 "butterflies" and works its way back to the whole array.
To fix the managed array you now need "something else" to patch over this defect and that "something else" is called 'iterators'. (You now have managed arrays but almost never pass them to any functions because you need iterators +90% of the time.)
The size of an array allocated with new[] is not visibly stored anywhere, so you can't access it. And new[] operator doesn't return an array, just a pointer to the array's first element. If you want to know the size of a dynamic array, you must store it manually or use classes from libraries such as std::vector

How operator new knows that memory is allocated [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How do malloc() and free() work?
(13 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
In C++, how may operator new save information that a piece of memory is allocated? AFAIK, it does not work for constant time and have to search for free memory in heap. Or, maybe, it is not about C++, but about OS?
P.S. I do not know whether it is specified by standard or not, whether it is managed by OS or by C++, but how may it in fact be implemented?
There's no simple, standard answer. Most implementations of operator
new/operator delete ultimately forward to malloc/free, but there are a
lot of different algorithms which can be used for those. The only thing that's
more or less universal is that allocation will typically allocate a little bit
more than requested, and use the extra memory (normally in front of the address
actually returned) to maintain some additional information: either the actual
size allocated or a pointer to the end of the block (or the start of the next
block). Except that some algorithms will keep allocations of the same size
together, and be able to determine the size from the address. There is no
single answer to your question.
new is oftentimes implemented on basis of malloc/free.
How does malloc/free implement it? The answer is: It depends on the implementation. Surprisingly: Malloc oftentimes does not keep track of the allocated blocks at all! The only thing, malloc is doing most of the time, is adding a little bit of information containing the size of the block "before" the allocated block. Meaning, that when you allocate 40 bytes, it will allocate 44 bytes (on 32bit machines) and writes the size in the first 4 bytes. It will return the address of this chunk+4 to you.
Malloc/free keeps track of a freelist. A freelist is a list of freed memory chunks that is not (yet) be given back to the operating system. Malloc searches the freelist, when a new block is needed and when a fitting block is available uses that.
But a more exhausting answer about malloc/free, I have given here:
How do malloc() and free() work?
One additional information:
One implication of the fact, that many allocators don't track allocated blocks: When you return memory by free or delete and pass a pointer in, that was not allocated before, you will corrupt your heap, since the system is not able to check if the pointer is valid. The really ugly thing about it is, that in such a case, your program will not dump immediately, but any time after the error-cause occured ... and thus this error would be really ugly to find. That is one reason, memory handling in C/C++ is so hard!
new maintains a data structure to keep track of individually allocated blocks. There are plenty of ways for doing that. Usually, some kind of linked list is used.
Here a small article to illustrate this.

Is the size of a dynamically-allocated array stored somewhere?

It seems to me that delete[] knows the size of a dynamic allocated array. My question is: Is there any way to get it out so that we don't need to provide the size explicitly when coding.
The method used by delete[] to figure out how many items it has to deal with is implementation dependent. You can't get to it or use it in any way.
Read C++ FAQ [16.14] After p = new Fred[n], how does the compiler know there are n objects to be destructed during delete[] p? (and the whole section for a general idea on free store management.)
My question is: Is there any way to get it out so that we don't need to provide the size explicitly when coding.
You don't need to, you just call delete [], with no size.
The way the compiler stores the size is an implementation detail and no specified. Most store it in some memory right before the array starts (not after, as others mentioned).
See this related question : How does delete[] "know" the size of the operand array?
Since delete [] needs to call destructors for all elements of the array, the length must definitely be stored somewhere. As of why this memory is not accessible to prevent errors such as walking outside of the array due to its unknown size - I am not really sure. Strictly speaking, the length of statically allocated arrays must be known during compile time and the length of dynamically allocated arrays must be stored by the runtime, so in both cases buffer overflow errors are theoretically 100% preventable, and yet both static and dynamic arrays are unsafe. My guess is this is for performance purposes, bounds checking will make it slower and raw (C style) arrays offer best performance at zero safety.
The implementation of this varies with compiler and runtime vendors, there might be some implementations it may be accessible and usable, but it wouldn't be considered standard and recommended practice. The logical place for the length to be stored is somewhere in the header of the allocated memory fragment before the actual address you will get for the first element of the array.
The C++ compiler has the size of dynamically allocated arrays buried deep somewhere; however, this is not accessible in any way while coding in C++ - so you'll have to store the size somewhere after allocation.
[Edit]: Though some versions of the Visual Studio compiler suite stores the size at the index -1, this is not to be trusted across compilers, or to be used at all when coding.
I think it is compiler dependent and you cannot get it for your application to use. Following link shows 2 methods compiler uses.
Compilers follow different approaches to store the memory allocated on new.
This is one of the approach, I read somewhere.
When compiler allocates memory based on a new call, it sets apart one extra byte, maybe in the beginning, where it will store how much memory was allocated.
So when it encounters a delete call, it will use this stored value to decide how much memory has to be de-allocated.

C and C++: Freeing PART of an allocated pointer

Let's say I have a pointer allocated to hold 4096 bytes. How would one deallocate the last 1024 bytes in C? What about in C++? What if, instead, I wanted to deallocate the first 1024 bytes, and keep the rest (in both languages)? What about deallocating from the middle (it seems to me that this would require splitting it into two pointers, before and after the deallocated region).
Don't try and second-guess memory management. It's usually cleverer than you ;-)
The only thing you can achieve is the first scenario to 'deallocate' the last 1K
char * foo = malloc(4096);
foo = realloc(foo, 4096-1024);
However, even in this case, there is NO GUARANTEE that "foo" will be unchanged. Your entire 4K may be freed, and realloc() may move your memory elsewhere, thus invalidating any pointers to it that you may hold.
This is valid for both C and C++ - however, use of malloc() in C++ is a bad code smell, and most folk would expect you to use new() to allocate storage. And memory allocated with new() cannot be realloc()ed - or at least, not in any kind of portable way. STL vectors would be a much better approach in C++
If you have n bytes of mallocated memory, you can realloc m bytes (where m < n) and thus throw away the last n-m bytes.
To throw away from the beginning, you can malloc a new, smaller buffer and memcpy the bytes you want and then free the original.
The latter option is also available using C++ new and delete. It can also emulate the first realloc case.
You don't have "a pointer allocated to hold 4096 bytes", you have a pointer to an allocated block of 4096 bytes.
If your block was allocated with malloc(), realloc() will allow you to reduce or increase the size of the block. The start address of the block won't necessarily stay the same, though.
You can't change the start address of a malloc'd memory block, which is really what your second scenario is asking. There's also no way to split a malloc'd block.
This is a limitation of the malloc/calloc/realloc/free API -- and implementations may rely on these limitations (for example, keeping bookkeeping information about the allocation immediately before the start address, which would make moving the start address difficult.)
Now, malloc isn't the only allocator out there -- your platform or libraries might provide other ones, or you could write your own (which gets memory from the system via malloc, mmap, VirtualAlloc or some other mechanism) and then hands it out to your program in whatever fashion you desire.
For C++, if you allocate memory with std::malloc, the information above applies. If you're using new and delete, you're allocating storage for and constructing objects, and so changing the size of an allocated block doesn't make sense -- objects in C++ are a fixed size.
You can make it shorter with realloc(). I don't think the rest is possible.
You can use realloc() to apparently make the memory shorter. Note that for some implementations such a call will actually do nothing. You can't free the first bit of the block and retain the last bit.
If you find yourself needing this kind of functionality, you should consider using a more complex data structure. An array is not the correct answer to every programming problem.
SUMMARY:In contrast to C's realloc, it
is not possible to directly reallocate
memory allocated with new[]. To extend
or reduce the size of a block, one
must allocate a new block of adequate
size, copy over the old memory, and
delete the old block. The C++ standard
library provides a dynamic array that
can be extended or reduced in its
std::vector template.