How to force a window to maintain a certain width/height ratio when resized - c++

I want my window to always maintain a certain ratio of let's say 1.33333333. So, if the window is width = 800, height = 600 and the user changes the width to 600, I want to change the height to 450 automatically.
I'm already intercepting WM_SIZE but I don't know if it's enough; also I don't know how to change the width or height to maintain my ratio.

WM_SIZING is sent to the window while the user is resizing the window.
Rather handle WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING - this is sent by the internal SetWindowPos function when code (or the user) changes the window size and will ensure that even tile & cascade operations obey your sizing policy.

Processing this message allows you to change resulting window size.

Try the Resize event. There is an example of how to maintain a desired aspect ration in the link.


how to resize objects with resizing form using mouse [duplicate]

I am writing a program which has two panes (via CSplitter), however I am having problems figuring out out to resize the controls in each frame. For simplicity, can someone tell me how I would do it for a basic frame with a single CEdit control?
I'm fairly sure it is to do with the CEdit::OnSize() function... But I'm not really getting anywhere...
Thanks! :)
A window receives WM_SIZE message (which is processed by OnSize handler in MFC) immediately after it was resized, so CEdit::OnSize is not what you are looking for.
You should add OnSize handler in your frame class and inside this handler as Rob pointed out you'll get width and height of the client area of your frame, then you should add the code which adjusts size and position of your control.
Something like this
void MyFrame::OnSize(UINT nType, int w, int h)
// w and h parameters are new width and height of your frame
// suppose you have member variable CEdit myEdit which you need to resize/move
myEdit.MoveWindow(w/5, h/5, w/2, h/2);
When your frame receives an OnSize message it will give you the new width and height - you can simply call the CEdit SetWindowPos method passing it these values.
Assume CMyPane is your splitter pane and it contains a CEdit you created in OnCreate called m_wndEdit:
void CMyPane::OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy)
m_wndEdit.SetWindowPos(NULL, 0, 0, cx, cy, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_NOZORDER);
GetDlgItem(IDC_your_slidebar)->SetWindowPos(...) // actually you can move ,resize...etc
SetWindowPos is a little heavy duty for this purpose. MoveWindow has just what is needed.
Others have pointed out that WM_SIZE is the message you should handle and resize the child controls at that point. WM_SIZE is sent after the resize has finished.
You might also want to handle the WM_SIZING message which gets sent while the resize is in progress. This will let you actively resize the child windows while the user is still dragging the mouse. Its not strictly necessary to handle WM_SIZING but it can provide a better user experience.
I use CResize class from CodeGuru to resize all controls automatically. You tell how you want each control to be resized and it does the job for you.
The resize paradigm is to specify how much each side of a control will move when the dialog is resized.
SetResize(IDC_EDIT1, 0, 0, 0.5, 1);
SetResize(IDC_EDIT2, 0.5, 0, 1, 1);
Very handy when you have a large number of dialog controls.
Source code
When it comes to the window size changes, there are three window messages you may be interested in: ON_WM_SIZE(), ON_WM_SIZING(), and ON_WM_GETMINMAXINFO().
As the official docs says:
ON_WM_SIZE whose message handler is ::OnSize() is triggered after the size of the CWnd has changed;
ON_WM_SIZING whose message handler is ::OnSizing() is triggered when the size of the client area of the clipbord-viewer window has changed;
ON_WM_GETMINMAXINFO whose message handler is ::OnGetMinMaxInfo() is triggered whenever the window needs to know the maximized position or dimensions , or the minimum or maximum tracking size.
If you want to restrict the size of the cwnd to some range, you may refer to message ON_WM_GETMINMAXINFO; and if you want to retrieve the size changes in real time, you may refer to the other two messages.
It is better to use the Dynamic Layout capabilities of each control at the Property section.
Let's say you want to have a specific control, like a heading, always at the center of the view/dialog, then you just choose the properties of Dynamic Layout of the control, Moving Type as Horizontal and Moving X as 50 but you keep sizing to None. This way, when you resize the view, the header remains always at the center. You have to keep in mind that the minimum of the resizing/moving is the size/position of the control within the dialog/view, when you designed it at the Resource View.
This way, you save the burden of geometry and the transformations.

GTK3 No resize limits

Currently if I make a window in GTK3
For example 300x300
And I put a button at the bottom, right hand corner, I can not shrink my window
Size because this button is preventing me is there a function in gtk3 that can allow me to ignore all widgets, and resize to anything even 0x0
And this is the user doing this with the window resize, drag and click
And is there a way where I can set this resize limit myself, and not have this dependent on whats in my window
If you initially use set_size_request() to set the window to 300x300, then it won't shrink below that. To allow users to shrink below an initial value, use set_default_size(). I seem to have read that the minimum size of a widget is 1x1, which seems logical, as, at 0x0 you wouldn't be able to resize it anymore. If you want less than 1x1, you can use hide() and just hide the contents.
But if you have any widgets inside the window, then the minimum size is determined by the widgets! (Called the 'natural size')
To allow a window smaller that than the one determined by the widgets, you can maybe use a Gtk.ScrolledWindow.
Also, recall that the outer border is drawn by the window manager, NOT by Gtk. However, you can disable the outer border by using set_decorated(). Not that this may not work - depending if the window manager respects this (not Gtk's fault).

Can I lock the width or height of an MFC dialog during resizing?

Is there a way to lock a dialog box's size in one direction (restrict only width or only height) in MFC?
You need to override OnGetMinMaxInfo. In OnInitDialog you can capture the current height, and then use it for both minimum and maximum height. Call __super::OnGetMinMaxInfo first and then only change the height members. Note that the window may not exist the first couple times OnGetMinMaxInfo are called.
Here's a detailed article on GetMinMaxInfo.

Can I change the thickness of the border of a window with MFC?

Normally, the thickness of a window is 4 pixels, which can be retrieved by GetSystemMetrics method. Can I change its value, for example 2 pixels?
Thank you very much!
Simple answer: No. Not for a specific window.
Complicated answer: The border is drawn as part of the "non-client" region of the window. This is all handled (under the hood) by the default processing (i.e. DefWindowProc), along with the caption, minimize, maximize buttons, etc. You can override this by handling the WM_NCPAINT message. You'll then be responsible for drawing the entire non-client area of your window. You'll also want to handle the WM_NCCALCSIZE message, so that Windows knows how much of the remaining space to give to your client area.
Alternatively, you can set the border style of your window to none. This will allow Windows to draw the caption for you, although it'll probably look slightly different. Unfortunately, by doing this, you lose the drag-to-resize functionality. For that, you'll need to handle the WM_NCHITTEST message.

Resizing Controls in MFC

I am writing a program which has two panes (via CSplitter), however I am having problems figuring out out to resize the controls in each frame. For simplicity, can someone tell me how I would do it for a basic frame with a single CEdit control?
I'm fairly sure it is to do with the CEdit::OnSize() function... But I'm not really getting anywhere...
Thanks! :)
A window receives WM_SIZE message (which is processed by OnSize handler in MFC) immediately after it was resized, so CEdit::OnSize is not what you are looking for.
You should add OnSize handler in your frame class and inside this handler as Rob pointed out you'll get width and height of the client area of your frame, then you should add the code which adjusts size and position of your control.
Something like this
void MyFrame::OnSize(UINT nType, int w, int h)
// w and h parameters are new width and height of your frame
// suppose you have member variable CEdit myEdit which you need to resize/move
myEdit.MoveWindow(w/5, h/5, w/2, h/2);
When your frame receives an OnSize message it will give you the new width and height - you can simply call the CEdit SetWindowPos method passing it these values.
Assume CMyPane is your splitter pane and it contains a CEdit you created in OnCreate called m_wndEdit:
void CMyPane::OnSize(UINT nType, int cx, int cy)
m_wndEdit.SetWindowPos(NULL, 0, 0, cx, cy, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOACTIVATE | SWP_NOZORDER);
GetDlgItem(IDC_your_slidebar)->SetWindowPos(...) // actually you can move ,resize...etc
SetWindowPos is a little heavy duty for this purpose. MoveWindow has just what is needed.
Others have pointed out that WM_SIZE is the message you should handle and resize the child controls at that point. WM_SIZE is sent after the resize has finished.
You might also want to handle the WM_SIZING message which gets sent while the resize is in progress. This will let you actively resize the child windows while the user is still dragging the mouse. Its not strictly necessary to handle WM_SIZING but it can provide a better user experience.
I use CResize class from CodeGuru to resize all controls automatically. You tell how you want each control to be resized and it does the job for you.
The resize paradigm is to specify how much each side of a control will move when the dialog is resized.
SetResize(IDC_EDIT1, 0, 0, 0.5, 1);
SetResize(IDC_EDIT2, 0.5, 0, 1, 1);
Very handy when you have a large number of dialog controls.
Source code
When it comes to the window size changes, there are three window messages you may be interested in: ON_WM_SIZE(), ON_WM_SIZING(), and ON_WM_GETMINMAXINFO().
As the official docs says:
ON_WM_SIZE whose message handler is ::OnSize() is triggered after the size of the CWnd has changed;
ON_WM_SIZING whose message handler is ::OnSizing() is triggered when the size of the client area of the clipbord-viewer window has changed;
ON_WM_GETMINMAXINFO whose message handler is ::OnGetMinMaxInfo() is triggered whenever the window needs to know the maximized position or dimensions , or the minimum or maximum tracking size.
If you want to restrict the size of the cwnd to some range, you may refer to message ON_WM_GETMINMAXINFO; and if you want to retrieve the size changes in real time, you may refer to the other two messages.
It is better to use the Dynamic Layout capabilities of each control at the Property section.
Let's say you want to have a specific control, like a heading, always at the center of the view/dialog, then you just choose the properties of Dynamic Layout of the control, Moving Type as Horizontal and Moving X as 50 but you keep sizing to None. This way, when you resize the view, the header remains always at the center. You have to keep in mind that the minimum of the resizing/moving is the size/position of the control within the dialog/view, when you designed it at the Resource View.
This way, you save the burden of geometry and the transformations.