Will SharePoint 2010 support Web Service Access? - web-services

It's my understanding SharePoint 2010 has introduced a new JavaScript API, a brand new assembly for Silverlight clients, but does anybody know if there will be still support for good old Web Service Access?
By old services, I am referring to the old interface

Yes SharePoint 2010 still has web services. Review this MSDN section for more information.

Essentially the new API's are there to help client side code run interesting code without having to use the Web Services. If you have ever tried utilising a webservice from Javascript you can understand the pain the new API's are trying to prevent.

The Web services are still supported. However, the data-retrieval oriented Web services should be considered semi-deprecated. Going forward, you shoul use either the client object model or ADO.NET Data Services to get data from a client.

I've been trying to figure out how to administrate the whole thing with whatever APIs are available. The MSDN documentation seems like what I need, except I feel stupid and can't find where those APIs are on my server. There are no URLs to be seen in the documentation. Am I blind?


Is there a service that allows to access multiple API's using unified interface and one login?

Some time ago I was browsing the web, when I found a service that allowed to access multiple API's using single, unified interface and single login.
I remember that I browsed the catalog of API's and check OCR services to see what features they offer.
I don't remember if it was a free service or paid one. I didn't bookmark it and now I can't find it. I have found only API's catalog on Programmable Web.
Is anyone knows the name of this service?
Well, after getting one vote down I decided to google more. No results. I reviewed bookmarks and... bingo!
It's called mashape.com and what I have had in mind was this catalogue.
Disclaimer: I have no connection to this service. I just liked the idea.
I have just found API search:
It does not allow to access mutiple API's using single credentials, but might be usefull for API's discovery.

Discover SharePoint 2013 webservices

I'm struggling to access to some data hosted on a website.
I know this website was developed using Sharepoint 2013 (by someone else, and I don't have any contact with them).
I have the right credentials to the site, and via browser I can navigate and obtain the data I need (some electric measurements).
I need a way to obtain the data using a webservice.
Is there a way to discover all the webservices implemented on the site? And to gain access to those data?
I browsed the lists on _api/Web/Lists but due to my lack of knowledge I didn't find anything useful.
Thank you all!
Best way to start you discovery of default SharePoint web services is from here
There are at least 3 default services that you could use to get more information from different lists and webs:
Unfortunately I don't think there is a way to discover all web services there are on your particular site

Creating WCF Service and deploying it to run in Sitecore context

We have a need to add sitecore items programmmtically. To achieve this we are basically creating new WCF Service as the standard webservice provided by sitecore is not serving our purpose. The new WCF service created in VS2010 is pushed/published to same folder as standard webservice(sitecore/shell/webservice). For some reason the service doesn't work at all throws configuration errors.
Could anyone let me know where exactly this custom service should be deployed.
I had lots of issues deploying both WCF and old-style (.ASCX) web services in a Sitecore-controlled application. I never was able to find a satisfactory solution, even after speaking with their tech support. I ended up creating my own HTTP handlers to accept POST data and used those instead of WCF. I know it's not the best solution, but it worked.

google docs + web app

Hi Guys
I am trying to create a web app to share docs with all editor features (just like google docs).
My main requirements for this app are as follows:
1. Should have all editor features (can be done using open office api, google docs api, Microsoft office web apps api)
2. Should be shared between multiple users and can be edited by multiple users and other sync features (can be done using google docs api, Microsoft office web apps)
3. Can save the document created and edited on my own/ custom server addr. (Which api can support this??? I know open office can support this)
Guys can you please suggest me one api which can be used to do all the above. Also please suggest if I am underestimating any API above regarding any functionality that i thing is not supported.
What you are asking for is so complex it takes a Google to make a "in progress" version!
Can't you just use Google API? Its is free. Your only issue would be logging users via OAuth, 1 simple API

Microsoft Dynamics CRM -- Do people build websites with it?

Forgive my ignorance, but do people build websites with Microsoft Dynamics CRM?
I have a potential client who says that is the technology they will use for a new web project, for which I would be doing the HTML templating. I want to learn all I can as I am new to this particular system, but I can't seem to find anything related to web building and CRM. Is it more likely the client is using another piece of technology that they are neglecting to tell us about?
Any experience or insight about this process is greatly appreciated!
You can't build website using MSCRM, but you can build ASP.Net website using CRM content easily. The API provided by MSCRM is a set of web services, that can be queried in a website to populate pages content.
Also, you can directly query the Database if you want ReadOnly content, and only for read-only content, because it is not supported to update/create data using SQL connections.
Note that it's required to have the external connector license to use any data in the CRM, thru the API and even thru direct SQL queries.
I have built a website using .NET, utilising the CRM4 API and database. All the website did was to submit queries to CRM using the CRM web services and metadata web services, and get data back. This company was already using CRM for their back end, so it's much easier for the front end to use the same database as well since it's a simple one.
The alternative would be to create an intermediate connector between the 2 systems -- backend and front end, which is not as efficient (for our case anyway).