Open Office Calc:Convert list of text urls into links - openoffice-calc

I have a list of text urls in, how i can convert all of them into clickable links?

HYPERLINK(linkaddress; celltext)

HYPERLINK does not solve the problem. As a result, we will have two columns: the original and the results of the formula. The question was how to CONVERT urls into clickable links. My method:
1. Cut the column from calc.
2. Paste as plain text into writer (shift-ctrl-v).
3. Format > AutoCorrect > Apply.
4. Copy links back to calc.

Hopefully you found a solution in the 6+ years since your question, but it may help others searching for the same solution.
Converting them in openoffice-calc is a cumbersome process.
It's much easier to copy them to openoffice-writer and covert them there, then copy them back:
Copy and paste the list of urls into a openoffice-writer document.
From the Format menu, choose AutoCorrect, then AutoCorrect Options...
On the Options tab, click both the [M] and [T] boxes next to
URL Recognition and click the OK button.
Select the list, go to Format > AutoCorrect > Apply.
Copy the url list back to openoffice-calc.
Hope this helps someone!

Related - copy/paste table from excel to with individual texts

I have tables in excel and I'd like to copy/paste them into table. Is there any way I can make all rows into individual rows (texts) in instead of copy/paste each row (text) from excel to
Thanks in advance!
Click the Plus + icon on the toolbar above the canvas.
Go to Advanced > CSV
There Just after the First 4 lines of comments (starting with '##'),
Replace everything, and add your list items. Click Import.
For learning how to change further styles, configs etc., read the help items in the text that was written by default in the box (which you replaced from 4th line). Or see here
Basically it is not something fully supported but in some cases copy/paste might work but use keyboard shortcuts.
Other possible solutions are to try to export as HTML/CSV and import it to
Yes, you can easily paste a part of table from microsoft excel and google sheet to by 'crtl+c, crtl+v' creating a new table. It will be created with style "text;whiteSpace=wrap;html=1;" and then can be edited as a natively created table with actions like "create new column left" and so on.
You can use sql scripts for this.
-> Advance -> SQL .
I created sql scripts with excel formula and paste them here.
also please make sure you place the cursor properly , so that tables dont get overlapped.

How to look for a specific mapping in the navigator window

I'm new to powercenter and the learning curve of this tool seems to be different from the programming languages I'm used to. Where I work everyone tells me to ask people in the office. Access to the internet is non existant. Stack overflow is one of the few places where I can look for info.
I would like to do something basic like, in the navigator window, there are sometimes thousands of mappings with veeeery similar names, I would like to know if there is a way to enable a "control-f" type of functionality. As of right now, placing the mouse on the window and writing the name kinda helps, but since the names are stuff like
and there are dozens and hundreds that share the same structure: "k_l_ll_sigpir_" trying to navigate when you don't know where info is other than the name is a bit of a nightmare, compared to other tools at least.
Can someone point me in the right direction? Thanks in advance.
I guess I was able to find something that might help, although this is a bit counter-intuitive. I'm assuming you want to find and open some mapping in Mapping Designer. Here goes:
After you've connected to Repository and have the right folder opened (not just connected!), choose Tools => Queries from the menu bar. A Query Browser should open for you.
Choose New to create a new query
In the Query Editor there's a grid. Choose Object Name in the Parameter Name column. Change the Operator to Contains and put whatever you're looking for as Value 1 (using your example: mappingname)
Click the blue play button on the menu bar or choose Query => Execute from top menu. Give this a few seconds.
Give it a few more seconds...
A Query Results window should be opened for you. NOTE: if you've been clicking anything it might get opened in the background - just check the Designer button on Start Bar. It should contain all the objects that contain mappingname string it the name. We've not limited this to mappings only though (I'll discuss this below).
=== now here's the odd part ===
You can right click any item on the list in Query Results window and choose Open in Workspace. And it won't work :)
Switch back to Query Editor window and close it (don't close the Query Results!). You may save you'r query if you like to.
You should be back at Query Browser. Close it.
Return to Query Results.
Right click the desired item and choose Open in Workspace.
Now some remarks:
The whole repository is searched. The Query Results may therefore contain items from other folders, than the one you have open. Trying to Open in Workspace such objects won't work since the folder is not open in Designer.
You may construct more sophisticated queries. Just click 'Add new...' icon on the Query Editor window. This will add a line and allow you to choose extra conditions. It will be spawned by a AND condition which you may change to OR. You get the idea.
Yes, it's odd, I know. Just don't blame me ;)
The quick answer is that the 'metadata manager' tool can do exactly what you ask for. It is basically a 'google search' for your entire data warehouse. Only hiccup is that it requires a lot of work from the admins of your power center servers to get it up and running...
Basically it depends on what you want to DO with the mapping after you've found it and why you look for it in the first place:
1) in the 'designer tool' you can look under 'targets' in the right hand tree structure
- when you've found the target table you want the mappings for
- simply right-click and choose 'dependencies'
- in the following dialog uncheck everything except 'mappings'
- in the following right click on the most likely mapping and choose 'open in workspace'
2) in the repository database there is a view called opb_task_inst_run that contains a row for each session that has ever run. You can write simple sql against that view with '%like patterns%' to locate mappings... you may want to add a where clause to 'start time' for the most recent week or so - especially if the repository is old and runtime metadata has never been deleted...
Please write back if you need something different...
I'm not aware of the functionality you're after within informatica, however, the mappings are listed in alphanumeric order which should alleviate this. Within the mapping itself there is search functionality to find transformations within the mapping.
As far as a place to start learning Informatica, informatica tv is one place to get your feet wet

How to add href link to bootstrap rollover image?

Warning: I'm a noob. The little I know comes from fiddling around.
I maintain a hobby website of images created in bootstrap 3 and I would like to have a responsive rollover image that also links to the full size image.
I have been able to complete the responsive rollover part, but I can't figure out how to add the link to display the full image.
Here's what I have so far:
<div class="rollover-wrapper-1"><div class="rollover-image-1"></div>
I can't post the CSS because I don't have reputation points yet.
Any help would be much appreciated.
Put href before the div and make sure you close the parent div too. Like this
<div class="rollover-wrapper-1"><div class="rollover-image-1"></div></div>
Well I've run into another problem. I have the rollover image working properly including linking to the full size image. But for some reason whenever I add the code to the webpage and the style sheet, somehow the webpage is looking for the style sheet in the wrong place on my website.
I have a style sheet "default.css" that I use for all my webpages. This css sheet is in the root of the website. But for some reason the webpage with the rollover image will not display the image, and when I inspect the element within Chrome it gives me 404 error stating that the default.css is not found in a certain folder on the website. I've never had the default.css in any folder besides the root.
So somehow the webpage is looking for a style sheet in a place where none exists, and I have no idea why.
If I copy the default.css style sheet from the root into the folder it's looking for then the webpage loads properly, but I don't want to have to maintain two identical style sheets. I just don't know how the style sheet got attached to the webpage.
I'm sorry for the vagueness of this problem, but I don't know enough to make a more informed question.

Kimono Regular Expressions for pagination

I'm trying to use kimono to paginate a URL.
I don't like to ask for help, but this time I really tried for myself without effort. I tried to read about Regular expressions, and also I searched in forums with no effort.
I wrote to the Kimono support, but they didn't answered my mails asking for the correct formula.
The specific URL is
By default, the pagination method provided by Kimono doesn't work for this.
This page has numbers from 1 to 8 (and a symbol '>' which cannot be selected).
So. I click in 'pagination' but when I select a number, lets say the '8' the Kimono will just paginate the EIGHT page..
which seems logical when I check in the advanced pagination menu, because the formula used is: /^()(8)()$/
So, my attemps where directed towards provide the formula with a range, something like:
/^()(2-8)()$/ but it doesn't work
Kimono won't allow me to use just (2-8) because they force the user to imput a formula with this fixed format: /()()()/
which expression should I try ?
I tried doubleclicking the '>' symbol and it seems to work, but from three times, it throws error in 2.
Some error codes are:
E5: Kimono could not create an API
E10: No elements found for all selectors
E20: Pagination Error: Selector not found
The regular expression when I click '>' is: /(\t\t\t)([^]*?)(\t\n\t)/
Nor doubleclicking the numers does work: /^()([^]*?)()$/
Please help.
Please excuse my English
Your problem is that the 'next page link' cannot be selected by clicking (because it is an image, rather than text). In order to make pagination work on this page, you'll need to manually enter the selector using 'advanced mode' instead of relying on the click.
To do this:
Set up your API with all the desired data properties
Click the blue pagination button in the toolbar
Go to the data model view
Click 'Advanced'
Scroll down to the 'Pagination' property
Enter div#bul-flecha-derecha > a#pre-page as your selector
Leave the default regular expression
Click submit to save the changes
Click Done and name and create your API

Track down where content comes from

Being new to Joomla I do not know all the tricks for troubleshooting etc. Currently I have a page that has a section of content on it. The content is created by DT Register but I've been through the CP several times and cannot find the section?
I hope someone is up and can share with me how to track down where pieces of content come from so I can find where this is being generated and change as needed.
The page in question is a DT Register form. I can locate and modify every section of the page EXCEPT one.
The section is titled USER INFORMATION and captures userid & password to create an account. Looking at the element in developer tools it would appear it is part of the dt register generated code but as I mentioned I can't find it.
The sandbox I am playing in is here:
The section is towards the top and is hard to read on the page...which is why I want to find it.
Thank you for any help or direction.
So unfortunately my question was poorly worded. I have no trouble at all getting the css changed. It is the origin of the content that I am really trying to track down. Where does it come from etc. Is there a way to detect if it came from an article, or a component, etc. I thought there might be clues as how to figure that out.
For troubleshooting issues like this, tools like Firebug or Web Inspector for Chrome and Safari are your go to tools. If you aren't already familiar with them you'll find lots of help online.
There is default body text styling of colour #D9A362 getting into your page from one of the stylesheets. I can't find the source quickly myself, though it's easy enough to write an override.
One place you could do this is open with a text editor. Below the existing body rule # line 7, add something like
This will fix the H2 text at the top of the page which you mention, plus the 'user information' line immeadiately above the form.
Hope this helps!
You have something which is writing the following style to your page head and this is the culprit:
body {font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size:13px; line-height:21px; color:#D9A362; }
It's even on your home page so it's not necesaarily related to DT Register. To me it looks like it's coming from your menu extension.