Visualizing volume of PCM samples - c++

I have several chunks of PCM audio (G.711) in my C++ application. I would like to visualize the different audio volume in each of these chunks.
My first attempt was to calculate the average of the sample values for each chunk and use that as an a volume indicator, but this doesn't work well. I do get 0 for chunks with silence and differing values for chunks with audio, but the values only differ slighly and don't seem to resemble the actual volume.
What would be a better algorithem calculate the volume ?
I hear G.711 audio is logarithmic PCM. How should I take that into account ?

Note, I haven't worked with G.711 PCM audio myself, but I presume that you are performing the correct conversion from the encoded amplitude to an actual amplitude before processing the values.
You'd expect the average value of most samples to be approximately zero as sound waveforms oscillate either side of zero.
A crude volume calculation would be rms (root mean square), i.e. taking a rolling average of the square of the samples and take the square root of that average. This will give you a postive quantity when there is some sound; the quantity is related to the power represented in the waveform.
For something better related to human perception of volume you may want to investigate the sort of techniques used in Replay Gain.

If you're feeling ambitious, you can download G.711 from the ITU-web site, and spend the next few weeks (or maybe more) implementing it.
If you're lazier (or more sensible) than that, you can download G.191 instead -- it includes source code to compress and decompress G.711 encoded data.
Once you've decoded it, visualizing the volume should be a whole lot easier.


Can the mp3 or wav file format take advantage of repetitious sounds?

I want to store a number of sound fragments as MP3 or WAV files, but these fragments are each highly repetitive (a 10 second burst of tone for example). Are the MP3 or WAV file formats able to take advantage of this - i.e. is there a sound file equivalent of run-length encoding?
No, neither codec can do this.
WAV files (typically) use PCM, which holds a value for every single sample. Even if there were complete digital silence (all values the same), every sample is stored.
MP3 works in frames of 1,152 samples. Each frame stands alone (well, there is the bit reservoir but for the purpose of encoding/decoding, this is just extra bandwidth made available). Even if there were a way to say do-this-n-times, it would be fixed within a frame. Now, if you are using MP3 with variable bit rate, I suspect that you will have great results with perfect sine waves since they have no harmonics. MP3 works by converting from the time domain to the frequency domain. That is, it samples the frequencies in each frame. If you only have one of those frequencies (or no sound at all), the VBR method would be efficient.
I should note that FLAC does use RLE when encoding silence. However, I don't think FLAC could be hacked to use RLE for 10 seconds of audio, since again there is a frame border. FLAC's RLE for silence is problematic for live internet radio stations that leave a few second gap inbetween songs. It's important for these stations to have a large buffer, since clients will often pause the stream if they don't receive enough data. (They do get caught back up again though as soon as that silent block is sent, once audio resumes.)

Audio frequency of each frame of a audio file like .mp3 .wav

Can I find a way to get frequency of each frame on a audio file like .mp3 or .wav or any other sound format using "fmod" or "cwave" libraries or even other libraries?
How can I find out this frequency in C/C++?
The FFTW library is a set of very fast implementations of different fourier transformations.
If you have a number of samples of digitized audio, you pretty much have, in total, as many frequencies and phases as you've got samples. Suppose you've got just two samples of audio. In order to faithfully represent them, you need one frequency and one phase -- so again, two values. There is no "single" frequency to represent multiple samples of digitized audio.
You can of course, akin to the question of "How can I get the color of a specific video frame?", ask what is the average frequency. Or you can ask what is the most prominent frequency (the one with highest amplitude). Or you can ask what is the frequency that with its harmonics carries the most energy in the signal (assuming the signal was physical, like electrical current sampled in time).
In all those cases, you'd probably want to use a premade library that internally uses the FFT or a similar discrete transform to get the signal from the time domain to a frequency or a similar domain (quefrency domain, for example, and it's not a typo). It's hard to get what you want from a plain FFT, you'd need some mathematical training to process raw FFT results into what you're after. I'm sure there are libraries for it, I just can't think of any right now. Perhaps someone who deals with such work can edit the answer.

How can I reduce or remove the noise created by changing the 'volume' of a sample from 16bit PCM

I'm currently working on a small project where I'm loading 16bit wave files with a sample rate of 44100Hz. In normal playback the audio seems fine but as soon as I start to play with things like amplitude size to change the volume it starts giving a little bit of static noise.
What I'm doing is getting a sample from the buffer in the case of this 16bit type a short, converting this to a float in the range of -1 to 1 to start doing mixing and other effects. In this I also change the volume, when I just multiply it by 1 giving the same output its fine but as soon as I start to change the volume I hear the static noise. It happens when going over 1.0 as well as going below 1.0. And it gets worse the bigger or smaller the scale.
Anyone an idea how to reduce or remove the noise ?
"Static", otherwise known as "clicks and pops" are the result of discontinuities in the output signal. Here is a perfect example of a discontinuity:
If you send a buffer of audio to the system to play back, and then for the next buffer you multiply every sample by 1.1, you can create a discontinuity. For example, consider a buffer that contains a sine wave with values from [-0.5, 0.5]. You send a piece of this wave to the output device, and the last sample happens to be 0.5.
Now on your next buffer you try to adjust the volume by multiplying by 1.1. The first sample of the new buffer will be close to 0.5 (since the previous sample was 0.5). Multiply that by 1.1 and you get 0.55.
A change from one sample to the next of 0.05 will probably sound like a click or a pop. If you create enough of these, it will sound like static.
The solution is to "ramp" your volume change over the buffer. For example, if you want to apply a gain of 1.1 to a buffer of 100 samples, and the previous gain was 1.0, then you would loop over all 100 samples starting with gain 1 and smoothly increase the gain until you reach the last sample, at which point your gain should be 1.1.
If you want an example of this code look at juce::AudioSampleBuffer::applyGainRamp:
I found the flaw, I was abstracting different bit data types by going to their data using char*, I did not cast the usage of it to the correct datatype pointer. This means bytes were cut off when giving it data. This created the noise and volume changing bugs amongst others.
A flaw of my implementation and me not thinking about this when working with the audio data. A tip for anyone doing the same kind of thing, keep a good eye when modifying data, check which type your data is when using abstractions.
Many thanks to the guys trying to help me, the links were really interesting and it did learn me more things about audio programming.

jpeg compression ratio

Is there a table that gives the compression ratio of a jpeg image at a given quality?
Something like the table given on the wiki page, except for more values.
A formula could also do the trick.
Bonus: Are the [compression ratio] values on the wiki page roughly true for all images? Does the ratio depend on what the image is and the size of the image?
Purpose of these questions: I am trying to determine the upper bound of the size of a compressed image for a given quality.
Note: I am not looking to make a table myself(I already have). I am looking for other data to check with my own.
I had exactly the same question and I was disappointed that no one created such table (studies based on a single classic Lena image or JPEG tombstone are looking ridiculous). That's why I made my own study. I cannot say that it is perfect, but it is definitely better than others.
I took 60 real life photos from different devices with different dimensions. I created a script which compress them with different JPEG quality values (it uses our company imaging library, but it is based on libjpeg, so it should be fine for other software as well) and saved results to CSV file. After some Excel magic, I came to the following values (note, I did not calculated anything for JPEG quality lower than 55 as they seem to be useless to me):
Q=55 43.27
Q=60 36.90
Q=65 34.24
Q=70 31.50
Q=75 26.00
Q=80 25.06
Q=85 19.08
Q=90 14.30
Q=95 9.88
Q=100 5.27
To tell the truth, the dispersion of the values is significant (e.g. for Q=55 min compression ratio is 22.91 while max value is 116.55) and the distribution is not normal. So it is not so easy to understand what value should be taken as typical for a specific JPEG quality. But I think these values are good as a rough estimate.
I wrote a blog post which explains how I received these numbers.
Hopefully anyone will find it useful.
Browsing Wikipedia a little more led to and Kodak's test suite. Although they're a little outdated and small, you could make your own table.
Alternately, pictures of stars and galaxies from should stress the compressor well, being large, almost exclusively composed of tiny speckled detail, and distributed in uncompressed format. In other words, HUBBLE GOTCHOO!
The compression you get will depend on what the image is of as well as the size. Obviously a larger image will produce a larger file even if it's of the same scene.
As an example, a random set of photos from my digital camera (a Canon EOS 450) range from 1.8MB to 3.6MB. Another set has even more variation - 1.5MB to 4.6MB.
If I understand correctly, one of the key mechanisms for attaining compression in JPEG is using frequency analysis on every 8x8 pixel block of the image and scaling the resulting amplitudes with a "quantization matrix" that varies with the specified compression quality.
The scaling of high frequency components often result in the block containing many zeros, which can be encoded at negligible cost.
From this we can deduce that in principle there is no relation between the quality and the final compression ratio that will be independent of the image. The number of frequency components that can be dropped from a block without perceptually altering its content significantly will necessarily depend on the intensity of those components, i.e. whether the block contains a sharp edge, highly variable content, noise, etc.

Programmatically convert WAV

I'm writing a file compressor utility in C++ that I want support for PCM WAV files, however I want to keep it in PCM encoding and just convert it to a lower sample rate and change it from stereo to mono if applicable to yield a lower file size.
I understand the WAV file header, however I have no experience or knowledge of how the actual sound data works. So my question is, would it be relatively easy to programmatically manipulate the "data" sub-chunk in a WAV file to convert it to another sample rate and change the channel number, or would I be much better off using an existing library for it? If it is, then how would it be done? Thanks in advance.
PCM merely means that the value of the original signal is sampled at equidistant points in time.
For stereo, there are two sequences of these values. To convert them to mono, you merely take piecewise average of the two sequences.
Resampling the signal at lower sampling rate is a little bit more tricky -- you have to filter out high frequencies from the signal so as to prevent alias (spurious low-frequency signal) from being created.
I agree with avakar and nico, but I'd like to add a little more explanation. Lowering the sample rate of PCM audio is not trivial unless two things are true:
Your signal only contains significant frequencies lower than 1/2 the new sampling rate (Nyquist rate). In this case you do not need an anti-aliasing filter.
You are downsampling by an integer value. In this case, downampling by N just requires keeping every Nth sample and dropping the rest.
If these are true, you can just drop samples at a regular interval to downsample. However, they are both probably not true if you're dealing with anything other than a synthetic signal.
To address problem one, you will have to filter the audio samples with a low-pass filter to make sure the resulting signal only contains frequency content up to 1/2 the new sampling rate. If this is not done, high frequencies will not be accurately represented and will alias back into the frequencies that can be properly represented, causing major distortion. Check out the critical frequency section of this wikipedia article for an explanation of aliasing. Specifically, see figure 7 that shows 3 different signals that are indistinguishable by just the samples because the sampling rate is too low.
Addressing problem two can be done in multiple ways. Sometimes it is performed in two steps: an upsample followed by a downsample, therefore achieving rational change in the sampling rate. It may also be done using interpolation or other techniques. Basically the problem that must be solved is that the samples of the new signal do not line up in time with samples of the original signal.
As you can see, resampling audio can be quite involved, so I would take nico's advice and use an existing library. Getting the filter step right will require you to learn a lot about signal processing and frequency analysis. You won't have to be an expert, but it will take some time.
I don't think there's really the need of reinventing the wheel (unless you want to do it for your personal learning).
For instance you can try to use libsnd