I am trying very hard to get a bus error.
One way is misaligned access and I have tried the examples given here and here, but no error for me - the programs execute just fine.
Is there some situation which is sure to produce a bus error?
This should reliably result in a SIGBUS on a POSIX-compliant system.
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
int main() {
FILE *f = tmpfile();
int *m = mmap(0, 4, PROT_WRITE, MAP_PRIVATE, fileno(f), 0);
*m = 0;
return 0;
From the Single Unix Specification, mmap:
References within the address range starting at pa and continuing for len bytes to whole pages following the end of an object shall result in delivery of a SIGBUS signal.
Bus errors can only be invoked on hardware platforms that:
Require aligned access, and
Don't compensate for an unaligned access by performing two aligned accesses and combining the results.
You probably do not have access to such a system.
Try something along the lines of:
#include <signal.h>
int main(void)
return 0;
(I know, probably not the answer you want, but it's almost sure to get you a "bus error"!)
As others have mentioned this is very platform specific. On the ARM system I'm working with (which doesn't have virtual memory) there are large portions of the address space which have no memory or peripheral assigned. If I read or write one of those addresses, I get a bus error.
You can also get a bus error if there's actually a hardware problem on the bus.
If you're running on a platform with virtual memory, you might not be able to intentionally generate a bus error with your program unless it's a device driver or other kernel mode software. An invalid memory access would likely be trapped as an access violation or similar by the memory manager (and it never even has a chance to hit the bus).
on linux with an Intel CPU try this:
int main(int argc, char **argv)
# if defined i386
/* enable alignment check (AC) */
asm("pushf; "
"orl $(1<<18), (%esp); "
# endif
char d[] = "12345678"; /* yep! - causes SIGBUS even on Linux-i386 */
return 0;
the trick here is to set the "alignment check" bit in one of the CPUs "special" registers.
see also: here
I am sure that you must be using x86 machines.
X86 cpu does not generate bus error unless its AC flag in EFALAGS register is set.
Try this code:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(void)
char *p;
"orl $0x40000, (%rsp)\n"
* malloc() always provides aligned memory.
* Do not use stack variable like a[9], depending on the compiler you use,
* a may not be aligned properly.
p = malloc(sizeof(int) + 1);
memset(p, 0, sizeof(int) + 1);
/* making p unaligned */
printf("%d\n", *(int *)p);
return 0;
More about this can be found at http://orchistro.tistory.com/206
Also keep in mind that some operating systems report "bus error" for errors other than misaligned access. You didn't mention in your question what it was you were actually trying to acheive. Maybe try thus:
int *x = 0;
the Wikipedia page you linked to mentions that access to non-existant memory can also result is a bus error. You might have better luck with loading a known-invalid address into a pointer and dereferwncing that.
How about this? untested.
typedef struct
int a;
int b;
} busErr;
int main()
busErr err;
char * cPtr;
int *iPtr;
cPtr = (char *)&err;
iPtr = (int *)cPtr;
*iPtr = 10;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
char *bus_error = new char[1];
for (int i=0; i<1000000000;i++) {
bus_error += 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF;
*(bus_error + 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) = 'X';
Bus error: 10 (core dumped)
Simple, write to memory that isn't yours:
int main()
char *bus_error = 0;
*bus_error = 'X';
Instant bus error on my PowerPC Mac [OS X 10.4, dual 1ghz PPC7455's], not necessarily on your hardware and/or operating system.
There's even a wikipedia article about bus errors, including a program to make one.
For 0x86 arch:
#include <stdio.h>
int main()
#if defined(__GNUC__)
# if defined(__i386__)
/* Enable Alignment Checking on x86 */
__asm__("pushf\norl $0x40000,(%esp)\npopf");
# elif defined(__x86_64__)
/* Enable Alignment Checking on x86_64 */
__asm__("pushf\norl $0x40000,(%rsp)\npopf");
# endif
int b = 0;
int a = 0xffffff;
char *c = (char*)&a;
int *p = (int*)c;
*p = 10; //Bus error as memory accessed by p is not 4 or 8 byte aligned
printf ("%d\n", sizeof(a));
printf ("%x\n", *p);
printf ("%x\n", p);
printf ("%x\n", &a);
Note:If asm instructions are removed, code wont generate the SIGBUS error as suggested by others.
SIGBUS can occur for other reason too.
Bus errors occur if you try to access memory that is not addressable by your computer. For example, your computer's memory has an address range 0x00 to 0xFF but you try to access a memory element at 0x0100 or greater.
In reality, your computer will have a much greater range than 0x00 to 0xFF.
To answer your original post:
Tell me some situation which is sure to produce a bus error.
In your code, index into memory way outside the scope of the max memory limit. I dunno ... use some kind of giant hex value 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF indexed into a char* ...
I want to allocate my buffers according to memory available. Such that, when I do processing and memory usage goes up, but still remains in available memory limits. Is there a way to get available memory (I don't know will virtual or physical memory status will make any difference ?). Method has to be platform Independent as its going to be used on Windows, OS X, Linux and AIX. (And if possible then I would also like to allocate some of available memory for my application, someone it doesn't change during the execution).
Edit: I did it with configurable memory allocation.
I understand it is not good idea, as most OS manage memory for us, but my application was an ETL framework (intended to be used on server, but was also being used on desktop as a plugin for Adobe indesign). So, I was running in to issue of because instead of using swap, windows would return bad alloc and other applications start to fail. And as I was taught to avoid crashes and so, was just trying to degrade gracefully.
On UNIX-like operating systems, there is sysconf.
#include <unistd.h>
unsigned long long getTotalSystemMemory()
long pages = sysconf(_SC_PHYS_PAGES);
long page_size = sysconf(_SC_PAGE_SIZE);
return pages * page_size;
On Windows, there is GlobalMemoryStatusEx:
#include <windows.h>
unsigned long long getTotalSystemMemory()
status.dwLength = sizeof(status);
return status.ullTotalPhys;
So just do some fancy #ifdefs and you'll be good to go.
There are reasons to do want to do this in HPC for scientific software. (Not game, web, business or embedded software). Scientific software routinely go through terabytes of data to get through one computation (or run) (and run for hours or weeks) -- all of which cannot be stored in memory (and if one day you tell me a terabyte is standard for any PC or tablet or phone it will be the case that the scientific software will be expected to handle petabytes or more). The amount of memory can also dictate the kind of method/algorithm that makes sense. The user does not always want to decide the memory and method - he/she has other things to worry about. So the programmer should have a good idea of what is available (4Gb or 8Gb or 64Gb or thereabouts these days) to decide whether a method will automatically work or a more laborious method is to be chosen. Disk is used but memory is preferable. And users of such software are not encouraged to be doing too many things on their computer when running such software -- in fact, they often use dedicated machines/servers.
There is no platform independent way to do this, different operating systems use different memory management strategies.
These other stack overflow questions will help:
How to get memory usage at run time in c++?
C/C++ memory usage API in Linux/Windows
You should watch out though: It is notoriously difficult to get a "real" value for available memory in linux. What the operating system displays as used by a process is no guarantee of what is actually allocated for the process.
This is a common issue when developing embedded linux systems such as routers, where you want to buffer as much as the hardware allows. Here is a link to an example showing how to get this information in a linux (in C):
Having read through these answers I'm astonished that so many take the stance that OP's computer memory belongs to others. It's his computer and his memory to do with as he sees fit, even if it breaks other systems taking a claim it. It's an interesting question. On a more primitive system I had memavail() which would tell me this. Why shouldn't the OP take as much memory as he wants without upsetting other systems?
Here's a solution that allocates less than half the memory available, just to be kind. Output was:
Required 7FFFFFFF
Required 3FFFFFFF
Memory size allocated = 1FFFFFFF
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define MINREQ 0xFFF // arbitrary minimum
int main(void)
unsigned int required = (unsigned int)-1; // adapt to native uint
char *mem = NULL;
while (mem == NULL) {
printf ("Required %X\n", required);
mem = malloc (required);
if ((required >>= 1) < MINREQ) {
if (mem) free (mem);
printf ("Cannot allocate enough memory\n");
return (1);
free (mem);
mem = malloc (required);
if (mem == NULL) {
printf ("Cannot enough allocate memory\n");
return (1);
printf ("Memory size allocated = %X\n", required);
free (mem);
return 0;
Mac OS X example using sysctl (man 3 sysctl):
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/sysctl.h>
int main(void)
int mib[2] = { CTL_HW, HW_MEMSIZE };
u_int namelen = sizeof(mib) / sizeof(mib[0]);
uint64_t size;
size_t len = sizeof(size);
if (sysctl(mib, namelen, &size, &len, NULL, 0) < 0)
printf("HW.HW_MEMSIZE = %llu bytes\n", size);
return 0;
(may also work on other BSD-like operating systems ?)
The code below gives the total and free memory in Megabytes. Works for FreeBSD, but you should be able to use same/similar sysctl tunables on your platform and do to the same thing (Linux & OS X have sysctl at least)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/sysctl.h>
#include <sys/vmmeter.h>
int main(){
int rc;
u_int page_size;
struct vmtotal vmt;
size_t vmt_size, uint_size;
vmt_size = sizeof(vmt);
uint_size = sizeof(page_size);
rc = sysctlbyname("vm.vmtotal", &vmt, &vmt_size, NULL, 0);
if (rc < 0){
return 1;
rc = sysctlbyname("vm.stats.vm.v_page_size", &page_size, &uint_size, NULL, 0);
if (rc < 0){
return 1;
printf("Free memory : %ld\n", vmt.t_free * (u_int64_t)page_size);
printf("Available memory : %ld\n", vmt.t_avm * (u_int64_t)page_size);
return 0;
Below is the output of the program, compared with the vmstat(8) output on my system.
~/code/memstats % cc memstats.c
~/code/memstats % ./a.out
Free memory : 5481914368
Available memory : 8473378816
~/code/memstats % vmstat
procs memory page disks faults cpu
r b w avm fre flt re pi po fr sr ad0 ad1 in sy cs us sy id
0 0 0 8093M 5228M 287 0 1 0 304 133 0 0 112 9597 1652 2 1 97
Linux currently free memory: sysconf(_SC_AVPHYS_PAGES) and get_avphys_pages()
The total RAM was covered at https://stackoverflow.com/a/2513561/895245 with sysconf(_SC_PHYS_PAGES);.
Both sysconf(_SC_AVPHYS_PAGES) and get_avphys_pages() are glibc extensions to POSIX that give instead the total currently available RAM pages.
You then just have to multiply them by sysconf(_SC_PAGE_SIZE) to obtain the current free RAM.
Minimal runnable example at: C - Check available free RAM?
The "official" function for this is was std::get_temporary_buffer(). However, you might want to test whether your platform has a decent implemenation. I understand that not all platforms behave as desired.
Instead of trying to guess, have you considered letting the user configure how much memory to use for buffers, as well as assuming somewhat conservative defaults? This way you can still run (possibly slightly slower) with no override, but if the user know there is X memory available for the app they can improve performance by configuring that amount.
Here is a proposal to get available memory on Linux platform:
/// Provides the available RAM memory in kibibytes (1 KiB = 1024 B) on Linux platform (Available memory in /proc/meminfo)
/// For more info about /proc/meminfo : https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-us/red_hat_enterprise_linux/6/html/deployment_guide/s2-proc-meminfo
long long getAvailableMemory()
long long memAvailable = -1;
std::ifstream meminfo("/proc/meminfo");
std::string line;
while (std::getline(meminfo, line))
if (line.find("MemAvailable:") != std::string::npos)
const std::size_t firstWhiteSpacePos = line.find_first_of(' ');
const std::size_t firstNonWhiteSpaceChar = line.find_first_not_of(' ', firstWhiteSpacePos);
const std::size_t nextWhiteSpace = line.find_first_of(' ', firstNonWhiteSpaceChar);
const std::size_t numChars = nextWhiteSpace - firstNonWhiteSpaceChar;
const std::string memAvailableStr = line.substr(firstNonWhiteSpaceChar, numChars);
memAvailable = std::stoll(memAvailableStr);
return memAvailable;
I'm trying to initialize an integer array and set all elements to 1. I need the array to have an upper bound of 4294967295, or the maximum number possible for a 32-bit unsigned int.
This seems like a trivial task to me, and it should be, but I am running into segfault. I can run the for loop empty and it seems to work fine (albeit slowly, but it's processing nearly 4.3 billion numbers so I won't complain). The problem seems to show up when I try to perform any kind of action within the loop. The instruction I have below - primeArray[i] = 1; - causes the segfault error. As best as I can tell, this shouldn't cause me to overrun the array. If I comment out that line, no segfault.
It's late and my tired eyes are probably just missing something simple, but I could use another pair.
Here's what I've got:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdint.h>
int main(int argc, char const *argv[])
uint32_t i;
uint32_t numberOfPrimes = LIMIT; // hardcoded for debugging
int *primeArray = (int*) malloc(numberOfPrimes * sizeof(int));
for (i = 0; i < numberOfPrimes; ++i) {
primeArray[i] = 1;
Check the return code from malloc() to make sure the array was actually allocated. I suspect that the following test would fail:
int *primeArray = (int*) malloc(numberOfPrimes * sizeof(int));
if (primeArray != NULL) { /* check that array was allocated */
for (i = 0; i < numberOfPrimes; ++i) {
primeArray[i] = 1;
Your malloc call requests 16 gigabytes of memory from the system. If you don't have that much free virtual memory, or if you are running on any 32-bit system, the call will fail. If you don't check for the failure of malloc, as your code doesn't, the array will be NULL and any subsequent access to its elements will cause a segmentation fault.
If you really need to work with an array that large, you will either need to get a 64-bit system with a lot of memory, or rewrite your program to work with a smaller working set, and persist the rest to disk.
It feels like I'm abusing Stackoverflow with all my questions, but it's a Q&A forum after all :) Anyhow, I have been using detours for a while now, but I have yet to implement one of my own (I've used wrappers earlier). Since I want to have complete control over my code (who doesn't?) I have decided to implement a fully functional detour'er on my own, so I can understand every single byte of my code.
The code (below) is as simple as possible, the problem though, is not. I have successfully implemented the detour (i.e a hook to my own function) but I haven't been able to implement the trampoline.
Whenever I call the trampoline, depending on the offset I use, I get either a "segmentation fault" or an "illegal instruction". Both cases ends the same though; 'core dumped'. I think it is because I've mixed up the 'relative address' (note: I'm pretty new to Linux so I have far from mastered GDB).
As commented in the code, depending on sizeof(jmpOp)(at line 66) I either get an illegal instruction or a segmentation fault. I'm sorry if it's something obvious, I'm staying up way too late...
// Header files
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "global.h" // Contains typedefines for byte, ulong, ushort etc...
#include <cstring>
bool ProtectMemory(void * addr, int flags)
// Constant holding the page size value
const size_t pageSize = sysconf(_SC_PAGE_SIZE);
// Calculate relative page offset
size_t temp = (size_t) addr;
temp -= temp % pageSize;
// Update address
addr = (void*) temp;
// Update memory area protection
return !mprotect(addr, pageSize, flags);
const byte jmpOp[] = { 0xE9, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 };
int Test(void)
printf("This is testing\n");
return 5;
int MyTest(void)
printf("This is ******\n");
return 9;
typedef int (*TestType)(void);
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
// Fetch addresses
byte * test = (byte*) &Test;
byte * myTest = (byte*) &MyTest;
// Call original
// Update memory access for 'test' function
ProtectMemory((void*) test, PROT_EXEC | PROT_WRITE | PROT_READ);
// Allocate memory for the trampoline
byte * trampoline = new byte[sizeof(jmpOp) * 2];
// Do copy operations
memcpy(trampoline, test, sizeof(jmpOp));
memcpy(test, jmpOp, sizeof(jmpOp));
// Setup trampoline
trampoline += sizeof(jmpOp);
*trampoline = 0xE9;
// I think this address is incorrect, how should I calculate it? With the current
// status (commented 'sizeof(jmpOp)') the compiler complains about "Illegal Instruction".
// If I uncomment it, and use either + or -, a segmentation fault will occur...
*(uint*)(trampoline + 1) = ((uint) test - (uint) trampoline)/* + sizeof(jmpOp)*/;
trampoline -= sizeof(jmpOp);
// Make the trampoline executable (and read/write)
ProtectMemory((void*) trampoline, PROT_EXEC | PROT_WRITE | PROT_READ);
// Setup detour
*(uint*)(test + 1) = ((uint) myTest - (uint) test) - sizeof(jmpOp);
// Call 'detoured' func
// Call trampoline (crashes)
((TestType) trampoline)();
return 0;
In case of interest, this is the output during a normal run (with the exact code above):
This is testing
This is **
Illegal instruction (core dumped)
And this is the result if I use +/- sizeof(jmpOp) at line 66:
This is testing
This is ******
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
NOTE: I'm running Ubuntu 32 bit and compile with g++ global.cpp main.cpp -o main -Iinclude
You're not going to be able to indiscriminately copy the first 5 bytes of Test() into your trampoline, followed by a jump to the 6th instruction byte of Test(), because you don't know if the first 5 bytes comprise an integral number of x86 variable-length instructions. To do this, you're going to have to do at least a minimal amount of automated disassembling of the Test() function in order to find an instruction boundary that's 5 or more bytes past the beginning of the function, then copy an appropriate number of bytes to your trampoline, and THEN append your jump (which won't be at a fixed offset within your trampoline). Note that on a typical RISC processor (like PPC), you wouldn't have this problem, as all instructions are the same width.
I need to test code ported from 32bit to 64bit where pointers are cast around as integer handles, and I have to make sure that the correct sized types are used on 64 bit platforms.
Are there any flags for various compilers, or even flags at runtime which will ensure that malloc returns pointer values greater than the 32bit limit?
Platforms I'm interested in:
Visual Studio 2008 on Windows XP 64, and other 64 bit windows
AIX using xLC
64bit gcc
64bit HP/UX using aCC
Sample Application that allocates 4GB
So thanks to R Samuel Klatchko's answer, I was able to implement a simple test app that will attempt to allocate pages in the first 4GB of address space. Hopefully this is useful to others, and other SO users can give me an idea how portable/effective it is.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define UINT_32_MAX 0xFFFFFFFF
#ifdef WIN32
typedef unsigned __int64 Tuint64;
#include <windows.h>
typedef unsigned long long Tuint64;
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <string.h>
static void* Allocate(void* pSuggested, unsigned int PageSize)
#ifdef WIN32
void* pAllocated = ::VirtualAlloc(pSuggested, PageSize, MEM_RESERVE ,PAGE_NOACCESS);
if (pAllocated)
return pAllocated;
return (void*)-1;
void* pAllocated = ::mmap(pSuggested,
if (pAllocated == MAP_FAILED)
pAllocated = (void*)-1;
return pAllocated;
static void Deallocate(void* pRegion, unsigned int PageSize)
#ifdef WIN32
static void Gobble32bitAddressSpace()
#ifdef WIN32
unsigned int PageSize = SysInfo.dwAllocationGranularity;
unsigned int PageSize = ::sysconf(_SC_PAGE_SIZE);
unsigned int AllocatedPages = 0;
unsigned int SkippedPages = 0;
void *pStart = 0;
while( ((Tuint64)pStart) < UINT_32_MAX)
void* pAllocated = Allocate(pStart, PageSize);
if (pAllocated != (void*)-1)
if (pAllocated == pStart)
//Allocated at expected location
//Allocated at a different location
//unallocate and consider this page unreserved
//could not allocate at all
pStart = (char*)pStart + PageSize;
printf("PageSize : %u\n",PageSize);
printf("Allocated Pages : %u (%u bytes)\n",AllocatedPages,PageSize*AllocatedPages);
printf("Skipped Pages : %u (%u bytes)\n",SkippedPages,SkippedPages*PageSize);
int main()
//Try to call malloc now and see if we get an
//address above 4GB
void* pFirstMalloc = ::malloc(1024);
if (((Tuint64)pFirstMalloc) >= UINT_32_MAX)
return 0;
One technique I have used in the past is to allocate enough memory at startup that all the address space below the 4GB limit is used up. While this technique does rely on malloc first using the lower parts of the address space, this was true on all the platforms I work on (Linux, Solaris and Windows).
Because of how Linux uses overcommit, if you don't touch the allocated space below the 4GB limit, you won't use up any virtual memory.
On Windows, you can use VirtualAlloc() with the MEM_RESERVE flag to use up address space without allocating any actual storage.
Not a compiler switch, but a boot-time switch for Windows can do what you want. There is a command called "nolomem" which forces everything to be loaded in address space > 4GB.
If you are using XP, you should be able to use /nolomem in boot.ini . See documentation on OSR.
For Vista/Win7 you can use NOLOMEM option. Documentation is here. This can be done as such:
bcdedit /set {current} NOLOMEM
Not that you asked specifically, but for others that might be curious, gcc on Mac OS X seems to allocate from the area above 4GB for 64-bit programs by default.
Here's a C program to verify this on whatever compiler/OS combination you might have:
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
void *p = malloc(1000);
printf("%p\n", p);
return 0;
You would do well to rewrite your code so that the intptr_t type were used, since that is intended exactly to render such practices safer. Unfortunately it is defined in the c99 header, and VC++ does not support C99. That would not however stop you from creating such a header for that platform.
You might also add asserts where such casts occur e.g.
assert( sizeof(integer_param) == sizeof(void*) ) ;
or you could cast the value back to the original pointer type, and then compare:
assert( (mytype*)integer_param == original_pointer ) ;
I'm getting error on second memcpy
memcpy(&check_user, &ZZZ, (int)&main - (int)&check_user);
"Unhandled exception at 0x72cc1f57 (msvcr100.dll) in 11.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation writing location 0x00f31000."
What is wrong?
#include <stdio.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iostream>
#define PASSWD "+++"
#define MAX_LEN 1023
#define MAX_CODE_SIZE (0x10 * 1024)
#define OFFSET_1 0x42
#define OFFSET_2 0x67
#define x_original_1 0xc01b0574
#define x_original_2 0x44681574
#define x_original_all 0x13D4C04B
#define x_crypt 0x66
using namespace std;
int check_user()
char passwd[MAX_LEN];
cout<< "enter password:";
fgets(passwd, MAX_LEN, stdin);
return ~strcmp(passwd, PASSWD);
int my_func()
if (check_user())
cout<<"passwd ok\n";
cout<<"wrong passwd\n";
return 0;
int main()
int a, b = 0;
#pragma pack(1)
union f
char buf[MAX_CODE_SIZE];
int local_var_1;
int local_var_2;
char gag_1[OFFSET_1 - sizeof(int) * 2];
int x_val_1;
char gag_2[OFFSET_2 - OFFSET_1 - sizeof(int)];
int x_val_2;
union f ZZZ;
memcpy(&ZZZ, &check_user, (int)&main - (int)&check_user);
for (a = 0; a < (int)&main - (int)&check_user; a++)
(*(char *) ((int)&ZZZ + a)) ^= x_crypt;
memcpy(&check_user, &ZZZ, (int)&main - (int)&check_user);
for (a = 0; a < (int)&main - (int)&check_user; a++)
b += *(int *)((int)&check_user + a);
if (b != x_original_all)
fprintf(stderr, "-ERR: invalid CRC (%x)\n", b);
return 0;
OK. It's weird, but I think I get it. You want some code to be "encrypted" via a XOR.
You're going to have to do this in a memory buffer you allocate yourself that is read-write and also executable. On Windows you can achieve this with VirtualAlloc() . On Unix you can use mmap() with MAP_ANON. See the protection flags for either of these calls: again you want writable, executable memory.
Also, interacting directly with this via function pointers is kind of sketchy. I think you should write some code, compile/assemble it, apply some kind of cypher, and put in your obfuscated code as a sequence of bytes. Or something like that.
Did I mention this is a bad idea?
You are trying to write to the memory location of the function check_user.
The code of this function must reside in a read only memory location, where you are not allowed to write.
You are trying to write to &check_user, which is a function.
It is highly likely that the code-segment of your program is protected/read-only.
On old machines, writing to code-segments was possible, but dangerous.
Modern machines/OS's won't allow it at all.
You can't get "size" of a function using this "technique"
As ssg wrote you can't expect copying code memory to work at all. Also, (int)&main - (int)&check_user is possibly a negative value as main is not guaranteed to be located above check_user in memory.
If you are attempting to create self-modifying code, you will need to place this code in a data section, and inform Windows that this region should not be protected with DEP (which it will be on processors which support NX bits).
More information can be found here: Windows ISV Security. Note that you will need to call your function through a pointer in all cases. If your code is not modifying at first, you can initialize the pointer to a code section at startup.