Subsonic not setting IsLoaded on Add? - subsonic3

if dupe question sorry tight deadline and didn't find right away.
Seems when I add a new record via Subsonic v3 it does get added but then when I try to update a value the update doesn't happen as the _isLoaded is false.
user.username = "batman";
address.address1 = "1234 Anyhwere St";
user.AddressID = address.ID;
The AddressID of the user iActiveRecord never gets updateded as it seems the _isLoaded wasn't true at the time of the AddressID setter property.
Am I missing something? Please advise.

The way I got this to where it would update after an add is manually using the 'SetIsLoaded' method on the activerecord class
user.AddressID = address.ID;
Seems kinda smelly to me, but it does work.


Setting updateStrategy = FieldStrategy.IGNORED has no effect

I add annotation on the field I need to update it to null.
#TableField(updateStrategy = FieldStrategy.IGNORED)
But It has no effect.
try updateStrategy=FieldStrategy.NEVER

Sitecore Commerce Server - get full order list

I have a task: create a custom admin page in Sitecore to show FULL order history. I found a way to get order history per visitor, but couldn't find anything to get a full list of orders.
To get an order list per visitor we can use method
public virtual GetVisitorOrdersResult GetVisitorOrders(GetVisitorOrdersRequest request);
from class Sitecore.Commerce.Services.Orders.OrderServiceProvider
and assembly: Sitecore.Commerce
I think we can get all users and after that get orders for each user. However, I don't think that it is a best way to solve the task. I will appreciate if you advice any other way to get all data.
Thank you in advance for the help.
P.S. I am using Sitecore 8.
I think I found the solution
var contextManager = new CommerceServerContextManager(); //using Sitecore.Commerce.Connect.CommerceServer;
OrderManagementContext orderManagementContext = contextManager.OrderManagementContext;
var orderManager = orderManagementContext.PurchaseOrderManager;
CultureInfo culture = new CultureInfo("en-US");
DataSet searchableProperties = orderManager.GetSearchableProperties(culture.ToString());
SearchClauseFactory searchClauseFactory = orderManager.GetSearchClauseFactory(searchableProperties, "PurchaseOrder"); //using CommerceServer.Core; Assembly CommerceServer.Core.CrossTier
SearchClause searchClause = searchClauseFactory.CreateClause(ExplicitComparisonOperator.OnOrAfter, "Created", StartDate);
SearchOptions options = new SearchOptions();
options.SetPaging(10, 1);
var result = orderManager.SearchPurchaseOrders(searchClause, options);
Might be useful for somebody else.

What's the standard pattern for ember-data validations? (invalid state, becameInvalid...)

I've kinda been struggling with this for some time; let's see if somebody can help me out.
Although it's not explicitly said in the Readme, ember-data provides somewhat validations support. You can see that on some parts of the code and documentation:
The REST adapter doesn't add validations support on itself, but I found out that if I add something like this in the ajax calls, I can put the model on a "invalid" state with the errors object that came from the server side:
error: function(xhr){
var data = Ember.$.parseJSON(xhr.responseText);
store.recordWasInvalid(record, data.errors);
So I can easily to the following:
var transaction =;
var record = transaction.createRecord(App.Post);
record.set('someProperty', 'invalid value');
// This makes the validation fail
record.set('someProperty', 'a valid value');
// This doesn't trigger the commit again.
The thing is: As you see, transactions don't try to recommit. This is explained here and here.
So the thing is: If I can't reuse a commit, how should I handle this? I kinda suspect that has something to do to the fact I'm asyncronously putting the model to the invalid state - by reading the documentation, it seems like is something meant for client-side validations. In this case, how should I use them?
I have a pending pull request that should fix this
I tried Javier's answer, but I get "Invalid Path" when doing any record.set(...) with the record in invalid state. What I found worked was:
// with the record in invalid state
record.set('someProperty', 'a valid value');;
Alternatively, it seems that if I call record.get(...) first then subsequent record.set(...) calls work. This is probably a bug. But the above work-around will work in general for being able to re-commit the same record even without changing any properties. (Of course, if the properties are still invalid it will just fail again.)
this may seem to be an overly simple answer, but why not create a new transaction and add the pre-existing record to it? i'm also trying to figure out an error handling approach.
also you should probably consider writing this at the store level rather than the adapter level for the sake of re-use.
For some unknown reason, the record becomes part of the store default transaction. This code works for me:
var transaction =;
var record = transaction.createRecord(App.Post);
record.set('someProperty', 'invalid value');
record.set('someProperty', 'a valid value');; // The record is created in backend
The problem is that after the first failure, you must always use the with the problems it has.
Give a look at this gist. Its the pattern that i use in my projects.
Take a look at
import Model, { attr } from '#ember-data/model';
import { modelValidator } from 'ember-model-validator';
export default class MyModel extends Model {
#attr('string') fullName;
#attr('string') fruit;
#attr('string') favoriteColor;
validations = {
fullName: {
presence: true
fruit: {
presence: true
favoriteColor: {
color: true

Can't access a new field programmatically on a template in Sitecore

my question is basically the same as #Bob Black's Cannot access sitecore item field via API but I agree with #techphoria414 that the accepted solution is not necessary and in my case does not work.
In my own words, I have a template Departure that I have been using for about a year now creating and updating items programmatically. I have added a new field Ship to the template. When I create a new item the field comes up as null when I try to access it using departure.Fields["Ship"]. If I step over the line causing the exception then after calling departure.Editing.EndEdit() I can then see the Ship field if I call departure.Fields.ToList(). If I add the template to a content item via the Sitecore GUI I can see the field and use it, and if I look at a content item which is based on the template I can see the new field too. So it is only when I access the template/item programmatically that it is null.
I have sitecore running on my local machine with a local sqlserver, and publish to my local machine.
Here is my code
String ship = "MSDisaster";
foreach (Language language in SiteLanguages)
departure = departure.Database.GetItem(departure.ID, language);
departure.Fields["StartDate"].Value = GetSitecoreDateString(xDep, "StartDate");
departure.Fields["EndDate"].Value = GetSitecoreDateString(xDep, "EndDate");
departure.Fields["Guaranteed"].Value = xDep.SelectSingleNode("./Guaranteed").InnerText;
departure.Fields["Status"].Value = xDep.SelectSingleNode("./Status").InnerText;
departure.Fields["Currency"].Value = ConvertLanguageToCurrency(language);
departure.Fields["Market"].Value = ConvertLanguageToMarket(language);
departure.Fields["TwinSharePrice"].Value = GetPrice(xDep, "twn", language);
departure.Fields["SinglePrice"].Value = GetPrice(xDep, "sgl", language);
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ship))
departures.Fields["Ship"].Value = ship;
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
So, how do I get the field be picked up?
Firstly do you see the field in the web database in the sitecore administration.
If you do the item has the fields, you then should check the template assigned on the item and double check that the field is actually called "ship" and check the case as ive seen this as an issue before.
Also check the security on the item and field just in case anyone changed anything.
Next try and get the data from the item but instead of using the field name, use the field ID.
Let me know how you go?
Sorry Chris, StackOverflow, and the others who looked at my questions. It was a stupid typo. It's even there in my question
departure.Fields["SinglePrice"].Value = GetPrice(xDep, "sgl", language);
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ship))
departures.Fields["Ship"].Value = ship;
departure is the item I am working on, departures is the collection it belongs to... doh.
So what is the protocol here? Do I delete my question now because it isn't really going to help anyone code better?

Null Reference Excepion when saving data on subsonic 3

I am testing subsonic 3, i can query my database but when i am inserting a record i have an exception. Here is my code:
Client lClient = new Client();
lClient.Name = "Peter";
lClient.FullName = "Richards";
And i have a null reference exception on this generated code:
var newKey=_repo.Add(this,provider);
Any help is appreciated.
I am using ActiveRecords
I had a similar problem, with code not unlike the following:
var pending = myTable.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Id == 1);
if (pending == null)
pending = new myTable();
pending.Id = 1;
pending.MyDate = DateTime.Now;
pending.MyString = someString;
This worked the first time I ran it, on an empty table, but not the second time when updating. I got a nullreference exception somewhere inside the subsonic repository. The solution was to add a primary key, as Rob suggested.
Just thought I'd mention it (thanks Rob).
Where does the null reference exception actually happen? Is _repo null?
Try and double check that you don’t have any columns in the “Client” table which are not nullable and you don’t set any value.
Also make sure you PK is handled correctly (check you have the [Property.IsForeignKey=true;] attribute)
Do you have NullReferenceException Checked in (file menu) Debug -> Exceptions (press Find and type NullReferenceException, press OK)?
I downloaded the SubSonic code and used it as reference for my project, the exception is thrown in SubSonic.Core\Repository\SubSonicRepository.cs:209 because prop is not checked for null at line 208, and any exceptions are swallowed as evidenced by line 213.
What happens is visual studio breaks on all the exceptions checked in the mentioned dialog. So in one way, this is the expected behaviour from the code.
What actually causes prop to become null, in my case, the table field name is lower-case, but the property is actually cased properly.
From Immediate:
[0]: {System.Collections.Generic.IList`1[SubSonic.Schema.IColumn] Columns}
// *snip*
[5]: {Int32 PlayerInformationid}
// *snip*
{Int32 PlayerInformationid} // Works!
I hacked this together to "just make it work" (Warning: newbie at 3.5 stuff)
-var prop = item.GetType().GetProperty(tbl.PrimaryKey.Name);
+var lowerCasedPrimaryKeyName = tbl.PrimaryKey.Name.ToLowerInvariant();
+var prop = item.GetType().GetProperties().First<System.Reflection.PropertyInfo>(x => x.Name.ToLowerInvariant() == lowerCasedPrimaryKeyName);
Does your table have a PrimaryKey? It doesn't sound like it does. If not - this is your problem.