How to write tests with mocks using f# - unit-testing

I'd like to write F# unit test with mock objects. I'm using NUnit.
But unfortunately I couldn't find any examples.
Here's an example of the code under test:
type ICustomer = interface
abstract Id: int with get
abstract Name: string with get
abstract CalculateBalanceWithDiscount: decimal -> decimal
type Customer = class
val id: int
val name: string
val balance: decimal
new(id, name, balance) =
{id = id; name = name; balance = balance}
interface ICustomer with
member this.Id
with get () =
member this.Name
with get () =
member this.CalculateBalanceWithDiscount discount =
this.balance - (discount * this.balance)

As a side-note, you can use implicit constructor syntax to make your class declaration a bit nicer. You can also simplify readonly properties, because you can omit with get():
// F# infers that the type is an interface
type ICustomer =
abstract Id : int
abstract Name : string
abstract CalculateBalanceWithDiscount : decimal -> decimal
// Parameters of the implicit constructor are autoamtically
// accessible in the body (they are stored as fields)
type Customer(id:int, name:string, balance:decimal) =
interface ICustomer with
member this.Id = id
member this.Name = name
member this.CalculateBalanceWithDiscount(discount) =
balance - (discount * balance)
Regarding testing - do you have any example of what you're trying to achieve? I'm sure we can help for example with translating code from C#. Or what kind of tests would you like to write using mocking?
In general, a nice thing about F# and functional languages is that you can usually test code more easily without using any mocks. Functional programs are written in a different style:
In functional programming, a function takes all it's inputs as arguments and the only thing that it does is that it calculates and returns some result. This is also true for methods of immutable object types - they do not modify any state of any objects
Mocks are typically used for two purposes:
To verify that the tested operation performed some call to a method of a referenced object e.g. prod.Update(newPrice) to update the state of the object. However, in functional programming the method should instead return the new state as the result - so you don't need mock object. Just check whether the new returned state is what you expected.
To load create a fake component of the application, for example instead of loading data from the database. Again, a purely functional function should take all it's inputs as arguments. This means that you don't need to create a mock object - you just call the function with some test data as argument (instead of data loaded from database).
In summary, this means that in a well-designed functional program, you should be able to write all unit tests simply as checks that verify that some function returns the expected result for the expected arguments. Of course, this isn't strictly true in F#, because you may need to interoperate with other impure .NET components (but that can be answered only if you give a more specific example).

You don't need to create a class in order to create mocks:
/// customer : int -> string -> decimal -> ICustomer
let customer id name balance =
{new ICustomer with
member this.Id = id
member this.Name = name
member this.CalculateBalanceWithDiscount discount =
balance - (discount * balance) }


OCaml/reason design modules

I'm coming from a Javascript background & I'm trying to understand how I need to structure/build a program with Reason/Ocaml's module system.
As an exercise let's say I want to write this piece of javascript in OCaml/Reason (will compile it back to js through js_of_ocaml)
var TeaType = new GraphQLObjectType({
name: 'Tea',
fields: () => ({
name: {type: GraphQLString},
steepingTime: {type: GraphQLInt},
How should I design my program to accomplish this?
Should I make a module which takes another module to produce a GraphQLObjectType in js through js_of_ocaml?
How would I structure this type that backs a GraphQLObjectType?
let name = "Tea";
let fields = /* what type should I make for this? Tea is
just one of the many graphql-types I'll probably make */
I mean fields is a thunk which returns a map that contains an unknown amount of fields. (every graphqlobject has different fields)
To what type does this map in OCaml/Reason, do I need to make my own?
Just for you to feel the flavor of OCaml, the direct (syntactic) translation would be:
let tea_type = GraphQL.Object.{
name = "Tea";
fields = fun () -> QraphQL.Field.[{
name = GraphQL.Type.{name : GraphQL.string }
steeping_time = GraphQL.Type.{name : }
Basically, I mapped js objects to OCaml's records. There are also objects in OCaml with methods and inheritance, but I think that records are still a closer abstraction. The records can be seen as a named tuple, and, of course, can contain functions. Modules, are more heavy weight abstractions, that is also a collection of fields. Unlike records, modules may contain types, other modules, and basically any other syntactic construction. Since types are removed at compile time, the runtime representation of a module is absolutely the same as the representation of records. Modules also define namespaces. Since OCaml records are defined by the names of their fields, it is always useful to define each records in its own module, e.g.,
module GraphQL = struct
let int = "int"
let string = "string"
module Type = struct
type t = {
name : string
module Field = struct
type t = {
name : string;
steeping_time : Type.t
module Object = struct
type t = {
name : string;
fields : unit -> Field.t list

Configuring C# out parameters with Foq in F#

I am using F# and Foq to write unit tests for a C# project.
I am trying to set up a mock of an interface whose method has an out parameter, and I have no idea how to even start. It probably has to do with code quotations, but that's where my understanding ends.
The interface is this:
public interface IGetTypeNameString
bool For(Type type, out string typeName);
In C# Foq usage for the interface looks like this:
public void Foq_Out()
// Arrange
var name = "result";
var instance = new Mock<IGetTypeNameString>()
.Setup(x => x.For(It.IsAny<Type>(), out name))
// Act
string resultName;
var result = instance.For(typeof(string), out resultName);
// Assert
Assert.Equal("result", resultName);
As for how to achieve that with F#, I am completely lost. I tried something along the lines of
let name = "result"
let instance = Mock<IGetTypeNameString>().Setup(<# x.For(It.IsAny<Type>(), name) #>).Returns(true).Create();
which results in the quotation expression being underlined with an error message of
This expression was expected to have type IGetTypeNameString -> Quotations.Expr<'a> but here has type Quotations.Expr<'b>
Without any indication what types a and b are supposed to be, I have no clue how to correct this.
(It gets even wilder when I use open Foq.Linq; then the Error List window starts telling me about possible overloads with stuff like Action<'TAbstract> -> ActionBuilder<'TAbstract>, and I get even loster....)
Any assistance or explanation greatly appreciated!
So, as stated here, byref/out parameters can not be used in code quotations. Can this be set up at all then in F#?
Foq supports setting up of C# out parameters from C# using the Foq.Linq namespace.
The IGetTypeNameString interface can be easily setup in F# via an object expression:
let mock =
{ new IGetTypeNameString with
member __.For(t,name) =
name <- "Name"
For declarations that have no analog in F#, like C#'s protected members and out parameters, you can also use the SetupByName overload, i.e.:
let mock =
let success, _ = mock.For(typeof<int>)

How do I unit test a controller in play framework 2 scala

Say I've got a controller with an action that receives two parameters.
It invokes two services, one with each parameter, the services both return strings
each of those strings are passed as arguments to a template
the result is passed to Ok and returned.
I want to write a simple unit test that ensures:
1 - The correct services are invoked with the correct parameters
2 - The return values from the services are passed to the correct attributes of the template
What is the best way to do that?
Using Mockito with Specs2, I mock services to verify their method calls.
My controller is instantiated by Spring. That allows me to treat it is as a class instead of object. => That is essential to make controller testable. Here an example:
class MyController #Autowired()(val myServices: MyServices) extends Controller
To enable Spring for controllers, you have to define a Global object, as the Play! documentation explains:
object Global extends GlobalSettings {
val context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("application-context.xml")
override def getControllerInstance[A](controllerClass: Class[A]): A = {
My unit test doesn't need Spring; I just pass collaborators (mocks) to constructor.
However, concerning the rendered template, I test only for the type of result (Ok, BadRequest, Redirection etc...).
Indeed, I noticed it's not easy at all to make my test scan the whole rendered template in details (parameters sent to it etc..), with only unit testing.
Thus, in order to assert that the right template is called with the right arguments, I trust my acceptance tests running Selenium, or a possible functional test, if you prefer, to scan for the whole expected result.
2 - The return values from the services are passed to the correct
attributes of the template
It's pretty easy to check for that..How? By trusting compiler! Prefer to pass some custom types to your template instead of simple primitives for instance:
phone: String would become: phone: Phone. (a simple value object).
Therefore, no fear to pass the attributes in a non-expected order to your template (in unit test or real production code). Compiler indeed will warn.
Here's an example of one of my unit test (simplified) using specs2:
(You will note the use of a wrapper: WithFreshMocks).
This case class would allow to refresh all variables (mocks in this case) test after test.
Thus a good way to reset mocks.
class MyControllerSpec extends Specification with Mockito {
def is =
"listAllCars should retrieve all cars" ! WithFreshMocks().listAllCarsShouldRetrieveAllCars
case class WithFreshMocks() {
val myServicesMock = mock[MyServices]
val myController = new MyController(myServicesMock)
def listAllCarsShouldRetrieveAllCars = {
val FakeGetRequest = FakeRequest() //fakeRequest needed by controller
val result = myController.listAllCars(FakeGetRequest).asInstanceOf[PlainResult] //passing fakeRequest to simulate a true request
and(there was one(myServicesMock).listAllCars()) //verify that there is one and only one call of listAllCars. If listAllCars would take any parameters that you expected to be called, you could have precise them.
private def mockListAllCarsAsReturningSomeCars() {
myServicesMock.listAllCars() returns List[Cars](Car("ferrari"), Car("porsche"))
private def assertOkResult(result: PlainResult) = result.header.status must_== 200
So, I came up with a cake pattern and mockito based solution:
given the service:
trait Service {
def indexMessage : String
trait ServiceImpl {
def indexMessage = {
"Hello world"
Then the controller looks like:
object Application extends ApplicationController
with ServiceImpl {
def template = views.html.index.apply
trait ApplicationController extends Controller
with Service {
def template: (String) => play.api.templates.Html
def index = Action {
Ok(template("controller got:" + indexMessage))
And the test looks like:
class ApplicationControllerSpec extends Specification with Mockito {
"cake ApplicationController" should {
"return OK with the results of the service invocation" in {
val expectedMessage = "Test Message"
val m = mock[(String) => play.api.templates.Html]
object ApplicationControllerSpec extends ApplicationController {
def indexMessage = expectedMessage
def template = m
val response = ApplicationControllerSpec.index(FakeRequest())
status(response) must equalTo(OK)
there was one(m).apply(Matchers.eq("controller got:" + expectedMessage))
I had a lot of trouble getting Mockito working.
It requires an extra dependency and I had a lot of trouble working out how to use the matchers in scala (I'm quite comfortable using it in java)
Ultimately I think the above answer is better, avoid using String and other primitive types where you can wrap them in task specific types, then you get compiler warnings.
Also I would generally avoid doing things like the "controller got:" prefixing in the controller.
It's there in this case so I can verify that it went through, in the real world that should be done by some other component (controllers are just for plumbing IMO)

Leave out passthrough parameters

Consider this example:
case class Home(description: String)
case class Person(age: Int, race: String, home: Home)
def age(p: Person): Person = {
val newAge = p.age + 1
p.copy(age = newAge, home = if (newAge == 18) Home("Under the bridge") else p.home)
it("Should move on 18th birthday") {
val person18yrs = age(Person(17, "Caucasian", Home("With parents")))
person18yrs shouldBe Person(18, "Caucasian", Home("Under the bridge"))
Now if I want to test the method age, I need to fill the field race even though the method age doesn't discriminate the person object based on it's race. It's only pass-through parameter. In this trivial example, it's not so much work, but when i work with two fields in a 20-field class hierarchy, I'm not happy. And I want to be happy. So I start to look around for some solution.
One solution might be to fill the empty fields with nulls. But the downside is if I then change the implementation, it would convert test classes compile error to tests failure. And I still need to write these nulls.
The other solution might be to just create the methods so they accept and return the parameters with which they interact. The downside is that I need to return tuples, which lack the name or I need to create some classes that encapsulate the method parameters and return types.
Or maybe the smart folks of stackoverflow do have some other solution, that half-blind eye of my intelligence cannot see. :-)
Create one completely filled person as a prototype, and then just create copies with the values that are relevant to your specific test case.
val protoype = Person(16, "Caucasian", Home("With parents"))
val person18yrs = age(protoype.copy(age = 17))
You could define factories with the same names as your case classes but fewer arguments, and have them create corresponding objects to which you pass default arguments, for example:
case class Person(age: Int, race: String, home: Home)
def Person(age: Int): Person = Person(age, "", Home(""))
Access to these factories could be limited to the test suite in order to avoid that they are used in non-rest-related code of your application.

How to write a Mockist test of a recursive method

If I have a method that calls itself under a certain condition, is it possible to write a test to verify the behavior? I'd love to see an example, I don't care about the mock framework or language. I'm using RhinoMocks in C# so I'm curious if it is a missing feature of the framework, or if I'm misunderstanding something fundamental, or if it is just an impossibility.
a method that calls itself under a certain condition, is it possible to write a test to verify the behavior?
Yes. However, if you need to test recursion you better separate the entry point into the recursion and the recursion step for testing purposes.
Anyway, here is the example how to test it if you cannot do that. You don't really need any mocking:
// Class under test
public class Factorial
public virtual int Calculate(int number)
if (number < 2)
return 1
return Calculate(number-1) * number;
// The helper class to test the recursion
public class FactorialTester : Factorial
public int NumberOfCalls { get; set; }
public override int Calculate(int number)
return base.Calculate(number)
// Testing
public void IsCalledAtLeastOnce()
var tester = new FactorialTester();
Assert.GreaterOrEqual(1, tester.NumberOfCalls );
public void IsCalled3TimesForNumber3()
var tester = new FactorialTester();
Assert.AreEqual(3, tester.NumberOfCalls );
Assuming you want to do something like get the filename from a complete path, for example:
c:/windows/awesome/lol.cs -> lol.cs
c:/windows/awesome/yeah/lol.cs -> lol.cs
lol.cs -> lol.cs
and you have:
public getFilename(String original) {
var stripped = original;
while(hasSlashes(stripped)) {
stripped = stripped.substringAfterFirstSlash();
return stripped;
and you want to write:
public getFilename(String original) {
if(hasSlashes(original)) {
return getFilename(original.substringAfterFirstSlash());
return original;
Recursion here is an implementation detail and should not be tested for. You really want to be able to switch between the two implementations and verify that they produce the same result: both produce lol.cs for the three examples above.
That being said, because you are recursing by name, rather than saying thisMethod.again() etc., in Ruby you can alias the original method to a new name, redefine the method with the old name, invoke the new name and check whether you end up in the newly defined method.
def blah
puts "in blah"
alias blah2 blah
def blah
puts "new blah"
You're misunderstanding the purpose of mock objects. Mocks (in the Mockist sense) are used to test behavioral interactions with dependencies of the system under test.
So, for instance, you might have something like this:
interface IMailOrder
void OrderExplosives();
class Coyote
public Coyote(IMailOrder mailOrder) {}
public void CatchDinner() {}
Coyote depends on IMailOrder. In production code, an instance of Coyote would be passed an instance of Acme, which implements IMailOrder. (This might be done through manual Dependency Injection or via a DI framework.)
You want to test method CatchDinner and verify that it calls OrderExplosives. To do so, you:
Create a mock object that implements IMailOrder and create an instance of Coyote (the system under test) by passing the mock object to its constructor. (Arrange)
Call CatchDinner. (Act)
Ask the mock object to verify that a given expectation (OrderExplosives called) was met. (Assert)
When you setup the expectations on the mock object may depend on your mocking (isolation) framework.
If the class or method you're testing has no external dependencies, you don't need (or want) to use mock objects for that set of tests. It doesn't matter if the method is recursive or not.
You generally want to test boundary conditions, so you might test a call that should not be recursive, a call with a single recursive call, and a deeply-recursive call. (miaubiz has a good point about recursion being an implementation detail, though.)
EDIT: By "call" in the last paragraph I meant a call with parameters or object state that would trigger a given recursion depth. I'd also recommend reading The Art of Unit Testing.
EDIT 2: Example test code using Moq:
var mockMailOrder = new Mock<IMailOrder>();
var wily = new Coyote(mockMailOrder.Object);
mockMailOrder.Verify(x => x.OrderExplosives());
There isn't anything to monitor stack depth/number of (recursive) function calls in any mocking framework I'm aware of. However, unit testing that the proper mocked pre-conditions provide the correct outputs should be the same as mocking a non-recursive function.
Infinite recursion that leads to a stack overflow you'll have to debug separately, but unit tests and mocks have never gotten rid of that need in the first place.
Here's my 'peasant' approach (in Python, tested, see the comments for the rationale)
Note that implementation detail "exposure" is out of question here, since what you are testing is the underlying architecture which happens to be utilized by the "top-level" code. So, testing it is legitimate and well-behaved (I also hope, it's what you have in mind).
The code (the main idea is to go from a single but "untestable" recursive function to an equivalent pair of recursively dependent (and thus testable) functions):
def factorial(n):
"""Everyone knows this functions contract:)
Internally designed to use 'factorial_impl' (hence recursion)."""
return factorial_impl(n, factorial_impl)
def factorial_impl(n, fct=factorial):
"""This function's contract is
to return 'n*fct(n-1)' for n > 1, or '1' otherwise.
'fct' must be a function both taking and returning 'int'"""
return n*fct(n - 1) if n > 1 else 1
The test:
import unittest
class TestFactorial(unittest.TestCase):
def test_impl(self):
"""Test the 'factorial_impl' function,
'wiring' it to a specially constructed 'fct'"""
def fct(n):
"""To be 'injected'
as a 'factorial_impl''s 'fct' parameter"""
# Use a simple number, which will 'show' itself
# in the 'factorial_impl' return value.
return 100
# Here we must get '1'.
self.assertEqual(factorial_impl(1, fct), 1)
# Here we must get 'n*100', note the ease of testing:)
self.assertEqual(factorial_impl(2, fct), 2*100)
self.assertEqual(factorial_impl(3, fct), 3*100)
def test(self):
"""Test the 'factorial' function"""
self.assertEqual(factorial(1), 1)
self.assertEqual(factorial(2), 2)
self.assertEqual(factorial(3), 6)
The output:
Finding files...
[''] ... done
Importing test modules ... done.
Test the 'factorial' function ... ok
Test the 'factorial_impl' function, ... ok
Ran 2 tests in 0.000s