Ok.. here is some background on the issue. I have some 'critical' code that i'm trying to protect with a mutex. It goes something like this
// critical code
// some file IO
Now the issue is that my program seems to be 'stuck' due to this. Let me explain with an example.
Thread_1 comes in; and go to Mutex.Lock() and starts executing the critical code. In the critical code; it needs to do some File IO. Now at this point; I believe a 'context switch' happens and Thread_2 comes in and blocks on the Mutex.Lock() (since Thread_1 has the lock). All seems fine but in my case; the program 'hangs' here.. The only thing I can think of is that somehow Thread_2 keeps blocking for ever and doesn't switch back to Thread_1??
More info: using pthread_mutex_init and pthread_mutex_lock on linux.
As others have mentioned, you probably have a deadlock.
You'll want to make sure that there aren't any uncaught exceptions thrown in the critical block of code. Otherwise the lock will never be released. You can use an RAII lock to overcome this issue:
class SingleLock {
SingleLock(Mutex &m) : m(m) { m.Lock(); }
~SingleLock() { m.Unlock(); }
Mutex m;
SingleLock lock(mutex);
// critical code // some file IO
This sounds like a deadlock where Thread_1 is in the mutext and waiting on Thread_2 to release something, while Thread_2 is waiting to enter the mutex and so can't release whatever it is that Thread_1 needs.
edit: swapped thread names to more closely match the scenario in the question, added 'in the mutex'
The best solution for something like this is to use the debugger (gdb?). It is better if you use any IDE with debugger (eclipse?) to make debugging easier and more visual.
Like this you will see the location at which every thread is waiting.
What I expect is that Thread1 locks the mutex to enter the critical section, the stuck in the IO (may be wrong reading or infinite loop) and thread two is normally waiting for Mutex to be unlocked.
It doesn't seem that this is a dead lock, because dead lock can't happen with a single mutex!
The context switch is irrelevant so long as there's just one lock. The other thread can't do anything to affect the first one as it will just be waiting on the lock until it gets it. So the problem is with the first thread somehow. Debuggers are pretty much worthless for multithreading but deadlocks are usually easy to resolve, as someone pointed out probably the first thread is in an infinite loop somehow.
Does the File I/O need to be part of the critical section? If Thread 1 is doing a blocking read, and Thread 2 is what is supposed to be writing to that file (or pipe or similar), then Thread 1 will never return to release the mutex. You should evaluate your critical sections to determine what actually needs to be protected by the mutex. It's considered good practice to have your critical sections be as small as possible.
I'm thinking about a certain kind of synchronisation primitive, but I don't know what this kind of synchronisation is called or if something like this would be working.
So there is one variable (boolean) which basically signals if one thread is still working on a block of memory or not. At the beginning the bool is set to false, meaning the worker thread is not working on your block of memory. Now the main thread gives the worker thread a "todo-list", describing how it should be working on that block of memory. After that, it changes the state of the boolean to true, so that the worker thread knows it is now allowed to do its work. The main thread can now continue its own work and checks at certain locations if the worker thread is now done working, e.g. if the boolean has been set to false again. If it is stil true, the main thread just continues its own work and doesn't wait for the worker thread. If the boolean is false, the main thread knows the worker thread is done and starts processing the block of memory.
So the boolean just transfers the ownership over a block of memory between two threads. If one thread currently does not have the ownership of that memory, it just continues with its own work, and checks repeatedly if it now has the ownership again. This way, none of the threads is waiting for one another and can continue its own work.
What is this called and how is such a behavior implemented?
EDIT: Basically it's a mutex. But instead of waiting for the mutex to be unlocked again, it continues/skips the critical code.
EDIT: Basically it's a mutex. But instead of waiting for the mutex to
be unlocked again, it continues/skips the critical code.
It's still a mutex, just with "try" methods.
in standard C++, we're talking about std::mutex::try_lock , which tries to lock the mutex, if it fails it returns false and moves on
class unlocker{
std::mutex& m_Parent;
public :
unlocker(std::mutex& parent) : m_Parent(parent){}
~unlocker() {m_Parent.unlock(); }
std::mutex mtx;
if (mtx.try_lock()){
unlocker unlock(mtx); // no, you can't use std::lock_guard/unique_lock here
//success, mtx is free
} else{
// do something else
on Native OS's code you have similar functions depending on the operating system you are on, like pthread_mutex_trylock on Unix and TryEnterCriticalSection on Windows. needless to say that standard mutex probably does use these functions behind the scenes
What will you do if the main thread runs out of work?
Suppose you keep checking and you keep reading true. Eventually you reach a point where the main thread cannot continue without the result from the worker thread. Since you have no more work to do, the only thing left is now keep checking the value of the flag over and over, wasting CPU resources that other threads could use to do useful work.
In general, this is not what you want. Instead, you would like the operating system to put your main thread to sleep and only wake it up once the worker thread has finished processing. All kinds of locks and semaphores that ship with modern operating systems work this way. Underneath there is some flag in memory that indicates who owns the lock, but there is also a bunch of logic around it that ensure the operating system won't schedule threads that have nothing to do but wait for a lock to become ready.
That being said, there are some situations where this is not what you want. If you are sufficiently sure that you won't run into the situation where one thread just spins on a lock, and you want to save the overhead that comes with the OS locks, just checking a flag like you described might be a viable option.
Note though that low-level stuff like this should be reserved for special circumstances, not be the first tool in your toolbox. It's just too easy to end up with an algorithm that is incorrect or an implementation that is not as efficient as you thought. If you decide to go down this road, be prepared to do some serious work to get it working as expected.
On my neverending quest to understand std::contion_variables I've run into the following. On this page it says the following:
void print_id (int id) {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lck(mtx);
while (!ready) cv.wait(lck);
// ...
std::cout << "thread " << id << '\n';
And after that it says this:
void go() {
std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lck(mtx);
ready = true;
Now as I understand it, both of these functions will halt on the std::unqique_lock line. Until a unique lock is acquired. That is, no other thread has a lock.
So say the print_id function is executed first. The unique lock will be aquired and the function will halt on the wait line.
If the go function is then executed (on a separate thread), the code there will halt on the unique lock line. Since the mutex is locked by the print_id function already.
Obviously this wouldn't work if the code was like that. But I really don't see what I'm not getting here. So please enlighten me.
What you're missing is that wait unlocks the mutex and then waits for the signal on cv.
It locks the mutex again before returning.
You could have found this out by clicking on wait on the page where you found the example:
At the moment of blocking the thread, the function automatically calls lck.unlock(), allowing other locked threads to continue.
Once notified (explicitly, by some other thread), the function unblocks and calls lck.lock(), leaving lck in the same state as when the function was called.
There's one point you've missed—calling wait() unlocks the mutex. The thread atomically (releases the mutex + goes to sleep). Then, when woken by the signal, it tries to re-acquire the mutex (possibly blocking); once it acquires it, it can proceed.
Notice that it's not necessary to have the mutex locked for calling notify_*, only for wait*
To answer the question as posed, which seems necessary regarding claims that you should not acquire a lock on notification for performance reasons (isn't correctness more important than performance?): The necessity to lock on "wait" and the recommendation to always lock around "notify" is to protect the user from himself and his program from data and logical races. Without the lock in "go", the program you posted would immediately have a data race on "ready". However, even if ready were itself synchronized (e.g. atomic) you would have a logical race with a missed notification, because without the lock in "go" it is possible for the notify to occur just after the check for "ready" and just before the actual wait, and the waiting thread may then remain blocked indefinitely. The synchronization on the atomic variable itself is not enough to prevent this. This is why helgrind will warn when a notification is done without holding the lock. There are some fringe cases where the mutex lock is really not required around the notify. In all of these cases, there needs to be a bidirectional synchronization beforehand so that the producing thread can know for sure that the other thread is already waiting. IMO these cases are for experts only. Actually, I have seen an expert, giving a talk about multi-threading, getting this wrong — he thought an atomic counter would suffice. That said, the lock around the wait is always necessary for correctness (or, at least, an operation that is atomic with the wait), and this is why the standard library enforces it and atomically unlocks the mutex on entering the wait.
POSIX condition variables are, unlike Windows events, not "idiot-proof" because they are stateless (apart from being aware of waiting threads). The recommendation to use a lock on the notify is there to protect you from the worst and most common screwups. You can build a Windows-like stateful event using a mutex + condition var + bool variable if you like, of course.
Someone please help me solve deadlock issues in c++ if possible with reference or examples.
Scenario would be like below.
Thread1 is locked by mutex and doing some operation, thread2 and thread3 are in waiting state for thread1 to unlock to access the resource.
Some abort/unexpected thing happened -- thread1 was terminated and didn't get the unlock, thread2 and thread3 are still waiting.
How to save the main thread (mean nothing should happen to main thread) in such situations.
Please throw some light how to solve such issues in c++.
Some abort/unexpected thing happened
Use s.th. like std::lock_guard to prevent 'hanging' locks due to exceptions or forgotten/unexpected, but necessary unlock() operations.
The principle is pretty simple and you can easily implement it for any mechanism that uses a pair of methods that correspond together in a 'lock/unlock' manner:
class LockObject // E.g. mutex or alike
// ...
void lock();
void unlock();
Bind the guard classes constructor to a reference to the lock object's instance and call lock() in the constructor and unlock() in the destructor:
template<typename T>
class LockGuard
LockGuard(T& lockObject)
: lockObject_(lockObject)
T& lockObject_;
Use LockGuard like this:
// Some scope providing 'LockObject lockObject'
{ LockGuard<LockObject> lock(lockObject)
// Do s.th. when lockObject is locked
} // Call of lockObject.unlock() is guaranteed at least here, no matter what
// (exception, goto, break, etc.) caused leaving the block's scope.
Generally threads should not terminate unexpectedly. You may try using try/catch blocks. If you still want to free resources when a thread terminates unexpectedly, you may create a monitor thread that waits for the termination of the first thread.
On Windows, you can use something as ::WaitForSingleObject(m_htThread, INFINITE).
Once the 1st thread had been terminated, you may proceed with freeing abandoned locks.
Maybe you'll want to add some flag which indicates if the termination was graceful.
You'll probably also have to remember which thread is locking which object.
As said, I wouldn't recommend using such method, but on extreme cases.
The way to solve deadlocks in any language or platform is always the same.
Always acquire the locks in the same order.
EDIT: However you have misdescribed your problem. This is not a deadlock. A deadlock is a circular chain of locks. This is simply an unreleased lock, i.e. a lock leak. The solution is the same as any other resource leak: don't. In C++ that means releasing resources in destructors, and ensuring that destructors are called. Somehow your thread has terminated without doing that. Find that problem and fix it.
void WorkHandler::addWork(Work* w){
printf("WorkHandler::insertWork Thread, insertWork locking \n");
printf("WorkHandler::insertWork Locked, and inserting into queue \n");
I followed a tutorial and I got this. I was wondering if it is ok to change the order of singal() and unLock() like this
void WorkHandler::addWork(Work* w){
printf("WorkHandler::insertWork Thread, insertWork locking \n");
printf("WorkHandler::insertWork Locked, and inserting into queue \n");
If I can't do this, could you please give me details why I am not allowed to do this?
Thanks in advance.
First, there is no correctness issue here. Either order will work. Recall that whenever you use condition variables, you must loop on a predicate while waiting:
while (!predicate)
By signalling after the unlock, you don't introduce any correctness issues; the thread is still guaranteed to wake up, and the worst case is another wakeup comes first - at which point it sees the predicate becomes true and proceeds.
However, there are two possible performance issues that can come up.
"Hurry up and wait". Basically, if you signal while the lock is held, the other thread still needs to wait until the mutex is available. Many pthreads implementations will, instead of waking up the other thread, simply move it to the wait queue of the mutex, saving an unnecessary wakeup->wait cycle. In some cases, however this is unimplemented or unavailable, leading to a potential spurious context switch or IPI.
Spurious wakeups. If you signal after the unlock, it's possible for another thread to issue another wakeup. Consider the following scenario:
Thread A starts waiting for items to be added to a threadsafe queue.
Thread B inserts an item on the queue. After unlocking the queue, but before it issues the signal, a context switch occurs.
Thread C inserts an item on the queue, and issues the cvar signal.
Thread A wakes up, and processes both items. It then goes back to waiting on the queue.
Thread B resumes, and signals the cvar.
Thread A wakes up, then immediately goes back to sleep, because the queue is empty.
As you can see, this can introduce a spurious wakeup, which might waste some CPU time.
Personally, I don't think it's worth worrying too much about it either way. You don't often know offhand whether your implementation supports moving waiters from the condition variable to the mutex wait queue, which is the only real criterion you could use to decide which to use.
My gut feeling would be that, if I had to choose, signalling after the unlock is marginally less likely to introduce an inefficiency, as the inefficiency requires a three-thread race, rather than a two-thread race for the "hurry up and wait" condition. However, this is not really worth worrying about, unless benchmarks show too much context switch overhead or something.
This article is really worth reading towards your question:
Signal with mutexed or not?
Assuming you use same mutex with conditional variable to make condition change to be atomic. There are two cases and you should know their behavior:
wait on signal (conditional var) while holding the mutex. The result is to let thread join the conditional var's queue and then go to sleep.
signaled but without mutex. For this case, the thread won't sleep but block on it. (A mistake I made on this is that I thought it will sleep too. In this case, if producer signals and context switch happens right before it releases mutex, then all threads will wake up and know they can't lock the mutex, go to sleep forever. This is wrong because they won't sleep but wait and block).
Pthreads are implemented with wait-morphing, that is, instead of waking up threads upon signaling, it just transfer threads on conditional variable to the attached mutex queue. So signal while locking is more preferable without too much performance impact.
For signaling before unlocking mutex, it may causes spurious wake-up. If your code is not well designed to handle predicate changes made by spurious wake-up, you should choose signal while holding the lock.
The answer to your question is "Yes". In fact, it's slightly preferable (as you've probably guessed) as it avoids the 'hurry up and wait' issue of waking up a thread to test a condition only to have it immediately block on the mutex it needs to acquire before testing the condition.
This answer is predicated on the guess that these things hold true:
lock is a thin wrapper for pthread_mutex_lock.
unLock is a thin wrapper for pthread_mutex_unlock.
signal is a thing wrapper for pthread_cond_signal.
The mutex your locking and unlocking is the one that your giving to pthread_cond_wait.
I'm using the C++ boost::thread library, which in my case means I'm using pthreads. Officially, a mutex must be unlocked from the same thread which locks it, and I want the effect of being able to lock in one thread and then unlock in another. There are many ways to accomplish this. One possibility would be to write a new mutex class which allows this behavior.
For example:
class inter_thread_mutex{
bool locked;
boost::mutex mx;
boost::condition_variable cv;
void lock(){
boost::unique_lock<boost::mutex> lck(mx);
while(locked) cv.wait(lck);
void unlock(){
boost::lock_guard<boost::mutex> lck(mx);
if(!locked) error();
// bool try_lock(); void error(); etc.
I should point out that the above code doesn't guarantee FIFO access, since if one thread calls lock() while another calls unlock(), this first thread may acquire the lock ahead of other threads which are waiting. (Come to think of it, the boost::thread documentation doesn't appear to make any explicit scheduling guarantees for either mutexes or condition variables). But let's just ignore that (and any other bugs) for now.
My question is, if I decide to go this route, would I be able to use such a mutex as a model for the boost Lockable concept. For example, would anything go wrong if I use a boost::unique_lock< inter_thread_mutex > for RAII-style access, and then pass this lock to boost::condition_variable_any.wait(), etc.
On one hand I don't see why not. On the other hand, "I don't see why not" is usually a very bad way of determining whether something will work.
The reason I ask is that if it turns out that I have to write wrapper classes for RAII locks and condition variables and whatever else, then I'd rather just find some other way to achieve the same effect.
The kind of behavior I want is basically as follows. I have an object, and it needs to be locked whenever it is modified. I want to lock the object from one thread, and do some work on it. Then I want to keep the object locked while I tell another worker thread to complete the work. So the first thread can go on and do something else while the worker thread finishes up. When the worker thread gets done, it unlocks the mutex.
And I want the transition to be seemless so nobody else can get the mutex lock in between when thread 1 starts the work and thread 2 completes it.
Something like inter_thread_mutex seems like it would work, and it would also allow the program to interact with it as if it were an ordinary mutex. So it seems like a clean solution. If there's a better solution, I'd be happy to hear that also.
The reason I need locks to begin with is that there are multiple master threads, and the locks are there to prevent them from accessing shared objects concurrently in invalid ways.
So the code already uses loop-level lock-free sequencing of operations at the master thread level. Also, in the original implementation, there were no worker threads, and the mutexes were ordinary kosher mutexes.
The inter_thread_thingy came up as an optimization, primarily to improve response time. In many cases, it was sufficient to guarantee that the "first part" of operation A, occurs before the "first part" of operation B. As a dumb example, say I punch object 1 and give it a black eye. Then I tell object 1 to change it's internal structure to reflect all the tissue damage. I don't want to wait around for the tissue damage before I move on to punch object 2. However, I do want the tissue damage to occur as part of the same operation; for example, in the interim, I don't want any other thread to reconfigure the object in such a way that would make tissue damage an invalid operation. (yes, this example is imperfect in many ways, and no I'm not working on a game)
So we made the change to a model where ownership of an object can be passed to a worker thread to complete an operation, and it actually works quite nicely; each master thread is able to get a lot more operations done because it doesn't need to wait for them all to complete. And, since the event sequencing at the master thread level is still loop-based, it is easy to write high-level master-thread operations, as they can be based on the assumption that an operation is complete (more precisely, the critical "first part" upon which the sequencing logic depends is complete) when the corresponding function call returns.
Finally, I thought it would be nice to use inter_thread mutex/semaphore thingies using RAII with boost locks to encapsulate the necessary synchronization that is required to make the whole thing work.
man pthread_unlock (this is on OS X, similar wording on Linux) has the answer:
pthread_mutex_unlock -- unlock a mutex
#include <pthread.h>
pthread_mutex_unlock(pthread_mutex_t *mutex);
If the current thread holds the lock on mutex, then the
pthread_mutex_unlock() function unlocks mutex.
Calling pthread_mutex_unlock() with a mutex that the
calling thread does not hold will result in
undefined behavior.
My counter-question would be - what kind of synchronization problem are you trying to solve with this? Most probably there is an easier solution.
Neither pthreads nor boost::thread (built on top of it) guarantee any order in which a contended mutex is acquired by competing threads.
Sorry, but I don't understand. what will be the state of your mutex in line [1] in the following code if another thread can unlock it?
inter_thread_mutex m;
// [1]
This has no sens.
There's a few ways to approach this. Both of the ones I'm going to suggest are going to involve adding an additional piece of information to the object, rather adding a mechanism to unlock a thread from a thread other than the one that owns it.
1) you can add some information to indicate the object's state:
enum modification_state { consistent, // ready to be examined or to start being modified
phase1_complete, // ready for the second thread to finish the work
// first worker thread
object.mod_state = phase1_complete;
// second worker thread
while( object.mod_state != phase1_complete )
object.mod_state = consistent;
// some other thread that needs to read the data
while( object.mod_state != consistent )
Works just fine with condition variables, because obviously you're not writing your own lock.
2) If you have a specific thread in mind, you can give the object an owner.
// first worker
while( obj.owner != this_thread() ) wait();
obj.owner = second_thread_id;
This is pretty much the same solution as my first solution, but more flexible in the adding/removing of phases, and less flexible in the adding/removing of threads.
To be honest, I'm not sure how inter thread mutex would help you here. You'd still need a semaphore or condition variable to signal the passing of the work to the second thread.
Small modification to what you already have: how about storing the id of the thread which you want to take the lock, in your inter_thread_whatever? Then unlock it, and send a message to that thread, saying "I want you execute whatever routine it is that tries to take this lock".
Then the condition in lock becomes while(locked || (desired_locker != thisthread && desired_locker != 0)). Technically you've "released the lock" in the first thread, and "taken it again" in the second thread, but there's no way that any other thread can grab it in between, so it's as if you've transferred it directly from one to the other.
There's a potential problem, that if a thread exits or is killed, while it's the desired locker of your lock, then that thread deadlocks. But you were already talking about the first thread waiting for a message from the second thread to say that it has successfully acquired the lock, so presumably you already have a plan in mind for what happens if that message is never received. To that plan, add "reset the desired_locker field on the inter_thread_whatever".
This is all very hairy, though, I'm not convinced that what I've proposed is correct. Is there a way that the "master" thread (the one that's directing all these helpers) can just make sure that it doesn't order any more operations to be performed on whatever is protected by this lock, until the first op is completed (or fails and some RAII thing notifies you)? You don't need locks as such, if you can deal with it at the level of the message loop.
I don't think it is a good idea to say that your inter_thread_mutex (binary_semaphore) can be seen as a model of Lockable. The main issue is that the main feature of your inter_thread_mutex defeats the Locakble concept. If inter_thread_mutex was a model of lockable you will expect in In [1] that the inter_thread_mutex m is locked.
// thread T1
inter_thread_mutex m;
unique_lock<inter_thread_mutex> lk(m);
// [1]
But as an other thread T2 can do m.unlock() while T1 is in [1], the guaranty is broken.
Binary semaphores can be used as Lockables as far as each thread tries to lock before unlocking. But the main goal of your class is exactly the contrary.
This is one of the reason semaphores in Boost.Interprocess don't use lock/unlock to name the functions, but wait/notify. Curiously these are the same names used by conditions :)
A mutex is a mechanism for describing mutually exclusive blocks of code. It does not make sense for these blocks of code to cross thread boundaries. Trying to use such a concept in such an counter intuitive way can only lead to problems down the line.
It sounds very much like you're looking for a different multi-threading concept, but without more detail it's hard to know what.