Byte swap of a byte array into a long long - c++

I have a program where i simply copy a byte array into a long long array. There are a total of 20 bytes and so I just needed a long long of 3. The reason I copied the bytes into a long long was to make it portable on 64bit systems.
I just need to now byte swap before I populate that array such that the values that go into it go reversed.
there is a byteswap.h which has _int64 bswap_64(_int64) function that i think i can use. I was hoping for some help with the usage of that function given my long long array. would i just simply pass in the name of the long long and read it out into another long long array?
I am using c++ not .net or c#
clearly there are issues i am still confused about. for example, workng with byte arrays that just happen to be populated with 160 bit hex string which then has to be outputed in decimal form made me think about the case where if i just do a simple assignment to a long (4 byte) array my worries would be over. Then i found out that this code would ahve to run on a 64bit sun box. Then I thought that since the sizes of data from one env to another can change just a simple assignment would not cut it. this made me think about just using a long long to just make the code sort of immune to that size issue. however, then i read about endianess and how 64bit reads MSB vs 32bit which is LSB. So, taking my data and reversing it such that it is stored in my long long as MSB was the only solution that came to mind. ofc, there is the case about the 4 extra bytes which in this case does not matter and i simply will take the decimal output and display any random six digits i choose. However programatically, i guess it would be better to just work with 4 byte longs and not deal with that whole wasted 4 byte issue.

Between this and your previous questions, it sounds like there are several fundamental confusions here:
If your program is going to be run on a 64-bit machine, it sounds like you should compile and unit-test it on a 64-bit machine. Running unit tests on a 32-bit machine can give you confidence the program is correct in that environment, but doesn't necessarily mean the code is correct for a 64-bit environment.
You seem to be confused about how 32- and 64-bit architectures relate to endianness. 32-bit machines are not always little-endian, and 64-bit machines are not always big-endian. They are two separate concepts and can vary independently.
Endianness only matters for single values consisting of multiple bytes; for example, the integer 305,419,896 (0x12345678) requires 4 bytes to represent, or a UTF-16 character (usually) requires 2 bytes to represent. For these, the order of storage matters because the bytes are interpreted as a single unit. It sounds like what you are working with is a sequence of raw bytes (like a checksum or hash). Values like this, where multiple bytes are not interpreted in groups, are not affected by the endianness of the processor. In your case, casting the byte array to a long long * actually creates a potential endianness problem (on a little-endian architecture, your bytes will now be interpreted in the opposite order), not the other way around.
Endianness also doesn't matter unless the little-endian and big-endian versions of your program actually have to communicate with each other. For example, if the little-endian program writes a file containing multi-byte integers without swapping and the big-endian program reads it in, the big-endian program will probably misinterpret the data. It sounds like you think your code that works on a little-endian platform will suddenly break on a big-endian platform even if the two never exchange data. You generally don't need to be worried about the endianness of the architecture if the two versions don't need to talk to each other.
Another point of confusion (perhaps a bit pedantic). A byte does not store a "hex value" versus a "decimal value," it stores an integer. Decimal and hexadecimal are just two different ways of representing (printing) a particular integer value. It's all binary in the computer's memory anyway, hexadecimal is just an easy conversion to and from binary and decimal is convenient to our brains since we have ten fingers.
Assuming what you're trying to do is print the value of each byte of the array as decimal, you could do this:
unsigned char bytes[] = {0x12, 0x34, 0x56, 0x78};
for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(bytes) / sizeof(unsigned char); ++i)
printf("%u ", (unsigned int)bytes[i]);
Output should be something like:
18 52 86 120

Ithink you should look at: htonl() and family
This family of functions is used to encode/decode integers for transport between machines that have different sizes/endianness of integers.

Write your program in the clearest, simplest way. You shouldn't need to do anything to make it "portable."
Byte-swapping is done to translate data of one endianness to another. bswap_64 is for resolving incompatibility between different 64-bit systems such as Power and X86-64. It isn't for manipulating your data.
If you want to reverse bytes in C++, try searching the STL for "reverse." You will find std::reverse, a function which takes pointers or iterators to the first and one-past-last bytes of your 20-byte sequence and reverses it. It's in the <algorithm> header.


What is the endianness of binary literals in C++14?

I have tried searching around but have not been able to find much about binary literals and endianness. Are binary literals little-endian, big-endian or something else (such as matching the target platform)?
As an example, what is the decimal value of 0b0111? Is it 7? Platform specific? Something else? Edit: I picked a bad value of 7 since it is represented within one byte. The question has been sufficiently answered despite this fact.
Some background: Basically I'm trying to figure out what the value of the least significant bits are, and masking it with binary literals seemed like a good way to go... but only if there is some guarantee about endianness.
Short answer: there isn't one. Write the number the way you would write it on paper.
Long answer:
Endianness is never exposed directly in the code unless you really try to get it out (such as using pointer tricks). 0b0111 is 7, it's the same rules as hex, writing
int i = 0xAA77;
doesn't mean 0x77AA on some platforms because that would be absurd. Where would the extra 0s that are missing go anyway with 32-bit ints? Would they get padded on the front, then the whole thing flipped to 0x77AA0000, or would they get added after? I have no idea what someone would expect if that were the case.
The point is that C++ doesn't make any assumptions about the endianness of the machine*, if you write code using primitives and the literals it provides, the behavior will be the same from machine to machine (unless you start circumventing the type system, which you may need to do).
To address your update: the number will be the way you write it out. The bits will not be reordered or any such thing, the most significant bit is on the left and the least significant bit is on the right.
There seems to be a misunderstanding here about what endianness is. Endianness refers to how bytes are ordered in memory and how they must be interpretted. If I gave you the number "4172" and said "if this is four-thousand one-hundred seventy-two, what is the endianness" you can't really give an answer because the question doesn't make sense. (some argue that the largest digit on the left means big endian, but without memory addresses the question of endianness is not answerable or relevant). This is just a number, there are no bytes to interpret, there are no memory addresses. Assuming 4 byte integer representation, the bytes that correspond to it are:
low address ----> high address
Big endian: 00 00 10 4c
Little endian: 4c 10 00 00
so, given either of those and told "this is the computer's internal representation of 4172" you could determine if its little or big endian.
So now consider your binary literal 0b0111 these 4 bits represent one nybble, and can be stored as either
low ---> high
Big endian: 00 00 00 07
Little endian: 07 00 00 00
But you don't have to care because this is also handled by the hardware, the language dictates that the compiler reads from left to right, most significant bit to least significant bit
Endianness is not about individual bits. Given that a byte is 8 bits, if I hand you 0b00000111 and say "is this little or big endian?" again you can't say because you only have one byte (and no addresses). Endianness doesn't pertain to the order of bits in a byte, it refers to the ordering of entire bytes with respect to address(unless of course you have one-bit bytes).
You don't have to care about what your computer is using internally. 0b0111 just saves you the time from having to write stuff like
unsigned int mask = 7; // only keep the lowest 3 bits
by writing
unsigned int mask = 0b0111;
Without needing to comment explaining the significance of the number.
* In c++20 you can check the endianness using std::endian.
All integer literals, including binary ones are interpreted in the same way as we normally read numbers (left most digit being most significant).
The C++ standard guarantees the same interpretation of literals without having to be concerned with the specific environment you're on. Thus, you don't have to concern yourself with endianness in this context.
Your example of 0b0111 is always equal to seven.
The C++ standard doesn't use terms of endianness in regards to number literals. Rather, it simply describes that literals have a consistent interpretation, and that the interpretation is the one you would expect.
C++ Standard - Integer Literals - 2.14.2 - paragraph 1
An integer literal is a sequence of digits that has no period or
exponent part, with optional separating single quotes that are ignored
when determining its value. An integer literal may have a prefix that
specifies its base and a suffix that specifies its type. The lexically
first digit of the sequence of digits is the most significant. A
binary integer literal (base two) begins with 0b or 0B and consists of
a sequence of binary digits. An octal integer literal (base eight)
begins with the digit 0 and consists of a sequence of octal digits.
A decimal integer literal (base ten) begins with a digit other than 0
and consists of a sequence of decimal digits. A hexadecimal integer
literal (base sixteen) begins with 0x or 0X and consists of a sequence
of hexadecimal digits, which include the decimal digits and the
letters a through f and A through F with decimal values ten through
fifteen. [Example: The number twelve can be written 12, 014, 0XC, or
0b1100. The literals 1048576, 1’048’576, 0X100000, 0x10’0000, and
0’004’000’000 all have the same value. — end example ]
Wikipedia describes what endianness is, and uses our number system as an example to understand big-endian.
The terms endian and endianness refer to the convention used to
interpret the bytes making up a data word when those bytes are stored
in computer memory.
Big-endian systems store the most significant byte of a word in the
smallest address and the least significant byte is stored in the
largest address (also see Most significant bit). Little-endian
systems, in contrast, store the least significant byte in the smallest
An example on endianness is to think of how a decimal number is
written and read in place-value notation. Assuming a writing system
where numbers are written left to right, the leftmost position is
analogous to the smallest address of memory used, and rightmost
position the largest. For example, the number one hundred twenty three
is written 1 2 3, with the hundreds place left-most. Anyone who reads
this number also knows that the leftmost digit has the biggest place
value. This is an example of a big-endian convention followed in daily
In this context, we are considering a digit of an integer literal to be a "byte of a word", and the word to be the literal itself. Also, the left-most character in a literal is considered to have the smallest address.
With the literal 1234, the digits one, two, three and four are the "bytes of a word", and 1234 is the "word". With the binary literal 0b0111, the digits zero, one, one and one are the "bytes of a word", and the word is 0111.
This consideration allows us to understand endianness in the context of the C++ language, and shows that integer literals are similar to "big-endian".
You're missing the distinction between endianness as written in the source code and endianness as represented in the object code. The answer for each is unsurprising: source-code literals are bigendian because that's how humans read them, in object code they're written however the target reads them.
Since a byte is by definition the smallest unit of memory access I don't believe it would be possible to even ascribe an endianness to any internal representation of bits in a byte -- the only way to discover endianness for larger numbers (whether intentionally or by surprise) is by accessing them from storage piecewise, and the byte is by definition the smallest accessible storage unit.
The C/C++ languages don't care about endianness of multi-byte integers. C/C++ compilers do. Compilers parse your source code and generate machine code for the specific target platform. The compiler, in general, stores integer literals the same way it stores an integer; such that the target CPU's instructions will directly support reading and writing them in memory.
The compiler takes care of the differences between target platforms so you don't have to.
The only time you need to worry about endianness is when you are sharing binary values with other systems that have different byte ordering.Then you would read the binary data in, byte by byte, and arrange the bytes in memory in the correct order for the system that your code is running on.
One picture is sometimes more than thousand words.
Endianness is implementation-defined. The standard guarantees that every object has an object representation as an array of char and unsigned char, which you can work with by calling memcpy() or memcmp(). In C++17, it is legal to reinterpret_cast a pointer or reference to any object type (not a pointer to void, pointer to a function, or nullptr) to a pointer to char, unsigned char, or std::byte, which are valid aliases for any object type.
What people mean when they talk about “endianness” is the order of bytes in that object representation. For example, if you declare unsigned char int_bytes[sizeof(int)] = {1}; and int i; then memcpy( &i, int_bytes, sizeof(i)); do you get 0x01, 0x01000000, 0x0100, 0x0100000000000000, or something else? The answer is: yes. There are real-world implementations that produce each of these results, and they all conform to the standard. The reason for this is so the compiler can use the native format of the CPU.
This comes up most often when a program needs to send or receive data over the Internet, where all the standards define that data should be transmitted in big-endian order, on a little-endian CPU like the x86. Some network libraries therefore specify whether particular arguments and fields of structures should be stored in host or network byte order.
The language lets you shoot yourself in the foot by twiddling the bits of an object representation arbitrarily, but it might get you a trap representation, which could cause undefined behavior if you try to use it later. (This could mean, for example, rewriting a virtual function table to inject arbitrary code.) The <type_traits> header has several templates to test whether it is safe to do things with an object representation. You can copy one object over another of the same type with memcpy( &dest, &src, sizeof(dest) ) if that type is_trivially_copyable. You can make a copy to correctly-aligned uninitialized memory if it is_trivially_move_constructible. You can test whether two objects of the same type are identical with memcmp( &a, &b, sizeof(a) ) and correctly hash an object by applying a hash function to the bytes in its object representation if the type has_unique_object_representations. An integral type has no trap representations, and so on. For the most part, though, if you’re doing operations on object representations where endianness matters, you’re telling the compiler to assume you know what you’re doing and your code will not be portable.
As others have mentioned, binary literals are written with the most-significant-digit first, like decimal, octal or hexidecimal literals. This is different from endianness and will not affect whether you need to call ntohs() on the port number from a TCP header read in from the Internet.
You might want to think about C or C++ or any other language as being intrinsically little endian (think about how the bitwise operators work). If the underlying HW is big endian, the compiler ensures that the data is stored in big endian (ditto for other endianness) however your bit wise operations work as if the data is little endian. Thing to remember is that as far as the language is concerned, data is in little endian. Endianness related problems arise when you cast the data from one type to the other. As long as you don't do that you are good.
I was questioned about the statement "C/C++ language as being intrinsically little endian", as such I am providing an example which many knows how it works but well here I go.
typedef union
struct {
int a:1;
int reserved:31;
} bits;
unsigned int value;
} u;
u test;
test.bits.a = 1;
test.bits.reserved = 0;
printf("After bits assignment, test.value = 0x%08X\n", test.value);
test.value = 0x00000001;
printf("After value assignment, test.value = 0x%08X\n", test.value);
Output on a little endian system:
After bits assignment, test.value = 0x00000001
After value assignment, test.value = 0x00000001
Output on a big endian system:
After bits assignment, test.value = 0x80000000
After value assignment, test.value = 0x00000001
So, if you do not know the processor's endianness, where does everything come out right? in the little endian system! Thus, I say that the C/C++ language is intrinsically little endian.

Read file as bytes and store into an array of deterministically 8-bit values

Coming back to sort of play around with C++ a little bit after some years out of college, when looking up how to read a file as bytes in C++, some of the information I came across is that there isn't any sort of magical "readAsBytes" function, and you essentially are supposed to do this by reading a file the same way you would a text file, but with making sure to store the results into a char*. For instance:, sizeOfSomeCharPointer);
That being said, even though chars in C++ are usually supposed to be right around 8 bits, this isn't exactly guaranteed. Start messing around with different platforms and text encodings long enough, and you're going to run into issues if you want a true array of bytes.
You could just use a uint8_t* and copy everything over from the char* . . . but dang, that's wasteful. Why can't we just get everything into a uint8_t* the first time around, while we're still reading the file, in a way that doesn't have to worry about whether it's a 32-bit machine or a 64-bit machine or UTF-8 or UTF-16 or what have you?
So the question is: Is this possible, at least in more modern C++ versions? If so, how? The reason I don't want to go from a char* to a uint8_t* is basically one of not having to waste a bunch of CPU cycles on some 50,000-iteration for loop. Thanks!
I'm defining a byte as 8 bits for the purposes of this question, unless somebody strongly suggests otherwise. My understanding is that bytes were originally 6 bits, then became 7, and then finally settled down on 8, but that 32-bit groupings and such are usually thought of as small collections of bytes. If I'm mistaken, or if I should think of this problem differently (either way), please bring it up.
A char is one byte, and a file is a sequence of bytes. It doesn't matter whether the machine is 32-bit or 64-bit or something else, and it doesn't matter whether text is stored in UTF-8 or UTF-16 or something else. A file contains bytes, and each byte fits in a char. This is required by the standard.
What can vary is how many bits are in a byte on a particular platform. If it's 8, then char is the same as uint8_t (aside from signedness, which doesn't affect how the data is stored) and you can just read bytes directly into a uint8_t. But if a byte is, say, 10 bits, you're going to have to cast all those chars in a loop, since reading from the file gives you a sequence of 10-bit bytes and you need to chop off two bits from each one.
If you want your program to be adaptible to different byte sizes, you could use #if CHAR_BIT == 8 to determine whether to read straight into a uint8_t array or read into a char array and then cast all the bytes into uint8_t afterward.
Since you're "coming back to C++" and concerned about UTF-8 vs. UTF-16 when reading raw char data from a file, I'm guessing you're accustomed to languages like Java and C# where the char type represents a Unicode character. That's not the case in C and C++. A char is a byte, and if you read, say, a multi-byte UTF-8 character from a file, you get each individual byte as a separate char, not the whole Unicode character as a single value.

Is using a non-32-bit integer reasonable? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
The importance of using a 16bit integer
If today's processors perform (under standard conditions) 32-bit operations -- then is using a "short int" reasonable? Because in order to perform an operation on that data, it will convert it to a 32-bit (from 16-bit) integer, perform the operations, and then go back to 16-bit -- I think. So what is the point?
In essence my questions are as follows:
What (if any) performance gain/hindrance does using a smaller ranged integer bring? Like, if instead of using a standard 32-bit integer for storage, I use a 16-bit short integer.
"and then go back to 16-bit" -- Am I correct here? See above.
Are all integer data stored as 32-bit integer space on CPU/RAM?
The answer to your first question should also clarify the last one: if you need to store large numbers of 16-bit ints, you save half the amount of memory required for 32-bit ints, with whatever "fringe benefits" that may come along with it, such as using the cache more efficiently.
Most CPUs these days have separate instructions for 16-bit vs. 32-bit operations, along with instructions to read and write 16-bit values from and to memory. Internally, the ALU may be performing a 32-bit operation, but the result for the upper half does not make it back into the registers.
The processor doesn't need to "expand" a value to work with it. It just pads the unused spaces with zeroes and ignores them when performing calculations. So, actually, it is faster to operate on a short int than a long int, although with today's fast CPUs it is very hard to notice even a bit of difference (pun intended).
The machine doesn't really convert. When changing the size of a value, it either pads zeroes to the left or totally ignores extra bits to the left that won't fit in the target memory region.
No, and this is usually the reason people use short int values for purposes where the range of a long int just isn't needed. The memory allocated is different for each length of int, like a short int takes up fewer bits of memory than a long int. One of the steps in optimization is to change long int values to short int values when the range does not exceed that of a short int, meaning that the value would never use the extra bits allocated with a long int. The memory saved from such an optimization can actually be quite significant when dealing with a lot of elements in arrays or a lot of objects of the same struct or class.
Different int sizes are stored with different amounts of bits in both the RAM and the internal processor cache. This is also true of float, double, and long double, although long double is mainly for 64-bit systems and most compilers just ignore the long if running on 32-bit machines because a 64-bit value in a 32-bit accumulator & ALU will be 'mowed down' during any calculation and would likely never receive anything but zeros for the first 32 bits.
What (if any) performance gain/hindrance does using a smaller ranged integer bring? Like, if instead of using a standard 32-bit integer for storage, I use a 16-bit short integer.
It uses less memory. Under normal circumstances, it will use half as much.
"and then go back to 16-bit" -- Am I correct here? See above.
It only converts between 16 an 32-bit if that is needed by your code, which you failed to show.
Are all integer data stored as 32-bit integer space on CPU/RAM?
No. 32-bit processors can address and work directly with values up to 32 bits. Many operations can be done on 8 and 16-bit values as well.
No is not reasonable unless you have some sort of (very tight) memory constraints you should use int
You dont gain performance, just memory. In fact you lose performance because of what you just said, since registers need to strip out the upper bits.
See above
Yes depends on the CPU, No it's 16 bit on the RAM
What (if any) performance gain/hindrance does using a smaller ranged
integer bring? Like, if instead of using a standard 32-bit integer for
storage, I use a 16-bit short integer.
Performance comes from cache locality. The more data you fit in cache, the faster your program runs. This is more relevant if you have lots of short values.
"and then go back to 16-bit" -- Am I correct here?
I'm not so sure about this. I would have expected that the CPU can optimize multiple operations in parallel, and you get bigger throughput if you can pack data into 16 bits. It may also be that this can happen at the same time as other 32-bit operations. I am speculating here, so I'll stop!
Are all integer data stored as 32-bit integer space on CPU/RAM?
No. The various integer datatypes have a specific size. However, you may encounter padding inside structs when you use char and short in particular.
Speed efficiency is not the only concern. Obviously you have storage benefits, as well as intrinsic behaviour (for example, I have written performance-specific code that exploits the integer overflow of a unsigned short just so that I don't have to do any modulo). You also have the benefit of using specific data sizes for reading and writing binary data. There's probably more that I haven't mentioned, but you get the point =)

What platforms have something other than 8-bit char?

Every now and then, someone on SO points out that char (aka 'byte') isn't necessarily 8 bits.
It seems that 8-bit char is almost universal. I would have thought that for mainstream platforms, it is necessary to have an 8-bit char to ensure its viability in the marketplace.
Both now and historically, what platforms use a char that is not 8 bits, and why would they differ from the "normal" 8 bits?
When writing code, and thinking about cross-platform support (e.g. for general-use libraries), what sort of consideration is it worth giving to platforms with non-8-bit char?
In the past I've come across some Analog Devices DSPs for which char is 16 bits. DSPs are a bit of a niche architecture I suppose. (Then again, at the time hand-coded assembler easily beat what the available C compilers could do, so I didn't really get much experience with C on that platform.)
char is also 16 bit on the Texas Instruments C54x DSPs, which turned up for example in OMAP2. There are other DSPs out there with 16 and 32 bit char. I think I even heard about a 24-bit DSP, but I can't remember what, so maybe I imagined it.
Another consideration is that POSIX mandates CHAR_BIT == 8. So if you're using POSIX you can assume it. If someone later needs to port your code to a near-implementation of POSIX, that just so happens to have the functions you use but a different size char, that's their bad luck.
In general, though, I think it's almost always easier to work around the issue than to think about it. Just type CHAR_BIT. If you want an exact 8 bit type, use int8_t. Your code will noisily fail to compile on implementations which don't provide one, instead of silently using a size you didn't expect. At the very least, if I hit a case where I had a good reason to assume it, then I'd assert it.
When writing code, and thinking about cross-platform support (e.g. for general-use libraries), what sort of consideration is it worth giving to platforms with non-8-bit char?
It's not so much that it's "worth giving consideration" to something as it is playing by the rules. In C++, for example, the standard says all bytes will have "at least" 8 bits. If your code assumes that bytes have exactly 8 bits, you're violating the standard.
This may seem silly now -- "of course all bytes have 8 bits!", I hear you saying. But lots of very smart people have relied on assumptions that were not guarantees, and then everything broke. History is replete with such examples.
For instance, most early-90s developers assumed that a particular no-op CPU timing delay taking a fixed number of cycles would take a fixed amount of clock time, because most consumer CPUs were roughly equivalent in power. Unfortunately, computers got faster very quickly. This spawned the rise of boxes with "Turbo" buttons -- whose purpose, ironically, was to slow the computer down so that games using the time-delay technique could be played at a reasonable speed.
One commenter asked where in the standard it says that char must have at least 8 bits. It's in section This section defines CHAR_BIT, the number of bits in the smallest addressable entity, and has a default value of 8. It also says:
Their implementation-defined values shall be equal or greater in magnitude (absolute value) to those shown, with the same sign.
So any number equal to 8 or higher is suitable for substitution by an implementation into CHAR_BIT.
Machines with 36-bit architectures have 9-bit bytes. According to Wikipedia, machines with 36-bit architectures include:
Digital Equipment Corporation PDP-6/10
IBM 701/704/709/7090/7094
UNIVAC 1103/1103A/1105/1100/2200,
A few of which I'm aware:
DEC PDP-10: variable, but most often 7-bit chars packed 5 per 36-bit word, or else 9 bit chars, 4 per word
Control Data mainframes (CDC-6400, 6500, 6600, 7600, Cyber 170, Cyber 176 etc.) 6-bit chars, packed 10 per 60-bit word.
Unisys mainframes: 9 bits/byte
Windows CE: simply doesn't support the `char` type at all -- requires 16-bit wchar_t instead
There is no such thing as a completely portable code. :-)
Yes, there may be various byte/char sizes. Yes, there may be C/C++ implementations for platforms with highly unusual values of CHAR_BIT and UCHAR_MAX. Yes, sometimes it is possible to write code that does not depend on char size.
However, almost any real code is not standalone. E.g. you may be writing a code that sends binary messages to network (protocol is not important). You may define structures that contain necessary fields. Than you have to serialize it. Just binary copying a structure into an output buffer is not portable: generally you don't know neither the byte order for the platform, nor structure members alignment, so the structure just holds the data, but not describes the way the data should be serialized.
Ok. You may perform byte order transformations and move the structure members (e.g. uint32_t or similar) using memcpy into the buffer. Why memcpy? Because there is a lot of platforms where it is not possible to write 32-bit (16-bit, 64-bit -- no difference) when the target address is not aligned properly.
So, you have already done a lot to achieve portability.
And now the final question. We have a buffer. The data from it is sent to TCP/IP network. Such network assumes 8-bit bytes. The question is: of what type the buffer should be? If your chars are 9-bit? If they are 16-bit? 24? Maybe each char corresponds to one 8-bit byte sent to network, and only 8 bits are used? Or maybe multiple network bytes are packed into 24/16/9-bit chars? That's a question, and it is hard to believe there is a single answer that fits all cases. A lot of things depend on socket implementation for the target platform.
So, what I am speaking about. Usually code may be relatively easily made portable to certain extent. It's very important to do so if you expect using the code on different platforms. However, improving portability beyond that measure is a thing that requires a lot of effort and often gives little, as the real code almost always depends on other code (socket implementation in the example above). I am sure that for about 90% of code ability to work on platforms with bytes other than 8-bit is almost useless, for it uses environment that is bound to 8-bit. Just check the byte size and perform compilation time assertion. You almost surely will have to rewrite a lot for a highly unusual platform.
But if your code is highly "standalone" -- why not? You may write it in a way that allows different byte sizes.
It appears that you can still buy an IM6100 (i.e. a PDP-8 on a chip) out of a warehouse. That's a 12-bit architecture.
Many DSP chips have 16- or 32-bit char. TI routinely makes such chips for example.
The C and C++ programming languages, for example, define byte as "addressable unit of data large enough to hold any member of the basic character set of the execution environment" (clause 3.6 of the C standard). Since the C char integral data type must contain at least 8 bits (clause, a byte in C is at least capable of holding 256 different values. Various implementations of C and C++ define a byte as 8, 9, 16, 32, or 36 bits
Quoted from
Not sure about other languages though.
Defines a byte on that machine to be variable length
The DEC PDP-8 family had a 12 bit word although you usually used 8 bit ASCII for output (on a Teletype mostly). However, there was also a 6-BIT character code that allowed you to encode 2 chars in a single 12-bit word.
For one, Unicode characters are longer than 8-bit. As someone mentioned earlier, the C spec defines data types by their minimum sizes. Use sizeof and the values in limits.h if you want to interrogate your data types and discover exactly what size they are for your configuration and architecture.
For this reason, I try to stick to data types like uint16_t when I need a data type of a particular bit length.
Edit: Sorry, I initially misread your question.
The C spec says that a char object is "large enough to store any member of the execution character set". limits.h lists a minimum size of 8 bits, but the definition leaves the max size of a char open.
Thus, the a char is at least as long as the largest character from your architecture's execution set (typically rounded up to the nearest 8-bit boundary). If your architecture has longer opcodes, your char size may be longer.
Historically, the x86 platform's opcode was one byte long, so char was initially an 8-bit value. Current x86 platforms support opcodes longer than one byte, but the char is kept at 8 bits in length since that's what programmers (and the large volumes of existing x86 code) are conditioned to.
When thinking about multi-platform support, take advantage of the types defined in stdint.h. If you use (for instance) a uint16_t, then you can be sure that this value is an unsigned 16-bit value on whatever architecture, whether that 16-bit value corresponds to a char, short, int, or something else. Most of the hard work has already been done by the people who wrote your compiler/standard libraries.
If you need to know the exact size of a char because you are doing some low-level hardware manipulation that requires it, I typically use a data type that is large enough to hold a char on all supported platforms (usually 16 bits is enough) and run the value through a convert_to_machine_char routine when I need the exact machine representation. That way, the platform-specific code is confined to the interface function and most of the time I can use a normal uint16_t.
what sort of consideration is it worth giving to platforms with non-8-bit char?
magic numbers occur e.g. when shifting;
most of these can be handled quite simply
by using CHAR_BIT and e.g. UCHAR_MAX instead of 8 and 255 (or similar).
hopefully your implementation defines those :)
those are the "common" issues.....
another indirect issue is say you have:
struct xyz {
uchar baz;
uchar blah;
uchar buzz;
this might "only" take (best case) 24 bits on one platform,
but might take e.g. 72 bits elsewhere.....
if each uchar held "bit flags" and each uchar only had 2 "significant" bits or flags that
you were currently using, and you only organized them into 3 uchars for "clarity",
then it might be relatively "more wasteful" e.g. on a platform with 24-bit uchars.....
nothing bitfields can't solve, but they have other things to watch out
for ....
in this case, just a single enum might be a way to get the "smallest"
sized integer you actually need....
perhaps not a real example, but stuff like this "bit" me when porting / playing with some code.....
just the fact that if a uchar is thrice as big as what is "normally" expected,
100 such structures might waste a lot of memory on some platforms.....
where "normally" it is not a big deal.....
so things can still be "broken" or in this case "waste a lot of memory very quickly" due
to an assumption that a uchar is "not very wasteful" on one platform, relative to RAM available, than on another platform.....
the problem might be more prominent e.g. for ints as well, or other types,
e.g. you have some structure that needs 15 bits, so you stick it in an int,
but on some other platform an int is 48 bits or whatever.....
"normally" you might break it into 2 uchars, but e.g. with a 24-bit uchar
you'd only need one.....
so an enum might be a better "generic" solution ....
depends on how you are accessing those bits though :)
so, there might be "design flaws" that rear their head....
even if the code might still work/run fine regardless of the
size of a uchar or uint...
there are things like this to watch out for, even though there
are no "magic numbers" in your code ...
hope this makes sense :)
The weirdest one I saw was the CDC computers. 6 bit characters but with 65 encodings. [There were also more than one character set -- you choose the encoding when you install the OS.]
If a 60 word ended with 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 40, or 48 bits of zero, that was the end of line character (e.g. '\n').
Since the 00 (octal) character was : in some code sets, that meant BNF that used ::= was awkward if the :: fell in the wrong column. [This long preceded C++ and other common uses of ::.]
ints used to be 16 bits (pdp11, etc.). Going to 32 bit architectures was hard. People are getting better: Hardly anyone assumes a pointer will fit in a long any more (you don't right?). Or file offsets, or timestamps, or ...
8 bit characters are already somewhat of an anachronism. We already need 32 bits to hold all the world's character sets.
The Univac 1100 series had two operational modes: 6-bit FIELDATA and 9-bit 'ASCII' packed 6 or 4 characters respectively into 36-bit words. You chose the mode at program execution time (or compile time.) It's been a lot of years since I actually worked on them.

Usage of 'short' in C++

Why is it that for any numeric input we prefer an int rather than short, even if the input is of very few integers.
The size of short is 2 bytes on my x86 and 4 bytes for int, shouldn't it be better and faster to allocate than an int?
Or I am wrong in saying that short is not used?
CPUs are usually fastest when dealing with their "native" integer size. So even though a short may be smaller than an int, the int is probably closer to the native size of a register in your CPU, and therefore is likely to be the most efficient of the two.
In a typical 32-bit CPU architecture, to load a 32-bit value requires one bus cycle to load all the bits. Loading a 16-bit value requires one bus cycle to load the bits, plus throwing half of them away (this operation may still happen within one bus cycle).
A 16-bit short makes sense if you're keeping so many in memory (in a large array, for example) that the 50% reduction in size adds up to an appreciable reduction in memory overhead. They are not faster than 32-bit integers on modern processors, as Greg correctly pointed out.
In embedded systems, the short and unsigned short data types are used for accessing items that require less bits than the native integer.
For example, if my USB controller has 16 bit registers, and my processor has a native 32 bit integer, I would use an unsigned short to access the registers (provided that the unsigned short data type is 16-bits).
Most of the advice from experienced users (see news:comp.lang.c++.moderated) is to use the native integer size unless a smaller data type must be used. The problem with using short to save memory is that the values may exceed the limits of short. Also, this may be a performance hit on some 32-bit processors, as they have to fetch 32 bits near the 16-bit variable and eliminate the unwanted 16 bits.
My advice is to work on the quality of your programs first, and only worry about optimization if it is warranted and you have extra time in your schedule.
Using type short does not guarantee that the actual values will be smaller than those of type int. It allows for them to be smaller, and ensures that they are no bigger. Note too that short must be larger than or equal in size to type char.
The original question above contains actual sizes for the processor in question, but when porting code to a new environment, one can only rely on weak relative assumptions without verifying the implementation-defined sizes.
The C header <stdint.h> -- or, from C++, <cstdint> -- defines types of specified size, such as uint8_t for an unsigned integral type exactly eight bits wide. Use these types when attempting to conform to an externally-specified format such as a network protocol or binary file format.
The short type is very useful if you have a big array full of them and int is just way too big.
Given that the array is big enough, the memory saving will be important (instead of just using an array of ints).
Unicode arrays are also encoded in shorts (although other encode schemes exist).
On embedded devices, space still matters and short might be very beneficial.
Last but not least, some transmission protocols insists in using shorts, so you still need them there.
Maybe we should consider it in different situations. For example, x86 or x64 should consider more suitable type, not just choose int. In some cases, int have faster speed than short. The first floor have answered this question