Drawing many spheres in OpenGL - opengl

I want to draw many spheres (~100k) using OpenGL. So far, I'm doing something like
for (int i=0; i<pnum; i++){
glTranslatef(bpos[i].x, bpos[i].y, bpos[i].z);
Before using proper spheres, I used GL_POINTS. That allowed me to call glDrawArrays with an array containing all points which was very efficient. Is there a better way than the above code to draw many, identical objects?

Have a look at this page on instancing: it contains many references:
Some test made that shows when to use instancing and when not: http://www.ozone3d.net/blogs/lab/?p=87
An OpenGL implementation of a pseduo-instancing (recommended for old hardware).
OpenGL instancing:
See also Geometry instancing on Wikipedia.

If you draw ~100k spheres, you might want to consider raycasting them instead of using polygon meshes to approximate them. The papers GPU-Based Ray-Casting of Quadratic Surfaces by Sigg et al. (2006) and Splatting Illuminated Ellipsoids with Depth Correction by Gumhold (2003) show how to do this. If you do this, you can reuse much of your fast point sprite code.

You could use point sprites and a fragment shader to duplicate the effect of a rendered sphere without the actual sphere geometry. I would try instancing first, however.


How to draw a sphere in D3D11, given position and radius?

To draw a sphere, one does not need to know anything else but it's position and radius. Thus, rendering a sphere by passing a triangle mesh sounds very inefficient unless you need per-vertex colors or other such features. Despite googling, searching D3D11 documentation and reading Introduction to 3D Programming with DirectX 11, I failed to understand
Is it possible to draw a sphere by passing only the position and radius of it to the GPU?
If not, what is the main principle I have misunderstood?
If yes, how to do it?
My ultimate goal is to pass more parameters later on which will be used by a shader effect.
You will need to implement Geometry Shader. This shader should take Sphere center and radius as input and emit a banch of vertices for rasterization. In general this is called point sprites.
One option would be to use tessellation.
Most of the mess will be generated on the gpu side.
In the end you still have more parameters sent to the shaders because the sphere will be split into triangles that will be each rendered individually on the screen.
But the split is done on the gpu side.
While you can create a sphere from a point & vertex on the GPU, it's generally not very efficient. With higher-end GPUs you could use Hardware Tessellation, but even that would be better done a different way.
The better solution is to use instancing and render lots of the same VB/IB of sphere geometry scaled to different positions and sizes.

Why there is no ellipse, ellipsoid and cylinder in OpenGL primitives

I know that there are algorithms of drawing line, circle, ellipse pixel by pixel (e.g. Bresenham's algorithms):
I wonder why these algorithms (and I am sure that there are algorithms for drawing ellipsoid, sphere, cylinder in 3D) and not being used in OpenGL to draw corresponding primitives. Isn't it more simple and effective in terms of performance (which is very important in OpenGL) to have such primitives too instead of drawing a circle with lines, and sphere with triangles?
Who said OpenGL can't draw these shapes? There is no direct implementation of Bresenham and friends in the GPU core for the reasons Nico already explained.
However, since a couple of years GPU are fully programmable and therefore you can render almost anything you like. Including circles, ellipses and related primitives. You just have to write a shader program to do so :-)
Here is a little tutorial which shows you how it's done: http://www.geeks3d.com/20130705/shader-library-circle-disc-fake-sphere-in-glsl-opengl-glslhacker/

What is the graphics technique for drawing 3D holes?

How to draw a circular disc with thickness and then "drill" holes (of any shape) into it at runtime?
The desired outcome would look like CAD drawings without textures.
I am using OpenGL, but I guess this is independant of the graphics API.
I guess what you're after is Constructive solid geometry. Some current graphics/game engines (like Unreal) use it, but most don't do the real thing but approximate (fake) the results with textures or switching a solid geometry with a prepared multipart model. Another approach would involve using voxels, like Minecraft or Voxatron.
OpenCSG should do what you want.
Look into CGAL innards of OpenSCAD if you need the CSG'd geometry and not just a rendered image.
This could be an interesting use of Geometry Shaders. Take in the disc geometry and add the extra vertices for the holes and then pass to the Fragment Shader.

3D spheres and adding textures in OpenGL

I have been asked to do 3D sphere and adding textures to it so that it looks like different planets in the Solar System. However 3ds max was not mentioned as mandatory.
So, how can I make 3D spheres using OpenGL and add textures to it? using glutsphere or am I suppose to do it some other method and how to textures ?
The obvious route would be gluSphere (note, it's glu, not glut) with gluQuadricTexture to get the texturing done.
I am not sure if glutSolidSphere has texture coordinates (as far as I can remeber they were not correct, or not existant). I remember that this was a great resource to get me started on the subject though:
I just remembered that subdividing an icosahedron gives a better sphere. Also texture coordinates are easier to implement that way:
see here:

OpenGL, remove sections from a shape

In OpenGL, how can one cut a triangle shaped hole from a square? making the hole transparent.
I'm also using SDL, maybe it can be achieved with an SDL surface?
While doing it on a texture is truly the easier way out, if you need it to be a real shape, you might try using the GLUtesselator from GLU toolkit. See a tutorial for it here.
General usage is that you create a tesselator object, create two contours (the outer and the inner in a reverse direction) and the tesselator translates that into pure OpenGL commands. Of course if it's efficiency you're seeking you should implement or find some higher order system that operates on vertex buffers.
You can use a texture and alpha blending: the texture would contain a transparent triangle. See this tutorial on blending.
EDIT: Of course alpha blending doesn't change the geometry. For that you need to perform treatments that are more complicated. See this tutorial on realtime CSG.
Reference: Constructive Solid Geometry