Hooking DirectX EndScene from an injected DLL - c++

I want to detour EndScene from an arbitrary DirectX 9 application to create a small overlay. As an example, you could take the frame counter overlay of FRAPS, which is shown in games when activated.
I know the following methods to do this:
Creating a new d3d9.dll, which is then copied to the games path. Since the current folder is searched first, before going to system32 etc., my modified DLL gets loaded, executing my additional code.
Downside: You have to put it there before you start the game.
Same as the first method, but replacing the DLL in system32 directly.
Downside: You cannot add game specific code. You cannot exclude applications where you don't want your DLL to be loaded.
Getting the EndScene offset directly from the DLL using tools like IDA Pro 4.9 Free. Since the DLL gets loaded as is, you can just add this offset to the DLL starting address, when it is mapped to the game, to get the actual offset, and then hook it.
Downside: The offset is not the same on every system.
Hooking Direct3DCreate9 to get the D3D9, then hooking D3D9->CreateDevice to get the device pointer, and then hooking Device->EndScene through the virtual table.
Downside: The DLL cannot be injected, when the process is already running. You have to start the process with the CREATE_SUSPENDED flag to hook the initial Direct3DCreate9.
Creating a new Device in a new window, as soon as the DLL gets injected. Then, getting the EndScene offset from this device and hooking it, resulting in a hook for the device which is used by the game.
Downside: as of some information I have read, creating a second device may interfere with the existing device, and it may bug with windowed vs. fullscreen mode etc.
Same as the third method. However, you'll do a pattern scan to get EndScene.
Downside: doesn't look that reliable.
How can I hook EndScene from an injected DLL, which may be loaded when the game is already running, without having to deal with different d3d9.dll's on other systems, and with a method which is reliable? How does FRAPS for example perform it's DirectX hooks?
The DLL should not apply to all games, just to specific processes where I inject it via CreateRemoteThread.

You install a system wide hook. (SetWindowsHookEx) With this done, you get to be loaded into every process.
Now when the hook is called, you look for a loaded d3d9.dll.
If one is loaded, you create a temporary D3D9 object, and walk the vtable to get the address of the EndScene method.
Then you can patch the EndScene call, with your own method. (Replace the first instruction in EndScene by a call to your method.
When you are done, you have to patch the call back, to call the original EndScene method. And then reinstall your patch.
This is the way FRAPS does it. (Link)
You can find a function address from the vtable of an interface.
So you can do the following (Pseudo-Code):
IDirect3DDevice9* pTempDev = ...;
const int EndSceneIndex = 26 (?);
typedef HRESULT (IDirect3DDevice9::* EndSceneFunc)( void );
BYTE* pVtable = reinterpret_cast<void*>( pTempDev );
EndSceneFunc = pVtable + sizeof(void*) * EndSceneIndex;
EndSceneFunc does now contain a pointer to the function itself. We can now either patch all call-sites or we can patch the function itself.
Beware that this all depends on the knowledge of the implementation of COM-Interfaces in Windows. But this works on all windows versions (either 32 or 64, not both at the same time).

I know this question is old, but this should work for any program using DirectX9, You are creating your own instance basically, and then getting the pointer to the VTable, then you just hook it. You will need detours 3.X btw:
//Just some typedefs:
typedef HRESULT (WINAPI* oEndScene) (LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 D3DDevice);
static oEndScene EndScene;
//Do this in a function or whatever
HMODULE hDLL=GetModuleHandleA("d3d9");
LPDIRECT3D9(__stdcall*pDirect3DCreate9)(UINT) = (LPDIRECT3D9(__stdcall*)(UINT))GetProcAddress( hDLL, "Direct3DCreate9");
LPDIRECT3D9 pD3D = pDirect3DCreate9(D3D_SDK_VERSION);
HRESULT hRes = pD3D->GetAdapterDisplayMode(D3DADAPTER_DEFAULT, &d3ddm );
ZeroMemory( &d3dpp, sizeof(d3dpp));
d3dpp.Windowed = true;
d3dpp.BackBufferFormat = d3ddm.Format;
HWND hWnd = CreateWindow(("1"),NULL,WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW,100,100,300,300,GetDesktopWindow(),NULL,wc.hInstance,NULL);
hRes = pD3D->CreateDevice(
&d3dpp, &ppReturnedDeviceInterface);
if(pD3D == NULL){
//printf ("WARNING: D3D FAILED");
return false;
pInterface = (unsigned long*)*((unsigned long*)ppReturnedDeviceInterface);
EndScene = (oEndScene) (DWORD) pInterface[42];
DetourAttach(&(PVOID&)EndScene, newEndScene);
And then your function:
//Do your stuff here
//Call the original (if you want)
return EndScene(pDevice);

A slightly old question I know - but in case anyone is interested in doing this with C#, here is my example on hooking the Direct3D 9 API using C#. This utilizes EasyHook an open source .NET assembly that allows you to 'safely' install hooks from managed code into unmanaged functions. (Note: EasyHook takes care of all the issues surrounding DLL injection - e.g. CREATE_SUSPENDED, ACL's, 32 vs 64-bit and so on)
I use a similar VTable approach as mentioned by Christopher via a small C++ helper dll to dynamically determine the address of the IDirect3DDevice9 functions to hook. This is done by creating a temporary window handle, and creating a throw-away IDirect3Device9 within the injected assembly before then hooking the desired functions. This allows your application to hook a target that is already running (Update: note that this is possible entirely within C# also - see comments on the linked page).
Update: there is also an updated version for hooking Direct3D 9, 10 and 11 still using EasyHook and with SharpDX instead of SlimDX


Detect external devices insertion on Windows

I'm a little bit confused about how to notify my c++ application with event that the user has plugged in a device (USB, HID etc.). Application type is not defined. I'm trying to play around with console/message-only/service example apps, but there is no result. I'm using VS2015 and Windows 10.
I've found out that there are multiple ways to deal with it:
Using WMI like here. But I can not actually understand where is WMI here.
Using RegisterDeviceNotification and WM_DEVICECHANGE. As far as I can understand, there is no way to do that for the console applications, only for once with the GUI (real window) or for the message-only window. I've tried the last one with the example from this answer but my app doesn't receive any notifications when I plug in my USB flash drive. I've found this answer (from the same question as the answer mentioned above) and tried to use ChangeWindowMessageFilterEx() function with GetProcAddress from user32.dll to load it without connection dll to my app in such way:
BOOL InitInstance(HWND hWnd)
HMODULE hDll = GetModuleHandle(TEXT("user32.dll"));
if (hDll)
typedef BOOL(WINAPI *MESSAGEFILTERFUNCEX)(HWND hWnd, UINT message, DWORD action, VOID* pChangeFilterStruct);
MESSAGEFILTERFUNCEX ChangeWindowMessageFilterEx= (MESSAGEFILTERFUNCEX)::GetProcAddress(hDll, "ChangeWindowMessageFilterEx");
if (ChangeWindowMessageFilterEx) return func(hWnd, WM_COPYDATA, MSGFLT_ALLOW, NULL);
return FALSE; }
And the usage of this function is:
hWnd = CreateWindowEx(0, CLS_NAME, "DevNotifWnd", WS_ICONIC,
NULL, GetModuleHandle(0), (void*)&guid);
But there is no effect.
Using while(true){...} loop and call appropriate Win API functions like in this answer. But this way seems not be a perfect solution for my problem.
My questions are:
Could anybody explain me what is the best way? And if it is the second one with RegisterDeviceNotification, why it's not working in case of message-only window app?
Do other ways exist? And if not, what can I do, for example, to notify application when some certain software was installed?
Any comments are appreciated.
So I've finally found sort of answers to the questions.
The issue was with the GUID I've provided for the NotificationFilter. So I've set it to receive notifications from all devices with this code:
ZeroMemory(&NotificationFilter, sizeof(NotificationFilter));
NotificationFilter.dbcc_size = sizeof(DEV_BROADCAST_DEVICEINTERFACE);
NotificationFilter.dbcc_devicetype = DBT_DEVTYP_DEVICEINTERFACE;
// No need to set up dbcc_classguid as it is ignored when
// DEVICE_NOTIFY_ALL_INTERFACE_CLASSES is setted (see line down below)
HDEVNOTIFY dev_notify = RegisterDeviceNotification(hwnd, &NotificationFilter, DEVICE_NOTIFY_ALL_INTERFACE_CLASSES);
As far as for other types of notifications in windows that the app could sign up for, I found only one partially deprecated list of all Win32 API functions, where I found some new Notifications with Ctrl+F search :)
Hope this could save somebody's time.

how to custom-draw an item in windows desktop window with win32 sdk

I have a file in windows desktop window. I want to custom-draw it instead of the normal icon and text. I almost implement it via the following steps,
1. make a dll in which the IExtractIcon interface is implemented, then register a icon handler shell extension for the file to make the dll loaded by explorer.exe.
2. in the dllmain function of the dll, subclass the desktop window to make custom-drawing.
This almost worked, but still have some problems:
1. In winxp, the dll loaded only once. after restart the PC, the dll wouldn't be loaded, except I maked another file with the same extension. I guess the reason is the desktop has cached the icon so it doesn't need to load the dll to extract icons. But why win7 works.
What can i do to make the system always load the dll?
The file always have an extension in file system, but when it is displayed in desktop, the extension might not be displayed. How can I get the full name of the file according to the desktop list-view item?
or is there any other way to make the explorer.exe load my dll automatically?
here is the IExtractIcon code:
HRESULT CShellIcon::GetIconLocation(UINT uFlags, LPWSTR szIconFile, UINT cchMax, LPINT piIndex, UINT* pwFlags)
// I inject the dll to subclass the desktop window
*piIndex = 0;
return S_FALSE;
HRESULT CShellIcon::Extract(LPCTSTR pszFile, UINT nIconIndex, HICON* phiconLarge, HICON* phiconSmall, UINT nIconSize )
phiconLarge = NULL;
phiconSmall = NULL;
return S_OK;

CoInitialize() has not been called exceptions in C++

-My problem
I got CoInitialize has not been called exption.
-My project structure
Here is my porblem. I have a COM dll, MCLWrapper.dll developped with C#; I have a nother native C++ dll, ThorDetectorSwitch.dll that calls MCLWrapper.dll; And finally, I have a console application TDSTest.exe that calls ThorDetectorSwitch.dll. Basically, something like this:
TDSTest.exe (C++ console) -> ThorDetectorSwitch.dll (C++ native) -> MCLWrapper.dll (C#)
Code in TDSTest.exe that loads the ThorDetectorSwitch.dll:
HINSTANCE hInst = LoadLibrary(_T("C:\\TIS_Nick\\Hardware\\Devices\\ThorDetectorSwitch\\TDSTest\\TDSTest\\Debug\\Modules_Native\\ThorDetectorSwitch.dll"));
Constructor in ThorDetectorSwitch.cpp
ThorDetectorSwitch::ThorDetectorSwitch() : _mcSwitch(__uuidof(MCLControlClass))
_A = WstringToBSTR(L"A");
_B = WstringToBSTR(L"B");
_C = WstringToBSTR(L"C");
_D = WstringToBSTR(L"D");
_deviceDetected = FALSE;
The break point hits the first parenthesis of the constructor of the ThorDetectorSwitch.dll above, but the exception occurred immediately if I hit F10 (one more step)
It jumps to
hr = CoCreateInstance(rclsid, pOuter, dwClsContext, __uuidof(IUnknown), reinterpret_cast<void**>(&pIUnknown));
in the comip.h. The hr is simply "CoInitialize has not been called".
I have been thinking abou this porblem for days, and cannot figure out a solution. Anyone here can sharing any thoughts? Really appreciate it.
Your COM dll requires you to be in Single-Threaded Apartment mode. You need to call CoInitialize prior to using it.
Add this to your .exe:
CoInitialize(nullptr); // NULL if using older VC++
HINSTANCE hInst = LoadLibrary(_T("C:\\TIS_Nick\\...

MFC app Assert fail at CRecentFileList::Add on Command line FileOpen

I'm using VS2010 and Windows 7, and my app is SDI shared DLL, upgraded from VC6. After installing my application, if the user double-clicks the registered file type, the application crashes at the MFC function:
void CRecentFileList::Add(LPCTSTR lpszPathName, LPCTSTR lpszAppID)
// ...
#if (WINVER >= 0x0601)
// ...
#ifdef UNICODE
// ...
ENSURE(SUCCEEDED(hr)); // Crash here: "hr = 0x800401f0 CoInitialize has not been called."
This is called from the InitInstance() function:
// Parse command line for standard shell commands, DDE, file open
CCommandLineInfo cmdInfo;
//CString str = cmdInfo.m_strFileName + '\n';
//MessageBox(NULL,str, "MyApp", MB_OK|MB_ICONWARNING);
// Dispatch commands specified on the command line
if (!ProcessShellCommand(cmdInfo))
return FALSE;
The user's chosen file is correctly passed through (as I checked with the MessageBox).
The hr = 0x800401f0 seems to be a COM problem (here), but I'm not using COM or ATL. The assertion is the same as this, but from a different cause. The Germans had the same problem as me (here), but I can't understand the google translation (here)!! I don't think it's a WINVER issue (here) and I don't want to parse my own stuff (like this), just have the application open when a user double clicks a file.
Thanks for any help you can offer :)
The comment you inserted in your code contains the answer:
// Crash here: "hr = 0x800401f0 CoInitialize has not been called."
The HRESULT value is telling you that you need to call the CoInitialize function in order to initialize the COM library for your application's thread.
Of course, the message is a little bit outdated. As you'll see in the above-linked documentation, all new applications should call the CoInitializeEx function instead. No worries, though: it does essentially the same thing as its older brother.
As the "Remarks" section of the documentation indicates:
CoInitializeEx must be called at least once, and is usually called only once, for each thread that uses the COM library. [. . . ] You need to initialize the COM library on a thread before you call any of the library functions except CoGetMalloc, to get a pointer to the standard allocator, and the memory allocation functions. Otherwise, the COM function will return CO_E_NOTINITIALIZED.
You say that you're not using COM, but this is incorrect. You may not be using it explicitly, but Windows and the MFC framework are definitely using it "behind the scenes". All of the file type registration functions rely on COM. The skeleton code produced by the MFC project wizard in Visual Studio 2010 would have automatically inserted the appropriate COM registration code, but since you upgraded an existing project from VC++ 6, you appear to be missing this vital step.
In MFC, the AfxOleInit function also initializes COM for the current apartment of the calling app, just as the OleInitialize function does internally. Make sure that your overridden InitInstance function contains a call to one of these functions.
For example, in a fresh new MFC project created by the VS 2010 wizard, the InitInstance function looks something like this:
BOOL CTestApp::InitInstance()
// InitCommonControlsEx() is required on Windows XP if an application
// manifest specifies use of ComCtl32.dll version 6 or later to enable
// visual styles. Otherwise, any window creation will fail.
InitCtrls.dwSize = sizeof(InitCtrls);
// Set this to include all the common control classes you want to use
// in your application.
InitCtrls.dwICC = ICC_WIN95_CLASSES;
// Initialize OLE libraries
if (!AfxOleInit()) // ** MAKE SURE THAT YOU CALL THIS!! **
return FALSE;
// . . .
// a bunch more boring initialization stuff...
// The one and only window has been initialized, so show and update it
return TRUE;

In-Proc COM object sharing across another Process

Before I ask this question I would like to make it clear that I know there are libraries and techniques for Inter process communcation. This though, is a learning question about COM.
I also do know about out-of-proc servers but that's not what I am looking for.
The question:
What I want to know, because I don't know this, is it possible, and if yes how, to share an in-proc COM object (object defined in a DLL) living in one process (has been instantiated in the process) across another process? Ie, how do I obtain a pointer to the in-proc object from proces A in process B?
Thanks in advance.
Yes, it's possible. The underlying principle is the same regardless of whether you are sharing a single object instance between apartments in a single process, or between separate processes.
There's two approaches here: perhaps the simplest is to use the Running Object Table: this is essentially a workstation-wide table of named COM objects. You have one process add an object to the table with a well-known name, and have the other process look up that object.
The other approach is to use marshaling. Marshaling is the process of using a COM API to get a series of bytes that describe the location of an object. You can then copy that series of bytes to another process using any means you want to (shared memory, file, pipe, etc), and then use another COM API in the receiving process to unmarshal the object; COM then creates a suitable remoting proxy in that process that communicates back to the original one. Check out the APIs CoMarshalInterface and CoUnmarshalInterface for more details.
Note that both of these require that you have suitable remoting support in place for the object; the interfaces you are using need to be described in IDL and compiled and registered appropriately.
I don't have code handy for either of these cases unfortunately.
For the CoMarshalInterface approach, the process is something like:
Use CreateStreamOnHGlobal (with NULL hglobal) to create an IStream that's backed by a HGLOBAL that COM allocates as needed
Use CoMarshalInterface to marshal the interface pointer to the stream (which in turn writes it to the memory backed by the HGLOBAL)
Use GetHGlobalFromStream to get the HGLOBAL from the stream
Use GlobalLock/GlobalSize to lock the HGLOBAL and access the marhaled data (GlobalUnlock when done)
Use whatever means you want to to copy the bytes to the target process.
On the far side, use:
GlobalAlloc/GlobalLock/GlobalUnlock to create a new HGLOBAL and populate it with the marshaled data
CreateStreamOnHGlobal with your new HGLOBAL
Pass this stream to CoUnmarshalInterface
Normal COM and Windows refcounting/resource rules apply across all of this; AddRef/Release as appropriate; use GlobalFree to free any HGLOBALs that you allocate, etc.
There is also another possible solution using the window message WM_GETOBJECT:
In the application, which has the object, you simply create a window with your own class. In the handler, you need to handle the window message like this (I use IDispatch as example interface):
LRESULT WindowProc(HWND hWnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
if(lParam == OBJID_NATIVEOM)
return LresultFromObject(IID_IDispatch, wParam, g_MyGlobalIDispatchPointer);
// Not handled
return 0;
// Default
return DefWindowProc(hWnd, uMsg, wParam, lParam);
The other application must find that specific window an get the object via AccessibleObjectFromWindow
In example:
HWND hWndCommunicator = FindWindow(_T("MyWindowClassOfTheOtherApplication"), _T("MyWindowTitleOfTheOtherApplication"));
IDispatch* poObject = nullptr;
HRESULT hr = AccessibleObjectFromWindow(hWndCommunicator, static_cast<DWORD>(OBJID_NATIVEOM), IID_IDispatch, &poWindow);
// Do something with the object of the other process
// i. e. poObject->Invoke
Marshalling is automatically done using this solution.
That's what CoRegisterClassObject and CoGetClassObject is for.