Good c++ profiler for GCC - c++

I tried to find a related question but all previous questions are about profilers for native c++ in windows. I googled a while and learned about gprof, but the output of gprof actually contained lot of obscure internal functions. Is there a good opensource c++ profiler with good documentation?

I totally recommend this

Don't use gprof, for the reasons given here.
What you need are stackshots, explained here. One way to take stackshots is the pstack utility. Another way is to use "Pause" or ctrl-break under the debugger. Also lsstack, if you can get a copy.
If you want to spend money, RotateRight makes a nice tool based on stack sampling called Zoom.

Compile using the flag -pg and use gprof.

If you don't mind the KDE library dependencies, KCachegrind is very useful with the added visualization. It depends on Callgrind and Valgrind, as one could have guessed, so no special compiler flags required during compile-time.

I've heard oprofile is really, really good for real time apps. Linux only though, AFAIK.

How much detail do you need in your profile reports. If you just want to do some really simple time profiling for a few functions, then the new functionality available via the C++11 chrono classes makes it easy to profile in a cross platform, cross compiler way.
See this article for some simple profiling code that works similarly to Matlab's super easy to use tic and toc functions.


Profiling embedded application

I have an application that runs on an embedded processor (ARM), and I'd like to profile the application to get an idea of where it's using system resources, like CPU, memory, IO, etc. The application is running on top of Linux, so I'm assuming there's a number of profiling applications available. Does anyone have any suggestions?
edit: I should also add the version of Linux we're using is somewhat old (2.6.18). Unfortunately I don't have a lot of control over that right now.
As bobah said, gprof and valgrind are useful. You might also want to try OProfile. If your application is in C++ (as indicated by the tags), you might want to consider disabling exceptions (if your compiler lets you) and avoiding dynamic casts, as mentioned above by sashang. See also Embedded C++.
if your Linux is not very limited then you may find gprof and valgrind useful
On a related note, the C++ working group did a technical report on the performance cost of various C++ language features. For example they analyze the cost of dynamic_casting one or 2 levels deep. The reports here and it might give you some insight into where the pain points in your embedded application might be.
gprof may disappoint you.
Assuming the program you are testing is big enough to be useful, then chances are the call tree could be pruned, so the best opportunities for optimization are function/method calls that you can remove or avoid. That link shows a good way to find them.
Many people approach this as sort of a hierarchical sleuthing process of measuring times.
Or you can simply catch it in the act, which is what I do.

Good tools for Multi-threaded C++ debugging on MacOSX?

I recently switched form ubuntu to MacOSX.
I also recently started heavily using multi threading.
What good addons/alternatives are there to g++ for debugging multi-threaded apps on MacOSX? In particular, I'm interested in tools that let me "poke" around classes/structs; to follow pointers, expand members, show the value of members, etc ...
Valgrind. Especially Helgrind.
It's not a GUI tool like you suggested, but it'll save you a hell of a lot of time.
Does Xcode with Shark and CHUD not do what you want?
Look into Spin and Promela. Spin is a model checker which runs through every state your code can be in to look for losses in safety and liveness. As you want, with spin you can step through it yourself and choose which option is run next and what values things should have. You need to write out the section you want to test in promela code which is similar to c though. Spin is better than regular debugging tools - multithreaded programs don't run in the same way every time so a model checker is more useful than a standard debugger.

Performance profiling on Linux

What are the best tools for profiling C/C++ applications on *nix?
(I'm hoping to profile a server that is a mix of (blocking) file IO, epoll for network and fork()/execv() for some heavy lifting; but general help and more general tools are all also appreciated.)
Can you get the big system picture of RAM, CPU, network and disk all in one overview, and drill into it?
There's been a lot of talk on the kernel lists about things like perf timechart, but I haven't found anything turning up in Ubuntu yet.
I recommend taking stackshots, for which pstack is useful. Here's some more information:
Comments on gprof.
How stackshots work.
A blow-by-blow example.
A very short explanation.
If you want to spend money, Zoom looks like a pretty good tool.
For performance, you can try Callgrind, a Valgrind tool. Here is a nice article showing it in action.
Compile with -pg, run the program, and then use gprof
Compiling (and linking) with -pg adds profiling code and the profiling libraries to the executable, which then produces a file called gmon.out that contains the timing information. gprof displays call graphs and their (absolute and relative) timings.
See man gprof for details.
The canonical example of a full system profiling tool (for Solaris, OS X, FreeBSD) is DTrace. But it is not yet fully available on Linux (you can try here but the site is down for me at the moment, and I haven't tried it myself). There are many tools, in various states of usefulness, for doing full system profiling and kernel profiling on Linux.
You might consider investigating:
strace (e.g. this SO answer
Allinea MAP is a profiler for C++ and other native languages on Linux. It is commercially supported by my employer. It has a graphical interface and source-line level profiling and profiles code with almost no slowdown which makes it very accurate where timing of other subsystems is relevant - such as for IO.
Callgrind has been useful and accurate - but the slowdown was ~5x so I could only do smaller runs. It can actually count the number of times a function is called which is useful for understanding asymptotic behavior.
Description of using -gp and gproff here
oprofile might interest you. Ubuntu should have all the packages you need.
If you can take your application to freeBSD, OS X , or Solaris you can use dtrace, although dtrace is an analyst oriented tool -- i.e., you need to drive it -- read: script it. Nothing else can give you the level of granularity you need; Dtrace can not just profile the latencies of function calls in user-land; it can also follow a context switch into the kernel.
As mentioned in the accepted answer, Zoom can do some amazing things. I've used it to understand thread behavior all the way down to optimizing the assembly generated by the compiler.
The FOSS answer, as already mentioned, is to build with -pg and then use gprof to analyse the output. If it's a product/project that justifies throwing some money at, I would also be tempted to use IBM/Rationals Quantify profiler as that makes it easier to view the profiling data, drill down to the line level or look at it in a '10000ft' level.
Of course there might be viewer for gprof available that can do the same thing, but I am not aware of any.

C++ code analysis tools

I'm currently in the process of learning C++, and because I'm still learning, I keep making mistakes.
With a language as permissive as C++, it often takes a long time to figure out exactly what's wrong -- because the compiler lets me get away with a lot. I realize that this flexibility is one of C++'s major strengths, but it makes it difficult to learn the basic language.
Is there some tool I can use to analyze my code and make suggestions based on best practices or just sensible coding? Preferably as an Eclipse plugin or linux application.
Enable maximum compiler warnings (that's the -Wall option if you're using the Gnu compiler).
'Lint' is the archetypical static analysis tool.
valgrind is a good run-time analyzer.
I think you'd better have some lectures about good practices and why they are good. That should help you more than a code analysis tool (in the beginning at least).
I suggest you read the series of Effective C++ and **Effective STL books, at least. See alsot The Definitive C++ Book Guide and List
For g++, as well as turning on -Wall, turn on -pedantic too, and prepare to be suprised at the number of issues it finds!
Tool support for C++ is quite bad compared to Java, C#, etc. because it does not have a context-free grammar. In fact, there are parts of the C++ grammar that are undecidable. Basically, that means that understanding C++ code at the syntactic level requires implementing pretty much a compiler front end with semantic analysis. C++ cannot be parsed into an AST independently of semantic analysis, and most code analysis tools in IDEs, etc. work at the AST level. This is part of the tradeoff you make in exchange for the flexibility and backwards compatibility of C++.
Turning on all compiler warnings (at least initially) and then understanding what they mean, how to fix the problems highlighted and which of the warnings represent genuine constructs that compiler writers might consider ambiguous is a good first step.
If you need something more heavy duty, you could try PC-Lint if you're on Windows, which is still one of the best lint tools for C++. Just keep in mind that you'll need to configure these tools to reflect your coding style, otherwise you'll get swamped with warnings and won't be able to see the wood for the trees. Yes, it costs money and it's probably a bit overkill if you're not doing C++ on a "getting paid for it" level, but I find it invaluable.
There is as list of static code analysis tools at wikipedia.
But warnings are generally good but one problem with enabling all warnings with pedantic and Wall is the number of warnings you might get from including headers that you have no control over, this can create a lot of noise. I prefer to compile my own software with all warnings enabled though. As I program in linux I usually do like this:
Put the external headers I need to include in a separate file, and in the beginning of that file before the includes put:
#pragma GCC system_header
And then include this file from your code. This enables you to see all warnings from your own code without it being drowned in warnings from external code. The downside is that it's a gcc specific solution, I am not aware of any platform independent solution to this.
lint - there are lots of versions but if you google for lint you should find one that works. The other thing to do is turn on your compiler warnings - if you are using gcc/g++ the option is -Wall.
You might find CppChecker helpful as a plugin for Eclipse that supports gcc/PC lint.
I think that really what you need to learn here is how to debug outside of an IDE. This is a valuable skill in my opinion, since you will no longer require such a heavy toolset to develop software, and it will apply to the vast majority of languages you already know and will ever learn.
However, its a difficult one to get used to. You will have to write code just for debugging purposes, e.g. write checks after each line not yet debugged, to ensure that the result is as expected, or print the values to the console or in message boxes so that you can check them yourself. Its tedious but will enable you to pick up on your mistakes more easily, inside or outside of an IDE.
Download and try some of the free debugging tools like GDB too, they can help you to probe memory, etc, without having to write your own code.

C++ Code Profiler

Can anybody recommend a good code profiler for C++?
I came across Shiny - any good?
Callgrind for Unix/Linux
DevPartner for Windows
Not C++ specific, but AMD's CodeAnalyst software is free and is feature-packed.
Gprof if you use gcc. It may not be user friendly but still useful.
Probably you will be interested in Intel VTune. Rather useful and allows to collect low-level events like cache misses which helps a lot in tuning.
Quantify (part of the IBM/Rational PurifyPlus package) is a very good profiler, but not exactly cheap. It is available on several platforms, too - I've used it on Solaris, Windows and Linux.
Depends on what you need to do:
Measure, so you can do regressions testing to see if changes in performance happened.
Find reasons for suboptimal performance and optimize them.
These are not the same.
For 1, use one of the recommended profilers.
For 2, the profiler I much prefer is one you already have:
To see how this goes, check this out.
For C++, as for C# and any language that encourages layers of abstraction, those layers may or may not be good from a software engineering standpoint, but they can kill performance. Every method call is a detour in the execution of your program, and the style encourages you to nest those things, sometimes needlessly. Also the style discourages you from knowing or caring what goes on inside them. You may find them creating and deleting objects underneath at a rate and level of generality far beyond what your application really needs.
AQtime (for Windows)
If you are running a Premium version of VS 2010 then you get a profiler with it.
I've also used a couple of other free ones, but they don't compare to the on MS ships. Useful as a second opinion though.
If you have access to a Mac, then I recommend using Shark from the CHUD tools.
You can use the analyzer that´s in Sun Studio 12 on Linux or Solaris. Itś free.
If you cannot locate DevPartner it is because we've moved under new ownership. Check us out on the Micro Focus website: Shameless plug: I work on the DevPartner team. Our long awaited 64-bit versions of BoundsChecker and C++/.NET profilers ship on February 4, 2011. We've changed our pricing model so you can choose either the whole suite or just the performance profiler if that's what you need. Please check out the new DPS 10.5 release when it goes live!