Django - update a model won't delete the old FileField - django

I am implementing an application with django, which has a model with a FileField:
class Slideshow(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=30,unique=True)
thumbnail = models.FileField(max_length=1000,upload_to="images/app/slideshows/thumbnails")
and I have an admin backend where django manages the models. I just added the file and django manages everything for me
from django.contrib import admin
from import Slideshow
In the backend, it is possible to add, delete and update the slideshows. However, when I try to update a slideshow and change its attribute thumbnail [FileField], django does not delete the old file. Consequently, after several updates the server is filled with many files which are useless.
My question is: how can I make django delete those files automatically after an update?
I would really appreciate your help

I thought much about this problem, and eventually I find out a solution than works well for me. You can find all models in project and connect pre_save and post_delete signals to them.
At the end I made app, which sloves this problem - django-cleanup

I'm sure Django does this by design. It can't know, for example, whether any other models might be using that file. You would also be really surprised if you expected the file to remain and discovered that django deleted it!
However, there's also the issue that as soon as you change the file field, you lose the old file name.
There's an open ticket about that problem:
There's a patch in which shows how to override __set__ to store the previous file name. Then your model's __save__ method can get access to the previous file name to delete it.


Copy/move linked file when changing model instance owner in Django admin

I have a very simple Image model
class Image(Model):
owner = ForeignKey(User)
img = ImageField(upload_to=image_file_path)
the image_file_path resolves to <username>/images/ where username is the Image model instance's owner.username
Now, when using Django admin to change the owner of the image, I want the physical image file to be moved to the appropriate path, i.e. <new_username>/images/.
What is the simplest / "correct" way of doing this?
A few thoughts after experimenting a bit
post_save handlers: the idea is to make sure that the model is sane by moving the file into the correct place after the model changes. The problem is that if somthing bad happens – the file is missing / transfer errors out (e.g. if storage is on S3 and the connection is bad) / etc. – then you can end up in a loop trying to revert the change or end up with an inconsistent model / FS state
Django admin action: this seems to be a safer way because you can just copy the file, check that it's OK, then change the model, check that it's sane, then delete the old file. If anything breaks you can abort and since this is manually initiated from the admin interface there is no chance of users experiencing inconsisten behaviour.
pre_save: The same process as in 'Django admin action' could probably be used with pre_save, although if you abort due to problems then user experience suffers. On the other hand if copy / moving files is borked, users are not going to be able to upload anything anyway.
Is there a fourth way? Are there sanitizers for Models in Django?
Use the post_save signal of your Image model. In the same way you can use post_delete to actually delete the image file when the record is deleted.
You can review the Signals documentation here.

Django viewable or clickable filepath field

I'm a little new to the inter-workings of Django and I would like to display a simple dynamic folder path field that opens to the given path when clicked so a user can view all the files in that path. I'm trying to do this in django admin site change form but am unclear and confused of how to do so. Below is my model.
class Order(models.Model):
order_number = models.IntegerField(verbose_name='LS #', unique=True)
order_name = models.ForeignKey(recs.RecipeControl, related_name='recipe')
# Something like this is I think what I want.
folder_path = models.FilePathField(path=get_path)
def get_path(self):
return str(self.order_number)+"_"+self.order_name
I'm puzzled as how to properly go about this because I can't seem to reference "self" to do this, especially if the record doesn't already exist. I've looked at a few other Q&A's but none of them dealt with the admin site and after a bit of reading I'm convinced that I may have to override one of the save methods but don't understand which one and where to place my method. Thanks in advance
After reading through the comments recommended below I think what I want is different than what I had originally thought. The folder path still needs to be dynamic.
However, what I'm looking to do is check on new and existing records whether a folder exists in a given directory (MEDIA_ROOT?) based on model data, then create that directory or update it's name if it changes and save the folders path in the FilePathField. I'm pretty confident that this can be done by overriding that save_model method of the ModelAdmin, no?

How best to initialize one-time-only Django objects which can't be fixtures?

I am writing an app in Django which has a few sitewide fixed objects I need to instantiate which, for one reason or another, can't be fixtures.
For example, some (e.g. Permissions) I can't hardcode a PK for because I can't be sure that they'll be loaded in a certain order (and if I use pk=null then I get an IntegrityError if they exist already.)
Others (e.g. Sites) depend on values in Edit: These need to run each time the project is deployed, otherwise I could use South's data migrations as per super9's suggestion below.
Since these are Django models, they're not directly related to any of the apps in my project. It would make the most sense to load them in but that results in a circular import. It works in but putting the loading code there seems hackish and out-of-place.
I looked into hooking a receiver into post_syncdb as follows:
def create_groups_and_permissions(sender, **kwargs):
print "Creating groups and permissions"
u_ct = ContentType.objects.get(model="user")
Group.objects.get_or_create(name='Group 1')
Permission.objects.get_or_create(name="Perm 1", codename="perm_1", content_type=u_ct)
However, since I'm using South, per the documentation it only sends post_syncdb when the table is first created. I could call syncdb manually after each time I migrate but would prefer not to.
I am nearly resolved to put them in or the most closely related app's but thought I'd check here to see if there's an accepted way of loading fixed objects which can't be loaded as fixtures.
Have you checked out data migrations in south yet?
Sounds like it might be what you need.

Photologue ImageModel required field question (and how to override)

I have a model that inherits from Photologues 'ImageModel'. The user can upload photos and everything works fine, however the problem I am running into is when I am creating a form to edit a photo object. Since the ImageModel.image is a required field, and I can't prepopulate a FileField widget with a file already uploaded, if the user doesn't upload a new image to overwrite the old one they get an error. The error pops up in which I am using to get the rest of the fields updated right. Is there some way I can hook in and try say "since I know I am just editing an image, I know one has already been uploaded, so don't worry if the form field is empty".
Any thoughts?
You have a couple options. One, you can modify the Photologue source to make that field optional. The other, and if it will work for you the one I'd recommend, is to check out my newer library django-imagekit:
ImageKit is basically JUST the ImageModel part of Photologue but it's much more flexible and easier to work with. ImageKit's ImageModel works on top of the models that you define so fields can be configured how ever you please.

Django: How to dynamically add tag field to third party apps without touching app's source code

Scenario: large project with many third party apps. Want to add tagging to those apps without having to modify the apps' source.
My first thought was to first specify a list of models in (like ['appname.modelname',], and call django-tagging's register function on each of them. The register function adds a TagField and a custom manager to the specified model. The problem with that approach is that the function needs to run BEFORE the DB schema is generated.
I tried running the register function directly in, but I need django.db.models.get_model to get the actual model reference from only a string, and I can't seem to import that from - no matter what I try I get an ImportError. The tagging.register function imports OK however.
So I changed tactics and wrote a custom management command in an otherwise empty app. The problem there is that the only signal which hooks into syncdb is post_syncdb which is useless to me since it fires after the DB schema has been generated.
The only other approach I can think of at the moment is to generate and run a 'south' like database schema migration. This seems more like a hack than a solution.
This seems like it should be a pretty common need, but I haven't been able to find a clean solution.
So my question is: Is it possible to dynamically add fields to a model BEFORE the schema is generated, but more specifically, is it possible to add tagging to a third party model without editing it's source.
To clarify, I know it is possible to create and store Tags without having a TagField on the model, but there is a major flaw in that approach in that it is difficult to simultaneously create and tag a new model.
From the docs:
You don't have to register your models
in order to use them with the tagging
application - many of the features
added by registration are just
convenience wrappers around the
tagging API provided by the Tag and
TaggedItem models and their managers,
as documented further below.
Take a look at the API documentation and the examples that follow for how you can add tags to any arbitrary object in the system.
def tag_model_view(request, model_id):
instance_to_tag = SomeModel.objects.get(pk=model_id)
setattr(instance_to_tag, 'tags_for_instance', request.POST['tags'])
...returns response
#this is the post_save signal receiver
def tagging_post_save_handler(sender, instance, created):
if hasattr(instance, 'tags_for_instance'):
Tag.objects.update_tags(instance, instance.tags_for_instance)