example using django-proxy? - django

Have you used django-proxy? Can you give me an example of when it would be a good idea to use it? Thanks.

The blog engine Mingus, which I use for my blog, includes django-proxy to allow you to post items of different content types - blog posts, quotes, etc - but have them all appear on the index page in a similar format.
In response to Hank's comment, this is a completely different thing to 'proxy models' - those are for subclassing a model without creating a new table, in order to change some specific functionality rather than any actual fields. This has nothing to do with what django-proxy does.


Single model for storing django application-wide options

I have a set of top-level configuration data fields that I want to be able to set within django admin for each deployment of my django app. I only want one set of these.
Example fields: site_logo, contact_person, address, facebook_url, twitter_url
The problem is that Django Admin is geared towards tables (lists) of models, so its not a good fit for this type of singular configuration model. I really only want one of these models to exist for the whole site, and to be able to click into it from admin and edit the various fields.
It seems i've come across a 3rd party app in the past to accomplish this but can't find it anywhere. Part of the problem is I'm finding it difficult to find the right words to google. Any ideas?
It looks like django-values will do what you're looking for.
Other possible contenders:
http://github.com/sciyoshi/django-dbsettings (doesn't look maintained)
Have a look at django-livesettings it sounds like it might fit.
Not that i have used it, but i have heard good things about django-constance.
And there are even some more options listed in the Configuration-Grid on Django Packages.

Custom Field Type or Logic in the View?

Before I start on this project I want make sure what I am proposing is feasible. There is an unusual requirements I have to satisfy.
The model and formModel fields have to support a comment field on every field. I would like to be able to access them by object.field and object.field.comment. At first glance, this looks like I should have a separate type of comment and then somehow link it to correct field but is there a way to create a custom modelField that stores data in more then one database field from one or more form inputs? I would think there would have to be a custom widget to support this too?
If anyone has any ideas or examples of anything like this please respond.
I think this is the answer to my question. I have not tried it yet, but from the description it looks like what I need. https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/ref/forms/widgets/#multiwidget

Django API: how to construct URLs, and handle queries?

Forgive this newbie (and possibly subjective - I don't know) question.
I want to add a REST API to my site. For example, I have a URL that is /post/ that shows all posts, and I'd like to give users a way to get all posts back in JSON.
Is is better to:
define a new API URL structure (e.g. /api/rest/post/ to return all posts in JSON)
use the existing URL structure, and allow users simply to append /json/ on the end of each URL to get JSON objects back? (e.g. /post/json/ to return all posts in JSON)
If the latter, then is there a standard way to implement it, in terms of views? Should I simply add an optional json parameter to all my views?
Thank you for your advice.
Take a look at Piston, which is a Django plugin to handle REST APIs.
Listen to the previous commenter's advise. But in particular that's probably better to use new API URL structure (/api/rest/post/ as you've said). Separating totally different kinds of functionality is always good for your project. In other words, you can place your API documentation at /api/docs/, and it will look natural. If you use same URL structure, it will be not so obvious where to place your docs.
The answer is of course also subjective.

django - the best way to combine pagination with filtering and request.POST - like stackoverflow - ajax?

I want to combine pagination with filtering. Since I have a lot of filters I do not want to send them per GET request, since the URLs get really ugly.
Since django pagination uses GET request to pass the page parameters, I do not know how I can combine these two approaches.
Any idea?
Great add-on would be: How can I combine this approach with table sort? :-)
Actually it should work like the pagination of stackoverflow - user questions. If a user clicks on a page number one is shown the correct page, without showing the get parameters in the url.
This is the url called.
But the url shown in the browser is neat and short.
Seems to be ajax. Anybody an idea how to implement this? :)
If the URL is not shown in the browser`s address bar, I do not care about whether it is beautiful or not.
Edit: The solution:
Make an ajax update with all filter parameters passed to the view. This should help you get started with implementing ajax for your site: link
Thus the GET parameters never show up in the address bar.
have you checked the paginate application for django?
it may help you a lot, use it all the time :D
Have you considered django-tables2? It gives you django-admin style tables without you having to write the logic yourself.
maybe you can use the urs, something like:
the doc -> http://docs.djangoproject.com/en/1.1/topics/http/urls/
I figured out two solutions:
Instead of using just hyperlinks use it inside a POST form, i dont have any example now but i remember have used that for REST functions in Ruby on rails
Save the query info in a session.
Hope this help.

How to approach creating Related Links generic (like Comments/Tags) in Django

Since I have not found a Related Links app that works with Django 1.0/trunk, I was looking to create my own.
I would like to attach "Related Links" to models in the same generic way that Comments framework or Tags work.
I've looked over the Content Types documentation but can't wrap my head around (nor find much documentation for) how to use Generic inline formsets - which is what I'm pretty sure I have to use, but correct me if I'm wrong.
My specific requirement is to be able to relate these "Related Links" to almost any model, and to have the form available outside of the Admin - I'll have logged in members of a certain role adding these links, in my specific case.
I thought about tearing into the source of the Comments app, but I know that it uses special template tags, etc, and I'm just not sure if that'd be overkill for this task.
Looking for links, extra documentation, and possibly even examples of using the generic inline formsets (in Generic Views), or solving the problem in a different way if I'm approaching it wrong.
EDIT: I've used James Bennett's example of Generic Inlines to construct and successfully use those Related Links in the Admin. So the real question is: How do I use James' Related Links outside of the Admin?
You can use django.contrib.contenttypes.generic.generic_inlineformset_factory for that. It has the same interface as inlineformset_factory (with 2 additional parameters: ct_field and fk_field, they can be used to specify your model's contenttype's related field names instead of inlineformset_factory's fk_name).
Documentation for inlineformset_factory can be found here:
Documentation for formsets is also useful.